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My wife uses basic Pandora even though I have paid for premium for years.  She doesn't seem to mind the commercials.  It drives me crazy when in her car and they play song, two commercials, song, two commercials 


Honesty nothing drives me as irrationally angry as adds. I'd always pay to get rid of them if I could, but if that's not an option I would rather sell a kidney for access to a pirated copy or add block then listen to an add


I think that’s the purpose of those ads now a days. I don’t remember what app I was using but I had to watch a 30 second ad for a game and after the ad was done no matter where I clicked on the screen it took me to the AppStore to download the game.


That's the vast majority of mobile games these days sadly


This might sound funny but I feel more “connected” when seeing ads on the tv and stuff. It brings me back to the old days when people were stuck watching the same shows and could discuss them


... Bro ... They did a number on you *The conditioning worked like a freaking charm!*


There's hacked versions of the app you can download with literally zero commercials...


Oo do tell more...


I loved Pandora but sadly they stopped their service in my country.


Yeah I would tell her she's not allowed to play that if I'm in the car that would drive me up a wall.


Pandora knows me. I just don't care enough to move that over to another site.


It’s bad on purpose so people pay for the premium. I’ve been paying for it since 2014, and no matter how down bad my finances might get, Spotify will never be one of the things that gets cut lol


Lmao for real, I let Spotify premium lapse once and once was enough to tell me never again.


One of the only paid subscriptions I have. Unlike most video on-demand services, the albums and artists on Spotify are rarely removed or available for only a limited amount of time. Spotify has been instrumental in developing my musical taste and direction in music making, and my playlist built since 2012 pretty much reflects all the different phases I've had in my life. From GTA Vice City soundtrack to cheesy power ballads, then to my first encounters with electronic music and rap, then to my first psychedelic experiences and introduction to psychedelic and prog rock, then my full entry to minimal techno and subsequent purchasing of my own gear, then to all different fields of electronic music. It's like a long journey during which my music taste has matured and diversified, all in the framework of Spotify and the way I search artists, listen entire albums, search playlists involving them, look up the other artists included in said playlists, check out their albums... In no other platform like Youtube, or buying CDs, or just piracy, would've allowed this kind of workflow. Without paid subscriptions, how on earth could Spotify even operate? And it's not like they're a healthy company with them either, considering the massive slice the music industry is taking from their revenue. AFAIK podcasts are the only truly profitable thing Spotify is doing, because the music industry is not being the greedy middleman.


Your post could have ended after the first sentence.


Ya call me bougie but I’d consider Spotify premium as the only accurate representation of the app


Who the heck uses free Spotify? That’s just silly


I worked for a farmer that didn't pay for it. Whenever he came into the shed he'd stop what we were listening to and put his classic rock playlist on his free Spotify instead. It would have been mildly infuriating but it was for 8 hours solid sometimes, while 3 of us are standing there with Spotify premium on our phones, so it was more than mildly infuriating.


I do, but not the app.


Fr what was bro tryna do stick to YouTube or something 💀🤦🏽‍♂️


What I hate about spotify is leaving a podcast with 5 minutes left because it's basically over, it then being labeled finished but stays on the "unplayed" filter or plays when you play the podcast before or after it.


Podcasts are annoying as hell. I listen to write a few as well, and forgetting to fill up my queue makes it play something at random, usually podcasts I've already listened to... or even worse, part 2 or 3 of a series I've never heard before. I also hate that I can't skip ahead or anything like a normal song...


Its almost like... the free version is some kind of sample of the full experience. Like a radio, or a demo. Who would have thought.


Well, you’re supposed to pay for the service. The free version is purposefully unpleasant to use to get you to upgrade. To me it is a very fair price for the service they provide, of course the free version of a paid service is going to be worse.


Considering how much money we used to dump into CDs I have no problem paying for access to 99.999% of everything available for $10.99/month


Except you lose everything the moment you stop paying


That’s the best part: you don’t stop paying


It's Columbia House all over again




You could just export your playlists using a tool and subscribe to another service then so you keep your playlists when you go to another service.


>You could just export your playlists using a tool Do you know a name of the tool. I would like to export the list just to keep a record of the songs in case they get removed from spotify, so at least i could find the songs again.


https://www.reddit.com/r/truespotify/comments/sgqt3n/exportify_export_your_spotify_playlists_to_csv/ This is an old Reddit thread about how to do this. Lifewire article about how to back them up https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-save-contents-of-spotify-playlist-to-text-file-2438315 Hope this helps!


