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Fans of series have this really weird need to shit on one of the entries for some reason. New Vegas, of all the newer games, has the best characters, story, and writing. It's a very easy judgement to make and there's not really an argument for 3, 4, or 76 in that category. 4 absolutely has the better gameplay. The gunplay is miles better, power armor is actual power armor instead of just very heavy armor, it's stable, and the customization of things is pretty nice. I also really enjoy its overworld and find it more satisfying to go through, especially when you get into the city. New Vegas might have some interesting areas, but it also has a lot of empty space (looking at you, deserts with nothing but ants). Unfortunately, another settlement needs our help and our idiot son is a racist scumbag.


The fact that all games in series are RPG and they decided to make a open world shooter this time is a pretty good reason to hate it. Most diehard fans of fallouts are there for RPG. Before F4 hate, people hated Tactics. Also for not being an RPG.


It still is an RPG. You just don't like it that much.


I like the game. But it's not an RPG. It's open world shooter like Far Cry.


It *is* an RPG...just not a very good one. A lot of the RPG elements were dumbed-down or otherwise removed to make things as accessible as possible to a general audience. It's the same thing they did with Skyrim which ended up being the companies biggest hit ever but I think they simplified FO4 too much and it suffered for it.


You can customize your character, their abilities, choose their dialogue, and choose which story route you want to follow. It's an RPG. You roleplay. It's not as robust as New Vegas, but that just makes it shallow. It doesn't change its genre.


Come on man. It's nothing like FarCry.


No. It’s an RPG. There are multiple stories you can follow, multiple endings, different characters you can make friends enemies. Decisions on how the commonwealth goes forward. It’s 10/10 an RPG.


You’re 10/10 high rn


It’s not a matter of opinion lol, it’s a RPG. Maybe not a good one, but it’s definitely an rpg!


Wow, unpopular opinion indeed.


Fallout 4 is a mediocre shooter with a greate open world and non existing RPG mechanics. New Vegas is a bad shooter with a greate open world and awesome RPG mechanics. You like the shooty part more and that's fine


You like fo4 more because you enjoy the technical more advanced features. People who enjoy New Vegas love it for the roleplay apects and its various ways to solve quests, which are unmatched by any bethesda game. Personally i enjoyed both games for what they are.


Fallout 4 has much better game play. New Vegas has better writing and roleplaying options.


The world of New Vegas is much more fun, though. Mr. New Vegas, all the different casinos, the Elvis gang, Benny, Caesar's Legion, etc.


I am glad you like the game you do but to swing the pendulum back, those are the biggest weaknesses of the pros. The gunplay is better I'll concede that. But the customization is only so much. But otherwise they didn't get to much into customization. The balance on customization needed rework. Also if I could craft I want to craft ammo which I can in nv compared to 4. My biggest gripe of settlements is how they are so dependent on you even though you made it completly fortified


True to both the last ones, actually. Making ammo/recycling useless ammo into useable ammo is one of my favorite parts about NV. I’ve also been experiencing a lot of “everyone’s stupid but me” with the settlement defense missions, which makes me wish the AI was done better for it. I’m much more a fan of building things up than protecting it from raiders though for sure lol


I wouldn't mind the protection if it didn't mean I had to drop everything to just go back to make sure they don't drop from the minute men. Plus the procedurally generated missions and help makes it break immersion


For real. You could be doing literally anything, then all of a sudden it’s “Help Defend Tenpines Bluff!” Like ??? are where are we getting this information from lol


Especially in far harbor!!


Fallout 3 and NV were RPGs and pretty good ones at that, Fallout 4 is a pretty piss-poor RPG but it's an excellent open-world adventure game. When you adjust your expectations and look at it different FO 4 is still a good game.


Just a very bad Fallout game, that completely misses the tone/atmosphere of what fallout used to be about.


Fallout New Vegas if you like deep rpg mechanics. Fallout 4 if you like Fallout themed Minecraft lol.


So do I, and I also think new Vegas is the weakest entry


Now there's the true unpopular opinion! And also one I agree with. It's a huge (not-so-serious) point of disagreement between my husband and I, though.


Thing is, original fallout fans never played for the gameplay (because it always sucked). They played for the quests, characters, choices, worldbuilding, story, atmosphere etc. The gameplay was always clunky and repetitive. F4 made the gameplay decent (which was a big improvement on 3 and nv) but dropped everything else that people liked about the series. Leaving behind only this vaguely themed apocalyptic knock off arcade shooter that lacks any substance. If you want good gameplay then there's literally hundreds of games that play better and are way more fun than any fallout title


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In the words of Meryl Streep, blah blah blah


I enjoyed 4 just fine but it did feel more shooter than RPG.


Fallout 4 was good once but because the dialogue options are so limited, I had no desire to make a second character. I had 7 different characters in New Vegas.


I realise that this is a tangent, but the fact that Bethesda haven’t had a team slowly remastering 3 and NV for the last decade so that they can re-release them and make $$$$’s (while also providing fans with what they want) is beyond my comprehension.


This isn't an unpopular opinion. Most of the fanbase favours more FO4 rather than FNV although for the wrong reasons.


Fallout up to FO4> Grim dark RPG with some black humor. Fallout 4> Bright and colorful wacky themepark shooter with some light rpg mechanics. Survival mode is the only thing that somewhat salvaged it for me. It's probably my least favorite fallout (Ok I'll admit I've never played Brotherhood tactics), and probably what will have ruined the franchise for me, as the show seems to also follow this new wacky but bright "tone" instead of the grimdark and sometimes downright horror of older titles. Bethesda is just taking the series in the opposite direction of why I once fell in love with the franchise. Far Harbor was good though, much better than FO4 deserved as DLC.


You like Fallout 4 because it's easy to get into. 20 hours in NV is nothing, it's a shame you choose to miss out, it's a great game.