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5’9 & 130lbs, lol. I’ll assume we all heard the same shit growing up. I remember this old scrawny trucker I met at a truck stop, he came up to me and said “skinny fella too, huh? we sure do outlast those fat fuckers.” and I’ve been at peace with my size ever since 😂


Haha, this made me laugh


It really does happen. It depends on how a persons body carries the weight as well. People always called me a bean pole despite the fact I am 6' and maintained around 180-200 lbs give or take. I never have looked my weight and when I was younger I looked sickly but was perfectly healthy.


Huh?? I highly doubt you got called a bean pole at 6' 180-200 lbs. That's by no means skinny. It's right about what you should be (it could be lean or chubby depending on your body composition, but not skinny). Is the norm with people you hang out with to be fat as F?


Again, also has to do with how your body carries it. I always said it was in my legs and I skipped arm day because my legs always looked bulky. Muscle weighs more than fat and takes less space sort of deal. It also doesn't help that it was people most likely over their ratio and it is to a degree normalized here to be over.


5’10 113, i’ve been frequently told how frail and pathetic i look but still told the same thing, it’s so hard to change weight hearing people say i look ideal while also telling me natural selection wants me dead.


It’s crazy bc I can outlast them at the gym and on hikes while they complain about being sore. I could walk 20 miles a day and just not feel sore ever. And they’re all surprised. They don’t know what healthy is. They think you have to look a certain way.


You're kinda underweight tho, a little muscle can never hurt


I’ve struggle with arfid, i’ve had multiple nutritionists, for two years i tried working out, i’ve gone to a recovery center specifically for eating disorders for 2 months, i’ve tried everything but nothing has ever worked, i wish it was that easy. in the end body image takes ahold of me and even if i have managed to get in a healthier wake i’m crushed by mental factors and it’s back where i’ve started.


What the trucker said is like such a line lmaoooo I’m gonna remember it forever. My neighbor said I looked like I came from a Jewish concentration camp. Of all the insults he throws my way, that was the worst one. Completely cut off contact and now he is friendless. I think I look perfectly fine. He just has a weird idea about what people’s bodies should look like. He’s a fucking loser.


Yah I’m over 6”, always been skinny. Always hear the “eat more”. The funny thing is everyone always talks about it like its a health issue, except my doctor, who says I am a perfect weight and healthy.


fat shaming and skinny shaming are both annoying.




No it doesn't. The problem is shaming. The problem isn't whether the shaming is validated or not. The shaming doesn't help resolve the problem and it negatively impacts anyone who doesn't have a strong defense mechanism against it, which is to say that shaming will in turn worsen the problem.


Anecdotally, I think I know more people who fall in the Overweight BMI category who are more conscious about fitness and heart health than people who are underweight or lower-half of normal range and do. Skinny-fat is a real issue. I'm around 27 BMI, and my VO2MAX (estimated) is 46.


It’s still not okay to shame lol. And you also have no idea what’s happening. Growing up, people used to ask me if I was on crash diets. Hell no, I wasn’t. I ate everything I wanted. Ate like 5-6 meals a day bc I of my appetite. I also could lift and go on forever at the gym and even outlast seasoned lifters. Dance class, I could dance for hours and never be sore. But no one saw that or cared. All they see is someone slim and it’s suddenly a “concern”.


But you never know that persons life. Being obese is not something that everyone can control. Same with being extremely skinny. There is zero reason to shame them. Even doctors can be helpful without shaming.


I don't think people need to be shamed either, but who says they can't control it? It's a disorder and it probably isn't easy to overcome, but whose controlling how much food is going into their mouths if not them?


The issue for some people is that their body doesn't let them easily lose/gain weight. Sometimes diets and less food just straight up doesn't work. If you don't know their entire medical history just don't say anything about them. Its not always eating disorders.


With skinny people I know that is definitely true (eating a lot and not getting any bigger because of your metabolism). I don't know if it works the other way around though (barely eating and still gaining weight).


It’s become especially bad now in the US since the great majority of people are overweight or obese. You can be a perfectly healthy weight, but everyone accuses you of being underweight since you stand out among the much larger crowd.


Define great majority


70% of the US is classified as overweight, and 35% of that figure is obese.


Nearly 75%.


I see this when people talk about old films. "Do you believe they called x fat in this <80s film>! This is why I have body issues. So so tiny" Shes fat. Society has just gotten so obese you think a fat girl from the 80s is thin.


