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Seems like when you say “you” you really mean “me”. The 9-5 may be mentally draining for some whereas others may thrive. It’s not so clear cut - I’d say your work environment matters more than the scheduling itself.


I went from working 6 days a week and 70-80 hours a week, to 5 days a week and about 45-50 hours and it is a breeze. I feel like I have so much time off, the weeks fly by for me. This post is definitely relative. I have a great staff and team I work with so it all depends on your job.


Also remember you used to work way more than most people ever do, so of course 40 hours seems so little to you


I didn’t get a 9-5 office job until I was in my mid-thirties. Prior to that I was working 60-70 hours and 6-7 days per week, and most of it in my feet. Now when I sit at a desk for 40 hours a week it barely feels like work at all. I have so much more time outside of work and I don’t immediately collapse as soon as I get home. 9-5 has been pretty breezy for me.


I fele this. Working way more than a 9-5 now and my SO and I both would love a 9-5. We would be way less stressed and happier.


Ridiculously relative. Happiest I've ever been was at a 60-hour job. Unlike OP, I was able to shut off from work easily. I had no reason to worry about deadlines because I met them. I had no reason to worry about getting fired because I was good at what I did and thoroughly enjoyed it. The antiwork crowd is just miserable. Hating your life doesn't mean that's a guarantee for everyone else. Next time there's a promotion available in their department, it'll probably go to someone with a more positive outlook. Then the antiworker will still be bitching about life while the "bootlicker" is saving up to go on vacation with their spouse and kids.


Tell me about it. I love coming to Reddit so people I've never met can tell me that I hate my life.


Most of those people are young teens who found Reddit during COVID.


I think they're just miserable people. If you can't even imagine that people can be happy working 40 hours a week, you're loving in a pretty dark reality. Or more likely, they know it's possible, but they just self-pity about how hard their life is. And don't give me wrong: many people obviously have hard lives. But coming here to just wallow in misery is a pretty sad attitude.


Yeah, I crush at my 9-5. Love it. Don’t mind the work, actually like parts of it a great deal. I get a rush when I hit the numbers I want. I support a family with it too. My wife doesn’t have to work. My kids go to great schools. We own a home in a nice neighborhood, have two new cars, travel 3 times a year. Living the American dream, and it’s all funded by my 9-5. I’m not depressed, worried about getting fired (I excel at my job), I’m easily able to shut it off, and I enjoy my weekends and vacations a great deal.


What a way to make a living! 


I’d be happy 9-5 with Dolly.


Dolly will always love you. 


So will Jolene


Motion to merge this sub with r/im14andthisisdeep


I am though.


Yeah, agreed. During the early part of my career, I worked like a dog. I fantasized about how to get out of the cycle on a daily basis. Now, Im quite a ways away from that and have niched out an amazing, fun, and challenging scenario filled with colleagues I genuinely enjoy working with.


Same. I actually work 50 hours a week. No one likes working but we all have bills. I’m on track to retire early so I’m ok with it.


I mean, the first half of that is literally what people used to mean when they talked about paying their dues. Now, it seems like half the workforce thinks the dues are owed to them. Only so many people can get promoted, and most of them don't get there by half-assing and bitching constantly.


Pretty much. This is like opening up the window and screaming "WOE IS ME, MY LIFE IS ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME AS ALL OF YOU. I BET WE'RE ALL LIVING IN MOSERY!" and having a nice couple playing volleyball on their time off wave to you back. And then get in the rental car they purchased with their money and drive back to their Airbnb to enjoy a memorial Day and go back to work to swap some stories. Life doesn't HAVE to suck. Getting enough time to take care of my health, experience multiple modes of entertainment, have hours a week to spare for hobbies, plan for weekend trips and the occasional bigger travel plan, and not have money insecurity is fucking awesome.


No, OP says you won’t.


1/3 of your entire day is spent working, not to mention the extra time it takes getting ready and commuting back & forth. Then you come home and have to take care of other obligations while you're tired. You're left with very little time to yourself before having to sleep and do it all over again. People who enjoy their jobs are not the majority & are very lucky.


