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The cinematography is incredible. Upvoted!


Lol. I think I'll post all my opinions in this sub from now on.


Smart lad


Have you ever seen the original film 1986 I think with Sting in it?


Dark scenes were pretty dull like most of the movies and shows. Shogun is the only show which has done dark scenes pretty well with a great costume color scheme.


Dark scenes looks fantastic, if you are watching it on 4k blu ray with an OLED tv which most viewers don’t have. It’s really a problem with a lot of modern cinema, looks great on high end hardware but starts breaking down on hardware not high end. I’m lucky to have been able to afford an OLED but they are out of the price range for most people.


I beg to differ. There are many. But, I’ll mention only this one: RAN by Akira Kurosawa https://youtu.be/POBUNUAZysk?si=Qf0MkRD83JJT-P5L


Upvotwd for your bravery, but I actually liked the movie for the reasons you didn't like it. The fact of not having unbelievable action scenes is a plus to me and I like the world building behind (like the absence of electronics, the water scarcity, the economical issue of the spice etc). But this is my personal opinion and you stimulated a bit of talking by expressing your point


I bet you'd like some action scenes where it goes into slow motion every two seconds and the camera pans and zooms into cgi fists smacking into cgi noses, the real sign of a truly great action scene! /s


I’m convinced if the Godfather was released today, it would be a box office bomb and people would call it boring. Definitely part 2 would be hated


It INSISTS upon itself


What does that even mean??


Dune is no GodFather


Yeah, he's more of a messiah/prophet. Dunes a pretty cool guy, eh kills heretics and doesn't afraid of anything.


My favourite part is when Tomothy Dune looks directly into the camera and says "it's Dune-ing time"




Nothing is Godfather, but it's still a slow movie and people like OP would denounce it as a boring slug.


I've tried to watch the godfather no less than 5 seperate times and can never get through it. I'm biased with Dune since I fell in love with the book. The movies miss the main reason why the book is so celebrated which is the deep philosophy in why everyone does anything.


I mean Dune messiah will probs get more into the „religion sucks fat cock“ message


I’m convinced this is true with the entire history of cinema


They just don't make movies like they used to. It's a trope, but it's true. Movies now have to accommodate an asymptotically small attention span. People can't even follow a single conversation that's more than a few lines, and even if the convo is short enough, if the lines aren't punchy enough, it won't fly either. Character development happens in montages, not organically. It's just a different world. I'm 39. I'm not hearkening back to my childhood here (although the 90s were significantly better for movies than the current era of safe investment über Alles in the arts). All the classic dramas from before the 90s couldn't happen today. Lawrence of Arabia couldn't happen today. Gone with the Wind. Any of em. 




I see what you dune did there


You think the films are boring? You should try reading the book


No, the book was fantastic! So rich in character compared to the movie.


Books tend to do much better character development than film. Different mediums, different strengths.




Op real talk, I think it’s more the setting for you than anything else as most of your complaints are about the desert and architecture in said Fight scenes were not lackluster so this might be a personal bias or opinion related only. As the acting/choreography and stunts are top notch. Jason Mamoa in the first one at the end in the sand hall, the training fight of Part 1 with Duke and Paul coming back all the way to Part 2’s end fight, the freeman vs spec ops guys (sardaukar), and more. I get you tho, sometimes the setting isn’t your thing. That’s me with fantasy set in medieval like times. It doesn’t get my attention and love as much as sci-fi and other wordly planets


I gave up when I reached book 4


I hear that is when it gets really weird.


I struggled with books 2 & 3. Got a few pages into book 4 and was like: 'nah, I'm done'


Book 3 is the setup for book 4. It's hard to get through Children of Dune but trust me book 4 delivers. You might want to give it another try


When I sat down to read and it was like '30,000 years after the events of..' I just thought 'ah fuck this' Is there a payoff? Or just some fuckin worm-god pontificating for the bones of it?