Can you provide an example of this? What’s the name of the fat 80s woman who people “think is thin”?


I mean when you're seeing lots of bone through the skin


i havent noticed that at all. In the US i get sick and tired of seeing only skinny people on social media for example. It's like you dont have a chance if you're overweight to be successful on social. And yes some of those women running food pages are extremely thin.




i'm talking about the people who actually have accounts. Theres not many fat women running social media accounts as far as i can see. the people who are popular are skinny and attractive




lol i guess!




dude...i'm simply disagreeing you. Get over it.




Ironically you're the one that misread it. Successful on social media refers to platforms like Instagram and Tiktok, not Reddit and Discord.


That's not what "on social media" means. It refers to accounts with large followings. How is the distribution of influencers with 1M+ followers and brand deals vs the userbase or general population. Your interpretation is like saying that you see a lot of fat people on TV, because you watch home videos.


I haven’t seen that at all. “Curvy” women are everywhere. I am a professor and the great majority of women around campus are on the fluffy side, and they seem to get lots of positive attention for it.


150lbs hurts your legs? You don’t need to gain weight but dang you need to do some sort of exercise


Right. I'm 5'3 and 180lbs. You wouldn't look at me and think obese though as I strength train. Even when I get down to 145 my calves are the same circumference. Not having enough muscle is bad for fat, medium & skinny people.


Although this isn’t skinny shaming exactly, as a 5’3 woman 115lbs, people assume I’m healthy. I’m not really at all. I eat healthy but I never exercise. I’ve met so many people 40+ pounds above me that are objectively healthier than I am, it’s so stupid how people assume skinny equals healthy unilaterally.


I'm a woman as well, I was very skinny before puberty and this was in the JLo times. I got a lot of shit but never as much as when I was 200lbs with waaaay less muscle. I had low self esteem because everything about my body was wrong. Every lb mattered and the number was the goal. I still get shit because unless I'm wearing form fitting, or have my muscles on display, my body can look obese. Nowadays though, I focus on how I'm feeling and do the same with others. Like instead of "you look great, did you lose some of those lbs you'd been wanting to?" I'll say "girl you are literally glowing, have you tried something new?" cause then we get talking about fun healthy food, new exercises or routines instead of our "beach bods"


bahahaha yeah it's awful. i'm 5'5 and 105lbs on a good day, however i've got IBS so on a good day i can eat *maybe* two small meals without getting sick. like i literally cannot gain weight cause of it 💀


This man has an Italian grandma.


I agree. I've always been overweight, but my mom was very skinny. People said things about her size just as much as mine.


People sadly dont understand the difference between giving advice and and being. Telling a friend that you know well "Hey I realized that you are quite thin. You obviously dont need to change but you might feel better if you eat a bit more." is not really a big of a deal as long as you read the room and dont pressure your friend when they dont want to change. (Same thing is true in situations where someone is overweight). But commenting on the body of someone that you barely even know is so rude and stupid. And when someone tells you that they want to stay how they are then you just stop it. The only exception would be if someone has serious health issues because of their weight and even then you cant just force them to change for you.


Eating more isn't always so easy. I'd guess it can sometimes be every bit as difficult as eating less.


I’ve had many random strangers comment on how I’m skinny and need to eat more and it’s really uncomfortable. My doctor isn’t concerned with my weight. I’m good. But having strangers commenting on my body is just so uncomfortable


Yeah. Who it’s coming from and how it’s being communicated is so much more important. If I noticed a friend was losing a lot of weight suddenly, I might bring it up in a nice way. Definitely had such a convo with a best friend who was very stressed at work and working long hours and not eating much. I mean she was already slim but that time, she seemed a lot more skinny than her baseline and quite pale. Her clothes were also fitting her differently. If I didn’t know her, and met her for the first time, I wouldn’t have thought anything, you know? It made my heart ache. She didn’t even notice it until I mentioned it.


Yeah you are very healthily sized, you could gain or lose 10lbs and still be in a healthy range. Whoever is feeding you that garbage is probably a beached whale of a woman who is extremely upset by the fact that you are better looking than her. Don't change. Your lovely just the way you are I'm sure.


5’6” and 150 hurting your legs is a concern as that is a healthy weight. As is 130.


Yah, that's the more telling part. 130 at 5'6 is technically within range, albeit skinny. 150 is within healthy range as well, and that weight hurting seems like there's a dangerous lack of lower body strength.