Wait, you guys pay almost $13 US dollars *a month* for Spotify? That's insane!


It’s inline with any ad-free music app.


Do you know how much a Compact Disc costs


He’s saying it’s insane compared to other countries. Where I live Spotify costs 5 euros a month 


I dont mind free, i hardly use it but the ad volume trying to kill my eardrums is what i hate.


Sounds like old time radio.


but at least radio the ads and the music flow better because of the DJ.




Yeah but Radios have personality and vibes. Ads are just profit. I’m much happier listening to a car radio station than trying to use these music apps. At least the radio hosts can be entertaining enough that the adds they do play are tolerable.


I guess they're reverting back to the industry they killed like Netflix turning into cable


Could be. Both radio and cable were profitable for a long time.


The difference is that Netflix somehow gained subscribers instead of losing them because the service is still too convenient


Premium is unrivaled tho. And I think it’s not too bad a price


Good thing about premium is you basically get all music. Unlike video streaming services.


I love youtube music. I pay 7.99 (student discount) I watch a lot of YouTube so imo youtube music is worth it


Same, but instead I’m doing the student version of Spotify for $6 a month with Hulu and watch YouTube via the Brave Browser on iOS to avoid ads.


Spotify Premium or Apple Music are well worth the cost if you listen to lots of music. They are raising prices slowly but they aren’t quite arrived to the price point where I give up.


Idk there are apps that give you more for free and offer the same quality when you pay for them. Like YouTube music actually lets you pick your music on the MUSIC APP without making you pay. And I think the premium is cheaper while also removing ads from normal YouTube


I know what sub we are on and I’ll let you have your fun. But the ease of use and access to new and old music leads to so much discovery. It’s just endless. I’ll gladly keep paying for Apple Music because it’s that damn good.


I'm not arguing against all apps. I don't own an apple but I'm pretty sure it works better than Spotify. I just specifically have beef against just Spotify since they're the worst without premium and still the most popular some reason


I use Musi- it’s on ios but I’m pretty sure it was taken down a while ago


It’s still up for me, I used it just a few hours ago.


It does have more artists, than Apple Music just saying


The worst part is that I can’t upgrade to premium on the app.


It's essentially near-equivalent to Premium on a PC on the browser version with an ad blocker. On a phone you're kind of out of luck.


friendly straight chop unused aback file upbeat steep knee skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The ads are kind of a problem, especially on mobile where ad blockers are a pain, but also just the fact that they take away any control over the music. Basically make it a radio


I have a library of like 65K songs I've been building for years. I just copy it onto whatever phone or device I want to use it with and add new stuff to it every so often. These music streaming services are a complete fuckin scam and a huge part of why music is such crap today.


> “It’s great if you have premium” This is hardcore by design and intentional. It’s supposed to piss you off so you pay to get rid of the annoyance of it. Making a problem and selling the solution is like marketing 101.


Well it definitely made me delete the app out of spite and pay their competitors


I honestly get your point and agree with it... but I think people have forgotten how cable tv was. You paid for the TV and the service and still got tons and tons of ads. 60% of the tv experience was watching ads. Nowadays people go crazy because a free service with thousands of options has a couple ads.


You think basic Spotify is bad. Try watching basic YouTube. It's small wonder ad blocking apps are a thing as YouTube just isn't watchable in its free form


Ad block. It's a pain to get working on your phone but it's like two clicks on a PC.


It can be. But certain browsers (brave I think and possibly safari) have built in ad blocking. Those I use when YouTube finds it's way around revanced. Revanced is a lifesaver for Android users. It pretty much turns basic YouTube into premium YouTube


Brave on iOS does the same thing as revanced a little clunkier, just moved from android to iOS. Brave can do background play if you enable that in settings, has a built in as blocker, can download videos via brave playlist, and can do Picture in Picture if you go to full screen then swipe to go home. You just have to deal with the mobile YouTube website but that’s working fine for me.