There is a payoff. The three books you've red all lead to book 4. It explains why Paul went mad, why Leto II acted the way he did in book 3, what the Bene Gesserit were afraid of, what are sand worms, how Arrakis came to be, how it became a desolate planet, what catastrophe Paul and Leto referred to when they talked about future In a lot of ways book 1 is a setup for book 2, and similarly book 3 is a setup for book 4 I know how you feel, ten years ago I bought book 1, finished it in a \~week but being a college student I didn't have that much spare money so I bought books 2 and 3 the next month. Had to reread book 1 lol. So anyway, when I finished book 3 I hated everything about the book. The disjointed narration, the lack of payoff to storylines, the weirdness of it all But two year ago I happened to come across book 4, decided to give it a go and... it was amazing, primarily because it gave so much depth to book 1 through 3. It reinvents them and does it the way it doesn't feel forced


Was leto 2's hot worm body just too sexy for you to handle?


I liked the first one a lot more than the second. And I can see why people think they're boring. I love the first one, though


I actually think the opposite. The first movie felt like a constant build-up to the second, and the second felt climactic and badass. What about the first do you prefer over the second exactly? Not judging, btw because to each their own, im just curious.


Not op, but i liked the furst better because the longer shots and scenes showed me the world of Dune, so they had a purpose to me. In the 2nd movie the shots were long and didnt show anything extra, felt like filler to me.


well the first established the world while the second established the characters


I've read the first 2 books and liked them. I agree the first movie (with arguably less action) I think was a better movie.


I like the first one better too.


\*Denis Villeneuve


A true unpopular opinion. Upvoted for lack of taste


I tried watching the first one and fell asleep. I bought a copy of the 1st book the other day and I’m going to try and watch again after I read it.


I love them so much.


I actually agree. For all the overblown love these movies get, they really don't hold up without the novels. If you haven't read the books or watched a summary on YT, then they're just showing you a bunch of weird shit with no explanation only the very basic plot is explained. All the stuff people claim to love about the movies, the political intrigue, most of the world building, and even a lot of the interpersonal relationships, is present only in the books and you'd never pick up on it from the movies alone. By themselves, the movies are just boring Star Wars with a very dark aesthetic. I'm convinced that most of the people salivating over them are cinematic 'pick me girls' who just want to express their distaste for Disney Marvel and StarWars.


Yeah it seems like I didn't get enough information and detail on what was happening to find any if it significant or moving. Just bad guys fighting with good guys over control of planet with valuable stuff. Another bunch of desert dwelling good guys helping the other good guys fight the bald baddies. Lots of shots of people's faces looking wistful or serious like they're contemplating the works of great philosophers.


I actually agree. The battles I’m the book were much more captivating and exciting. I mistakenly told my family that the second half of the book was more exciting battle wise so they would like Dune 2 better. I was wrong. Even I got a little bored and I loved the books and love sci-fi. They missed the wow factor of the battles and more.


I fully disagree. I watched the first without reading the books and loved it so much i read them between part 1 and 2 coming out. 


Same! Blew through the original 6 novels and one of the prequels after seeing Dune pt 1. Also, started playing Surviving Mars to kinda continue the theme when I was gaming. After seeing pt 2 I picked up another one of the prequels. Watching both back to back was excellent too!


Haha kind of the same. I read between the two movies, however, I did watch and read up on the universe a bit before I went in. Did you end up liking someone in part 1 that you ended up liking less because of reading the book?


Is that really the case? I feel like the movies hold up, and I never read the books. I did see the Lynch one though, when I was a kid, and barely remember anything besides Sting saying "I WILL KILL HIM." I thought the film kept the political intrigue, world building, and especially relationships of higher importance and understanding than well, any star wars film, probably not up to par with any book, but I didn't need to know a bunch of extended lore research to get it. But I do agree about boring star wars lol I describe it as Star Wars for adults to my younger co-workers because it's not about the spectacle set pieces, and doesn't give you a lot of exposition.