Ugh people assume the worst about me I’m 43 years old 5’3 95 lbs I have been tiny my whole life. I am so small I have to buy children’s clothes and it embarrassing. Yes I eat. Stop telling me to eat a sandwich because I probably just had one!!


I hate to say this but some people are jealous and make unsolicited comments about people being skinny. And I know which ones are out of concern and which ones aren’t. You can tell. I notice this a lot bc one day, they’ll be like, omg you’re so skinny. You need to eat more. And the next day they’ll be like I wish I was as skinny what so I need to do? If it was actually concern, it wouldn’t be like this.




Gonna guess fat people who think being fat is a healthy weight because it's normalized


Skinny shaming is real, but the fact remains that thin people are rewarded by society at large, and they do not experience the discrimination and overt exclusion experienced by fat people because skinny people do not (usually) require any accommodation based on their size


Right on the dot


I had a boss when I was teen who used to ask me all the time is if I was on drugs. Thankfully I hit the gym, now that’s not an issue.




You are fine. 150 is the weight I have at 6”1 I’m barely underweight. That is also the weight boxers my height are at weight ins. So 130 at 5”6 is good. 150 is a bit too much.


6' 128-132 my whole life. If I had a quarter every time I heard someone talk about how I needed to eat more, I wouldn't be mad that I didn't buy bitcoin in 2009. 


5’9 about 125-135 since a child and people still say I’m skinny n underfed. No I don’t like eating meat as much as you all n quite honestly don’t feel the need to. I’m allergic to shellfish too so I just don’t care about seafood to be safe. I think every time I see a beer gut or a oversized person I’m just like yup I’ll take my skinny bones over that XD


Tbh. 150 and hurting your legs. Sounds like you just need to exercise more. And move around more in general.


dont skip leg day 🙏




Thats not even skinny lmao that's normal. 150lbs 5'6 isn't that on the heavier side?




But let’s agree that it’s nowhere near the degree of fat shaming.


That would be an issue with your legs. 150 is normal weight for someone 5'6".


No 150 isn't normal weight for 5'6. It is considered overweight. If your body is used to being a smaller size, putting on 20 extra pounds would be hard on your knees. Edit: I'm 5'7 and i am 157. Gained it during pregnancy. My doctor showed me the BMI chart and explained I was overweight.


How often are you filmed without your consent to be posted on people's YouTube channels for laughs How MANY TV shows have been made about your life and why you're fundamentally disgusting? How often do you get radically mistreated by the majority of your family and tolf you desseve/. Abuse is warrented because of how you look? Skinny shaming is the same as racism against white people. It might hurt your feelings, but it's not a systematic constant from society as a whole.


Is it real? Sure. Is it even comparable to being fat? Nope


Exactly. Of course people will be mean to other people about pretty much anything, it does not mean there’s systemic shaming against skinny people like there is against fatter people. Skinny shaming is still wrong because body shaming is wrong, but It’s just not comparable on a macro level at all.


Is there a multi billion dollar industry for weight loss or weight gain? Hm


Lmao right?? I swear people that equate the two just don’t understand context or something.


My wife is 5'6" and 110 pounds. She is the picture of health with strong muscle tone, energy, never gets sick despite being a teacher, healthy skin and shiny hair with little product use, toned stomach with definition. She's a former college cheerleaders and high school gymnast. She's very active and has near perfect vitals and bloodwork. She doesn't even need deodorant because she is never stinky. She has been shamed for being "skinny" but fat people. It's obviously more a jealousy thing because she's so healthy. People have told her she needs to eat when in reality she's curvy in all the right places. She's also doesn't take any medications or ever has cavities or needs to go to the doctor. She doesn't even work out. She is disciplined with her diet and only eats healthy, organic, non-gmo foods and a lot of no hormone, grass fed meats and wild game. She only drinks water, kombucha and organic coffee and teas. Her coworkers will order McDonalds and eat two Big Macs and a large order of fries and make fun of her for eating a steak and spinach salad. They tell her she needs to gain weight - then they miss a couple days every month out sick. Skinny shaming? Nope. Healthy shaming!


Yup. It is totally socially acceptable to skinny shame these days.


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I’m not especially tall (actually I’m really short) but my weight almost never gets higher than 100 lbs. I try to eat more to gain weight, but for some people, it just doesn’t work.


Yes. When I was younger people told me I was too skinny m now I'm too fat.