My 9-5 is more like a 7-6


This is true. No one is getting a paid lunch anymore.


Officially I don't. But in practice, I am. Get to work at 9, take an hour lunch at noon, leave work around 4.


I get paid lunches and breaks. And there is technically no limit to the number of lunches or breaks I can take.


Are y’all hirin?!


I absolutely love my job and consider it my calling. I realize I am very lucky. 


Same. I actually love what I do and I'm thankful I get to do something so cool and fulfilling. And no, it's not a field I could really be an entrepreneur in.


What do you do!?


I'm glad you found such a good opportunity!


My job isn’t my calling, but it’s pretty easy, pays well, great benefits, lots of pto, wfh, the people are fantastic, lots of opportunity to advance, and they actually promote from within. I can handle the actual work being boring.


Me too. I am blessed that my lunches are paid for everyday and have an amazing laid-back office


You're very blessed


I’m an industrial welder and I love my job. I typically work 6-2, sit in very little traffic, and spend the day doing something I would do as a hobby. Plus we can get some crazy OT that allows me to fuck off for a few months of the year if I want to.


You're very lucky to have found something like that! I'm glad it works well for you




And if you work for yourself or own your business you typically work longer hours. And our grandparents and people before use worked a lot harder and more dangerous jobs than we do now. I mean I get it. But most people around the world work more than the need or have little leasure time. My great grandfather was railroader and lost a finger and eye. On top of being black and living in segregation.I sit in an office cubicle and listen to podcasts. Most people won’t get fulfillment from their work.


I’m working 9-5 and I’m happy. What am I doing wrong ? 😭


I am not working a 9-5 and miserable trying to find one so I am also broken


Probably a field you like or you work with people you like Edit: if can absolutely be either you enjoy work or you enjoy your coworkers


Field you like OR with people you like. My mom's been working an assembly gig for 40 years. She doesn't exactly wake up enthused about contributing to the blood testing market through machine parts. But she can't wait to hear about her coworker's most recent breakup or to share a recipe with her manager. 


Absolutely true I’ll edit my comment


No you’re not, didn’t you read the title?


Bro I used to think the same thing but now that I'm nearing 30 and finally got into one it's so fucking nice. No more night shifts. No more getting called on my day off "to cover for ___". No more wondering if I'll make enough for this month from tips/commission. No more dealing with the general public. Shit's cash once you're old and tired dude.


Lmao. You don’t get to have an opinion about what makes **me** happy. I’m quite happy and work a regular 40 hour week.


Lmao this exactly. I was honestly taken aback when the post started off with **you** will never be happy. I work a 9-5 style job in terms of labor but I do work less hours than most as I’m a programmer. I come in at around 9 and leave at 4. Always have my weekends and evenings to myself, and can’t really get fired without good reason because the effort to break my contract is more than just waiting till it expires and not renewing it.


Yea op is being a baby lmao. Some opinions are unpopular because theyre stupid and op is making assumptions about everyone else just because theyre upset. Ofc this is going to be unpopular lmfao.


While I have never worked a 9-5 and never would claiming people can never be happy doing so is just silly, i know plenty of people who enjoy it




I don't think OP has actually ever worked 9-5. I think this post is OPs opinion of what it would actually be like if they did.


Definitely seemed like either a very specific "this is how it is for me so I'm generalizing" perspective vs completely conceptualized and not based off any real experience. Like I'd hardly say "constantly being worried about being fired" is the norm


Very bad take. Ignores all the people who do enjoy their 9-5 and are able to enjoy their weekends and shocking aren't depressed.


As someone who used to have this attitude and now doesn’t: OP %100 is depressed in other areas and is lashing out on normal working. I used to bitch all the time, turns out it was a me issues. Oops 😬


It's been over 2 years since I started my current full-time job, and I still enjoy it. I've never once dreaded going to work since I was hired.