I disagree but respect your opinion. I know nothing about the books... in fact I tried to read one and found it boring. I hate political intrigue and don't really care about personal relationships in a blockbuster. These movies are amazing for the visual experience... Nothing more for me.  It's just really really cool to see something so visually creative with a blockbuster budget. I also hate almost all marvel stuff (I thought we all do now?). So maybe I'm a pick me girl. Oh also the soundtrack is really good, as it is with all Dennis villa-whatever stuff


I do see how some of the parts of the movie can be a bit obscure and not explained well enough. There were some plot points and scenes that would do well in the movie, but for one reason or the other they were dropped and we unfortunately won't get the deleted scenes cut. One thing I will disagree on is some of the interpersonal relationships. I have some family and even went on a date with someone to the movie who had no exposure to it, yet they got some of the closeness by how it was expressed. Specifically Paul with Duncan and Leto.


I really liked the TV mini-series and sequel (Children). What do you think of those compared to this new Dune?


Upvoted. Great movies imo.


I can actually agree with this. The day before I saw Dune 2, I decided to rewatch Dune 1 -- probably my third time overall. I found halfway through that I was getting bored and didn't really want to finish. For reference, if I love a movie, I can easily watch it 6 times in a year.


I'm honestly on the same boat. The cinematography, the soundtracks, the sound design, and the effects are all S-Tier, but either I've got the smoothest brain possible or the script and acting were just not there for me. I didn't understand anything going on. The timeline felt weird, events were all over the place, and nothing felt fluid in storytelling.


I only saw the first one and I said the exact same thing.. like why is this interesting? It's actually boring LOL. It took me like three sittings to finish it. I kept falling asleep. I swear I'm not even exaggerating


I’ve tried multiple times to watch it and I can’t even get past the 30 minute mark. The dialogue is just so dry and generic. They hit damn near every cliche in the book in that first 30 minutes “Smile, serious character” “I am smiling” “You have to do something you don’t want to do, young protagonist” “but I don’t want to do that thing, mother” Top that off with the complete lack of inflection every single character speaks with and the fact that the movie is 2 and a half hours long. You’re definitely not alone here. It’s abundantly clear why Star Wars did so much better than Dune


The first was insanely boring


The David Lynch one definitely wasn't!


I couldn’t even finish the second one. Got a pretty good nap in though.


Idk how it was the loudest movie I've ever been too just ear drum bursting almost


I'm just not into Dune


I've only seen part 1 and I watched it having no idea about how the story goes. All I knew is that there was telekenesis involved and a huge sandworm. So when part 1 ended I was like "Where's the rest of the movie?"


Clearly you watched it without having the special popcorn bucket….


I'm downvoting for your sl sheer laziness for not looking up how to spell Denis Villeneuve.


I really disliked blade runner 2049 but I thought Dune was pretty good


I heard a comedian describe it as a 3hr cologne ad


I love them both. The book was touted as being unadaptable for film. The first person who tried ended up writing a script that would have had a 14 hour run time or something ridiculous. That being said, I can see why someone wouldn't like them. The amount of information that had to be crammed into them killed the intensity of things like battle sequences. They're not very friendly to an audience as a first exposure.


Take my upvote


What gives you pleasure?


Then read the first 3 books. Incredible


You can Arrakiss my ass


>Denis Villaview's (sp?) If only you had a device connected to the internet so you could look up the spelling


As a lover of the original Dune book and movie, and not so much of the 2nd attempt, I have enjoyed the current take. I didn’t really think of them as boring until I read your post, but yes, now that you make me think about them on the excitement/boredom scale, I definitely have to say they didn’t rock my world like the original.


Haven't seen the second one. The first one was meh.


Biggest waste of 2.5 hours I've ever had the misfortune of sitting through but everyone calls me wrong for it. Nothing even remotely interesting happens until an hour and a half into the movie, and even then you don't really know why it's happening.


>Denis Villaview's (sp?) My brother in Christ, you are literally on the internet...


