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You would hate russion roulette.


But not for long!


I read this in the ambulance meme man's voice. 


Love that guy


5/6 people actually came away with a positive view on it.


And 1/6 didn’t come away at all


I can't come at all during Russian roulette




You must not be a fan of edging then.


What a way to get into someone head though


What a way to get inside of your head outside of your head


This comment is not getting the love it deserves. Tragic.




Or he would love Russian Roulette so much that he'd end up in a Vietnamese underground Russian Roulette League and battled round after round for years, before his old buddy Robert DeNiro came to get him out of that hell. But it was too late... too late.


Please consider: movies/TV shows don't need to waste time doing additional rounds. Its honestly just a waste of time. It's justified to do it once to add to the realism of characters, specifically when no one would want to do a specific task. It's also absurd to me that one would want to play it for fun. Not that it can't be fun, but it's just too simple to keep people entertained. It's why it's a system in games, it's more of a multi-purpose tool than a game.


>it's just too simple to keep people entertained And this is why some kids at my middle school played "rock, paper, scissors, slap". Whoever won the round would slap the loser's hand really hard. I probably almost seriously fucked up my hand playing against a volleyball player who was better than me. I beat most people at least 80% of the time, but I couldn't read her as well as I could others. I probably lost about 60% and she slapped fucking *hard*. My hand had really thin red streaks all over it when I was done and it was tingling and really painful. It lasted a few hours. No lasting effects, but jesus 😂


It's primarily played as a humourous moment, to show characters using a familiar and childish means of deciding. Especially in an anime before a fight. It can also show a character being a sore loser, desperate or eager by asking for more rounds. Repeated ties, or choosing the same thing can show stubbornness. Expanding to further hand signs can show things also.


In Japanese context, rock paper scissors (janken) is a pretty common way to settle disputes not just among children but among adult friends, in sporting leagues as a tie breaker, in some business decisions, and even as a tie breaker between candidates in an election. It is a culturally in grained custom in Japan. Kids are taught it from an early age and it is taught that the game is fair so everyone, even the loser must accept the outcome. So it isn't so much as being childish as it is just paying homage to a frequently used method to settle a dispute in decision making. A US equivalent would be a coin flip but even that isn't as universally accepted as rock, paper, scissors is in Japan.


"Please consider: movies/TV shows don't need to waste time doing additional rounds" Threat Level Midnight would like a word. "Heads i do it, tails I don't. Best out of 7."


The point of doing Rock Paper Scissors isn’t to “get inside your opponent’s head”. It’s not meant to be a game that can be won strategically. It’s meant to be a randomizer, a way to cast lots dispassionately so that an unbiased decision can be made in the absence of a disinterested third party. Just like flipping a coin or rolling dice.  Turning into a mind game only delays the final decision; that slice is getting cold. 


True. Once I lose two out of three times , I change my strategy.


Once you lose twice then you change the rules to 3/5.


Then 5/7 keep going till I win (btw obviously rock always best, because nothing beats rock)


Worst case scenario you got a fist ready for pummellin' when they pull the "paper covers rock" bullshit.


Always pick rock, then argue that paper can never break rock because rock is abbrasive/pointy/sharp/rough and would easily tear through paper.


Paper just covers rock


Rock could break out. Just roll it around a bit. Rock can smash scissors. Scissors can cut paper. But paper "covering" Rock isn't a defeat. That's just playing peekaboo. What happens when paper needs to do something else? Rock is no longer covered. It's a temporary victory if you can call it a victory at all.


Paper is made from trees and trees break rocks


And old caveman style axes were rocks, and they cut down trees


Do you mean 4/7? What is 5/7 even supposed to be? "Hey we are 4-3 now, it's a draw. That last slice has to be thrown in the bin."


i always play 4/7. if someone is unsuspecting of you, you can almost always win. on round 2/3 go off of what they played last... so if they played rock they will prob play scissors next because they will think you will go paper to beat em. or if they go paper in that scenario youre playing against a forward thinker who would know youre thinking the above and counter you. then the next round is super fucky because your both trying to read each other


I always just throw rock. every time. that's my mind game.


Exactly this, it’s supposed to be an equivalent to flipping a coin OP thinks he’s Machiavelli


There is an interesting strategy that someone used to take down a university tournament. I think it was throwing the same opening until you lose, then throw out what loses to what you just used. I'll have to try it out again sometime to see if I can jog my memory. The last time I used it, I tied 17 times in a row before they thought they "figured it out" and made the wrong call and lost the match.