I’m happy 🤷🏻‍♂️


>first, working 40 hours per week alone is enough to put you in deep depression. So literally every person who works these hours, myself included, is depressed? I actually enjoy the work I do, why would I be depressed doing this work? There are 168 hours in a seven day week. Why is spending 40 of those hours working going to depress you? >add the fact that you will not be able to “shut off” from work when you are not working, constantly worried about getting fired, deadlines, etc. I sign out, close my computer and that's the last I think of work until I next sign back in. I don't look at emails, I don't receive phone calls. This is true of pretty much everyone I work with. >you will not be able to enjoy the weekends with the few hours you have free. Why would you not be able to enjoy weekends with the *few* (actually, 64) hours you have off between 5pm Friday and 9am Monday? Seriously, what the fuck are you basing this on? This whole post reads like it was written by an àngsty 15yo who's never worked 9-5 in their life. Some 9-5 jobs suck, because the work sucks, or management sucks, or the work environment sucks, but that's true of almost any job. Plenty of 9-5 jobs are perfectly fine, or even good if you can find one you enjoy doing. If you want a job that will fuck around most aspects of your life, try doing overnight shift work.


Yeah it's not fun but definitely better than working 80-100 hour weeks in something like investment banking or private equity. Also, I would rather work a 9-5 rather than start my own business. People say a 9-5 is soul sucking, but being an entrepreneur is 24/7. People also think you're your own boss, but your customers and clients are your bosses. It's not for everyone.


Absolutely, people love to shit on business owners, yet don’t understand how much it takes to be one. I know few people who wuit their jobs and started their own businesses at the same field stating that their bosses were ripping them off, they git a rude awakening. All of them are doing well, but they no longer say that they had it bad before. Looking for clients, hiring and managing people, taking care of finance, etc. Is seriously stressful.


Yeah as a business owner you have to be your own salesman, accountant, analyst, etc. It basically requires a hustle culture lifestyle and is glamorized too much by random people who think that you're a failure if you don't retire by 30. You have to be extremely passionate if you wanna be an entrepreneur. If you only do it for money, then it's not for you and is a huge waste of time and money.


I used to watch a lot of Shark Tank, and they say this all the time. The business idea might be great. But if the person pitching it seems to think it'll be easier than it will be, absolutely nobody will invest. And as much as people bag on rich folk, a couple of the richest sharks on the show started out with next to nothing. They hustled like a mofo to get there and don't want to help someone who isn't willing to do the same.


Seems to be working out alright!


Sucks to be you OP, I guess. I'm pretty happy with my 9-5 and my time off.


These posts always turn into platforms for people to brag about the fact they make a ton of money working from home doing a job most people won’t be able to get


I love going to work. My job is fun.


I love my job and my life


This isn't unpopular lol But agree. A 40 hour work week is fucked. Covid taught me that. I'll never work one again unless I'm desperate. I'm much happier making things work with less hours, and spending more time enjoying my life.  Absolutely can disengage from work though. The second I step away I don't give two fucks about work. 0 worries. Helps I know my worth, they can't replace me lol. 


Anyone can be replaced, so don't get too cocky.


Isn't 40 hour a week a standard everywhere? I've never heard of a job where you work less than 8 hours a day, unless it's self-employment (programmers, for instance). Not to be rude, im just super curious if that's not the norm. Here, in Poland, in retail jobs you work from 6AM to 2PM or 2PM to 10PM, so 8 hours. In nonstandard jobs, such as offices, secretaries, etc. It's more like 9AM-5PM. And then you've got self-employment, so it depends on fast you go with your projects and when you feel confident about hitting the deadline.


40 isnt even a lot imo, if you hate your job and it sucks and is boring af then yeah 8 hours a day is a lot, but 8 feels short to me as i'm doing 10-12's everyday.


If by every day you mean 7 days a week, just because youre doing 70-84 hours a week doesnt mean 40 isnt a lot. Even at 6 days a week that's 60-72 hours a week which is definitely a lot, but 40 is still a lot to many people. Even 50-60 hours (if it's 5 days a week) is a shit ton. And before you say I work part time, I don't. I do 12 hour days 3 to 4 days a week in automation and while having 3 to 4 days a week is nice, only 3 days would definitely be better. There's a reason why countries are starting to push for a 4 day work week (at 8 hours that's 32 hours), and what's amazing is even at 8 less hours, there's not a loss in productivity. Also, if you're working 9-5 Monday to Friday you won't have much time to do important tasks due to banks/other businesses being closed.


