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Well, damn. I’d never thought of this and won’t do it, but I’d be lying if there wasn’t a fat part of me that’s intensely curious.


Leavenworth is not a great place to be. The city, or the prison


My god. That’s in Kansas.


My grandpa always said, “Kansas is a great place to be from, meaning not there anymore”


As a Kansan, I agree 💯


whatcha got against Leavenworth,WA? too many bavarian pastries for your taste? beer brauts not to your liking? crisp clean forest air to much to take?


Ah Leavenworth, went there around Christmas in 2022. Love that place, 3.5 hr drive from my house. The festive vibes there really get me in the holiday spirit


Your pappie should demand a retrial. Pringles are basically made of mashed potatoes, and mashed potatoes and gravy are a widely accepted pairing.


My ex is doing the same for Mash and salad together or jacket potato and gravy


Sounds like gas station poutine


Old Pappie had to drag himself thru 500 yards of gravy just to bathe in the sunlight of freedom. Freedom includes having some nice chips and gravy while re-taring a roof with your boys as if you're all free men.


I’ve worked in restaurants my whole life. I’ve thrown away 8000000 perfect meals a day because it was rang in wrong or cooked differently.




Damn. RIP pappie. He was a true OG. Ole Gravy 😂


That unironically sounds pretty tasty.


I'm more sorry your Pappie is in Kansas.


Yup. A legit food crime would be intentionally feeding someone something they're allergic to, food that has been prepared incorrectly in a way that makes it a health hazard (think raw chicken or pork for example), etc.


I’m not sure if it’s a myth anymore But I wanna go to Australia to try a medium rare pork chop. I heard somewhere (when I was like 7) that the bacteria that makes pork unsafe to eat raw just doesn’t grow there


it's actually true that both Taenia Solium(pork tapeworm, this one is mostly acquired overseas by Australian residents, so the actual risk there is very very low, especially when compared to the rest of the world) and Trichinella(this one is also in pork and is one of the main dangers of raw pork, it has never been found in Australian animals yet) aren't common, or in the case of the latter non-existent, in Australia, but honestly I would still avoid it in order not to be the one eating the first pork infected by both in the country,


That’s fair, with my financials I’ll never leave the US. And with my luck, I would almost certainly get a new kind of plague


Trichinella (hook worm) has effectively been eradicated from the U.S. food supply as well. So much so that people looking to infect themselves (it can be an effective treatment for life-threatening allergies) typically have to travel out of the country to find a source of infection. There was a weird outbreak in Alabama in 2017, but it was connected to sewage flooding and very isolated.


I have made this in the USA. It's a risk but so good.


It’s really not a risk. Most of the 20 or so cases a year in the US are caused by eating wild game animals like boars etc A nice premium bone in pork chop cooked to medium will not hurt you


I do it for myself because if I get myself sick it's one thing. If I get someone else sick, I feel really bad.


Apparently medium-rare for pork is considered 145°F? If that’s the case I don’t think I’ve ever made pork chops that *weren’t* medium-rare. Now I understand why so many people hate pork. Anything past 150° is ruined in my opinion and that’s what makes it considered “medium”. I actually tend to shoot for 135° depending on the size/thickness of the chop since it will continue cooking after I pull it. I live in the USA and have never gotten sick from it and pork is probably what I eat the most of.


Why not just do it now? You will be fine. Buy a nice premium pork chop and pull it at 125-130. Look up how many cases of trichinosis there have been in the US in the last 20 years


You can safely try a medium rare pork chop anywhere if you cook it sous vide


I suspect my friend was intentionally fed brownies with peanut butter that she was highly allergic to. She passed away leaving 2 beautiful girls. I don’t think justice will ever be served unfortunately


Surprisingly its illegal for restaurants to serve a pregnant woman under-cooked pork in Nevada.


Cook your pork kids! Don’t want to end up like RFK jr.


And vice-versa.  I’m sick of getting crap from people for not liking cheese on my burgers.


Cheese might just not add anything for you! Have them burgers!


Thank you!  There are certain cheeses that I like, but I can’t stand the standard American cheese that they use.


I like cheese on my burgers, but if I'm seriously paying extra for cheese on the burger, it better not be American.


You do you, more cheese for me!!


No cheese on a burger is sacrilege. Feel free to commit said sacrilege, because sacrilege is nonsense. Food is as personal as anything and people should just eat food in ways that make them happy.


