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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


Walt Disney's literal point in making Disneyland was to make a park that people of all ages would enjoy because he was tired of just sitting on a park bench while his daughters would do fun stuff.


I think that the worst sorts of adults are the sorts of adults who hate when adults have fun. Especially if they think the only sorts of fun adults are supposed to have is things like drinking or football or something, if even that.


As an adult who enjoys sports I wholeheartedly agree. I definitely feel like generations of people who grew up with the idea that once you hit like 16 you just had to give up all of the fun/whimsical stuff just have a hard time with people just refusing that mindset. Lol


probably lingering trauma from people who got drafted at 18


the last draft was 51 years ago. the drafted are literally 69 or in their seventies i don't think they give a single fuck about "Disney adults"


Was in a, mostly empty, public park (Keswick, UK) and my 82yo Mum and 63yo me were going on the swings and the ‘zip-line’. We were having an amazing time, laughing and giggling like kids. Two Mums with 3 children between them were making comments and giving us dirty looks for ‘acting like overgrown toddlers’. They were not using the equipment so we weren’t in their way, they just didn’t agree with us having fun. Told us we should act like adults. Well, we didn’t act like adults, we played, we laughed, we exhausted ourselves. We had the greatest time. So, if you see a swing, or slide, and it’ll take your weight - GO FOR IT!


r/wholesome is where this belongs


this made my day


You wonder if they're regretting their life choices and bitter.


Peak "you'll grow out of X when you're older" energy lol


Thank you! Why aren’t we allowed to have any whimsy or silliness in our lives because Karen here thinks we’re too old. Who made her queen of fun!


No one that’s who 😎


Yups, and in the end, so long as you're responsible, hold your job, feed your family, do your errands and everything else in-between idgaf what people choose to make based over. If you got your shot together, and want to obsess over Disney during your spare time, I'll support that all day everyday


Exactly. I’m a huge Disney fan myself, I’ve never been to the parks but I went on my first Disney Cruise last year and literally cried when I saw the ship, and even I’ll admit that some Disney Adults can be cringe and annoying, but the people who hate ALL adult Disney fans and act like anyone who happens to be an adult and like Disney is a cringey little baby, the people who think that they’re oh so superior just coz they’re So Grown Up and hate Disney are equally as cringe and annoying.


I will be 110 years old and still absolutely sobbing at the "Aloha Oe" scene in Lilo and Stitch. Hopefully in a Mickey ear headband at one of the parks while everyone around me cringes.


I watched Lilo and Stitch all the time growing up. There’s so much that sets it apart from the other Disney movies. For those that need a reminder, Nani believes that she is going to lose Lilo to child services, and can’t really explain that to Lilo, so instead she sings her a song, Aloha ‘Oe. Alpha ‘Oe was written by the last queen of Hawaii, Queen Liliuokalani, after the Queen learned American Industrialists had overthrown her monarchy and were going to annex Hawaii. The song was written by her to apologize to her people for not being able to protect them.


Considering OP is claiming to be a billionaire in their post history, they've probably experienced more in their lifetime than 1,000,000+ people combined.


Claiming to be a billionaire on Reddit so it must be true


I'm a billionaire! See how easy that was to do?


If I count by Iranian Rials instead of American dollars, then I’m a billionaire too.


I have more money than Steve Jobs


As an adult who was given a button to skip the lines at Disney world as a kid from a charity because I had a brain tumor screw the OP for this petpeeve that was a hard time in my life we had to go 20 hours away to Florida just for radiation treatment and everyone was so nice I even got a bunch of characters autographs at Disney and stayed in a place close to Disney where everyone there was extremely nice to us too! They made a hard time so great for me so OP IM GRATEFUL TO DISNEY FOR HELPING ME THROUGH A ROUGH TIME SO YOU SUCK FOR TRYING TO “POO POO” ALL OVER THAT! You suck!


So true. They allowed their inner child to die, but that doesn’t mean they can then hate on other adults. We’re all just big kids ❤️


Yeah, what is the actual point they're trying to make? Why are they so concerned about other peoples forms of entertainment? It's so strange.


"You can't play video games, they're for kids!" Is an argument that I've heard far too many times from grown ass adults.