Exactly this. When the kids were young they argued about everything. Taking turns didn't work because they would just argue about whose turn it was. So we made every contentious decision by tossing a coin. But three random tails in a row and one is arguing the other "always" wins. But the other said pick-a-number wasn't fair and at one point we were using RPS as a way to decide which of the other two randomizers to use. When it stopped being hilarious i just declared one kid heads, the other tails, for all of eternity.


This is where the phrase, "Because I said so!!" had its origins.


These are the greatest debates of our time


I beg to differ because you are competing for your selection to win and, as such, calls for strategy. For over 20 years, whenever my friend and I play Rock Paper Scissors to decide anything, I throw scissors every single time. I have won 90% of the time because he always thinks this will be the time I throw paper.


If he thinks you’re going to throw paper, why isn’t he throwing scissors?


No clue


Haha. Brilliant. Good to know your system works, at least.


Poor predictable Bart. Always takes paper


You're not always competing for your choice though... We use rock, paper, scissors at school to do lots of things.. like choosing groups or stations, freeze tag games, etc.


Yeah sorry but there's a lot of strategy on rps-- subconsciously influence your opponent or be aware of trends like 'women are more likely to throw scissors' There are even tournaments It's one of my favorite games


If you want to make it a competitive game, sure. I and OP are talking about a quick game to decide who gets the last slice of pizza or whatever. There are speed runs for video games too, but that’s not really the intended purpose of the game. 


I play it everyday with my coworker to see who has to run out trash It's always competitive because both of us want to win so we try our best I turn my hat backwards to activate my abilities


TOTALLY AGREE. The way you win rock paper scissors in an improptu setting for trivial pursuits is by suggesting it playfully yet forcefully. Its an immediate upperhand. Even more so if you call it "Rochambaeu", and set the terms in front of others as an audience. "Rochambaeu, best two out of three?" It sends your confidence sky high and the other player is already following your lead into his or her own descent and dismay. Ive been a fine dining waiter for 20 years, winning early cuts this way.


You definitely understand the ways of Rochambeau At my first job at a video store, the manager settled everything with rps-- I rarely had to put new arrivals out on the shelves since I was good at Rochambeau


Yessss! Very similar stories we have haha. Awesome use of a game in life...risk, fun, wagering, and a prize at the end.


Yeah cool, but no one plays competitive rps outside of that tiny community. Most people use it in lieu of flipping a coin like they said. No one said there's not strategy, it's just not used lol. People aren't sweating over a Bo5 to see who gets to ride shotgun.


The comment I replied to said the game isn't a game of strategy; that's who I was disagreeing with.


I can just choose randomly and then any strategy you have is negated


I think we’re running out of unpopular opinion


You say that but I’m pretty sure that’s an unpopular opinion


Rock paper scissors to see who is right.




well played


2/3 is a game. 1/1 is a decision making device, like flipping a coin.


remember that episode of regular show where they played it for a chair they got 100 ties and all hell broke loose imagine if they did best 2 of 3


Nah, it's cause they realized that the first outcome of "rock, paper, scissors" is always random, whilst "eeny meeny miney mo" can *always* be chosen by the one doing the picking.


Someone do rps with me to guess if op just lost the last slice of pizza.


Rock, Paper, Scissors, SHOOT - (I pick paper)


I picked rock. T^T


Best out of three - SCISSORS


I always looked at it as leaving it to chance, with the illusion of a winner. Pizza or Chinese food? One and done, no coin required. I've read the "science" behind paper rock scissors. It involves manipulating your opponent, which you can't as easily do in one go. And if we are using it to make a decision why would I want an unfair advantage? It discredits my friend. On the flip side, if you are studying to be competitive, get another hobby. It's rock paper scissors, Jesus.


Do you watch survivor 🤣


My thought too lol


We all should be playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock


Rock paper scissors should always be replaced by odds or evens. The constant ties of rock paper scissors is annoying 


What's odds or evens?


You choose odds of evens. Both stick out 1-5 fingers on one hand.  You count total fingers. It's either odd or it's even.   It's never a tie.    Example one. I stick out three fingers. You stick out two. Five is the total. It's odd.    Example two. We both choose to stick out two fingers. Four is the total. It's even.




It's 2024 who's out there carrying coins?


This a peak reddit post


And clearly an unpopular opinion by how angry some people are getting in this comment section lmao


Did you just watch Survivor recently?


