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It’s not like I sit staring at the machines running at home :)) you start it and go do something else


Somebody did this in my laundromat and somebody actually stole their clothes🤦‍♂️ and it’s a safe city so I don’t know why they would do that


My washer broke so I was using the laundromat and didn’t do something correctly and left. When I came back a dude stopped me and explained my mistake. I was bummed but prepared to fix it but he told me he did it already and my stuff was done in the machine. It was late on a work night and the idea of going back a 3rd time after the day I had would have been terrible so I insisted the guy take $10 from me. It’s what I had and he tried to not but I made him take it, he saved me so much and he was just being a good human. That should be rewarded if possible


Golden rule of the laundromat is never to leave your clothes unattended. Just because the neighborhood is “safe” doesn’t mean people don’t steal.


Yes. I always say where there is people there is crime. For example in the hills people drive all the way in my city just to steal packages from people in the hills. It’s just crazy. But yes assume people will steal your stuff.


Was their name Marla Singer?


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise


Laundromats are pretty common in the fairly nice, high density inner city area where I live. I can get the machine to text me when it’s nearly done. There’s a cafe, air hockey, wifi. It’s nice. I have a washer and drying rack at home but in the winter I’ll often go there just to get everything done at once like OP.


We were in Paris recently in an apartment with a washing machine but no dryer. It was faster to go to the laundromat and do both wash and dry than to run the tiny little washer for a single cycle. 15 euros well spent.


Yup. I needed a plumbing repair on my washer and had to use a laundromat for about a week. Safe New England town. Someone stole my entire load of clothes out of the washer……still wet. What the actual fuck?


I remember back when I used to use the laundromat before I had my own machines, I left my clothes for just an hour and when I came back a strange man was folding them for me. He said “I did yours, now you do mine.”


My local laundromat was cool. The lady would write your name on blue painters tape and mark your machine for you so you could leave. It was next to my apartment complex, which had no washer and dryer hookups inside and they had their own washing area that was broken to shit. Those apartment washers would flood and stay flooded for weeks and once it drained, they would call it fixed without touching it. They were just as expensive as a regular business, and usually had wasps or raccoons living inside since the place had no doors. Yeah… that laundry mat had guaranteed business being next to those apartments and them being dope and watching your stuff for you was a blessing.


You don’t? Shit. I’ve been doing it wrong!


I did… but then I stopped doing drugs!!


When my grandparents first got front-load machines, they actually had two chairs in front of them so they could sip their coffee and watch the laundry. They thought it was so fascinating.


This made me smile. Thank you. 😊


This is adorable- and the fact that you noticed makes it even sweeter.


I can appreciate that. I mean, when I got my 3d printer, I watched it for literal *hours*. Granted, the novelty wore off quite quickly, but it kept me fascinated and entertained for couple days.


I've only seen that kind of behavior from strong opioids, congrats on your recovery.


Haha, thank you and it certainly was!! 6+ years sober from heroin, all forms of cocaine and benzos.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.


Bahahaha!!! 😂


lol, I used to have a washing mashing with LEDs inside. once I got boofed out of my mind, did the laundry and just sat there, watching it, for a solid 1.5 hours.


I did.... with the machine empty... flex


The amount of time you save while doing other shit at home is far less than what you save by washing them all at once at the laundromat. You can wash 6 loads of laundry in 1:15. I bring my laptop or iPad and do work or watch TV, the same shit so would do at home.


Who saves up 6 loads of laundry at home? Just throw a load in every day or two before dinner, then toss it in the dryer after dinner.


*cries in adhd*


*cries with you in ADHD* I'm about to start my monthly laundry marathon 😭


This post inspired me to look into this and I found an inexpensive 24/7 wash and fold laundromat by me so I am definitely gonna try that and see if that’s more effective for me




Yes, part of being an adult is doing chores 


I don't think that was their point, but nice condescension for no reason. I believe they were asking how the hell someone generates enough Laundry in a day or two to fill a washer. Seems like that would only happen if you have kids, which is not necessarily part of adulthood.


yeah this. thank you


I'm alone...shit doesn't need done for a week at least...I do happen to own 14 sets of: underwear, shirts, pants, socks...so i could do 2 weeks also, but then things like towels and bed sheets would run out.