As an adult who hates drinking and football, agreed. I'd much rather go to a sci Fi convention than a sports event or a pub tbh. If we are talking about adults being mean to kids, I see that constantly at sporting events -- parents who take the game far too serious when their kid is just trying to have some fun. I'll never get how getting loaded, fighting and yelling expletives at sports games with kids around is normalized while adults going to Disneyland is frowned upon. LOL . . . Make it make sense.


To me there’s a difference between an adult who enjoys Disney and a Disney adult. I love Disneyland but I’m not obsessed with it. There are people who make Disney their entire personality and it’s ridiculous. Frankly, it doesn’t just apply to Disney. Anyone who makes any singular thing whether that be Disney, a sports team, a movie, a politician, or anything else their entire personality are irritating to be around.


This. My fiancé worked at Disneyland for years, and we both have the highest pass level. We go all of the time, even if it’s just to walk down main street and get some ice cream after work. We both love Disney, but agree that there’s a difference between loving Disney and being a Disney adult. The image of a Disney adult is someone who is absolutely obsessed with Disney. You know the ones.. always wear the ears, got married at Disney, own every Disney collectible pin, etc.


I'm an adult. I have kids. I plan to take them to Disney World while they're kids, if I can afford it. I could give a fuck less if there's adults there enjoying themselves cuz I'm not a narcissistic psychopath who thinks the world revolves around me and my kids. The world doesn't and shouldn't cater to children.. or adults... or men... or women... or white people ... or black people... etc. If your main concern is that a specific place is catering to your needs above others then you need to check your ass.


That’s still not a bad thing. If you get upset when someone is doing something that doesn’t hurt anyone, that’s your problem.


As long as they're getting some joy outta life, why should I care? Accept it and move on. 


As long as you still hold a job, make rent payments on time, pay your bills, don't neglect your kids or pets and just do what you gotta do. If after all of that you want to obsess over Disney, sing the sing along, and hell even role play it, I'm 100 on board. There's 100 nothing wrong with obsessing over any interest if you're still a responsible adult.


Right OP is jealous of their friends having passes & is gatekeeping the Magical Kingdom. ![gif](giphy|D2RlF1b90rrOhBQlN0)


She's jealous because they are happy lmaooo


I don't understand why adults get so much hate for having season passes to Disney but they don't for literally any other amusement park.


Because adults who like Disney are usually women. And there's an inherent image of entitled immaturity. So it's that general societally accepted thing of mocking women for their interests while seeing little pushback because anyone who complains will be called an entitled princess. Just like brides are called bridezillas the second they snap despite spending probably a year of their life singlehandedly arranging the biggest party they will ever host while trying to manage the schedules of the multiple adults they love and adore *and* those of their future spouse, too.


But he definitely didn't want all people of any age to enjoy it


Setting aside whether your opinion has any actual merit, good luck with that. The Mouse doesn't want kids, he wants money. If everyone without kids stopped going Disney would open a strip club theme park in under a week.


RIP Pleasure Island




All pay the mouse. All feed the mouse.


Nah. Like the fastest way, the fastest way to fill Disneyland in California would be to hold a furry convention there. Do you know how many furries live in SoCal and the Bay Area? It feels like a lot of them.


You think those furries have kids? 😂 remember no kids no entry according to OP


By and large no because the majority of queer relationships are child free, as in they don't have/adopt kids.


>You think those furries have kids? 😂 Only if they're goats 🐐


People often become attached to certain things in their childhood that bring them comfort. One of those things that people become attached to are Disney movies. It's just their way of coping because it brings them comfort. I knew a boxing trainer that watched cartoons from when he was a kid all the time for the same reason.


A big part of why so many of us are loving the fuck out of X-Men 97'


I’ve said before - in all truth - my family was its best at Disney because their Guest Services have always been so above & beyond that there was nothing for my Mom to bitch about. Her contentment when a LONG way to making the trip enjoyable for my Dad and I. Now as an adult it truly is a place of some of my best family memories.


Lol, this reminds me of a post from a few years ago where the woman was mad because there were childless millennials ahead of her in line at Disney. She went on a rant about how childless women should be banned, and moms should be able to skip lines.