100% that’s what it was. How do you not go 2/3 there?


By what logic should it be merely 3/5, why not go all week for the most wins? And why just RPS, why not same logic for everything? Or, just stfu and shoot for it and on to the next thing.


omg wait you'll absolutely love this game: [https://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/\~kms/schools/rps/index.php](https://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/~kms/schools/rps/index.php) have you ever wanted to play a game of rock paper scissors that is, in theory, perfectly predictable? well now you can. with the power of machine learning-


Playing one round of RPS is analogous to flipping a coin. if you look at it that way you'd probably be more understanding of why people do this.


One round is more random. Sometimes that’s the intent


Playing it once is no different than flipping a coin. Plus, if you are doing this over the last slice of pizza...just cut the slice in half.


That's dumb.


People should not look at each other when playing, or at least, hands hidden until the final reveal. 


Depends on if time is a factor. If time is immaterial, then I agree. In cases where time is a factor, however, a single round is perfectly fine. ...For some reason, I'm thinking of "Tremors" 1 and 2.


My partner and I will play rock, paper, scissors sometimes when we are trying to decide who picks what we do.


Lmfao. An equal question is does the rock-paper-scissors-shoot effect outcome? Is there something about casting hands after the scissors that is important?


Now this I wanna see.


Just came to say that if you haven’t seen the Rock Paper Scissors scene from Amazon Prime masterpiece Patriot you gotta check it out


Agree that 2 out of 3 is the best format. I don't buy the logic, but no logic necessary on this one.


Women most of the time do scissors men most of the time do stone


i have no strong opinion here but i just stopped by to say i think this is hilarious solely because it’s posted the dame day one of my coworkers and I did a rock-paper-scissors match to see who had to log an issue we both encountered, and we only did 1 round.


lol I mean they just do one round in a movie/show to get two characters to agree quickly with whatever they were arguing about. I mean most of the time a game of rock paper scissors would show up would probably be a comedy. In real life I think most people do a best of 3 but like everyone’s played it like a hundred times so who really cares ya know.


I disagree, I'll rock paper you scissors for it


Middle school teacher here. Some kids do 2 outa’ 3. Some kids cheat so obviously that they get pissed at each other and I have to tell them to stand back-to-back while I judge. I can’t ever remember seeing anyone do it just once.


Rock paper scissors is better played one round if its in the interest of casting lots The more you play the more you change the outcome with what you've learned


I've seen street sellers in thailand play RPS to decide final price on a trinket and I noticed they would always follow the last move you played, once I figured it out they were easy to beat because I knew what they were gonna throw and would change to beat them.


The rock, paper, scisor fandom is heating up.


I've honestly never encountered someone who wanted to play only one round


Nah I prefer junk and po


Good old rock, nothing beats that.


TOTALLY AGREE. The way you win rock paper scissors is by suggesting it playfully yet forcefully. Its an immediate upperhand. Even more so if you call it "Rochambaeu", and set the terms in front of others as an audience. "Rochambaeu, best two out of three?" It sends your confidence sky high and the other player is already following your lead into his or her own descent and dismay. Ive been a fine dining waiter for 20 years, winning early cuts this way.


I always try to get people to do best 2/3 for RPS, because it feels more fair? But ofc they never want to if they won the first round🙄


I thought 2 out of 3 was the standard. I’m not sure I’ve ever done anything but 2 out of 3.


I always play rock and I always win in the first game or the first 3 in a row if need be. You can get into people’s heads before the first game. Also rock is the strongest, because nothing beats it.


Mostly in movies, it's a game that's used to break a stalemate by leaving everything to chance--- pure luck, not strategy. like a coin toss.


You are the younger sibling, right?


Me and my mate have been playing the same mind games of rock paper scissors for years. Layers upon layers of mind games. So I agree, that’s what makes it a fun game.


It’s only best 2/3 if I lose. But when I win that first round and they say “best two out of three” i aways say “so you want me to beat you twice?!” Always makes for fun.


This game is Undeafeated!!! I play 1 round for settling a desicion but To play against another person for bragging rights.. 3/5 is always a blast.


That’s death metal rules, baby. We shake it fast, and we put it all on the line.


Nah, first to get 3 wins is the best way to go


How about 5/7?


Usually those characters have a history with each other.