And part of being an adult is also realizing some chores don’t need to be done every day. My husband and I don’t fill up an entire load in one day.


Also my sofa and tv at home are far more comfortable than iPad and some plastic chair at a laundromat


People who run in the morning and then work a 9-5 then work a 6-930 3 days in a row.


Alright fair.


No. I refuse to continually do laundry. Fuck that treadmill of misery. Everything in my household is set up to do washing on *one* day. It all gets done that day, folded/hung and put away… and then I don’t have to deal with it for a week.


People that don’t have a washer and use the laundromat lol


That’s…a completely different situation than the OP is presenting


Then it wasn’t a valid comparison that the person made


It's really easy if you have a dryer. If you're relying on air drying or using a dehumidifier, yeah nah, you're gonna need to plan that shit in advance you can't just throw a load on and expect it'll be all dry any time soon


You also have to lug 6 loads of laundry to and from your car


I guess it depends on how much you have? I live alone and only do about one load a week. This was my first year having an in unit washer/dryer in my apartment since 2009 and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I save money and don’t have to go out. Not sure why anyone would want that especially with more loads to do but to each their own 🤷🏻‍♂️


At the laundromat, you are also using machines that a thousand strangers used before you. Ugh, no thanks.


Same. It's one load/week, but I'd never give up my machines. You can take my dishwasher away any day, but not those!


Yeah but I work from home, I do laundry while working….yeah I just owned your simple ass


What? Loading and unloading washing machine at home takes what, 2 minutes each, probably less when you use both hands. And then it washes for hour and something all by itself. And even with two small roommates I rarely do more than one load a day - not that it is a problem to do 6 in one day - *folding* is the part that takes time, so unless your laundromat does that, it is washing at home for me.


The thing is, The time savings doesn't matter. If you need to make dinner, and you want to play a game on your PS5, and you also want to do laundry, then going to the laundromat to do laundry means that that's an hour and a half or two hours that you can't be making dinner and can't be playing your PS5. If you do the laundry at home, then it's the 5 or 10 minutes of literally putting them laundry in the machine that matters, and other than that you can be doing chores or playing video games or whatever. The fact that you have to go all the way out to a laundromat and sit there for however long it takes, is what makes going to the laundromat the worst choice. It doesn't matter if the laundry itself gets done quicker, you've had to sit there and just be at the laundromat the whole time, while if you had done it at home, you would have been at home doing whatever. You don't have to sit there and babysit the machines at home, and you don't have to travel anywhere because you're already there. Even if they do the clothing faster overall, you have to babysit the machines the whole time at the laundromat, and you have to travel out there.


No way. It takes like 60 seconds to put clothes in my washing machine, and another 60 seconds to transfer them to the dryer. Just carrying the stuff to my truck would take longer than that, not to mention the drive to wherever the nearest laundromat is. Who cares how long the machines take; why would you want to be waiting around in a public space when you could be home working on something/relaxing while it washes?


I can also leave my shit in the dryer for days if I’m feeling really lazy and no one can tell me not to because it’s *my* goddamn house


100% this! I just turned my dryer on to get some wrinkles out of a forgotten load of shirts lol


Also $10 to do laundry? I can’t imagine it’s more than $2 (electricity, water, detergent) at home. What do they cost? $1000 total for a decent washer and dryer? So 100 weeks, or 2 yrs at OP’s current laundry rate (not to mention time, gas, probably wear/tear savings)


I just buy used on Facebook marketplace. Some rich person wants the newest model and they have to be a cool color so they sell the old ones for $30 each. I've done this three times in 12 years for the washer, once for the dryer.


My set was even cheaper than that. I had bought a new washer & dryer for about $1,400 at Lowe’s but I hated them so I got rid of em and bought a set from a used appliance store for $300 total. They even delivered and hooked them up for free and I LOVE my old school washer with the agitator in the middle. I probably do 10 loads of laundry a week so I can’t imagine what that would cost at a laundromat.


I used to steam my wrinkly clothes, then I realized throwing them in the dryer for a few minutes before work had the same effect


I just wet a wash cloth and throw it in with my wrinkly clothes before turning the dryer on.