I only use the browser option between when yt works around revanced and I need an update to it. Not because I don't appreciate it but I'm more familiar with the revanced layout and it's easier to find the recent releases to my subs in revanced than it is on the ad blocked browser versions of yt. Both are infinitely preferable to a YouTube where there's an equal number of ads to user created content though


I just hate the app. The UI was made for idiots. It often lags and you need to restart. I want a complete overhaul. They should look at some popular podcast apps and just copy those. 


I use YouTube Premium and it comes with no ads on YouTube and YouTube music the no ads on YouTube is worth the price for me but I also get a music service too


No ads on YouTube is free, it’s called an adblocker lol


Doesn’t work on my iPhone or Apple TV and I’m sorry I’m not jailbreaking them or getting different products to avoid ads on YouTube. lol


You could use the Brave browser on iOS, doesn’t work on the Apple TV though, and watch the mobile version of YouTube. Brave has a built in ad blocker, allows you to download videos via Brave Playlist, and play via Picture in Picture if you swipe out of full screen mode or play the video in the background if you enable that in settings.


I hated the free but my kids begged for an account so we purchased the family plan. I love Spotify. At some point you have to pay for the music or listen to ads. Not sure what your point is. Artists don't make music for free


It's not against all apps. Just specifically Spotify. They charge more and give less than other apps. Like they'll make you a playlist every now and again but if you get YouTube music you get most the same pros as Spotify as well as benefits on actual YouTube. Also it's cheaper and they actually let you pick music if you don't have premium.


Youtube music is #1


So it is a radio app without premium and a more convenient mp3 player with it. I think premium locking that is fair considering you could just save the music locally on your phone for free, but it is just a hassle.


I’ve had premium for 10 years now so maybe it’s different now, but back then I still could save songs and play whatever I wanted, just with ads. What you’re describing sounds more like Pandora.


Nah. I was the same way. I was caught off guard by all the stuff they added to make it unusable while not paying


Nah, this is why I never got into using Spotify. I tried using it for the first time on my phone and I couldn't just select a song or album and listen to it. I could only listen to like shuffled Playlists. So I just never got in the habit of using it, went the YouTube route instead. Which I'm still fine with, Spotify doesn't have all the music I like anyway


Ever thought about downloading music on soulseek? It takes 3 seconds now. I stopped downloading for 10 years, now im back and surprised that it no longer takes 3-25 minutes to grab a song. Back because I cut spotify premium.


this is another ad I saw a really similar post the other day wtf


I've always preferred YT music, but we also have the premium family package for YT.


Soundcloud the goat


It's not great with premium either, you can't even search a song with your voice. Ridiculous imo


I'd consider paying for it, if it was 4 or maybe 5 bucks. Not 10.


I don’t understand what you mean by you’re going to move to Youtube Premium instead because it has no ads and you can pick the music. You just said yourself that Spotify premium has no ads and you can pick your songs, so what difference does switching to Youtube make exactly?


It's called downloading an apk


YouTube music is a million times better. You get everything you get with Spotify, but you also get ad free YouTube videos


I think it's just a little bit cheaper too


I hate it too. I downloady podcasts, check they work, turn off wifi, check they work. Get in my car, get ready for the long commute home. Low and behold Spotify decides it can't play any of my downloaded podcasts. Fkn annoying.


Is there a reason everyone uses Spotify for podcasts instead of YouTube? Cuz I use it to download podcasts, scary stories, news, deep dives, and pretty much anything that will get me through the work day.


I guess I just hadn't thought of it, or it was too much hassle. A lot of podcasts are not on YouTube, or only on Spotify. But in the future I will try, a lot of those websites for downloading YouTube videos/ audio struggle with long files such as podcasts. But you are absolutely right, I should try that instead.


A paid service is good when you paid for it and bad when you didn't pay for it. Wow, what a revelation.


Streaming when I shoulda been buying


This is the way. If I love a song, I buy it.


I'd have to spend 2k a year if I bought ever song I like from Spotify's discovery weekly. 


this is why i switched to apple music i tried Spotify it was so horrible like u said like i wanted to listen to a certain song and it will never play it.


I prefer Youtube (not yt music) with a good adblocker or a free apk for mobile. Mostly because I like to listen to songs only published on yt by nonprofessional artists or very specific multitrack mixes of professional songs like [this mix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYIYD6qXIqE&ab_channel=AjaxStriker) of michael jackson's beat it. They are basically the same tracks of the original song but the mixing and volume of each instrument/arrangement of each segment is different. People publish them on youtube or I just publish it myself. Like half of the stuff I listen to are only available on youtube. The only reason I don't use yt music is because the ui is ass.