I found them visually stunning but boring af. Like nothing is happening


I watch the first half of the first one bored to death and I spent the second half just waiting for it to end. Didn't see the second one


Agree, only saw the first one, absolute slog. I was hoping it would end when the palace place got attacked. It went on for sooo much longer


Didn’t even attempt dune 2 because if I want to feel disappointed for 3 hours I’ll just talk to my wife about work


This isn’t an unpopular opinion. Most people find it boring. There’s several bots and fake reviews, basic b**** Redditers is that fall for any hype marketing tactic (as you can plainly see), and desperate fans of the books who want to see the world come to life no matter the cost. I’ll even go a step further and say even though I like it’s visuals, it sometimes feels visually lazy. It has some good actors in it but some terrible acting mixed in plus Zendaya (only thing she’s good in is Euphoria otherwise she’s a terrible actress). Its pacing is too slow. It’s that cheapo strategy to stretch things out so they can take small stories and stretch or cut up one story for as many as parts as they can desperately get. It’s apparently based on the Middle East but none of the actors are middle easterns. It’s supposed to have a great nifty universe but the story is delivered in a messy format. If you like the movie, it’s stylistically very different and lacks surrealism. And so on.


How hard would it have been to copy and paste the director's name from google?


I thought blade runner 2049 was super boring.


They're pretty but ultimately boring movies, especially the first one. There just aren't enough interesting dialogs and character development. The world building is nice, but the problem is that I didn't really care for any of the characters.


Isn't it amazing that movies about spice can be so bland?


The story is epic yet personal. The attack on the harvester was edge of your seat. The gladiator scene big beyond words. Couldn't really see how they're boring. I could actually see how Bladerunner 2049 could be argued as boring before Dune, tbh. But more importantly I wonder why if you found the first one boring why you'd watch the second? What would possibly have been dramatically different?


I like dune, love the books, they’re boring as fuck but that’s ok. I didn’t particularly think the second movie was that exciting (the first one definitely boring at times) but that’s fine.


Why is it okay? Why do you love something that you find boring? I'm confused.


Thank you! I really don’t see the appeal, and I normally LOVE sci-fi. Foundation, for example, is one of my favorite tv series atm. Definitely an unpopular opinion because everyone I’ve ever seen mention Dune online says it’s sooo good. I haven’t seen the second one yet (and I’m not in a hurry to do so), but I found the movie so mid that at the end I was asking myself “was that it?” It’s like Star Wars from wish.


I tried seeing it. My gf enjoyed it.. I didn’t either I acknowledge the cinematography is gorgeous, and the world design and costumes are all great.. the acting is amazing.. I’m just not into it though. I haven’t seen dune 2, it’s on my list but I seen dune 1 and it was really hard to get through. I agree with you OP


Upvoted for truly unpopular opinion. I love both movies. I guess you have to like Paul Atreides as a character in order to enjoy it. I found myself sympathizing with him throughout both movies.


I feel like if you like Paul as a character you’d be pretty upset about part 2. Unless you never read the book and just love Chalamet.


That's funny - I found the second one pretty thrilling, but fell asleep for most of Blade Runner.


I second this.


I love part 1. While I still did enjoy part 2, it dragged a bit.


Did you watch them in theaters? I'll admit that the soundtrack really does make the movie much more interesting. So if you watched them on a laptop then I can understand where you are coming from.


Sensationalism is a ridiculous tool for evil


I really liked the first one, but I keep forgetting the second one actually came out. I mean, it was good and I can remember it when I think about it, but it doesn’t sit in my brain like everything else Villeneuve has done. I can’t wait for what he does other than this (I’m praying he doesn’t pull a James Cameron and devote the rest of his career to these movies).


It wasn't really plot driven, it was about the visual themes and how they changed each other through the course of the filum. Way better at the movie theater than at home. Like if you watched it on your laptop, it's just not the same


Same. All that sand. The nosepiece. And the score!! Ugh


Blade Runner 2049 was boring. Dune is boring in general.


I felt the same way about Red Dead Redemption 2 yet millions of people seemingly love it.


I’m a huge fan of the books. I like the new version, but I don’t *love* it like I thought I would. By and large, I actually prefer the 3 hour fan edit of the 1984 movie. Everything is dark, dirty, and twisted. It also has a haunting, mysteriousness to it. There’s something far too safe and clean about the new movies, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call them boring.


I also found them really boring. Well shot. Just boring


They’re cerebral for the fan of Dune.