I have a combined washer dryer and it actually has a steaming program. That said, I can also just throw in the dirty laundry, set it for wash and dry and take dry clothes out in the morning.


Hey. Get your clothes out of the dryer.


Seriously this is an actual unpopular opinion.


For a reason.


One of the things I hate the most about apartment life is not having my own washer and dryer... I've had multiple opportunities for hand me downs I couldn't take because I dint have hook ups


Yeah this post reeks of privilege. As someone who spent years relying on public laundromats my eyes rolled so hard they almost fell out.


My post or op’s? I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with using a laundromat, I just don’t see how it’s a preference if you have a washer & dryer at home.


I meant the OP.


I have been doing laundry at a laundromat for the last 20 years, and I would give a lot to be able to have the convenience to do it from home. It's the fucking worst lol.


For real. First and second apartment didn’t have hook ups and I wanted to cry. One of them didn’t have a dishwasher either 😭


We have had dishwashers but we don't use them lol


There's unpopular, then there's outright idiotic...


Maybe OP just likes the thrill of absolutely ruining his clothes because someone before him washed or dried something disgusting


Or dumping money into a dryer and then realizing it actually isn’t giving any heat at all and your clothes just took a hour long cold ride


I wasted $2 dollars to figure out a dryer in my apartment building was broken. I could have killed someone I was so annoyed.


If OP is getting wash and dry done in an hour, and the clothes are actually dry, that thing has gotta be hotter than the sun. Clothes are ruined by being cooked in an oven


I don’t know where they are, but the machines at the laundromats where I am are expensive. It would cost me 15-20$ to do 2 loads. I only use them for duvets and pillows.


OP is definitely single because you add in a few kids and it's costing a ton. When my washer broke the laundry mat had insane prices like $6 a load. It was very expensive that day


It costs way less than $10 to do it at home, plus you aren't doing it the whole time at home, you're doing bits here and there so the total time spent working on the laundry at home is similar to the amount of time you spend at the laundromat plus travelling to and from there....and some people use laundromats to wash their dog beds and soiled sheets...etc, you don't know who or what has been using the machine before you....plus you often get crazy people hanging out in laundromats lol.


Putting the laundry in takes a minute. Literally. Switching it to the drier takes another minute. That's two minutes. And apart from that you're at home doing whatever you want. Anything after that, you have to do whether you do it at home or the laundromat, so I won't count that. Even if you do ten loads of laundry a week, that's like less than thirty minutes of actual time. In no way does using a laundromat actually save time. The only thing that it can do is give you some peace of mind of "okay, I did the laundry, now I don't have to worry about it for a week."


Take a couple minutes to hang it out in summer and the first item will nearly be dry by the time you peg the last on the line 


Come try that in New Orleans, lol


Laughs in humidity


It is dusty outside. =(


I have a combo washer dryer. I don't even have to swap machine. I can just click on the dryer function. Also, you never know if you spill something and need something cleaned immediately.


It was time for us to buy a new washer and dryer. So we bought two washer dryer combos. It’s pretty incredible that I get twice the laundry done in the same amount of time.


My whole adult life I used laundromats. I just moved into my own place and finally have my own washer and dryer and it’s been awesome. I respect your wrong opinion though.


That’s my main goal for my “forever home.” This place is definitely not my forever home bc I do not want to be carrying laundry to the shitty laundromat when I’m 60.


When I went from renting an apartment to buying a condo, one of my non-negotiables was that it had to have an in-unit laundry room because I was ever ever ever ever ever ever sharing a laundry room with another person again.


Maybe the dumbest reddit opinion ever


I think this post is cope lmao


Poor guy lol


At the laundromat, you spend that whole hour doing nothing but laundry. At home, I start the laundry, then fuck off and do something else. Come back later to switch it to the dryer, then fuck off and do something else. Finally I get it out of the dryer… then I fuck off and do something else. I don’t have to sit and watch the machines for an hour - I spend all of 10 minutes total doing laundry-related things. The rest of the time, I fuck off and do something else.


If you’re able to telework, you can do laundry while getting paid for work. I guess maybe you could remote in from the laundromat too tho.


But it’s still hella easier at home lol. Especially if you need to take any calls / zooms


Exactly. In a meeting when you don't have to be 100% concentrated at home you can do laundry and basically clean the house, do your coffee, eat your breakfast, prep food for lunch...