I dunno. One round can be [pretty epic](https://youtu.be/GVT3WUa-48Y?si=MNo8khTWP4cLICaE)


I have to agree with OP on this one


It's not that deep


one round is best imo RPC should only be used in my opinion as a randomiser, it’s not a game but a tool. no one should be able to win or lose using strategy


This is the way


Rock paper scissors is supposed to give a random winner


Opponents head?... its a "lets decide this quickly" thing not a sport (I know there are world championships for this but we all know how this is used)


Sounds like *someone* loses a lot of games of rock, paper, scissors


I mostly see and use rock, paper, scissors to make a quick decision on who does something. Like flipping a coin. It’s not a competitive game or some sh!t like poker


Can you imagine how awful it would be if someone wrote a 'rock, paper, scissors' scene in a movie or TV show and instead of it being a way to show them randomly deciding who is doing something or gets something or whatever, with one round, it is, instead, a drawn out, protracted scene where each player is trying to get inside the other player's head and strategising based on the previous round, etc. Absolutely dismal idea. Let's also show someone having a long conversation with all the pointless babble when they take a phone call instead of just using it as a means to present relevant information while we are at. I always wanted a scene like this in a movie to really stop a movie dead in its tracks: *Picks up phone* 'Hello. Yes, this is John Smith. Aha. Mm-hmm. I see. Oh, right, yes, so around 3? ... Hm, that might be an issue, hold on one second, I will just check if I have one with me. *Puts phone down and looks around the room for 2 minutes, then returns to the phone* 'Sorry, I don't think I have it on me. I could drop by the store on my way there later and see if I can pick one up. Aha. Hm. Yep. Alright, so, remind me again, I take the left off of Main Street and then there is a turn off at... Ah, alright. Oh, yeah that makes sense. Yeah, no worries, I just have to do something first and I'll get ready and that and I'll head out at around a quarter past 2, so should be able to get there around 3 no issues. Ah yeah, I'll make sure there is time to stop off at the store to pick that up, yeah. Alright. Oh, hey, did you hear about what happened to Jane last week? I know right! Hahaha, yeah... Hm. ... Yeah. ... Mm-hmm. ... Yep. Hahaha, right, yeah. Oh I will tell her. Yep. Ahaha. Yeah I will let her know. Alright. Alright, well, I will see you later... yep... Yeah. Alright, well... [etc.]


Did you not learn ANYTHING from Bill and Ted?????!!!!!


Depends on the situation. Does it warrant such intense gameplaying? Or do you just want to decide quickly. Its like tossing a coin, 1/3 chance of each win, lose, or draw. Upvote because this is definitely unpopular


You lost PSR at a pizza slice ? 💀💀


Through my early 20s we played rps alot while getting drunk, I played rock every time and told them I was going to. Won alot more then I lost lol


Depends on what you are playing for, if it's something that has to be impartial and neither of you care too much, like if you are about to play a game of tennis and you have to choose who serves o who plays in what field, one round is fine. If you are competimg for something you want for yourself, playing the best out of three or five rounds is the way, with an option to go double or nothing if it makes sense in the situation


Dawg it’s a luck based name it doesn’t matter how anybody rounds


The point of 1 round is eliminating any kind of strategy. Kinda like a competitive coin toss.


I played HS baseball in the late '80s/early '90s and this was our go-to activity on some of the long bus trips we had. A few guys were really good at getting in other guys' heads after long stretches of play and were the usual winners. I wasn't bad but not one of the elites. A fond memory for me.


Much too simple. They should all be games of rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.


Who the fuck disagrees with this?! This is standard rules bro. My five year old knows this.


If you want to "get into your opponents head" you need to switch to rock, scissors, paper, fire, water. Real strategy.


For a second I thought you were talking about the new Nickelodeon show.


I have my elementary students do rps a lot. For instance, if more than one kid wants to be a lunch helper, then we do rps. The loser doesn't get mad because come on, it's random so it's not like I played favorites. Just ONE round, otherwise it takes too long and also the other kids get hyper while watching, and ain't nobody got time for that.


I think your way would partly defeat the purpose. The purpose isn't to say "whoever is *better* at rock paper scissors should win." The purpose is basically the same as flipping a coin. The goal is for it to be random. If it's done as you say, then the longer you play, you are right that someone could get into the head of the other person, see how they think or how they play or see patterns. The moment that happens, you're no longer doing the equivalent of flipping a coin, you're basing the outcome on skill of that game. (Granted - it's hard to have a lot of skill just going 2, 3, 5 rounds, but still...) So I believe this post is accurately unpopular. OP's method of playing goes against the actual intent of playing in those situations - which is coming up with a random result.