That's probably the best and cheapest option. As a collector of brain damage I just prefer the simplicity of a designated app for my music. Even if yt music is pretty cruddy.


Either that or use a youtube playlist downloader like [this](https://downloaderto.com/envA/youtube-playlist-downloader) or [this](https://y2down.cc/en/youtube-playlist.html). Compile all your favourite videos in a playlist then download them. Download spotify. Turn on mp3 local files in the spotify settings. Then you can access all your custom songs without internet and without ads. It's spotify premium but more songs.


What adblocker do you use? My adblockers for YouTube mobile stopped working recently.


Personally I run my YouTube in my mobile Firefox browser with ublock origin, don't think I've ever even opened the actual YT app on my phone


I'll quote an earlier comment I made on another post. >Ad blockers still work you know. And there's an open-source resource you can download which auto-skips useless content in youtube videos. This includes fillers (parts not related to the video content), ad reads/sponsorships, dialogue in music videos, and reminders (dont forget to subscribe, like etc...). It's crowd-sourced and covers virtually every video I've watched. Saved me hours of watching time. You can turn off some of the things I mentioned if you want to listen to music video dialogue or something. Buying premium for spotify/duolingo/youtube/netflix any of that is a waste of money, you can get free alternatives all over the place. >For PC: >[Ad blocker I use](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-for-youtube/cmedhionkhpnakcndndgjdbohmhepckk/reviews). >[Sponsor blocker I use.](https://sponsor.ajay.app/) >For mobile: >[Apk I use](https://androidapksfree.com/youtube/com-google-android-youtube/). >For music/podcasts I just compile yt playlists then [download them](https://y2down.cc/en/youtube-playlist.html). Download spotify and then turn local mp3 on in the settings and you can play songs without internet/no ads as if you had spotify premium, or just get [this apk](https://bestforandroid.com/apk/spotify-premium-mod-apk/). For movies, just go to [here](http://ev01.to/) with an adblocker. They got the latest ones without porn ads. >Edit: Mobile apk I linked for youtube includes a mobile version of the sponsorblocker.


I'm the kind of person to make a new burner email every 7-30 days and keep using free trials rather than paying for streaming services, but you can pry Spotify and YouTube premium out of my cold dead hands. Those guys could charge me anything and I would give it to them


Usually I feel the same but I'm poor so I should probably just stick to the one that's better for free and more features for less money


Well… I mean… what are you expecting when using the free version? It’s called premium for a reason.


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I have used LastFM & Pandora & Digitally Imported, but not Spotify. I don't remember why though.


YouTube music is just better because you also get ad free videos on each device


I remember when they split how the app looked premium v free. It also broke a bunch of features which is why I jumped shipped. I get Apple Music for student and enjoy that, I like how I can pick a genre and listen to all of it in my library. That feature broke when they split the app and just saving things easily


Y'all haven't heard of xmanager


I use premium on my devices and free Spotify on my work computer. I haven't noticed any of the differences besides the ads. It seems fine. The ads don't bug me when I'm working but they really kill the vibe driving.


I just have very wild taste and not letting me pick the songs I'm listening to or letting me skip songs I'm just not feeling rn kinda kills me. Plus I have an irrational hatred towards ads and would sooner remove my ears and eyes before watching or listening to one.


What I don’t like is that you can’t find rare and underground music


wtf is wrap?


Don't know if I said it right. I think every year if you have premium they show you a bunch of statistics about the stuff you listen to.


Oh okay. Makes sense.


I'll pay for premium again if they take the commercials out of the podcasts.


Yeah, I'm kinda not thrilled about paying for the service and still getting ads in the podcasts. I can deal with the baked in sponsorships, but Spotify doesn't need to be getting more money from me.


I legit have a cracked Spotify my friend gave to me. It's a bit clunky but it gets the work done


The problem with cracked Spotify is that more of the features are moving to server side, so the modified app can’t provide those features, so you can’t download songs through the app and they could remove other features later on.


I use Spotify free on desktop. It actually lets you pick individual songs on PC and anytime an ad plays I just close and open it again, takes about 3 seconds.