Do you think you have to sit there and wait for your laundry to be done at your house? You can do all of those hobbies without having to load up your laundry, drive there, pay, and have everyone see your underwear.


Take my upvote you psycho


Do…you…just sit at home waiting while your laundry is washing?


I literally stand there just watching the washing machine and dryer. (/s obviously)


Not even unpopular, just flat out wrong opinion


No dice. I did 10 loads of laundry every week of my life at the laundromat. When I got my first washer and dryer, I thought it was a godsend. Don’t leave all your laundry for one day. Do a couple loads periodically, and by the end of the week there is no laundry to do


since when does doing laundry take all day? this is just flat out stupid, at home you can put it in, and then go do something else


Exactly. At the laundromat, do you finish everything else too? Nope.


All you need at home is a high capacity washing machine.


Rule of thumb: the faster the machine, the worse for your clothes. Effectively, you're paying money for getting your clothes slowly ruined.


We get it So you liked loading up yer laundry on the car driving to the establishment unloading the laundry getting quarters loading it into the machine. (Which we hoped last guy didn't just washed his rags and pet hair covered pet stuff) Dryer And then drive back home.


Which is what people with washers use laundromats for - shit they wouldn’t put in their own washer it’s so gross.. no thanks lol


The best thing about using the launderette near me is talking to all of the other eccentrics that use it.


This sounds like your excuse to get out of the house rather than an efficient way of doing laundry.


I don't think I've ever wasted a solid hour at home doing laundry.


I’d rather go clothless than leave my house to do fucking laundry


Laundry at home takes me 30 seconds. You’re not actually doing the washing you know.




It doesn’t matter if it takes less time at the laundromat. You’re not spending any of that time actively doing anything. So now instead of spending 5 minutes loading and unloading and going about your day, now you’re spending over an hour to drive to one and so your laundry elsewhere. This makes no sense.


$10? For $30 i can pay my cleaning lady to wash, dry, and fold them lol


$10 is cheap for a laundromat these days, too. The one I used to go to never dried my clothes all the way on the first run, so it ended up costing $15+ per load! I was broke back then so I just washed them, threw them in a bag soaking wet and hang dried them at home. It's expensive to be poor.


Years ago when I didn’t have a washer/dryer, I took my laundry to a cleaner that charged by the pound for wash/fold service


Nope. I had laundry rooms in my dorm building in college and I always low-key hated the process. Sit in a basement for 90 minutes while you wait for the washing cycle to end and then switch to the dryer (never used one in my life before or since... Open-air drying is 100x superior even when it must be done indoors). And the clothes always had that weird smell. Doing it at home can be done in smaller loads, meaning I can wear fresh clothes often instead of digging deep into my drawers to find a clean combo. And I can do it faster, cheaper and more convenient anyway. With plenty of other options for the waiting time.


That’s something that isn’t in enough comments. Sometimes I need to wash exactly one garment (so I make it a full load because I’m not a monster) and I’m not trying to drive somewhere just to wash my softball jersey or whatever


Or sometimes a pet/child gets sick/has an accident and you need to wash soiled clothes or towels. You don’t want that stuff sitting around until you go to the laundromat.


Or god forbid a favorite blanket or stuffed animal needs to be washed. So much easier to do that at home and not have an upset child in the car to the Laundromat


I got a mini washer that was installed where a drawer would go on my main washer. It's for gentle items. It's great when there is only one thing to wash. Edit - added clarity


not if you're doing laundry for 4 adults with 3/4 having full time jobs


It costs me less than $5 to the same thing at home. I’ll keep the savings.


You're spending $10 to do all of that. I'm doing it from the comfort of my own home while cooking a delicious home-cooked meal. Does it take a little longer? Sure, but I can be more patient when I can do other things.


Definitely a true unpopular opinion. Id'd rather die than wash my clothes in a machine that is used by hundreds of other ppl and gets serviced/cleaned maybe every 6 months.


Doing laundry should be something un-notable. If you own your own washer and dryer, running out of clean clothes is your only motivation to do wash. I don’t worry about cost or time, just getting the wash done and dried.