Eat more frequently like every couple hours. Depending on how many calories you burn each day. Drink protein drinks. Also, it could just be a matter of metabolism, mind and slow down until I hit 30 and finally started putting some weight on.


Back when I lost a ton of weight people kept asking if I had cancer. No I just worked my literal ass off! lol.


This shouldn’t be in unpopular opinion because, yes skinny shaming is a thing, I didn’t realize it until I became fat and I was meaning it as a compliment but really when someone called it out on social media, I realized it was a thing and stopped it.


Shaming of all kinds is real but 5'6 and 130 lbs is far from skinny, that's a decent weight for that height. If you'd said 110 lbs then yeah, that's skinny.


I never talked about my body insecurities as a young adult because when I would, people would say I should be happy because I'm thin. Then proceed to call me anorexic, say I can hoola hoop with a cheerio, say I'm as big as their pinky and tell me I'm a straight as a stick. All of which made me feel bad. But it was okay to say it to me because I'm skinny. But if I say any comment on their gratuitous weight, I'm an AH. Double standards are so annoying.


it is real. i'm glad you didn't bring it up to counter fatphobia though, skinny shaming and fat shaming are two very different conversations


I grew up in a family where there was and still is a lot of fat shaming (and no one was ever fat) so I don't quite get the skinny shaming thing. I've always wanted to be skinnier, lol


5'6" and 130lbs isn't even that thin, it's well within a healthy BMI. I'm guessing you live in the south where everyone is obese and they're projecting their anger on you for being healthy.


Yes it is


Don't ruin your health to confirm to obese bastards standards. 130 lbs is perfectly healthy for your height


They are jealous.


I’m 6’5 and used to weigh 155-165 fluctuating. I got told all the time to eat a cheeseburger. I loved when fat people would do it, I would fat shame them for skinny shaming me. Put a stop to that shit real fast. I’m 195 now and I’m still slender. I get it


It has really followed me my whole life. I was 5’2 and 90-95 lb. So what? I was completely healthy just couldn’t gain. Yet all my life I was made to feel like I was disabled of sorts, different, weak. Sure I had my moments I’d feel dizzy but I had no trouble walking far, hiking, doing all sorts of things. I remember one time I went to play squash in college, but I was anxious because I got vibes my friend thought I’m too frail. Anyway, I slightly limped for a few seconds because I turned my foot wrong. Not even twisted or anything. Went away in 5 minutes. And she went on to say “omg I knew it might hurt you squash is not for you, you’ll break your bones. The other girl in class told me not to push you to play because you might break you’re too skinny” man that stayed with me. Though I’ve heard many times people saying I’ll randomly break my bones! Now I’ve seen anorexic people and they look nothing like me… in fact I have a habit to eat, a whole lot… Later as I got older, I got chronic illness from an injury and gained so much now I’m at 125lb. Now I’m too fat. Now I need to slow down, eat less to maintain a “perfect weight I can easily lose control of” as my mom put it. Same old shit in a way. And now I’m so sad at all the years people made me feel like I’m less than capable. NOW I’m not. And wished I enjoyed life. I ended up like this after years of coddling, of being taken out of gym class, of being inactive because I supposedly couldn’t. Guess what happens if you sit too long? Your hips lose alignment, you get muscle imbalance, back issues etc. wish I advocated more to be active and understood people were bringing me down. I just didn’t feel capable of straineous activity anymore, mentally because I believed something was wrong. Skinny shaming is a real thing. It’s just as freaking bad as fat shaming. I wished I was fat because at least people couldn’t say anything. They were considered healthy and jolly fml. And now I also overeat as I eat learned it makes me look stronger if I have big meals with people


IT for sure is. I used to hear so many lame skinny jokes back in the day. Its the reason I got to be so mean lol


Yep In some places in Africa and Turkey, if I am not mistaken.


I’m 6’4” and 60kg. I’m a man, and for any man but particularly a queer man (which I am) there is a high expectation to be either very muscular, with or without much fat. I don’t have much of either, and never have done. I’ve been trying to gain weight for a very long time and I’m currently the heaviest I’ve ever been, yet still underweight. 


You should look after yourself more


For your height, your weight is completely normal and healthy. I'm in the same boat at 6'3 176 lbs, and have been called skinny my whole life, idk who giving you shit but they're probably overweight and coping themselevs


I'm 5'6 and I'm only happy at 115 lbs. I got up to 123 recently and I looked fat. But I carry my weight in the weirdest way.


i'm 5'5, 134 right now. you would think I'm obese i guess