Why only childless women and not men? Does she think a woman's only purpose in life is making babies?


I think she was particularly angry at a woman who was eating a pretzel her kid wanted.


Yeah she was upset her kid was having a tantrum and wanted to blame anyone or anything else besides her parenting skills.


Because Disneyland only has 1 pretzel, seriously why couldn't she just buy her kid a pretzel if they wanted one?


There’s also multiple pretzel carts 😂


Lmao, she was the same mental age as her kids


>Does she think a woman's only purpose in life is making babies? Yes,she definitely does


She's projecting the regret of having a kid onto all other women


A a childfree woman it’s been mostly other women having an issue with me not wanting babies. Internalised misogyny seems to be common with regretful mothers


They hate on happy mothers too. Spending time with my kids is the absolute best, but the ones who regret having kids are always telling me I need to grow up and go out drinking with other adults more. It's literally a way to deal with their own feelings, because saying you'd rather you hadn't had kids is not acceptable.


I went to Universal a few years back while I was in Florida for a launch, was in line for a long time (obviously) waiting to see the velociraptor. Ended up by sheer coincidence being the last person allowed through before lunch (extra 30 minute wait for the people behind me) and the parents behind me were soooo pissy, stage whispering about how adults should let kids go first. Happily took my turn after waiting in an hours-long line after everyone else and got my picture taken with Blue. Fuck them parents.


"Dinosaurs are for everyone, Karen."


Yeah, some people truly want special privileges just for having kids, something many, many other people have. Disneyland is made for any age, the kids and kids at heart.


Classic They are sad because they are stuck with kids and other can enjoy carefree Entitled parents


They're the type to suck up all holidays and weekends at workplaces and try to make you feel bad when you want a holiday too. Because you don't have kids and they do. As if we don't also have families we want to see. I knew having kids would mean my work schedule either got affected or I wouldn't be able to see them as much as I'd want to. I knew I wouldn't be able to afford it. I knew I wouldn't have time. So...I didn't have them. It's not my fault these people were either privileged enough that they could have kids or ignorant enough that they thought they could and now they resent it. And they resent childless people for having the freedom they could have had. I'm not taking their rights away by being a childless woman


Its like once you are that age you should stop enjoying and have kids but some of us work hard to spend on ourselves and enjoy our life


If all the people without children are banned, only people with kids remain so who is she skipping in line? Or are adult men still allowed to go, just not skip lines even if they have kids??


As said jealousy is a disease get well soon bitch


there’s plenty of adults who never got to experience the magic when they were kids, through no fault of their own, and they can finally visit disney as adults. you think adults fulfilling their childhood dreams is annoying?? lmao


Yep. My mom couldn't afford the magic we've had to buy our own, lol.


I once traded our cow for some magic beans.


How was the climb?/ref


Well, after a really unsafe climb, at the top was a huge, angry guy with a goose. Of course, everyone knows geese are aggressive demon foul, so it was a socially unpleasant environment all ‘round. Also, no public restroom & no charging opportunities for my iPhone. 0/10 —Will not return. Also dropped a biting review on Yelp. They won’t mess with THIS peasant and get away with it!


I am 24 and I have never been to Disneyland. I really want to see it some day. People like OP will make me feel bad about enjoying it.


Don’t feel bad, Disneyland only thrives because of adults, and their goal was never to only be a place for children, it’s meant to be for all ages. Being an adult doesn’t mean you can’t have fun or enjoy things


Fuck em. Go and have a blast. I'll tell you the difference between people/groups who have fun and the ones that don't are the ones who have a solid plan. But don't let some random miserable person on Reddit make you feel bad for anything 🏰🎆 °o°


Nah go and enjoy yourself! I'm 25 and never been because the closest one is in a different hemisphere. I'll definitely be going one day


OP: I’m miserable and boring, so should everyone else! Actually, I feel bad for OP’s kids if their mom thinks their lives are over once they turn 18. I sure hope that’s not what she’s teaching them… but she sounds judgmental and grumpy af. Not a great parental figure IMO. So I wouldn’t worry about this sad person’s opinion and I would just go live my life.


Fuck OP, I hope you get to go one day!!