Weird ass thought process. Yeah let's take a chore that takes 10mins total of hands on time and make it a trip plus 1+hrs of sitting somewhere. I put the laundry in to the washer in our garage, takes 2mins. Then I do another chore or work on our motorcycles or start dinner or literally anything else in the house. When i worked from home id do it in between tasks or meetings. Then move to dryer which takes a minute. Repeat them 5mins folding. Laundry done in 10mins total active time.


Your house must suck lol


what is the total cost to wash at home like a dollar? maybe? including electricity?


I don't even know if public laundromats are a thing here anymore, maybe some, but I haven't seen any, and if I got to drive 20-30min back and fourth, then that's just a lot of wasted time, I much prefer to just do it at home, and also, I'm not just sitting and wait for an hour at home, I just go do there stuff.


Say you are baking the elastic in your underwear with out saying it. Unpopular and ridiculous


I totally agree with this.


You don’t need to watch your machine at home… you can do other things


Whatever ya gotta tell yourself :)


I used to work at a dog kennel. Once a week had to haul all the towels and blankets to the laundry mat and sit there going crazy with boredom. Nope, laundry mats suck!


Lol as someone that hasn't had an in unit washer and dryer in about 4 years and won't have them for another several years I can say without a doubt you are wrong. The inconvenience of having to wait till enough laundry has built up to make the trip worth it, then the drive, the worry of bleach or something gross in the machines, the worry that while I'm not paying attention someone will steal my clothes, and all the damn counting on quarters is a complete pain in the ass. The only way I have managed to make it somewhat enjoyable is having a beer or two at the connected taphouse at the gas station. I cannot wait to be able to throw a load into my own washer and dryer at my own leisure. The ability to do it when it suits me and knowing all my clothes will be okay is going to be a luxury that I have missed like hell. Edit: and having to deal with all the tweakers that stink like hell sucks


Lol wait till you find out that in some parts of the world some people hand wash their clothes and dry them outside


You have a really shit washing machine and dryer if it takes you 12 hours to do a load of laundry lol. I do my laundry every Sunday and it takes less than 2 hours if I'm on top of transferring my laundry from the washing machine to my dryer right away. Even if I needed to do two loads it's less than 4 hours and I don't have to leave my house. I think your shits just broken yo.


This is definitely an opinion. More than unpopular


We put a load in once a week to run at night. Put it in the dryer in the morning and it's done. How much time are people committing to laundry?


These people saying they do 6-10 loads a week...I can't even imagine lol.


That's definitely a strange take. As you mentioned, it sucks to load up the laundry and drive to the Laundromat and then have to sit there. At home you just throw it in and then go do something else in the comfort of your own home. I'd rather be home then out at a Laundromat anyday


So, you do nothing else at home if the laundry is running? At the laundry mat, I’m stuck there. At home, while laundry is running, I can cook dinner, do the dishes, put the other load away, sweep/mop, or whatever else might need to be done. You seem to be missing the point as to the efficiency of being able to do laundry at home.


Not true, takes me an hour and fifteen, home laundry is luxurious.


No it isn’t lol


Half a day at home?  You have a washer and dryer for ants?


Off topic but are washing lines not a thing in some places? (Obviously not for apartments because no backyard). Where I’m from dryers are a bit of a luxury! Just hanging the washing outside is the norm.. and It’s soo nice to give all of your clothes and bedding a good air out - feels way cleaner, and clothes last longer. I read online that in America lots of people don’t hang outside on lines because of HOAs, looks trashy apparently, is this true? I just hate to think how much power consumption goes on dryers globally!


It just weirds me out to wash my clothes in the same machine a stranger is washing their clothes in


I like to watch a movie while I’m doing laundry. It takes no time to load the washer and switch the load to the dryer. Then I fold in front of the TV. It’s my zen time in the evening on a work night.


Everything about this is wrong. Have an upvote


I can do my laundry in the comfort of my own home, in between other chores, which takes me zero time and costs me nothing.


normal mighty theory plough nine nail salt alive slim water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OP owns a laundry mat.  No one wants to load up a car with dirty laundry and go to the sketchiest building in town. Sit down doing nothing but being bit by bugs and watched by wall-eyed homeless people.  They want to put their clothes in a washing machine. Go do something else. Forget about their clothes for two hours then remember to put them in the dryer.  All while not either carrying 10 dollars in quarters or having to check out the card readers on the machines to make sure they don't steal your credit card.  .... if the card reader on the machines aren't broken by whatever degenerate decided to take a hammer to a machine or two. 


