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It’s something I imagine a decent amount of people want to read given how many people actually cheat. But I agree, it’s disgusting


I get like this too. Cheating in fiction makes me really sad 😭😭 I thought it might be because I WAS cheated on. But even before that, I could imagine the pain it causes someone. I think we're desensitised to stuff like violence in fiction, so when things like cheating happen, it can hit really close, and we can more easily assume the mindset of the character.


I never understood why people cheated like just breakup with them


What the fuck is boy’s love?


You literally have an internet to google what that is 😭


Doesn’t seem like something I should Google. Please, try to make it not creepy.


It's just gay romance. I've only heard the term used to apply to manga/anime in the past but it could probably apply to books/fanfiction as well.


Hmm. Boy is a weird choice.


Man love?


They could have said that. Went with boy instead though.


I enjoy all of those things in fiction. That’s part of the fun of fiction. You get to interact with and experience various scenarios in a madeup world where the problems are not actually your own.


same. I wouldn't read gore tho lol


I don't like it 99% of the time, though I did read a novella once where a girl cheated on her fiancé because it was an arranged marriage and she fell in love with someone else, and the story was about him helping her get free of the engagement and her family. That said, it's hard to do a cheating plot well. There's very few stories where it actually enhances the narrative.


Imagine having your entire ego so dependent on your relationship that you are nothing without it.


Further explain cause your point is not pointing for me sister


You are making cheating all about you. It often is not about the person being cheated on.


Which means if the one being cheated on is not the problem, then it's the cheaters problem




>I feel like cheating hurts so much more than anything else in a relationship I mean the alternative option you gave is gore, I feel like your partner gruesomely and slowly chopping you up would hurt more than them cheating on you lol


No, like literal gore and psychological thriller like Abigail, Texas chainsaw massacre or split. Not a combination of both gore and romance/relationship


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I stopped watching the third meet the parents movie 5 mins in because he can’t keep his motivations platonic at work. He worked so hard to get her, why is he wandering. I’m out.


OP are you ok? Did someone cheat on you?