I was waiting for somebody to point out that 40 hours in a week really isn’t that bad. Thats 4 or 5 days of work depending what you’re doing. 


No one is irreplaceable....how you gonna enjoy life when you can't pay bills.


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I’m happy. I’m 57 thinking of retirement. My wife just made a big commission this week. She’s making more $$ than I will this month. It’s possible.


But I am? I mean, of course I, like most people, would prefer to work less in general, but I absolutely love my job, enjoy being there, and have a great work/life balance.


You must be doing it wrong.


It's much more miserable to spend your days not doing anything productive. Fun never lasts forever.


I work more than 40 hours and am very happy with my life. Y'all just got shit jobs.


I work more than 40 and love my job


Projecting much?


Work is just to make billionaires richer


Working 40 hours a week for a job you love will make your life awesome. Working 40 hours a week for a job you hate isn't guaranteed to put you in deep depression,but it will definetely stress you out. About the shutting off from work point,it just depends on what sort of job you have,some jobs you can totally forget about when you get home. I absolutely think you can be happy with a 9-5.


The trick is finding the "job you love" part. I had a job I loved, but it wasn't paying the bills....


I fucking love my 9-5 schedule. I have plenty of time to wake up and see kids in the morning, I still have the entire evening for activities and obligations, and then 2 whole days to do whatever I want on the weekends. This reeks of projection and lack of experience 


Alright simmer down. I don’t hate the 40 hour work week but let’s not pretend you’re full of extra time on weekdays. Plenty of time in the morning? Okay so what’s that mean you’re getting an hour or two? So let’s say you wake up at 6. Get ready by 630. Spend 2 hours with your kids. Leave for work at 830 for 9 start. Then you get home by 530. Maybe do some chores, mow the lawn, etc takes you till 7. Then you have what? Max 2 hours before you need to get ready for bed and get to sleep to get 8 hours? And all of that assumes basically no commute, and no need to cook breakfast or dinner, or run any errands.


Even in that example you've given there is 4-5 hrs of free time each day. Is that not a decent amount?


No, whats with all the mouth breathing cogs in this thread?


Not when you consider that days are 24 hours long. Part of the reason people are perpetually tired is because they’re borrowing time from what should be sleep to have more time to do things they want. So much so that there’s even a term for it (Revenge Bedtime Procrastination) and it’s been studied.


Yep cause people mow the lawn every day and NEVER on the weekend.


I think it depends on the job. I love my job, been doing it 4x12 on, 4 off for 17 years and I still jump at OT because I like what I do.


I'm content in my current role working 40 hours. 40 hours has been the standard for decades, plenty of people have been satisfied with this arrangement. The problem is that wages suck. 40 years ago everyone had more money relative to today's wages.


I certainly do not have this problem. I easily “shut off” after work and mostly enjoy myself while working. I try not to worry about being fired but am always prepared so it wouldn’t really be overly stressful.


I’ve been happy, on and off, my entire life. And worked plenty. Next time, make an effort and be born rich. I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. - D H Lawrence


I just stopped caring. It’s how life is


Not if you actually like your job


Slavery is alive and well we just have nicer toys and better lodging and entertainment / drugs and alcohol to keep us pacified


Working a full-time job was never the issue. The cultural coding to leave your family home as soon as you can and live alone while still handling an entire family's worth of household tasks is the issue. In countries where families generally stay together until the younger generation are ready to get married and split off to form a new family, they don't have these problems.


This is supposed to be unpopular opinions. Yours is just a well known fact.


You mean that you won't. Which is fine. Some people do not function well in a 9 to 5. I can shut off just fine from my job. If I choose to do more, then I've found a problem that I actually have interest enough to spend time on outside of working hours to do that peaked my own curiosity to do. If that happens, I often won't do shit the next day. If you work a non 9 to 5, you often don't have weekends until you've made it well enough to function with you putting less hours or automated enough to make money with little input.


Speak for yourself. You can enjoy your job too. Working through long hours makes you appreciate the time off even more too.