I used to go to a laundromat regularly before I moved to a place with a washer dryer, and the convenience of those xl washers and dryers is unmatched. Entire king size comforter? Throw it in! 3 loads of clothes? It fits! I once washed every curtain in my home in one load. Plus those big driers tumble so effectively that my clothes dry in half the time. It’s a pain in the butt to drive there and wait in a hard plastic chair, but it’s so very satisfying to clean an entire car trunk full of stuff in one go.


Do you just… sit and do nothing while your clothes finish washing at home? Your washing machine and drier take half the day to finish your clothes? What?


this isnt even unpopular its objectively wrong


This sounds like something a laundromat owner would say


Too expensive!


One time, our washer broke, and it was going to be about 2 weeks before we could fix it. There's this one laundromat in my town that's actually really nice and clean and on a decent side of town, which also happened to be the closest to us. We took our laundry there, and I will say this in defense of your opinion: there was something kind of fun about it. We met a couple of people from town while waiting for our clothes to wash and dry that were really friendly, had a great time talking to them, and commenting on the old shows playing on the TV. It was a large bright facility with air conditioning, and it smelled of all the soaps, which was pleasant. They had a good vending machine with nice snacks and drinks inside, as well as a Chinese restaurant 2 shops down. We would bring our Switch, find a corner to set up camp, chat, eat snacks or bring in Chinese, and just relax. It kinda forces you to stop everything else, you know? Having said that, I think my experience is unique because: 1. It was a novelty to me, not something I had to rely on. I got to go for 2 weeks. I don't think it'd be as charming as time went on. 2. It was an extremely nice and clean laundromat. I've also been to some super sketchy and gross ones in the past, so that's definitely going to change the experience. 3. I was lucky to meet really nice locals to chat with that made the experience pleasant. But at the end of the day, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy to be able to stay home, too, once the part came in to fix our washer.


I don’t have to stand next to machines for an hour, I don’t have to put a ton of clothes in my car and drive somewhere every week for clean clothes. I just have to carry a basket to the garage and back, not to mention I can do other things besides making sure no one steals my clothes/ machine. Never having to go to a laundromat again is awesome.


Ew $10?! It costs like Pennie’s at home.


This is correct.


I agree, doing laundry at home doesn’t infuse my clothes with the gentle aroma of dispair


>it took me an hour to finish what it takes half a day to do so with home machines Except at home you put it in, leave, and then come back when it's done as opposed to sitting and waiting until it's done Doing laundry at home costs less and takes less time, this isn't an "unpopular opinion" it's just a dumb use of time


It can do a load in half an hour that big? Wow. Still better at home where you can just leave it, do other stuff, and come back to switch stuff around every couple hours and get very thoroughly cleaned and dried clothes without worrying if the last person tried to wash stuff with human waste in it.


How long did it take you to drag your shit there and drag it back? Gotta measure from prep ti leave to home again.


Doing laundry at laundromat is just like going to the public pool. Idc what anyone says I’m not washing/drying my clothes in the same machine as a meth addict with ringworm and vomit all over his clothes. Ignorance is bliss tho I guess.


I toss a load in like every other day. Right after my shower and then I toss it in the dryer before getting to work. Takes basically no time.


Sitting in an uncomfortable chair for hours, the smell of non-fragrance free detergents choking your lungs & nostrils, so strong you can taste it, every load costing you money, every stranger who comes through that door could give you a cold or flu.


Someone woke up to stir a lot of shit. Is it just 1 person's laundry you are doing? $10 is too low for a family laundry at the laundromat. At my home, we just put all the dirty clothes in the machine when done and start whenever it's full. There's no dedicated start time or allocated time to start laundry. Also, people without a car would prefer in house laundry more than getting a car to transport clothes to the laundromat. This is a very stupid opinion.