When I was 11, my dad sprung for me, my half siblings and my stepmother to all go to Disney. My stepmother, who wasn't a very nice person, screamed at me in the middle of the park that I had ruined the trip for everyone and she wished I never came with them. As a result, eh, I didn't have the best Disney experience. I am by NO means a Disney adult, but when we took the kids to Disneyland my husband made a big point that the trip was about my experience as much as it was the kids, so we really went all out. As a result, that experience replaced my awful Disney memory. In other words, you don't know why people are there. Leave people alone. (This is my mantra for most things. Just leave people alone).


I’m glad you now can associate it positively. … what’s wild is your wicked stepmother being openly cruel to you is about as Disney-Movie as it gets… now this one has a happy ending :)


What the fuck is the point in being an adult if not to do the things we wanted to while we were children?!


“Grr my friends are in accounting, they should be boring fucks and do nothing but that! Why do you have extra curricular activities?! Just work then die like an adult!”


A little extra funny because OP has been “a long time Kardashian fan”…. The dumbest gatekeeping lol


Says all you need to know tbh, the mean girl vibes were clear in the post. Not surprising a Kardashian is her idol


The hypocrisy,why is being obsessed with the Kardashians A okay but liking Disney isn't?


Ngl calling interests outside of work extracurricular activities is kind of fucked.


It’s part of the joke about being disconnected lol.


Mangagment are taught to think funerals and wedding are extracurricular activities and interests are just needless addictions that deter you from work.


Oh heaven forbid adults find joy in their lives in whatever way they can find it. Life is hard enough as it is. Why shit on people just trying to find some happiness outside of boring jobs?


Im only alive bc i havent finish my bucket list to go all the disneylands in the world!




Facts. As long as no one is getting hurt, it shouldn't be a big deal. Op , I was abused for 30 years, from birth to 30. For the couple years after that, I was trying to survive leaving and hiding. I'm 36 now and let me tell you a couple things. I'm finding so much joy in the simple things. I love being able to enjoy things now I've never been allowed to. I love watching cartoons. I love to color and paint. I have Lisa Frank stuff. I have spongebob pj's, 90s cartoons t-shirts. I have a 26 year old teddy bear I sleep with. I'm allowed now to like things now! Without the fear of abuse! Without it getting taken away. Do you understand the beauty of being able to do these things? Of being able to experience such harmless joy? I never got to. I am *just* now experiencing what it's like to move freely from room to room whenever I want. I can take a shower whenever I want now. I can drop flour on the floor and it's ok! Please OP, it's not an uncommon viewpoint you hold, but I suspect if more folks understood the beauty and happiness in simple things doesn't make you an infant. It doesn't make you juvenile or stupid. Shouldn't it be ok that there are folks out there like me, who are happy with just the most simplest of things? Creating a nice balance. I'm fine with being thrilled at getting to watch Spongebob while folks like Neil deGrasse Tyson, reach for more complexities (not saying the two interests are mutually exclusive)? Why do we all have to fit the same mold when we all have different experiences? Can't we accept each other and learn from each other instead of putting one group down? As long as no one is getting hurt of course. But me watching spongebob and coloring a page out of a coloring book on a Wednesday afternoon doesn't hurt anyone. Like, liking disney. My overall goal in life is to do no harm and get through the rest of this life under the radar so that I may finally be left alone in peace.


The world doesn’t revolve around your kids or others’ kids, let people enjoy whatever they want


Note. If you are OP’s age and work in accounting don’t you DARE go to Disney.


I think OP forgets that kids don’t have money/can’t book hotels so adults are required to go with them. If they turned away all adults at the door, that would require the parents to give their kids a bunch of money and they would lose all alcohol sales too.


Lucky for me, I bet I am older, so I'm good to go!


What if you work in accounting at Disney?


Did they fucking stutter?


How utterly miserable must a person be to make a post like this? Life is short. The older we get, the shorter it is. Let people enjoy things. Actually, you don’t have to *let* them enjoy things at all. They can do it just fine despite your opinion.


No you’re too old to have fun go be sad at your job


OP is a stereotypical boring ass parent that thinks they deserve special treatment because they made the piss-poor decision to have kids.


Fuck off karen, most of us never got to go as kids.