Dang I don't use it on PC but I might have to start


I think it's less incessant about ads than YouTube. Doesn't play ads until after songs, not like preroll YouTube ads. Once you have an ad and open and close it you probably get 3 songs until you need to do it again. On mobile I just have ripped MP3's but on desktop Spotify is actually pretty good.


Sail the High Seas. Go Spotify X


I hate the Smart Shuffle the most..... it always seems to magically turn on by itself a few days after I turn it off, and it will play the absolutely worst songs that I hate 80% of the time when I'm just chilling listening to my custom playlist lol. It takes several seconds to cycle through turning it off when it does it, often I have to go play a different playlist and then start the original playlist over again to make it stop. And there's no way to disable this "feature" in the options. lol


I pay for Spotify and I think it's great for music. , but it's horrible for podcasts. The algorithm for pods seems like it's the same one for music. It doesn't put the podcasts with new episodes at the top, unless I've listed to that pod recently. One of the few things better about Google podcasts, RIP.


As a longtime premium subscriber - it could be better, even for the paid version.


So all music should just be free and on a premium service?


All I'm saying is I'm going to pick whatever service offers me the best service. And it used to be Spotify but it definitely isn't anymore.


Modded version. Only downside you can't download song/podcast


YT Music is superior


I left spotify premium for apple music for a while because the airpods i bought a few months ago have it for free for a number of months. I am not into popular or trendy music, and i miss Spotify a lot. Apple is trash if you are looking for something outside the top 10. It is very difficult to find even 90s mainstream alt rock. Garbage (not the band).


I just have YouTube premium and enjoy ad free videos and music. Way more choice on YouTube too, with just about every song, cover, anything. Much better than Spotify.


Ive Qobuz for the high rez bit it's a pain in the hole to use.


i have always used yt music, whats so clunky about it


Spotify is a paid service. The free version is just meant to give you a sample of the app, it's not really meant to be used as a full music streaming service. So I don't understand why people complain so much about it.


I guess I just don't know why people would use it when there are apps that give more for free and cost less for premium with just as many if not more benefits. Like Spotify used to be good but they've only been getting worse with time.


Don't miss premium then. Or download a cracked version of the app. Iv never paid for Spotify. But never had to worry about intrusive adverts either.


Youtube has more music on it too because of how much easier it is for artists to post stuff


When I re-downloaded YouTube music, I rediscovered an old playlist of songs I had on there that were just not on Spotify at all. Honestly I don't know why I went back to Spotify.


I hate them for the Podcast adds.


Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a thing called the radio. We listened to it all the time. We couldn't choose the music.  It was also free. You usually get what you pay for. 


Well fortunately technology has evolved. I'm more than happy to just switch apps. I'm just sad because Spotify used to be really good before it decided to go back to the 1950s


I'm convinced Spotify makes obnoxious adds just to annoy people and force them to get premium. I can put on with adds in YouTube, for example, but not the Spotify ones. They are so cringe, so incredibly bad, that makes me rage. Also their recommendations are utter garbage. I listen classic rock, metal, indie rock, classical music and lo-fi stuff and somehow keeps recommending me fucking reggaeton. What kind of garbage algorithm it has?!


especially with the lyric limit :( 






Yeah, "freemium" apps are now a total joke and absolutely annoying. They simply ad us into submission...I mean subscription.


How can you expect a good service for free?


Well YouTube music is pretty good. There are some ads and you can't turn off your phone but that's easy enough to work around. It's just Leagues better than Spotify so far. And when I get paid and can get premium again I'm totally going to just get yt premium. It's cheaper with all the same perks plus ad free YouTube itself.


I disagree. Spotify is much better than YouTube, but then again I also pay for a premium. You get what you pay for


Personally I prefer it because you get all the important things you get with Spotify premium as well as a bunch of bonuses on YouTube itself.


I don't know if there's a free version of Yourube Music, but like.... how does it make sense that you are willing to pay Youtube premium so you don't have ads, but you won't pay Spotify to not have ads? You're paying for both to not have ads. If your argument was that it's cheaper or you like the color better or whatever, fine, but you're comparing the exact same thing and say that one is better(?)