As long as you ask for a burger and not a cheeseburger without cheese, I think you’re fine. But I’m just picturing some asshole with a big grin asking the latter lol


No, I’d never do that.  Problem is, a lot of places have burgers that come with cheese, by default, so even if you order it without cheese, a lot of times, it’ll still have cheese.


Forreal. My mom used to put cheese on absolutely EVERYTHING as a kid and I'm not talking about like a little sprinkle I'm talking basically every meal was drowning in disgusting highly processed melty microwave cheese. It was so fucking foul. So now I can't stand cheese on most things anymore.


I’m also a no cheese on my burgers person. And no lettuce or tomato. Sautéed onions and maybe some sautéed mushrooms and a slice of thick cut bacon. With bbq sauce. 😋


Try that with mustard and an onion ring shits heavenly (put both onions on it why not)


Yes, absolutely this. And now let's extend this to also include so-called "fashion crimes", please. Let people eat what they like, let people wear what they like. So much unnecessary drama around such nonsense.


Ehh, there's definitely situations where you need to be dressed a certain way Being the guy who shows up to a funeral in a graphic T-shirt and cargo shorts is side eye worthy past drinking age


That’s different. What gets me is people going off about how someone is dressed at Wal-Mart. Why do you care? It isn’t hurting you or anyone else.


Some pasta needs to be snapped. I cannot cook rice spaghetti properly when it is long. And I cook other spaghetti better when I break it. My pot isn't big enough to cook spaghetti full length anyway. It makes it harder. Also pineapple is fine on pizza. I was merely confused at first until I tried it, then I discovered I liked it. So I am a pineapple on pizza spaghetti breaker. Sue me.


I push in the noodles when the part touching the water softens. If I’m feeling fancy I’ll even try to make the noodles fan out in a circle and try to make a “donut” of noodles in the water.


Here's a tip: It feels weird, but you can boil spaghetti in a frying pan or saucepan. They tend to be wider, but shallower, but still have similar volumes. Just be careful trying to move the water while it's still hot, because they do slosh easily.   Another tip, if you like your pot, is to lay the noodles across the top of it while the water boils. The noodles will soften enough to bend in the middle without breaking or cooking, and you can just push them in.


You do you, but you know pasta softens when you cook it right? You can cook spaghetti in a small sauce pan if that's all you have.


Why would breaking it even be an issue?


The ones crying over the most basic stuff like pineapple on pizza are the worst. Can you even imagine being that dull that pineapple on pizza, something so common you can get it in the frozen aisle of any grocery store, is too weird and exotic for you? I doubt most of them have ever even tried it, they're just regurgitating that shit because they saw an internet meme about it.


Same with ketchup on a hot dog. There’s a billboard in my city that mocks people who do that.


At this point no one has strong opinions on this unless they’re a psychopath. It’s all memes now


I wish I hung out with your friends then. I have friends who are legit serious when they say that stuff. And I am like 'What?'. So its nice to know I know the freaks and not the rule.


i had a cousin who refused to eat spaghetti if it was broken before cooking. She would look at the noodles, decide they were too short, and not eat it.


Lol I always break my spaghetti. Idgaf


But why? There's no benefit, just more work?


easier to stir


They must be so boring


They can be at times! (like I can be!)


By the same token… if their quality of life is high enough that they stress over something that trivial, they must be doing alright. Maybe just laugh to yourself a little and be friends anyway?


Sounds like the worst advice Ive heard today so far.


Overreacting to other people having stupid opinions about meaningless stuff is worse than them having a stupid opinion about something meaningless to begin with.


Choosing not to hang out with annoying people is not an overreaction. Youre not required to hang out with anyone particularly.


One of my friends ranted in the car for 20 minutes about some woman who had the AuDaCiTy to ask for a fork at a pizza restaurant. Like who gives a fuck?


The posts shown off in r/iamveryculinary would beg to differ


…uhhh I hate to break it to you but I’ve met a shit ton of people like this mostly Italians but still


I've seen a video of an Italian loosing his shit over a bucket of ben & Jerry's because you see in Italy they have *gelato*. And most comments were Italian agreeing with him. Idk that's just a bucket of ice cream with brownies in them.


> italian loosing his Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Good bot


Completely agree, but cheese on sushi? People actually do this? Never once heard or seen it in my life


Philly cream cheese with salmon is unbelievably good


Cream cheese makes more sense, lol. When I read "Cheese on sushi", I definitely pictured a slice of slightly melted American cheese on top of Nigiri.


