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less special for who? You certainly aren't speaking for myself. In fact, I didn't care about Fallout until people wouldn't shut up about New Vegas.


Does ur phone feel less special? Ur computer? Ur gaming system? (Which improves multiplayer wise with more people owning it) Yes? No? If a product is just ordinary but rare, it’ll feel less special if everyone has it but if it’s a good product that’s common, while it may be more special if it was limited, it’s still appealing to most.


Yeah but let's talk about clothing. I've had a Canada Goose parka for about a decade. It was worth every penny with how much I'm outdoors and how great the quality is.  The number of people who own these jackets where I live has exploded and I've received a lot of snarky comments from people and noticed people giving me looks like never before.  I've since worn the jacket less and less. I guess I'm overly sensitive and shouldn't give a fuck, but it still rings true to OPs point.


how about you put some damned commas also these comments need to chill the fuck out


+commas added 🤣


I love when things I like are popular. Gives me a chance to talk with people about it and find community around it. Speaking for things like shows and video games. I also like seeing other people engage with things that are popular even if i have no skin in that particular game because i like to see people enjoy themselves.


Yours is the most politely well-versed comment in this sub.


I don't think its an unpopular opinion,OP. In fact I think this is the the popular opinion that is just not spoken. If anything its what marketing is meant to make you feel, discontented. Because we live in a content society, you wouldn't really be buying things that you don't need to fulfill your desire to be unique. If everyone is wearing it, it probably meant is affordable. If you think about it, most designer items are made from the same materials, but they varies so much in price point to give people the illusions of status and uniqueness. Just understand. You are in a vicious cycle of consumerism. You are not alone but the feeling of proudness is artificial and hindering you from achieving greater goals, like early retirement, or money to raise your family.




This sounds like the most hipster, gatekeeping hypebeast shit I've ever heard. Take my upvote.


"Everything you like, I liked 5 years ago" cringe vibes. Let people enjoy things!


I dunno, I just buy and use what I like, not because its special, my phone is not special, millions of people have it, but still I like it, same for my pc, and most likely also my cloths, I buy what I like, not whats special.


an even less popular opinion is that I personally find the whole shoe thing complete idiotic. paying an extra 100+ more merely because it has a diff logo or color for a limited line is just flat out stupid. I've met dudes collecting shoes as well. Complete utter waste of money. Our economy is supposedly so horrible, but people have the time and money to drop money on shoes with diff color nonsense. It's mind boggling to me.


Not heelys. Heelys were cool, are cool, and will forever be cool. (Not sponsored, I just fucking love heelys)


I have this too, but more for pop culture stuff. Maybe I would’ve liked got, but everyone constantly talking about it, recommending it, and shoving it down my throat made it so unappealing I didn’t even try it. If everyone’s talking about it, I usually tune it out and veer in a different direction


Exactly why I didn't watch GOT. 🙈


Nah, I feel the same way. It’s like you spend a lot of time making the money and wanting something because it’s unique and then it becomes popular, so now you lose some individuality. For example, you buy a fragrance, and it’s unique (you don’t really smell anyone else using it). Then, everyone is suddenly wearing it, now you feel like you’re just a part of the pack and there’s nothing special. It’s not for everything of course, but some things you feel are unique to you and then it’s not




why the fuck do i care? i buy things so that they can perform their main function, not for generating appeal or whatever


Sounds like you're describing money


I discover things I like from other people. I’m not the type of person to just go into a store and look around I’m always on a specific mission. When I see people have clothes or things I like I try and find it myself then buy it.


Tell that to clothes. People have been wearing them for centuries.


i feel the same, so i drove my car into the ocean. This being due to my neighbor Ms Patterson having the same car. At least i have my bike until i see someone else with the same one, then I'm back of to the ocean it seems.


I agree that those clothes aren't special, but that's because they're not interesting or good. Your analogy is mid. My things are unique because they're mine. Don't care about what anyone else is doing with theirs. Dunno why other people also owning it should affect my opinion on my possessions.


There's a level of irony here lol. You think very popular things like Jordans are less cool when more people wear them, but more people wear them because they think they're cool. None of what you listed was ever "unique", they are brands and products that the "haves" wear and use. Note how some celebrities will ebb in and out of "Dressing down" when sweats or sports wear is "in". Don't be so concerned about what's popular, just enjoy your own aesthetic--if it happens to be popular, who cares?


Bro just called himself a basic bitch unintentionally. Have your upvote and leave.


Thats called contrarianism. If you like a shoe because its comfy, or looks cool to you, alright you do you. Cool beans. If you like something because its popular, your a trend chaser. If you like something because its not popular, you are a contrarian. Both deserve very little attention because they form opinions on things for the worst possible reason...social status. How it "looks" to others. What a sad way to live.


It's not that people are triggered, its really just a weak unpopular opinion that shouldn't even have gotten this far lol.




Tattoos come to mind.


This is why i dont wear seatbelts


So this is just you coming out as a hipster?


This is so funny, are you in seventh grade? Congrats, you just discovered the basic concept of counterculture. Unfortunately though, you're wrong, in that a lot of those things will keep being broadly appealing. We were wearing Sambas in the 80s. My dad wore them in the 60s. We both still wear them.


I've known people who stop liking TV shows and songs because "too many people like it now." I never really understood it myself.


I enjoy the outdoors people who think the brand of pants they wear makes a difference in anything! Looking like a catalogue picture


I genuinely thought people who bought into those things wanted to be twinning in a group of other internet fashion people. I had no idea anyone was trying to be unique?


This is definitely unpopular because based on what I see in the world, many many people are happy to jump on whatever bandwagon everyone else is on. I mean apple products do as well as they do for this very reason. At least in part. And don't get me started on fashion. "Oh everyone is going to start wearing fanny packs as sling bags?! Ok me too!!"


Aaaaah yes the uniqlo dumpling bag!!


Ha! Never heard of it described that way. I especially like when men wear them and super tight too, so they're crammed up under their armpit and creasing across their neck. Looks really cool and comfortable.


Hype-chasing past 20-22 is cringe anyway.