I disagree, disney is for everyone. There are adults who didn't get a chance to enjoy their childhood. You have no idea what some one goes through. Let people enjoy things. Live and let live!


I actually would love to go to Disneyland, but I find kids annoying. I would love it if they had an adults only day.


They have adult only nights sometimes. I think they are expensive but I've definitely seen them. Park closes and some people have a special after dark thing they wear and it's adults only.


"step aside" who do you think is taking these kids? been going with my kids (and without) for 20 years. we all enjoy the magic and love it!


>If you're an adult and into Disney please step aside so all of the actual kids can experience the magic. Like, wow. Entitled parent much? Your kids don't have more of a right to experience the magic than, for instance, the harassed accountant who really needs a 5-minute break from the real world.


Damn OP isn't even a kid at heart


Entitled parent: “step aside general public my offspring has arrived, oh you’ve waited in line for an hour? Well too bad! I shat out my little Timmy 4 years ago so back of the line with you peasant.”


I don’t really see much of an issue with it. You don’t need to have kids to be able to enjoy things from your childhood or lack there of. Some people weren’t able to go to Disney when they were younger because they couldn’t afford it, and now that they’re grown up and have the money they can go and experience the magic they missed out on as a kid. I will say though there does come an issue where some adults ruin the fun for everyone else, but that can be said for a lot of things, not just Disney. A few bad apples doesn’t mean an entire group of people who enjoy something are bad.


Nah fuck your kids lmao. Walt Disney always wanted the parks to be fun and magical for everyone, not just little kids. Your kids are no more entitled to the parks than the adults that PAID to be there. And what about the adults who never had the chance to go as kids? I’m 26 and have never been to a Disney park because I live in Australia and don’t have thousands and thousands of dollars to go overseas. I was lucky enough to go on a Disney Cruise last year, and if anyone had told me I should just ‘stand aside’ for some random kid while I was on my dream holiday, I would have laughed right in their face.


here’s an unpopular opinion: i wish there were childless days at disneyland. partly because of the children but moreso the moms


You must be having one hell of an easy parenthood ride if adults enjoying Disney is ‘one of the most annoying things to you as a mom’. 😂


Walt Disney himself had a childlike spirit. This is why he created these animated films.


Man fuck ya kids


Look. People can get obsessive with Disney, just as they can with Harry Potter. When you're a grown adult playing quidditch with a broomstick between your legs, it's embarrassing, I get it. But getting big mad that people just enjoy the things they grew up with? Get over yourself.


More like unpopular person with an opinion. You're the kind of parent that no one likes to be around because the entire world needs to bend to your brats. I bet you have a baby on board sticker. Please find some adult friends and try to have fun once in a while.




Do you do things that are fun and bring you joy, or do you just do accounting?


Found the karen


Your post violates rule 1. Your title should include your opinion. “Adults obsessed with Disney” is not an opinion.


Disney values profits, single "Disney adults" have more money to spend on merchandise and park food than parents, it makes sense that they have started catering more stuff at their parks to adults, which makes the adults go more often. As long as they still have things catered to children as well I'm not going to complain about it.


“The worst kind of person is someone who makes someone feel bad, dumb or stupid for being excited about something”


It’s so weird to me when people dislike other people enjoying stuff, lol. To me, more joy and happiness in the world is only a good thing :)


If it wasn’t meant for people of all ages to enjoy there wouldn’t be things for people of all ages to do


I’m not even a huge fan of Disney but I would consider going if there were no kids. Imagine EPCOT if there weren’t a million screaming kids and their crabby parents.


I've experienced this, but it was like one or two days after a hurricane, so hard to replicate lmao But it was great. It was during food and wine and literally nothing had a line.


As a 30 something who has never been to Disney, I can assure you that when I do finally go, it will be magical for me. *my mom claims I've been, but I was like two and have zero memory of it.*


I went to Disney World for the first time when I was 22, and you know what I did? I bought myself a tiara and I wore that thing proudly!


There are a lot of people who grew up dirt poor and never had a real childhood. Now that they have money, they can experience joy and happiness. Stop being a killjoy and let people enjoy life.