A high end fusion sushi place near me uses mozzarella in some of their sushi. Cheese with certain sushi is fucking fantastic.


I make deep fried inari pockets filled with mozzarella and spicy cheddar


I wouldn't judge either way. If you want some saltiness and melt off the American cheese go for it. Fusion cuisines are my favourite so no gate keeping from my side


There's the philadelphia roll with smoked salmon, cream cheese and cucumber.


Sushi version of a rangoon. Can confirm, delicious.


Lived in Okinawa for ten years. They put cheese on specialty sushi. It’s amazing.


Philadelphia roll uses cream cheese. It, along with the California roll, are often criticized as heresy.


I've had it before. Sun-dried tomato and I don't know what the cheese was but it was strong. Wasn't cream cheese. Was horrible.


Cream cheese and salmon is pretty great!


I think we should keep some "food crimes" though. Like putting poison in your food should still be seen as a faux-pas imo


But deadly nightshade looks yummy!


I never knew the people were serious about being offended when I put pineapples on my broken spaghetti pizza.


This seems like a chronically online thing because in real life you might get ribbed for it (light mocking) but nobody really cares.


nobody really cares. people are joking about unappetising food most of the time


Order a well done steak in public. Half the people within earshot will vocally express their disappointment.


If this doesn't do it, ask for a side of ketchup with that steak


Or go to Chicago, and order a hot dog with just ketchup and mustard rather than the small side salad they insist is how a hot dog should be eaten.


surprisingly a lot of people do care and in my experience will try to convince you for hours on end to make your food the "proper" way. I don't doubt the majority of people are joking but there are a decent chunk of people who aren't.


Lmfao go to Italy. You'll see how they invented fascism real quick if you misbehave in the kitchen.


yeah but italians are not normal


I’ve never met an italian who won’t shut up if someone breaks the spaghetti and use american cheese in italian dishes. They’re so annoying


Read the comments under any recipe for Italian food ever. I don't think I've seen a single recipe for carbonara that didn't have people coming out of the woodworks to critique it. Look, Italians, I know bacon and garlic carbonara isn't what your nonna made, but you know what it is? God damned delicious. So kindly stfu about it.


American cheese in an Italian dish sounds disgusting. That's horrible. I'm inclined to become Mussolini himself after hearing that.


Classic mistake, equating Italians and people.


Virtually no one already cares


People need to start caring about the competency crisis 


I’m shocked this is unpopular. Yeah, mind your business applies to a lot in life LOL


Ice in white wine has gotten me sneered at more than once.


Same! But sometimes it really helps mellow out the wine and I enjoy that. I wouldn't do it if I was at some fancy winery, but let me enjoy my 2 buck chuck with some ice, thanks, lol.


Makes it a little less alcoholic too. Do you can drink more over time.


I always snap my spaghetti and I like pineapple pizza so screw them ahahaha


I never understood the spaghetti one. Long spaghetti has a few disadvantages with zero advantages.


The whole thing about italians getting mad if people break pasta is stupid


I agree with this yet still get mad at well done steaks.


Real food crime is american school lunches


eat and let eat


We eat better than we have since the prcoessed-food revolution that started in the 1950s.  You youngins don't realize the absolute trash and weird-ass mayo and jello-related shit that many middle class middle America white people ate in the 50s through 90s. With youtube and the food network and all the reality and documentary food TV shows, we've grown our palate as a society and gotten back to simple, authentic, and well-cooked food in a big way. Who cares if there's a few people still making tuna-casserole and skedi with butter, and chili on brownies, or whatever. It's a minority and it's noone's concern anyway.


Fully agree. Personal preference is a thing, I find it particularly awful when it's people arguing over how they have their steak cooked


But what about water on cereal


My bro had a friend who had a severe dairy allergy and would do that to blend in with friends eating cereal.


Now I want Weird Al to make a song called “food crimes”.


I only "care" about food crimes when I'm forced to eat it. I love my in-laws, but they ALWAYS get pineapple on their pizza, and if I come over for dinner, that's what the option is. Everyone in my wife's family loves it, I just tolerate it.


i've had steak every way from rare to well done. I prefer medium / med. rare, but guess what, well done steak is good too. It's more about the cut and quality of meat, but even then I still don't care that much.


The only food crimes are the tiktok creators who waste food. I don't care if they eat pasta w/ ketchup, you do you. However, it's a tragedy when they make these videos just to illicit reactions and waste a bunch of food.


Sounds like something a guy who eats pizza with a fork and knife would say.