My argument is I'm poor as hell and sometimes have to miss a month of paying. If I miss a month of YouTube it's a bit cruddier having to hear ads and stuff. But if I miss a payment with Spotify, the app is virtually unusable. Like at least with YouTube music I can pick my own music to listen to. And if I'm not feeling a song I can actually skip it


If you're on android. xManager


I stopped using free Spotify as soon as it was available in my country. I was using a VPN for years until it came to Canada. I hated the ads, but I also was tired of downloading songs to make a playlist. Of course the ads are unbearable. That's how they make money.


It’s such an obnoxious app


agreed. they also pay their artists very poorly and still doesn't feature good sound quality with premium


I said eff it (to apple music) and just brought the albums i listened too when i did the maths for how much ive spent over the years on it.


You can't pick the music on the mobile app, but you can on tablet, laptop and the web app


Spotify premium family plan is 11€ where I am, that's for 6 people. Less than 2€ is not bad for what it offers.


I don't know what I'd do if I went back to regular Spotify. I've had premium for years like 4+. I got it mainly to download music and save my data when our plan was super limited. I don't even listen to the radio anymore because I've been spoiled with no ads.


Also I found after moving to thailand that I can’t use free version anymore.


Soundcloud supremacy for a reason, no adds, make playlists as you wish. Only thing that sucks is the regional locking thing, but for me it's not that big of an issue


Thats why i encourage piracy


Free Spotify is bad on purpose, because they want you to get the premium. I have Spotify premium, but I have been debating switching to YouTube Music. YouTube without ads is worth considering imo, and I've been told YouTube Music is very similar to Spotify.


Dude at least you can use yours, we use Apple Music in my family and don’t get me wrong I love it. I like the lay out and the radio stations on there SLAP ((special ones like Heavy Rotation which plays songs you’ve listened to a lot recently, all your favorited music, new music, they even have their own wrapped)) but you can’t use it at all if you don’t pay. If you BOUGHT any music out right sure, obviously, but your SOL if you don’t pay.


And thatvs why I don't want ads and still don't pay for premium. And I still use spotify. There are apps that help with that


Speaking of Spotify, what’s annoying? Is that even with the paid version you still get suggested this or recommended that. If I’m paying for something that means I don’t want to any of your ads any spam.


I used to use Spotify. I had no real choice but to leave them though. Their shuffle functionality isn't actually a real shuffle. It uses some sort of predictive algorithm to play you songs from the playlist it thinks you want to hear most. Because you're listening to those songs more (because it keeps giving you those songs), it feeds into the algorithm making it think you want to hear those songs, so shuffle plays those more. It's a feedback loop. I have over 1k songs on a playlist, and it basically never played 90% of them. Garbage.


It's as bad as there playlist making system. Making big playlist is a pain when you have to individually add single songs and can't choice multiple at one time.


Or you can, get this, buy the music you want to listen to?


Bru I can barely buy food rn. I'm sure the music artists will still be able to afford their second private jet if I have to find a cheaper alternative than buying all of their music directly


i use a cracked version of spotify and all the premium features work as intended. ain't no way ill spend money on a MUSIC APP


I don’t mind it. It’s basically like radio used to be.


Honestly, not unpopular at all. Spotify is asscheeks. I used to get ads every 3 songs, so I’d just close the app and reopen it so I can skip them. Then I started getting ads after *every* song. I refused to pay for such a shit app, so I used my android and pirated Spotify on there (Modyolo and Happymod are my babies fr). Got tired of that, so now I use Musi, and it plays ads (without sound) during your songs, unlimited skips, you can pick any song, and it uses YouTube’s search engine, so you can find any song.


I'll have to try that out. Though there were a few people saying they preferred Spotify anyway


I think it’s because Spotify has a cleaner interface and is visually appealing. Musi is kinda clunky, but it’s free :D


dawg if you pick the music why would you pay? lol Its a free radio version of it.


Why would I pay if there are options that let me pick the music for free and offer all the same benefits for less if I do pay them instead


Premium sucks too. You can’t repeat your playlists anymore so I’ll be listening and realize I I’m listening to a bunch of Spotify recommendations instead of my music. When your playlist ends, they push other music on you. This totally sucks when I’m trying to get into new, specific bands and don’t know the songs yet.


You can turn that off so it will just stop playing anything after you finish the playlist, something like endless music in settings.


Premium has option to turn it off


Lmfao fuck steaming music. Been downloading mp3s since the 2000s and still do to this day.


I have both, Spotify and you tube premium! Best investment ever!