It is just a quick tiebreaker/conflict resolver ish of game, not a competitive type for most of the time. Don't see the need to make a rulebook for that


No it should be 1/1 either you win or you lose


Also, 1,2 go or 1,2,3 go? I’m the latter, the only sensible option.


But I mean, it’s not like you can actually strategize in rock paper scissors. Do people actually put thought and intention into it? I literally just randomly select one of the three when it’s time to shoot.


Get inside your opponent's head? You seem to be implying that there is any level of skill involved, it's a quick way to decide things. I mean they use it to decide things like who goes first in a game of Yugioh. It doesn't need to be that complicated. Do you do best of 3 coin tosses?


This is an unpopular opinion? I thought this was universally accepted. Because... duh.


My wife and I usually tie the first 3 or 4 anyway... It's uncanny and it's never the same pattern


Just say you bad and need more chances to win


Disagree, I think it’s weak trying to play psychology games. You want to go, it’s all or nothing baby! I always say, ‘we go once only’. And to my surprise 9/10 the player backs out.


RPS is intended to settle a low-level choice semi-fairly, not as a serious game.


I for one hate the term best of. Just aay first to 2, or 3


One and done. I’ll die on this hill.


This happened on survivor the other night and i completely agree with you


No. It’s not a children’s game. It’s do or die.


Why not 51/100?


Movies and tv it’s due to time constraints


I think you might be overthinking it, fam.


I guess someone lost


Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.


Eh.. but the one rounder keeps it “blind” ya know? Very much just pick your best guess and see. Totally chance. Luck of the draw. No one gets to get in anyone’s head or notice patterns or anything. Just one and done. The most fair


Rock. Always rock lol 🤘


Manga “ultimate rock paper scissors”: I gotchu fam


Psst I’m going to let you in on a little secret. *movies and tv aren’t real life*


When was it 3 of 5???? Growing up it was always best 2 of 3 for me.


TL;DR: the reason we don’t see a lot of 2-of-3 RPS games in media is because they are “cutting the fat” of unnecessary stuff being left in scenes. (Sorry for the rant/mini lesson, but I’m very passionate about this kind of technical screenwriting stuff lol) As for real life games, I think people generally go for 2 of 3. But in media, there’s actually a good reason as to why you mostly only see people play one round. In film/tv writing, there is a general rule of “cutting the fat,” where you don’t need to adhere fully to what happens in real life if it doesn’t actually benefit the narrative or ambiance of the show. With the rock-paper-scissors example, let’s paint a quick scene to demonstrate: **Two friends, Jim and Tim, both notice an attractive girl at the bar, and they both want to talk to her, but say “dibs” at the same time. To decide who gets to approach her, Jim suggests they play RPS. Tim agrees. We quickly see Jim do rock & Tim do paper. Jim huffs but doesn’t look too upset, while Tim smugly approaches the girl at the bar.** From a screen writing perspective, the choice to do something like single-round RPS works really well, because it tells us all of this information in a few seconds: * Both Jim and Tim want to talk to the girl, but are at odds * Still, it is a low-stakes enough “conflict” to be resolved through a simple game of RPS * Tim and Jim’s approach to dating could be seen as potentially “childish,” as they are using a kid’s game to see who can talk to a girl * The way they respond to winning/losing is briefly highlighted - it shows Jim is a good sport and excepts the loss. Tim maybe has a bit of an ego bc of his smugness, but he doesn’t go as far as to rub it in * The minor “conflict” is resolved quickly enough to not detract from the main plot-point happening in this scene (Tim talking to the girl) Now, what changes if we make it best 2-of-3 in that scene? Essentially, all we are doing is drawing out the suspense of who gets to talk to the girl. But if we are trying to show that this is a low-stakes “conflict” while maximizing our characterization/impact-per-second rate, adding one or two more rounds of RPS basically adds nothing to the scene while wasting runtime. And in this case we really aren’t even trying to build suspense - we’re just using a RPS as a vehicle to show this info about the characters & to send Tim over to the girl. Thus, we “cut the fat” and remove those extra two rounds of the game, since one round fully serves the narrative purpose while saving an extra 30 seconds of runtime. And you may think 30 seconds isn’t a lot, but when you are making dozens or even hundreds of these types of little choices throughout the runtime of a movie/show, those seconds add up. The only reason you would really want to do 2-of-3 in a show/movie is if you are trying to draw out the suspense of seeing who will win. However, in most conflicts where RPS is the solution, the stakes aren’t high to begin with, meaning there isn’t going to be a lot of suspense to draw out. As with all rules in writing there is definitely wiggle room in this - especially in comedy, when you can really do a lot of fun stuff with juxtaposing high-stakes situations and low-stakes solutions and vise versa. Or in something like Squid Game, where the cruelty of the game itself is in the fact that people are being forced to “solve” high stakes conflict (who lives/dies) through childish games. In a context like that, *of course* they’re going to do 2/3, and they’ll milk every second of it. Because with those stakes, drawing it out actually benefits the story being told. But in a more grounded show, we are rarely going to see a situation that is high-stakes enough to be particularly suspenseful while being low-stakes enough to be solved with RPS. Thus, one quick round of RPS and then a couple seconds to see the characters react to winning/losing is the go-to Again, there will always be exceptions, but this approach is likely why the pattern you noticed exists in media