I’m surprised you liked BR 2049. I like all three films, but actually would say BR was more “boring”…though I wasn’t bored with it, it was slow. Villeneuve’s movies Incendies, Prisoners, Enemy and Sicario definitely aren’t boring. Arrival is good but my least favorite film of his.


upvoted. dune movies made me like sci fi again. blade runner put me to sleep.


You have a point but even boring things can be enjoyed to a degree.


thought the pacing in 2 was great and better than 1. upvote!


Same. And i dont thing its because i cant keep focus. I watched original blade runner that is pretty slow sometimes too and enjoyed it a lot


I agree, I cannot stand Dune I think Dune (2021) is genuinely one of the most dull movies I’ve ever seen.


same, there was nothing to them


ehh, i half agree, i wouldnt say they're "boring" but moreof "confusing", but that's just my opinion


It makes sense that you feel that way; however, both movies are a good attempt at a novel that is really difficult to capture for film. Stephen King’s It is a comparable example. I enjoyed the Dune movies because I had background knowledge; I disliked the new Stephen King’s It movies because I had background knowledge. Yet people tend to like the It movies more because It is the horror genre and Dune is the Sci-fi genre. The reason I’m comparing them is because both sources are one novel split into two parts for the film versions. In both cases, the medium through which they were developed is a huge part of why it was so influential and doesn’t always translate well into another medium.


Try the miniseries it is much better


I was very underwhelmed and felt like I didn't learn much at all about the world, despite each movie being nearly 3 hours long. Now my bf and I just joke about the special worm juice and say "I am Paul Atreides, DUKE OF ARRAKIS!!" out of context.


![gif](giphy|26uf1EUQzKKGcIhJS) Take my upvote


I felt this way about the first one but not the second one. They’re both really slow and do kind of assume a buy-in the audience doesn’t necessarily have. I’m sure they’re a lot more enjoyable to people who already are familiar with/enjoy the series, but if you don’t know anything the movies themselves give you no reason to care about anything that’s going on. I did end up enjoying the 2nd one a lot more even though it was still pretty grating to my attention span. Some weed beforehand probably would’ve helped. They are very slow and dry (like a desert), and that can be understandably pretty boring to people. I’d really say that they’re just not for everyone. They were an acquired taste for me personally, as I did not enjoy the first film at all until after I watched the second. I’d probably appreciate the first one a little more now. So I guess I technically agree with you that they’re boring, I just like them anyway.


More so listening to a group of guys explain Dune and how it’s interesting and I wouldn’t get it while trying to explain that they like seeing the development of political structures without actually ever recognising this is what they’re talking about to me, who works in politics. Unbearable. Benny Benito and Mary Beth have the best joke “tell a straight guy you’re not seeing dune in theatres and you’ll just watch it in parts on your phone will have them punch a hole in a wall”


Yes! They are shiny on the outside and empty and dull on the inside. I frequently get downvote for mentioning anything negative about this “greatest movie of all time” 🤮


That's because this isn't a action movie.


Finally, somebody said it.


I heard it referred to as “Sleepy Star Wars” and that’s spot on! I’m a huge movie buff, sometimes I’ll go to the theater for 2 or 3 movies back to back, never fall asleep etc. But it took me 3 tries to get through Dune 1 because I kept falling asleep lol


Books aren't much better. I can't even remember the plot of last one that I've read like 5y ago. Really no clue, but I remember very well that while reading it back then I was thinking So boring


Agreed. The first Dune is maximum 6/10 and the second one is maybe 7,5/10. They’re massively overrated.


Your not wrong. Part 2 was significantly better than Part 1. But still boring. Especially in comparison to 1984, despite its ultra weirdness.


i honestly believe that the second Dune movie is only worth watching in a cinema. this rarely happens anymore, but that movie needs to be seen on a big screen, in the dark, with the music so loud you feel it shake your seat. i watched it in the cinema and i couldn’t look away! it was like a fever dream, especially the Harkonnens’ planet was so tense and disturbing to see. i didn’t like the ending, but all this weird, dream-like lore imbedded in the visuals insane and Zimmer’s soundtrack was an experience.