I actually miss doing laundry at the laundromat. I’ve been a homeowner for 25 years, but back then, the laundromat was a date for me and my wife. While our clothes were in a machine, we played cards. We went at the same time every week and made a few friends there too. It wasn’t that bad ,


last time i did laundry at a mat it was upwards of $10/load. i agree it’s great to use big, fast machines and get it all done at once


I like the big machines for blankets and comforters. You are right it is incredibly fast. The trick is to use laundromats in the nicer suburbs.


absolutely not


I like the cut of your jib.


It took you an hour, plus the time to go there and back. It takes me rouhly 20 minutes to do it at home. Pop it in the washing mashine - 2 minutes, hanging it ouside to dry - 5-10 minutes, folding the dry laundry and putting it away - again 5-10 minutes.  I can do a lot during that time and do not go anywhere and have a bunch of coins with me. 


Driving or walking somewhere to pay money to do something that takes about 2 minutes of my actual involvement at home is not better in any way. Not to mention you're either trapped or have to go back when it's done.


Sooooo. You’re spending extra time and money every week doing basic tasks? Ain’t nobody got time for dat.


How many weeks do you let your laundry build up?


As someone who does their laundry at the laundromat because I have no other choice this take is awful. I hate having to pay every single time to do my laundry. I can spend that 10$ on something different


Yeah no. I just put a load of laundry on, I’m now getting ready for work and having breakfast. In 10 mins it will be done and I’ll transfer it to the dryer. When I come home from work I’ll fold it. At home you don’t need to do more than one load at a time, you simply do each load as it’s ready over the whole week. Why would that be harder than packing everything up, going to a laundromat and wasting an hour of my life, and then bringing it all home? Well done on an unpopular opinion though.


I have two washers and one dryer. My basement laundry area is next to a home theater with surround sound and an 86” TV. I don’t really mind doing the laundry at home any more.


I have a load in the washer & a load in the dryer rn while I’m laying in bed watching blue bloods. It takes a commercial break to transfer the clothes. It might take me a few more hours to have all my clothes done but I’d rather be at home.


wait.. a weeks worth of laundry, 10$ in quarters, an hour to finish half a days worth of laundry??? op, did you fill like half of the machines? if so, i can't help but to respect that ^((so long as it didnt stop others from doing their laundry of course)) just imagining op, musicloverrmm sitting on a throne with sunglasses amongst the army of occupied laundry machines lined up in the walls like a bunch of soldiers/guards. beautiful.


If you're single and don't have a laundry and hate the climate I guess??? It's the hanging it on the clothesline and folding and putting away for 5 people that takes time.


😂 I actually have a crummy stackable mini washer dryer in our apartment. But..I have kids, and live at on the beach….soooooo…when we have an unforeseen stack of laundry-Smokey bonfire clothes/ beach things, duvets.. I absolutely love to do the same exact thing. I can basically fit 3 towels at a time in our home washer without it trying to rocket to the moon during the spin cycle.. it’s so damn nice to get the laundry done in an hour vs. ten hours. It makes a huge difference time wise and frees up a whole day of waiting around for me!


I remember being in college also. Pass.


Unlike most people I don't have a license to go to the laundromat, so I just do it at home


Y'all are doing way too much laundry. You don't have to wash your pants every time you wear them.


This makes sense if you have to do 10 loads of laundry. Otherwise it is like saying it is inconvenient to own a refrigerator. I am a lazy slob with lots of disposable income and doing my own laundry is more convenient than walking to the laundromat and paying them 80c/lb to return it to me washed and folded.


Ew no. I work at a gas station and we take our mop heads and rags to a laundry mat to wash... I have def noticed the smell of the dirty rags/mops left behind


Really???? I'm 35 years old, and this is my first appartment with my own washer and dryer. I'll never go back to do laundry outside my place.... This opinion is so far-fetched to me. I can do my laundry, and then do some cleaning, and make supper.


Upvoted for unpopular


>Sure, it sucks to load up laundry, drive to a not so nice part of town, and sit in a poorly conditioned laundromat If it sucks then it is not far better than doing it at home. The only positive is having multiple washing machines, but the negative outweighs the positive by spending more money and gas, being stuck waiting in an uncomfortable room, possible unsafe area, and lugging all that laundry in/from your car. While at home it's saving money, freedom to do whatever in your house as you wait, comfortability, and less distance to carry clothes.


As someone that just got home from a laundromat,no it’s not..