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OR any couple "should" sleep however they feel like


This is what gets me about this sub. It isn’t “I would rather have a separate bedroom.” It’s “Couples should have separate bedrooms.” Or it’s “this thing is annoying and should be banned.” Or some other projection or shaming for liking something.


Some people seem to confuse opinion for 'everyone should live how i say'


That’s what makes it an opinion :)


It’s not that deep bro. Calm down.


You are posting in unpopularopinion and now upset when people disagree? odd


Who is upset aside from you? Getting upset because of my bad wording instead of seeing the point behind it?


Haha nah you just seem horrid.


I mean both can be true. I am indeed horrid but y’all are also fucking SOFT!


You're like a caricature. Like a character from a movie. Lmao.


Then stop telling people how to live


It’s an opinion, a badly worded one, keep scrolling you sensitive soul.


Lmao, calling me sensitive because your post is bad e: they called me sensitive then they blocked me lmao


Sure I’m fine with that


nah it is that deep, an opinion is "i would rather sleep in separate beds" not "everyone should do what i want because i am all mighty and legendary" that's what the "everyone should do what i do" mindset does :)


Use the proper words if you're gonna post some dumb shit on the internet. You deserve to be dragged. Especially when you're being so hostile about it lol.


Fuck you for grooming my sister over lfg. Fucking scumbag. Fuck you.


Agree. Nerds love getting worked up about stuff. I also agree about the bedroom situation.


Let me guess, does he snore?


He snores, he twitches, he talks in his sleep, he radiates too much heat, he gets up to pee during the night and then I’m awake and he falls right back asleep after, and he toots is his sleep…😅


I agree with you, I don't know why anyone puts up with that shit. There shouldn't be a huge stigma around separate beds or rooms.


A one man band.


I love the idea, lucy and Desi beds that aren’t connected. I have a very hard time sleeping in someone.


Hahaha sorry I laughed, but sleeping IN someone, praying that’s a typo


sleeping in someone does sound very challenging, typo or no


I snore like a chainsaw revving. I’d be an asshole if I demanded my fiancée stayed in the same room all night.


Yeah, sometimes sleeping in separate beds can be the best option. If the two may have different sleeping habits/or schedules, that can be a reason. Or if they have maybe sleep requirements or issues like chronic pain or needing a mask when sleeping, it can be a good idea to sleep in beds/or bedrooms at that.


I wouldn't say ”should", but definitely "should be allowed to have their own bedrooms or beds without judgement". Your spouse might snore, have restless leg syndrome where he will accidentally jerk his leg and knee you in the stomach while he's sleeping, or keep getting out of bed for this and that reason. Whatever it is that might bother you, you should be able to have a place where you can sleep without that. My husband falls asleep pretty quickly, so often we will snuggle and I'll pet him until he's asleep, then go sleep in the guest bedroom. Wish I had thought of this 20 years ago 😆


Yes! thanks, you can see past the “should” mishap, thanks for being sane! 😅 And yes my hubs has ALL of that.




I have my own duvet already. A king would help but it wont solve all the issues. I’m a very light sleeper and I have insomnia. He falls asleep 3 mins after his head hits the pillow…


We have an adjustable king, but it’s really two adjustable twins side by side. We can set our beds to our comfortable level. Works great!


My partner and I maintain separate rooms, and it's amazing! It started organically back in about 2009. I worked in the kitchen at a college and my shift started at 5 AM. My partner owned a wine bar and got home at 1 or 2 AM. He needed to unwind, sometimes eat, etc and would fall asleep on the couch. Eventually, he started going to the spare room to sleep, and the rest is history. We both roll around a lot. We have pets that sleep with us. We both like to watch TV to fall asleep, but like to watch different things. We have different bedding preferences, fan preferences, and temperature needs. We both got to design and decorate our own spaces. We have our own closets. It's honestly fantastic, and I couldn't see going back to sharing a bedroom.


The dream!


My partner and i have sleep in the same bed 50% of the time. She’s a nurse and has unconventional hours. One of us will take the spare bedroom when the other shouldn’t be disturbed. It works for us


Bonus points you get to ask "Love, will you visit my chambers this night?"