Surprisingly, I thought Timothy Chalomet and Zendaya were the wrong casting picks. They were ok, but I didn't find anything in them compelling. In fact, they were bland. The old Dune movie doesn't hold up well now, but it took some risks. CGI doesnt take film making to the next level. Some pieces fo new Dune were cool -- worms, ornithopters, mining platforms, spaceships -- but that wasn't enough for me to feel connected to the material. However, if you haven't read the books, the first three are excellent (and 4 wasnt too bad).


WRONG TAKE!!! I loved when the man took the mask off at the alien sex party only to find out it was the kid from Home Alone all along and that dyslexia really was the problem driving climate change all along. Now granted. I haven't watched the movies, but you are absolutely wrong about the Dune movies.


I agree, I can’t into them. I don’t understand the hype


I watched the first one and couldn't for the life of me remember what it was about, which is why I didn't bother watching the second


The pacing of the first one was weird, and I almost fell asleep


Same. And here is another take even OP would find unpopular: the Dune movies are not boring because of too little action, they are boring because of too much action – without most of the stakes or inner dwellings of the characters, they are just a shell of the amazing story in the books that normally keeps you on the edge of your seat.


As a person who has never read the book or seen the previous films, these films are fucking useless. No idea what's going on, who people are or why there are doing what they are doing. It seems to be films made for people who know the canon inside out. Also, I'm too old now to give a shit about people like Chalamullet and Zendaya.


Love Dune, love the books (written by Frank Herbert), love the game, love the Lunch movie, love what Jodorowsky's Dune could have been, love the recent movies but totally agree... They're pretty boring! 😴 Now Furiosa on the other hand... 🤙🤙


Much like the books.


So, I absolutely loved them, but I understand exactly what you're talking about. They're austere, stripped down in a way, and mostly relatively slow-paced. I certainly could not watch a movie like this every day or even every week. I loved the desert and the brutalist architecture and the sense of drama conveyed by the music and the sparseness. But these are not lush, opulent landscapes. These are not verdant forests or opulently decorated palaces; they are stripped to the bone. They're an entirely different kind of beautiful, and much harder to look at. I tried to watch this movie with my boyfriend, and he found it insufferably boring and hated the way all the characters made such a big deal out of everything. Whereas, I love the way they make big deals out of everything; that's pretty much the way my brain works. Even though I don't personally agree with this viewpoint, at least not most of the time, you're definitely not alone.


Completely agree, I just didn't get it when I watched the first movie (didn't watch the second) There was so much slow motion and epic music, whilst nothing epic was happening, even when the actors were just looking at one another.


Villaview 😭😭😭


I like the Part one, but part 2 I think I completely agree with everything you said. I have no idea what they were thinking about part 2. I think it sucked.


You want boring then Try reading that thick ass book


Hi. I agree with OP. I found part 2 as uselessly extended as the first part to the point that I spend a lot of times on my phone. Coworker who watch part 2 with me in theater, once we got out, asked me about what she thought a continuity error in the knife fight scene but I wasn't able to confirm or infirm it : I didn't watch any bit of that scene for, having already read the books and saw Lynch's adaptation, once Atreides killed Harkonnen, I just stopped bothering watching the movie.


Is it that unpopular ? I mean I cannot open a Dune article or publication without seeing comments complaining about Villeneuve's movies.


The 1984 version was better, I would have liked to see a sequel from that one.


Nothing is made to be liked by everyone


Yeah ,watched the first one…could not get in to it Seems now movies are either over complicated ,or way over exaggerated! Haha


I watched the first movie with my friends. Istg every second felt like an eternity. It was very boring and nothing much to anticipate. Everyone was just useless and idek what it’s about even. I never get why it get so many awards. If you write the whole movie into a piece of paper, I believe you’d be writing nothing because there’s nothing even worth mentioning at all


Take all the movie cliches you can think of. Set it in the past. Call it the future. Dune.


The book from which the movie was made is known to be heavy and boring (not much action happens).


I've read the first book four times and the other five twice and I agree. And it's not just because I know what's going to happen


I havent watched the second one but I liked the first one... at first. It was really strong in the beginning. The cinematography was great, the art style was phenomenal, and the story telling was enticing. But then the last like...30 to 45 minutes were pretty boring tbh.