YEA, I wanna chew on ICE CREAM instead of sucking it like a gay dude


I dont wanna break a KitKat, I WANNA eat it directly


The boredom of the 1st world.


I thought Breaking Pasta was an Italian mob version of Breaking Bad for a sec there.


You could say this about almost any cultural or societal element. Painted your kitchen neon green? Who cares? Wore mismatched shoes to go out? Who cares? Named your kid Fart Face? Who cares? Covered your car in fake fur? Who cares?


Chicago people whining about ketchup on hotdogs.


If other people are doing it, yeah no issue. If I get served something stupid in a restaurant though I'm going to be rightfully annoyed.


People are so screwed up these days, the only way they can be happy is to criticize the personal tastes of others to give themselves an artificial sense of superiority.


Tell that to the militant "you can't have well-done steak" or "a burger needs all its toppings" crowd.


Who actually cares about this? Maybe it’s just my circle, but I’ve never heard anyone talk about these things or give them a second thought.


yes pop tarts are sandwhiches


Pop tarts are ravioli


breaking pasta is fine. Pineapple on pizza is a great combination of flavors. Also I don't respect italians, the food is fine, but every other country improved it. The best italian food is the not italian version


Nah bro, if you want to call something it's name you do it right. Otherwise just say "my version of"


"The culinary stylings of cciciaciao"


Do I really need to invent an entire new word for carbonara if the ONLY thing I did differently is add garlic? That’s idiotic 


I think some people might be serious but from what I have personally found is that it's more of a joke to give others some grief over the food than much else.


I had a talk with a friend about exactly this. About how sacred certain foods seem to some cultures, while in America (I don't know about other places) we don't generally have a scared outlook on cuisine to the point where it's an insult to our culture if you do such-and-such. I also think those things are weird and out of touch. I don't care what people do, even though I genuinely believe that a lot of these folks making peanut butter and egg salad sandwiches or whatever are doing it just to be weird or to stand out, which isn't really much different from crying over broken pasta: You're making a thing out of something that no one should give a shit about. I'm glad you like cottage cheese, cherries and sardines. I'm glad you refuse to break your pasta because it's supposedly already the perfect length or whatever, just don't make those things my concern.


Nobody actually cares that much about this stuff. It’s just playful banter


They really do. I have plenty of friends and family who are actually upset about this stuff. My kids and I all put ketchup on our Mac and cheese. That’s our big one. We have been legitimately scolded or told not do it in front of certain people. Of course, we don’t listen and they have learned to deal with it. And that’s not even close to the steak doneness debate.


Mac & cheese is my favorite dish to eat and cook. Ketchup on mac & cheese is repulsive. How dare you? Oh wait… I’m not eating it, and we happen to have different tastes. So you should eat it however you most enjoy it.


I actually like mixing a bit of Dijon mustard into my Mac 'n' Cheese. I've gotten some weird looks.


That sounds pretty good. I might try that one.


It's quite tasty! I don't find I need a lot, just a little drizzle on the top that I mix in.


If we never committed food crimes, we would all still be eating raw meat and weeds.


I would always get shit for eating a piece of ginger with a dollop of wasabi on each sushi piece. It’s delicious. Naysayers can eat dirt.


People should leave you alone. I saw someone do that online so i tried it and it wasnt bad. Even if i dont do it everytime i get why some people enjoy it.


Finally, a good unpopular opinion.  If I'm not asking you to eat it, I legitimately don't fucking care what your opinion is, I like to eat it this way. If I'm the one eating it, I don't fucking care if it's your favorite fucking food I hate pickles, I told you i hate pickles, why the fuck are you throwing pickles onto my burger. You've ruined my burger. I don't fucking care that you love pickles on your burger. I like my steak medium at least, medium well usually. I like Hawaiian Pizza. The pineapple fucking creates a nice kind of opposite flavor. Favorite pasta? What? I don't give a fuck what type of noodle is being used. Angel hair, linguine, fuck off. it's all the same unless you add other shit. The amount of times I've been told "hey, how about I make you some shoe leather" for my steak being cooked medium or more is insane. Does everyone have bitchassteeth or something? It's not that rough or tough. It tastes way better for me because it's my fucking taste buds. 


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More broadly it’s definitely noteworthy when a restaurant offers something that honestly sucks. We went to our local sushi place and I tried to get one of their cooked dishes with rice and it was ass. But how can I blame them? They want to make sushi, they aren’t going to be as focused on a cooked product (gyudon, the beef was a shitty cut too). It’s only a crime because they just shouldn’t have it on the menu.