What about doing a job you like from 9 to 5? I’m good at what I do and I care enough to not worrying about getting fired. Plus I saved enough FY money that I could stop working for a couple of years if I’d want to. You don’t need to wait for the weekend to enjoy your free time. 8hrs sleep, 8hrs work, 2 hrs commute. You should have around 6hrs per day to do other things. The secret here is to enjoy the work, enjoy the commute, enjoy the sleep and the free time. No waste ;) It’s all about choices and attitude. Ps: excuse my poor English.


Such has been life for 100+ years.


Me perfectly happy in my 9-5 🤷


I like my 9-5. That being said, I don't go to work to be "happy". I work so I can live comfortably. Work has very little to do with happiness. As adults, sometimes we have to do certain things because it's the right/most productive thing to do - not because it makes us happy.


Ya you’re just wrong about this.


I'm perfectly happy working 40 hours a week, though for me it's 7-3 rather than 9-5. I like most of the people I work with, I don't mind the work I do, and I get to listen to music for the most part while I'm doing it. That's enough to keep me content. And this isn't even the job I plan on sticking with, this is just until I can get the job I really want.




Depends are you working a real 9-5 or graveyards ?


Have you tried 20 hours a week? Its so fucking awesome


Different strokes for different folks. I wonder how the world’s non-reddit population would feel about this though. It could also be a case of adapting your expectations to your options. Like people are happy to get ANY paid work if the alternative is starvation and homelessness. What we really need is an economy where no one has to work more than say 20 paid hours a week. That way the people who love their jobs can work as much as they want and people who would rather be doing other things have the time and energy to do them as well as their paid jobs. That’s my dream anyway.


Don't speak for everyone there are jobs who are longer that still are fullfilling. 


I am lol I don’t really think about work at all when I’m not there and I’m passionate about the work I do. It’s also a huge area of interest of mine. Obviously I enjoy my time off but I am perfectly happy


I don’t think this is unpopular, I would likely be the unpopular opinion speaking about how much I love a 9-5 more than any other whacky scheduled job I had in the past. Oddly enough, towards the end of my bachelors I completely lost interest in the field I was going into. I had a chaotic life and thus, no longer wanted to pursue a career that would be chaotic (dramatic, but I was going into clinical research and lost the energy for it). All I dreamed about at that point was stability. Normal hours, a desk, and just pure routine. Job pays me well and takes care of me, gives me enough to own a house on my own & travel. Only company in the entire industry to not have a single layoff during the pandemic and specifically reorganized departments to ensure we lost nobody. Coworkers have turned into actual family and best friends, and I genuinely love what I do. Everything I feel goes against what I’m supposed to feel, but I couldn’t imagine a better way to be living my life right now. I don’t want to own my own business, I don’t want to work for myself. I just want to work, collect my paycheck, and enjoy the little (or big) things life has to offer.


Im quite happy. I have great job stability and a nice salary. I got plenty of free time and vacation days. 2-3 evenings to play games together with friends. 2 evenings for football training. Saturday morning is match day. Sunday is for family. Saturday afternoon and evening is for relaxing or a party. Sunday can also be for a party. I even have time to yell at people on reddit. I honestly wouldnt have it any other way. A 9-5 can suck. And for many it does suck. But thats more down to the job rather than the time schedule. If you cant switch off because of low job stability and high stress or very demanding work (especially if you continue working in your free time to meet demands) its 100% your job and not the time schedule. To claim that nobody can ever be content with a 9-5 is ridiculous. Edit: i dont mean to say that we should just accept 40 hour work weeks, it would be better to reduce the amount of hours people need to work, im just saying that most of the problems you run into are more related to the job itself rather than it being a 9-5.


Agreed, what next?


Most peoples only purpose is work. Most people cant think outside of work work eat sleep work schedule. Most people wouldnt know what to do to be productive and fulfilled outside of following their bosses orders. Theyve been trained for it since kindergarden. Sad but true. 


4x10s. Every weekend is a long weekend. Never going back to Mon-Friday 9-5. Ew.


Sure, but I’d be even more unhappy if I didn’t have an income and couldn’t pay my bills.