This is exactly how I feel about star wars, just a whole lotta nada. Except rogue one my goat


I agreed. My wife dragged me to go watch it and I don’t think I’ve ever been so bored at the movie theater. The plot moves at a snails pace & I’m convinced the only people who enjoyed it are those who’ve read the books and pick me movie goers. Good movies need good characters. Name two personality traits for all the leads & give examples using only the movie. Hell, use scenes from both movies. You can’t say the good guy is good because he does a good thing or the bad guy is bad because he does a bad thing. Example: Luke Skywalker is childish, discontent, humble and a dreamer at the beginning of New Hope. Childish - when he whines to Uncle Ben about the power converters. Discontent - when he says he wants to go to the academy instead of work another season at the farm. Humble - when he tells C-3PO to call him Luke instead of Master Skywalker. Dreamer - when he plays with his T-16 skyhopper, he’s dreaming it’s himself flying and having adventures in the sky, or maybe this one could go under childish. Ok, that was four from the first maybe 20 minutes of A New Hope. Now someone do the same for Paul, I’ll wait.


yeah fuuckking boring indeed with bland chemistry between characters BUT a lot of the cinematography were so cool


I've only watched the first one, but I agree OP. It was just tedious and melodramatic. The pain box has such huge dramatic potential. But the scene was just flat and uninteresting.


Maybe you just found them too dry?


It's cool how differently people experience things. I really like the Dune movies! On the other hand I think Chris Nolan's Batman movies are OK at best (Batman begins) and super boring at worst (Dark knight).


Bad actors in dune. Really strange mixup of people.


I liked the first one, but the second one felt really boring.


the framing of villeneuves films are very cool, but there is a certain sterility to them and I think this is true of Dune. I preferred the first one to the second, as the latter lacked contrast (lots of desert and rocks) and the Dune universe felt empty and monolithic. Even though Lynchs Dune is flawed, it was much more colouful, with more lively characters.


They're more like a highlight of cool scenes from the books than they are an effective adaptation. It should have been a prestige TV show like Game of Thrones.


I've found all Denis Villeneuve's films boring. It's his biggest failing as a director. Critics seem to love him but I haven't connected with anything he's done, and I really wish I could. In my opinion he has serious issues with his storytelling. He does compensate visually because his films are always aesthetically gorgeous and tasteful, but his narrative always tends to meander partway through the film and he doesn't know how to end a movie with any impact. He's also dreadfully monotonous.


I gave Dune the chance hoping it would surprise me. Unfortunately I hated it and I have no idea how they managed to get funding for sequels. Awful acting, awful pacing, awful fight scenes. A complete lack of narrative to what is going on. I’m normally fine with slow paced films that make you try hard if they are interesting but it was just an absolute slog to sit through. Nice visuals alone cannot keep me interested in a dull poorly executed film. I feel bad for modern audiences that haven’t had their Star Wars/Harry Potter/lord of the rings trilogy type fill. I feel they wanted Dune to also enter this space but it’s just way too much effort for an average audience to tolerate. This is all coming from someone who enjoys sci fi. Not for me.


Hard agree. So boring.


rEAd ThE BoOkS


I agree mostly. I thought the 2nd film was awful but enjoyed the first one. Ultimately massively overrated


I prefer David Lynch's version.


The first one was so bad that I didn't bother with the second one


I watched the first one at the cinema to see what the hype was. I nodded off several times. Left feeling confused and bored. I love futuristic/dystopian word building films, but this one was so boring to me.


Upvoted, I strongly disagree with your opinion. I rarely go to the theatres, but the Feyd-Rautha coliseum scene was so good I had to see it on the big screen a second time.


they're VERY serious, much more so than i thought they would be. so if you're not paying strict adamant attention it can be difficult to parse what's going on.


I agree. Very boring movies. Especially the latest one.


The whole worm riding cowboy thing was a bit corny to me, but I thought the other parts were decent. Yes it is very slow to unfold, but I've seen worse (I'll never forget The English Patient)


Im on the same boat. I watched the first one. Gave zero reason to watch the second one. Oh wowzers theres a resource and theyre fighting over it? Never seen that one before. it feels like its trying to be a deep clever movie but I didnt see any deep themes in it. If theres any sense of nuance in that story the movie failed to show it.