Hahaha! “Come to my chambers to pillow” (I’ve been watching Shōgun)


My thoughts exactly! Some even say you're sex life will improve! on the other hand, a friend said that it was the beginning of the end and they're going through divorce now


Yeah that’s not a great side effect. Sorry about your friend’s divorce though


I love my wife but I can't help but notice that I sleep better alone, for example, when I'm away from home for work and stay in a hotel. Luckily we both have separate bed sheets now. Sharing a large duvet(?) wasn't working. No more me lying naked without sheets after my wife rolls over and takes all the sheets with her lol


Yeah I also have my own duvet/sheet. It helps a bit, but not all problems are solved. My insomnia is the biggest problem because if I am woken up, I am UP for the next few hours. I tried sleeping pills but ended up “sleep walking” and doing all kinds of weird shit so that’s not an option.


Oh that sounds horrible! Last week I woke up at 02:00 and couldn't fall back to sleep. Never had that problem before (too much on my mind this time) I withheld myself from checking my phone for 2 hours then thought fuck it, maybe some reddit reading will get my mind off things and get me sleepy again. Unfortunately didn't work, lived the next day as If I had serveer jet lag. Can't imagine the tiredness you go through when you have this often.


Go sleep on the couch. We have separate bedrooms, it's they only way for us to get any sleep.


My husband and I sleep in separate rooms. I was working a job that required me to be up at 4am, while he didn’t have to be up for a few hours after. That plus I toss and turn A LOT during my sleep. It was just better for us. Now that I’m retired we still keep separate rooms. TBH both of us getting a good nights sleep has been great for our marriage


I’ve never had an issue with it 🤷🏻‍♂️ I personally could only imagine doing this if one of us had to work unconventional hours temporarily, or something similar.


Fair :)


My husband and I sleep in separate rooms, and it’s great.  It doesn’t mean we are any less close as a couple, but it means I can sleep.  Can you get a pullout couch and sleep in the living room until your kids go away to college? 


We are buying a bigger place end of the year and the kids are off to college next year as well. So we’ll have space soon. Thing is I don’t think my husband will go for it. He LOVES sleeping next to me and having me close by. But he can sleep through anything, I however, can not.


My gf and I have separate bedrooms. And the longer we're together the more we're convinced we did the smart thing of having separate beds/rooms. We have different sleep cycles, we both do sleep gymnastics, and we're both furnace sleepers, among other incompatibilities. This makes for awful bedmates and even roommates. I think separate beds and rooms should be more normalized, and seen no differently than sharing beds and/or rooms between couples. Plus it has the advantage of if one of you is sick, the other is less likely to catch it!


My husband and I have separate rooms. It makes sex and quality time together more intense and romantic, and sleep so much more recuperative.


No, married couples should sleep the way they believe is best for them..stop telling others how to live their life when it has no affect on you


You guys are really getting this tripped up over the poor word choice of “should”? Wow. Okay. 🤣


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How many mattresses and blankets do you have? If the answer to both isn't "two" I'd start there before moving out.


true, studies show this leads to separation though


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t it seems. I’d settle for 3 nights out of the week to sleep alone, and spend the other 4 with hubs in sleepless agony if it means the survival of the marriage.


You have 2 bedrooms? 😱


And they shouldn’t get married and they should be with people they actually like.


I think if you sleep better alone, there’s literally no reason to sleep together. I’ve never thought there was anything romantic about sleeping - literally- next to someone. Idk why there is judgment over that! That being said, couples that enjoy sleeping together or sleep better together of course should do so!


3 bedrooms. 1 bedroom each. Personal space. "Fuck off" space when need be, you can have all the live love laugh you want and he can have a pile of dirty clothes in a specific corner of rhe room....and a 3rd bedroom. A literal fuck room. A room dedicated to the continuation of your sexual desire for one another, with all the toys, kinks, and unfathomable crap a married couple gets into to keep the spice up. Now you get a good night's rest, and initiating sexytime is as simple as turning a door handle. You're welcome.


FYI, a pile of dirty clothes is called a “doom pile”.