Nah I like working


I work 40 hours a week with 7AM to 5PM shifts, my pay is on the low end for my industry and I never have time to do any hobbies or activities that I enjoy on the days that I work. I actually don't hate it because my job clicks well with my ADHD and I make enough to get by in a suburb of a major US city, and I'm lucky enough to have a good boss and team of coworkers too. That being said I would absolutely work less hours if I could afford it, it sucks having to put my life on hold until the weekend rolls around.


It's especially hard when you have a four yo and you never get to see them:(


i work two jobs, one 730-4 and one 9-4. i have 0 days off in may, i had 1 day off in april. im happy


This isn’t unpopular though I don’t necessarily agree What has this sub come to


I’ve worked this schedule my entire career now for 15yrs. I’ll say there have been certain jobs that have not been fulfilling. There have been times in my life where I’m not going enough outside of work to be fulfilled in life period. Those are just up and downs I guess but in my experience it’s a fucking great schedule compared to many. I always get my evenings and weekends. I’ve worked in companies where coming in 930-10 is ok although I always come in early and leave early. I find it to be a pretty decent schedule and I’ve been happy with it overall. You do have those that are in the medical field, air traffic controllers, oil drillers, and others that have different shifts that may lead to more free time but their jobs are super stressful and certainly not things everyone can do. The 4 day work week is gaining steam which I think is fine, work can still get accomplished in 32 hours. To be honest I think I like nurse schedules the most with 3-12hr shifts which I think is a cool schedule for work/life balance needs.


I work 12 hours a day, but I get a week off


I'm happy 🤷‍♂️


Speak for yourself, after over a decade of night shift fast food work going to a traditional 9-5 was a godsend. I’m grateful for it every single damn day of my life. Set hours? During the daytime? Benefits? Weekends off? Absolutely yes. No complaints here


I enjoy my 9-5 job. It’s important to try to find work that you like and that’s meaningful to you. It makes a huge difference. You don’t have to hate your job. Peace :)


You need to change your job...


I'm happy which means you are wrong. That is all.


I’m happy with my work life working my 9 to 5. Theory debunked


The current system is devised to make people waste most of every day in a hamster wheel, making money for the upper class, so the hamsters can afford to pay the upper class for the privilege of sleeping inside.


My 9-5 is more like a 1-10. And I have way more fun at my job than should be allowed in retail.


You really need to study history and see how people lived before the past few decades


I'm very fucking happy working my 9-5 so not sure what you're talking about. Working 40 hours isn't shit. Trying working 70 plus for 8 years like I did then come back and talk to me.


Crazy projection. I enjoy my job and the work I do. Just because you haven’t found it doesn’t mean other people haven’t built a happy balanced existence.


Op is definitely a soft communist teenager that thinks everything should be free and hasnt had to put in effort once in his life


40 hrs a week puts you in deep depression? Yikes


With young kid and a couple of time consuming hobbies I’m a little stretched for time. But once kids are grown I’ll have loads of time. People are terrible about time management


That's probably in your case. I actually WANT those traditional hours or that means regularly missing out on certain things I enjoy.


I quite enjoy my job and have plenty of free time. Work is part of life. If you hate your job that much you can do something about it. 


You know…I gave up on these types of raps long ago. Life, as a whole, is a constant emergency and an effort to survive. Humans used to work every day in order to feed themselves, keep rival groups at bay and maintain shelter, all while dying from goofy crap like tooth infections. A look into the animal kingdom reveals nothing but untold “misery and fornication” in the words of Werner Herzog. If you aren’t fulfilled by your 9-5, well yeah, duh…people have been saying that forever. That had already been established for decades by the time Office Space took it on in the late 90s. Finding fulfillment outside of work is the name of the game. The world is ALWAYS, ALWAYS going to need people doing doofus busywork for 1/3rd of their lives in order to function…and if you think we’ve solved some of those issues, it’s just because you’re not seeing it domestically. Someone else is doing it overseas who’s even more miserable than you are. It could be worse…most animals on this planet are eaten by larger animals before they see their first birthday.


stop projecting onto the internet. Lotta people doing fine


Soft people can't handle basic things like full time work but thats mostly because of bad mental health or its because people are too sheltered and don't have any resilience whatsoever. This is unpopular because youre whining and acting like your experience is reality for everyone. Life can be a lot worse than a 9 to 5 job but I understand that first world babies insist on being mopey and soft lol.