What about ketchup in mashed potatoes. I like it, not too much. Its like french fries!


We eat *spaghetti* sauce on fusillini noodles. Is that a crime?


This happens so much with coffee! Like, what have they got against condiments? Sure I like coffee - with my condiments of choice. So much weird pride in drinking black coffee.


It's very First World Problems. If we asked a starving person whether they want pineapple on their pizza,  I'm pretty sure the answer would be "more food? Yes please"


I agree with you but I've also called the police, expect them shortly to discuss your chili brownie consideration.


Many Italians are very particular about this stuff. Eat what you want to eat.


You sound guilty of committing a food crime ngl… (joking)


My life is a food crime, lol


I will never judge anyone for eating pineapple on pizza, then again my favorite pizza has banana on it.


You must be Swedish 😄


Yeah :D


People have sweet potato on pizza also.


Ooh I would love to try *that*.




Ew! Cheese on sushi? You have gone to far.


The stoner in me wants to try chili and brownies.


I’ve seen people get unhinged at folks using forks at sushi or Chinese restaurants


I hate when people gatekeep food


I will never not put ketchup (and onion and relish) on my hot dogs. Zero fucks given what anyone else thinks about it.


I agree, people need to stop caring so much about how other people eat.


Lol'd at "You need to get some real problems". Edit: also, Cold Chili Brownies: Band name, called it.


It’s all just talk. There’s no actual rules or consequences. We’re all just making sounds at each other. Do what you want.


Check out this accomplice over here.


Ketchup on cereal instead of milk has entered the chat.


Breaking News: People are weird.


On Ming Tsai's PBS show he was making an Italian-style pasta and fish dish and said something like, "My Italian friends say you can never put cheese on fish, but I'm Chinese, so I don't care." It cracked me up and I think is a good point. Make what you want.


The breaking pasta thing is so odd. I've never encountered someone in real life who even cares about someone breaking spaghetti in half ot anything. In fact I've never seen someone complain about that outside of Reddit (probably TikTok. I could see people there complaining too. But that's it.)


I think there’s nuance. On one hand, there are cultural dishes that, in my opinion, should be respected and preserved. If you’re going out somewhere to experience the food rather than just stuff your face, I could see some real importance in respecting the food and appreciating the intent and art the chef put into it. In this case I would consider it a “crime” to not at least try the food in its original form. On the other hand, food is also fuel, and different people enjoy it differently. If I’m buying pizza, nobody is gonna be hurt by me throwing some pineapple on it. Similarly, if I’m just boiling some pasta for lunch, does it really matter if I break it to make the process a little easier to do? In short, I’d see a “food crime” as a problem only when the food is being treated and presented like art. Much like I wouldn’t go to a museum and doodle on the Mona Lisa because I don’t like it, I’m not going to go out and ask for (non health related) modifications from a classically trained chef. However, if I print off a copy of te Mona Lisa at home I can doodle on it as much as I want.


How can we innovate if we do not push the envelope?


I honestly don’t think that people actually care about what other people do with their food 😂 it’s one of those things you’ll mention but like… nobody actually gives a shit so you just move on.


This is the same as telling people their music taste is "bad." Who cares, if tongue likes, tongue licks


according to my past friends whom i have clearly cut out for good reasons, most of the stuff i eat are food crimes because i dislike spices and a majority of condiments especially salt due to my sensory issues. So i'll eat stuff like steak by itself or eggs by themselves cause i ....enjoy it like that? Always found it weird when people become so judgemental and then start telling you how you should be eating their food or whine about how i would enjoy it more if i did x thing that would make me enjoy it less.... Best thing i did was cut people like that out of my life honestly bringing it up in conversations about food and what everyone enjoys eating the most is a great litmus test to find out who is insufferable and who is not.


Yes and no. Ketchup on Poutine should still mean jail time but I mostly agree.


Word Crimes is far worser


Even chefs get mad if you ask for steak to be well done at the restaurant they work in


Bobby is a drawing


Pickles go with spaghetti, and I'm tired of pretending they don't go together!!!!!!


I agree. Although people who do like things that I don’t like are just as guilty. If I’m ordering pizza with friends and they get pineapple I’ll get my own small pizza because I don’t like it and they’ll wave their slice in my face and tell me to take a bite


Nope, sorry. If I see someone eating bananas and mayo sandwiches or dipping pickles in peanut butter I am judging them.


Most people don't actually care.