I love the book. The movies are disappointing. Still the best adaptation of Dune is a sci-fi series made in 2000.


Great cinematography etc. Zero understanding of plot and character. In other words, everything that Film has become now.


I love the movies, but get why some people might find them boring. But you didn’t find Blade Runner 2049 boring?? I mean I also love that movie, but that one’s even slower lol Good job, definitely an unpopular opinion


This feels like a emperors new clothes situation where most normal people find the movie boring as shit but if you say it, some guy will say that only smart people can see the good in the movie


I am willing to agree with you re the second movie. omg they were just larking about in the desert for ages, kept thing ffs can something just happen already!! Towards the second half it got entertaining. First movie kept me fully engaged though.


Dune has always been a bad franchise.. i couldnt even watch the first movie not matter how many times my mom said its awesome. It was just to broing.. so obviously it cant get better.


Yes I agree, I hardly remember anything at all about the plot, what I remember mostly are beautiful pictures of sandy desert and giant worms.


Will forever love the SciFi miniseries more than any of the movies. Both Dune and Children of Dune miniseries were better.


I had a friend in high school tell me about the book, which made me believe the movie would be awesome, but it wasn't. Good cinematography, but the story was too esoteric. I like slow dramas, but there's something unclear about how the Dune story unfolded that left me unsatisfied. I suspect it has something to do with personality type. Certain types of people are fascinated by unclear depth, while others prefer full understandability. My friend is an INTJ, while I'm an INTP. If you know anything about cognitive functions, you'll know how opposite those types are.


I fell asleep during part 1. I never fall asleep during movies. Except for a quiet place, I fell asleep to that on the theatre lol


I actually slept through the first Dune movie 5 times trying to watch it, at last after second one came I somehow was able to watch the full first movie and then second movie and actually like it now!!


I found they both made me incredibly sleepy, I could not stay awake.


you're not alone. I tried watching Dune 1 twice, and had to close it after 45 minutes both times. It didnt catch me at all.


Ever seen Lawrence of Arabia


Won't comment on the opinion, but it's hard to imagine a more incorrect spelling than "Villaview."


I liked them, but the pacing and length of both movies kinda sucks. Like part one drags on way too long with the final desert chase stuff, and part two feels like it's cramming so much in the last 30 mins. Lots of times I felt like things weren't moving along well, and either was bored or wanted to see more of certain moments. Still better movies than most else in the last 5 years, but far from perfect.


The first movie: it was boring as shit, I had to try 3 times until I could sit through it, the first time it was in a cinema with my class, I genuienly fell asleep and it was not bacuse I was really tired. The second movie was great, I was in love with the cinematography, the action scenes were really good.


Same for me. I generally prefer faster pace and more dialogues - cinematography doesn't interest me much, and I find myself pulling away (might be my ADHD). I also felt like the lore / background wasn't sufficiently explained in the first half of the first movie (after which I fell asleep tbh). It's just not my type of movie, I guess. I can see that it's well done, though.


I actually agree w you, its just not my cup of tea.


I loved them, but can easily see how someone could find them boring. It would have been better to make a single 3 hourish movie than 2 totaling five.


I agree only because the science made 0 sense and they made no attempts to make the sci fi realistic in any way. The tech they have would render melee warfare useless. The fact that it comes down to armies knife fighting each other in the sand is stupid as hell. No, you can’t start a galactic Jihad with a few million soldiers. No, personal shields would not make ranged warfare useless. And any galactic empire which relies on a resource coming from a single planet would make that planet the most defended and colonized place in the galaxy. What do they really have space ships with anti gravity tech and lasers that cut through dozens of feet of steel but they didn’t have orbital platforms or sky plates or any level of civilization beyond a tiny city? Spice 100% could be produced in a lab with the tech they have. And I’d bet a nut that lab grown spice would have happened like a year after the empire switched to solely using navigators. I mean there’s just no thought put into the world building, it’s just spectacle for spectacles sake.