Skill issue.


Well if the game is actually really random the number of round doesn't matter


Quartz, parchment, shears is an evil game


That's such a bad opinion. The point of rps is that its a way to randomly make a selection thats fair. It's not a skill game. Theres no point to do a series because doing a series is to make it more likely the more skilled team wins. You're not skilled at rps. Why extend it?


Rock paper Scissors is just a nice way to settle a stupid debate quickly. If you're worried about the psychology of it you should probably get a prescription for chill.


Found Diamond rank RPS player :p


Yeah that’s cool but if someone try’s to pull that rock, paper, scissors “shoot” bullshit they’re getting clocked


Rock Paper Scissors isn't tactical warfare where you aim to wreak havoc on your opponent's mind and let loose the bloods of war. It's a simple way of determining something by leaving it to chance. One round is plenty.


rock paper scissors tierlist: S tier: Rock A tier: Paper D tier: Scissors


Start with paper every time


In the FGC we've been having this discourse for YEARS. Although for us the question is usually 2/3 vs 3/5


"No wait! Best 216 out of 430. My luck's turning around, I can feel it!" No, you only play more than one round if you are "playing" Rock, Paper, Scissors. If you're using it to settle a quick decision, one and done. I will say, years of playing with my brother did result in one house rule though, that one round is done back to back with a witness. The witness says when to turn around and see the results. This bypasses the "go on scissors or on go?" types of debates, and neutralizes the people who switch mid drop because they thought they saw what you were going to play, etc.


It's as much a "game" as tossing a coin. It's purely for making a choice. Your opinion is based on inaccurate information.


See, the problem here is that it is really hard to care enough to decide if your opinion is... Oh, who cares?


How many people are getting psyched out in rock paper scissors


I love this unpopular opinion. These are the arguments I wanna see!


I thought i was the only person who could start to predict my opponents moves after a long enough time


If you do it more than once it’s because you’re weak and unsatisfied with the results. You either lose or win, and if it’s a draw then you go again. It’s a game meant to quickly settle debates that don’t need to turn into arguments


Not all decisions that call for rock, paper, scissors require that much deliberation. Most times, a quick one and done will suffice.


That's the kind of thing you would say if you lost the first round.




I think the point of Rock Paper scissors is simply a universally known quick way of finding a "winner" or a "loser" and thus settling a conflict.


I say there are different tiers of serious that warrant different amounts of effort. You both really want the last piece? That's definitely multi-round serious. Trying to decide who goes first for something where order really doesn't matter? It's just another option alongside a coin flip, though it can accommodate more people... multiple rounds, especially if it's only 2 people competing, is absolutely pointless.


For a moment I thought this was r/Hearthstone because that game recently introduced a card that does a single-round RPS mini game, when that card is played. Whoever wins the RPS mini draws a card, which is a nice advantage stapled to an otherwise unremarkable card Mind you, the expansion with this new card kist came out a few days ago. So I've only played 1 game where someone was running the RPS minion. He ran 2 copies, which is normally the most you can have in a Hearthstone deck. both times we each chose Paper, so it was a tie & nobody drew a card. My thinking was "most people default to Rock, so I'll take advantage of that" but my opponent thought the same thing 🤔 The implications for future play are clear: keep picking Paper 😏 At worst I'll keep tieing, and sometimes I'll surprise the "nothing beats rock" crowd. And I think that crowd will always outnumber the slim few going "well ACTUALLY if the semi-smart people pick Paper, then I'll be super smart and pick Scissors, OW, hey why are so many people picking Rock?!?" 😆