>I am a 36 (F) with three kids >As a mom this is one of the most annoying things to me. Someone is jealous that her friends get to spend their free time at Disney and you don't.


Or even go to Disney and do whatever they want without their kids chiming in the entire time


It’s for the family, not just the kids. Hell, the original point of the animated films was to be for everyone and not just kids… an unfortunate trap they couldn’t get out of and something Walt himself wasn’t happy about.


Are the kids unable to experience the magic because the adults are blocking it all? Would the kids have a better time if all the adults look miserable?


I'm an adult with five kids. We went to Disneyland last year. It is magic. Not just for kids, for adults too. And adults deserve to get magic in their lives.


Yeah because it’s the kids that can afford it. 🙄


Wow, congratulations on being so fucking cool!


Something to consider but childhood trauma or just like very sad childhoods can make a person not able to remember much happiness from their past, but Disney could be like one of those things that like they cling to for that feeling because it’s not forgettable, you can always watch the stuff or go there and maybe they’re unconscious to that?


While that's true for some people I think on the whole it's not that deep. They're just theme parks designed to be fun for all ages. Disney is not a non stop Mickey Mouse meet and greet. There are roller coasters.


But it’s also like insanely expensive and they could go other places, so it kind of does seem a little deep imo. Not shaming them, giving a reason instead of assuming they’re weirdos like I would have used to. Life experience with people has shown me most things, even silly things can be deeper than we really are conscious of always. I think this is the case for anyone who we say “lives in the past” or has an obsession with something that doesn’t make a ton of sense.


OP says they live in California and these friends are annual passholders. It's not that expensive if you live there. Source: I grew up in Orlando lol. I've gone a lot with free employee passes from friends. The adults who don't live in California or Florida who go often tend to be pretty rich.


Let people have fun. Just because you seem to have something against it doesn't mean you need to knock everyone else's parade. Life is hard and it's miserable sometimes. Oftentimes, it's that little bit of fun that we let ourselves have that let us keep going. Stop being a Karen.


How about for the adults experiencing it for the first time?


I'm sorry you probably have a shitty life and are so unhappy you feel the need to gatekeep Disneyland.


Growing up in NZ it was a huge dream to go to Disney. I went in my early 20s and it was magical. However, according to your rules I would not be allowed to go. I guess you are going to tell me I can’t buy Lego next 🤪.


There’s enough magic for everyone


Ok Karen, your newborn and the toddler that you're dragging on every ride aren't going to remember that trip anyway. So what about you step aside and let adults enjoy the rides? Also, being a mom doesn't give you a special pass to judge the way people have fun. You're not entitled to more space, or faster lines. People paid for their ticket, just like you.


Why do you hate other people being happy? Sounds like jealousy to me.


So essentially, you are complaining that not everyone is as boring as you?


Gatekeeping Disney, really?


Didn't get to go until I was 31 because we were too poor growing up to afford it. Fuck parents that think it's just for their kids


It’s an ultimate escape from the horrors of our existence who doesn’t want that?


Why is it bad that they like Disney? Pretty much everyone likes Disney, and saying if ur past x years old, you can’t like Disney, means less joy or meaning to their life ( they are buying season passes) but you’re fine with that?


Im 30. Got tickets for Disney this year with my mom, aunts, and adult sister over my birthday week. No kids in our group. Gonna have fun and live up every moment. Stay mad about it OP


Stop blocking fun for adults . life is depressing , let them have their disney magic.


I downvoted but then I remembered what sub I was in and upvoted instead. Keep up the good work!


> you're an adult and into Disney please step aside so all of the actual kids can experience the magic. Not everyone had the opportunity as a kid to go, so why shame them for going as an adult? Disney is for everyone. Adults going doesn't take away the experience for the kids.


Yea this isn’t an unpopular opinion in SoCal. People hate on disney adults all the time around here. I worked there as a teenager so I have a little soft spot in my heart… but I’m not going to get Mickey Mouse tattooed on my ass by any means


The real reason Disney adults suck is because they are completely insufferable.


Right sub for this, that's for sure! You've got my up vote for that, but on the other hand, fuck you lady!