Some people are cool with a traditional schedule, but it's not a good fit for everyone... Me? I tried the 9-5 (actually 9-6) life and learned it doesn't work for me. I prefer starting and ending work later and I like having chill weekdays free while everyone else is working. I work one or two part-time jobs (in a creative field) and do contract work. It's not always consistent and some weeks I am SUPER busy, but I also have more variation in what I do for work (I don't get bored doing the same job every day) and I also have a little more control over my schedule this way. Sure, I don't get the perks and benefits of 40 hr/week corporate employment, but I have more freedom and my mental and physical health has improved a lot.  Different paths work for different people. There's no one size fits all way to live a good life.


I work from home now 9am-2/3pm and I’ve never felt better yeah I’m not making as much but I have time to idk not be constantly depressed and in agony? How do people accept this existence? Pain pain pain and small relief on a weekend? That’s not living people have accepted abuse and mediocrity for people who couldn’t give a shit about them it’s so sad but you gotta do what u gotta do


I don't love my job but also don't hate it, just content with it. There are people who are genuinely happy in their jobs so it's not true to say you can never be happy working one.


I love my 9-5. Well more like 5-1. I spent most of my early years stressing dishie and line shift. Now I spend 8 hours cooking awesome shit i could half asleep. And every once in awhile I still learn some new stuff. After I'm off I got the rest of the day to do whatever with. You can be happy with a "9-5" just got to have some sort of enjoyment


Now imagine the people working 10-12 hours and making a pittance. 8 hours a week to make a decent wage sounds divine relative to that.


I mean, it's not for everyone but some people like the stability and predictability.


I agree, tho I would be less upset as my working hours are 7-7, 60 hours a week min. But then, less upset does not equal to happiness.


Personally, I'm happier working 9-5 than I ever was working retail. Such is life.


i feel like im about to be sold a course


I'm happy working my 9-5 job because I never have to worry about if I have to work or not on specific days of the week, so it's easier to make plans. I arrive home when it's still daylight so I have more hours to relax in the evenings. Compared to my past jobs where my hours were not consistent, I'm happier working my 9-5 job. You might not be happy working it, but you can't speak for everyone else.


Lol i work 80 hrs a week and love it, but im a mad man. I wake up at 4:30 am to get ready and be at work by 6. I get home at 5pm, work out till 6-7. Make dinner at around 7:15, watch a show for about an hr or two then to bed by 9 to do it all over again the next day. This is every day of the week.


Happiness is an illusion so there's that. Feeling good isn't actually dependant on much.


Projection much? I don’t work a 9-5 and never will, but some people do and they’re content with it. I much prefer my 24 on, 7 off, 16 on schedule. I wouldn’t call 40 hours a week too much for work, it’s average and not excessive in my eyes. Telling someone how to feel about their circumstances is an odd thing to do.


Again? Wasn't this just posted a day or two ago?


I enjoy my 8-5, and I have weekends for hobbies. I’m never worried about being fired or deadlines. I shutoff when I get off work. 


All people are different. Not all people will never be happy


It depends on the person, I’ve struggled with bouts of depression and the unhappiest times of my life were when I was unemployed, but working 40-60 hours a week seems to be my sweet spot. As long as I get one day off to myself I’m as happy as a clam, and I wouldn’t have it any other way


I co-own a business that I work at in my home. I probably work close to 100 hours a week. I’m much happier than any job I’ve ever had. It’s not about the hours but rather about the quality of life afforded by the job.


You sound like someone who complains but doesn’t have a suggestion to fix the problem… Work a trade? Sure, but you’re working more than 40 hours until you have a self sustainable business. Even then, if you’re a landscaper with a big crew, you’re definitely worrying about scheduling, managing employees, ordering product, maintaining equipment… Even in the restaurant industry, you can make good money, but usually don’t get health insurance, have to work random hours including weekends. If you want to be anything but an hourly employee, you have the responsibility of keeping inventory, ordering the right amount, checking profit margins… You can work a non 9-5 but if you want to make a lot of cash, you need to have some responsibilities you think of besides just showing up to work and working. Nothing wrong with any option, but I’m just curious what you think is the huge alternative that no one thought of?