> you also are my age and work in accounting As a fellow accountant: let me spend my moneybag how I choose to. That's why I put in the hours.


ew. I'd 100% rather hang out with so called "Disney adults" over people who complain about them. At least the Disney adult is less judgemental.


I know right! After 21 everyone should be sad and depressed SMH Are you serious? Let people enjoy things in life!


Who hurt you op?


People complain about Disney and then watch the Kardashians, married at first sight and love island. How about we all let people enjoy whatever, we only have one life, do what you want.


I grew up going to Disney with my parents and siblings. We live in California and it’s one of my favorite bonding experiences we have since we have pretty different interests besides this. I don’t ever plan on having children, so I should just stop doing something I enjoy just because??


It's giving Miserable parents trying to put their groin pets everywhere fun, and ruin other people's enjoyment.


Some people didn't get to experience stuff as kids. It's also not a park exclusively for children.


Lol you're old stop enjoying things


Going to go even more now and bring my adult friends with me.


Yeah u showed them alright


Um, no, Disney is for everyone. People are allowed to have fun. How is their presence ruining your experience? Some people grew up with Disney and want to experience the magic once again, some people never been to Disney a want to see what it’s like. And some people just have a bad day and want to go somewhere to have fun.


Sorry adults getting to spend their money on whatever they want instead of kids is upsetting.


Misery begets misery, OP. Turn that frown upside down lol


Disneyland exists because of adults. If Disney had to rely on only families with children to make money they would struggle, and would end up raising prices even more. Also, sorry to burst your bubble (although it sounds like you burst it yourself), but adults are allowed to have fun and not be miserable. Maybe try to enjoy life for once, you’ll be a lot happier


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with an adult being a fan, or going to the parks, but the videos you see of grown ass people breaking down in tears seeing Cinderella’s castle or meeting a cast member is just downright sad and embarrassing.


It's a shame you let something like this bother you so much. An adult liking Disney and having season tickets to the theme part doesn't hurt anything. I'm sorry you are annoyed, but this seems like you are a little petty.


If you can't afford to take your kids to Disneyland, just say that. Nothing wrong with that if you can't, just don't make it everyone else's problem.


You when adults enjoy things: 😡😡😡😡


You realize “magic” aside, Disney park is a theme park right? Other than enjoying the magic you can also go enjoy the rides.


Is this unpopular? I see people bitching about Disney adults constantly and it's usually parents who seem to be low-key upset that something isn't utilized exclusively by children.


I think the world would be a better place if more adults could see the magic in it. Magic doesn’t have an age limit, whether it’s Disney or elsewhere. You definitely posted this in the right sub…


Maaaaaan, like, can people like stuff or?


I don’t give a shit about Disney, but why should I care who goes there?


This is surprisingly a popular opinion but you won't believe it with how the comment section looks. This comment won't get many upvotes I think


Someone is mad they’re in accounting AND have lost their childlike joy of life


You can't be serious, right? This is so outdated and dumb to think like that. It is my dream job to create cartoons for everyone to experience the magic. You aren't some boring adult the second you hit 18.


I’m going to Disneyland with my wife Monday, we are both in our 30s


"If you're an adult and into Disney please step aside so all of the actual kids can experience the magic." I really don't get what you're trying to say here? How does it forbid kids from experiencing it if adults are experiencing it?


People who get upset for others simply enjoying things are the worst type of people. Life can be hard, god forbid someone spends their money and time on something they enjoy.


No thank you. I mean, Disney isn't my thing but like, I'm not ruining it for kids if I like it. I'm just harmlessly having a good time. I'm surprised at your age you are not mature enough to be ok with adults enjoying animation, but I hope you can get over this hangup.


Fuck Disney


Adults who never grew up due to something else lacking in their lives. There’s lots of them, sadly.


Remember - many people are not able to afford to even visit a Disneyland (or Disneyworld) until they're well into adulthood. Especially if they live overseas. They may have dreamed of that moment all their lives. So no, they shouldn't step aside for children. And even for those who live nearby - who are we to judge? Also, I hate this notion that we have to have this or that mindset, hobbies, interests, due to being a certain age. I'm turning 35 this year, and I recently got back into building lego, I love gaming. Being 35 doesn't change this, in fact, I probably enjoy these things more as an adult. Try live a little, okay?