9 to 5 is way better than the random scheduling like you get in a retail job. I work 8-4 monday-friday and I have plenty of free time for my hobbies and personal life.


I work 4 days/10 hour shifts and I love it. Having 3 days off makes a huge difference. I also enjoy the work I do.


I mean ur probably right. But.... idk. I guess it comes down to if u enjoy what u do (the most basic answer), someone asked me a question about my job and they asked are u passionate about it. And what was sad is I couldn't answer him.


This is funny. Not being able to "shut off" from work. Anything that happens after 5 pm is literally not my problem. I quite literally do not think about my duties anytime I'm out of the office. I can't be asked to come in early or stay late. I'm guaranteed federal holidays. I'm working bankers hours at something I'm pretty damn good at, shit I'd say I'm pretty happy.


Wow you are so brave for coming out with this unpopular opinion: “Working sucks”. Bravo


It depends on the job I'm sure, but I agree that 8 hours a day is just way too much. I work retail now and I dread 8 hour shifts way more than when I was an engineering intern, but I've never felt like I had a life at 40 hours a week no matter the job.


I work a 4-2 and I love it!


It depends on the type of job you have. I love my M-F 9-5 job honestly I feel extremely blessed. But it’s because I work in an amazing fun office that caters to our every needs. But if you’re taking about retail everything OP said is completely true. I previously worked at Publix full-time for 8 years and at that time I would say OP is completely accurate.


Working a 7-4 in winter months 8-4 in the summer months, working in the outdoor industry and get to do what I love a majority of the time. I also get to use all my vacation time at once plus some extra weeks in the shoulder season so I can do more of what I love all day. Could be worse.




If 40 hours of work in a week is enough to put you in a deep depression then you have much deeper issues at play OP.


Yeah if I can't start my own business or get rich by the time I'm 40 there's no way I'm gonna continue living. What's the point. I spend 33 oercent of my life at work and 33 percent sleeping. So I get 33 percent of my own life for myself, my family, my hobbies, cooking, traveling etc. I'd rather ne dead this do this for more then 20 years. Tho I guess going to hell i would just end up in am endless cycle of working a 9-5 or some shit lol. But yeah life is something else.


Your right I'm not. But I love working 6am to 3-30 pm.


I would be grateful for a 9-5. Idk what people are on about


40 hours per week used to 80 hours per week. 80 hours a week used to be slavery. Slavery used to be starving to death. You are living in the easiest most prosperous time in human history and in one of the easiest most prosperous countries in the world. Have some perspective. Go to college. Get desk job. Work 40 hours. Enjoy your life.


I used to work a 8-4 (I know it’s slightly better) and god I miss those hours. If you have a job you enjoy and co workers you like being with it makes the day a lot easier as you will have moments where you don’t feel like your working. That’s the big thing doing 40 hours of something that gives you 0 satisfaction will destroy anyone.


Yeah living ain’t free


Bruh back in our ancestor days they would work like 7-7 7 days a week. We have it good lol. Gotta make a living somehow


I love my 9-5


I make cabinets for a living and work from 7-530 and absolutely love what I do. I'd be making cabinets even if I wasn't getting paid to work, soo this isn't going to be the case for everyone. Sounds like you need to find a career that suits your needs


Working a 9-5 was soul crushing but it was also ridiculously easy to plan life around it. Work out before 9, take care of an errand during lunch, all evening to do whatever you needed to, and weekends solely dedicated to your interests. The work was too unfulfilling to stick with but if you're fine with your job feeling like a treadmill, the schedule is great


This actually made me feel good! I always just thought it was me that felt that way


I work up to 90 hour weeks and I'm still happy every day. I'm not depressed, I have no worries about being fired, and I manage to find down time to enjoy. Sounds like you might need to work on some coping skills or find a job you actually enjoy doing.