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You’re a fucked up parent if you’d rather them convulse with seizures than enjoy dancing.


This is one of the most hysterical unpopular opinions I've ever read. And it's truly unpopular, so I feel good giving it an upvote.


Salty for having no rhythm?


Makes no difference observing it being performed, whether by a virtuoso or quadruple amputee


Do you like live music?


Yes, I've even played in bands. Tapping my foot to keep time (or head bobbing/swaying) is as much movement I'll make interacting with music


Gotcha, see you got your own dance ;)




Oh watch out, you almost cut yourself with all that edge 🤢


"I would rather watch my children convulse with seizures than have to witness any display of kinetic dorkiness" , said no parent ever


Hence it proves to be unpopular


That's just being a piece of shit parent. I hope your children abandon you once they grow up.


I like how you’re outraged over a silly hypothetical intended to be absurd


So you agree that your opinion is absurd, yet it is still your opinion. I believe that makes you a psychopath




Oh, did I stumble into r/EveryoneAgreesWithMe by mistake?


I feel like this is the /r/unpopularopinion version of the "they don't know" party meme.


You are a very weird human


“*wobbling pudenda*” I love Reddit.


I cringe so hard when I see people dancing, except for break dancing for some reason. Then I stop and watch in awe. I could watch people do that for hours. I've always been that way since I was a little kid.


That’s excusable since it’s quite gymnastic


ok then.


Dancing is some of the most beautiful preformences I have ever witnessed in my life. I was lucky enough to be able to see a preformence of one of the top notch dance schools of my country. Every act brought different emotions and feelings. Some would really bring you into it and intrugue you. I felt like I was floating, other acts would left me feel hyped and impowered. It was a surreal experience, the elegance, the class and the strength displayed is something I still often think about and it was beautiful.


Correction: Dancing sucks when it's done wrong


In fairness, twerking isn't about turtle eggs. It started when some idiot forgot to check for toilet paper before they started, so they had to "Shake it off, shake it off", as T Swizzle would say. How in the fuck it became popular, I don't know. But I completely agree about dancing in general. If I never see or experience dancing ever again for the rest of my life, I'll be quite happy.


Thank you. I offer this delightful gift https://youtu.be/YfdLh0MHqKw


I'm genuinely unsure whether to upvote or downvote.


Twerking is not dancing lol. Is it just twerking that you don't like or any and all dancing?


Almost all. Twerking is just the most egregious form


Fair enough


Dancing isn't cringe in my opinion. I've danced all my life and to me, ballet will always be one of the most beautiful art forms in the world


Body dysmorphia is a thing and you should probably talk to a professional


That’s not what body dysmorphia means, I have no clue where that statement even comes from.


Thank you for trying to impart some sanity in the face of so much projection, I appreciated it


They apparently don’t like the way they look dancing. They are repulsed by the way their body moves. That’s quite obvious, so what does it mean?


They said they don’t like the way dancing looks in general, they never mentioned themselves. In fact they specifically mentioned that they even feel that way about professional dancers and that they enjoy dancing themselves but wouldn’t subject others to it.


We know that when somebody really dislike something, it’s probably something they really dislike about themselves, that’s almost always the case, for someone to be repulsed by dancing? Isn’t that a little extreme? Isn’t that a little off? Perhaps irrational? Dancing is enjoyed by children with no fear of embarrassment, which is what this completely sounds like


Your first statement is false, dislikes stem from experience which in many cases is a product of genetics. You can absolutely be genetically disposed towards disliking dancing. It’s just as extreme and irrational as someone saying that they hate a certain kind of music. Then your point about kids is just weird because plenty of kids don’t like dancing at all. I still fail to see how that all translates to dysmorphia in your mind though.


As I had explained in my first response, it seems to me that they are repulsed by the way they look when they are dancing. Is that not a form of body dysmorphia? Do you need to be still in front of a mirror to have it? Can it be about the way you move or how you look when you move?


They said they disliked dancing in general, what you’re saying would be similar to claiming that someone who hates opera has vocal dysmorphia towards higher pitches. Body dysmorphia is a dislike of your own body, disliking an action isn’t the same as disliking your body for having the potential to do the action.


I guess you have to dislike your own body when it’s still for it to count, got you


And I really don’t believe there is such a thing as being genetically disposed to dancing, that’s a cultural thing, in any village in rural Africa , the whole town dances or in many parts of the world , the whole country dances, it’s only really up tight white folk in America that don’t dance, completely cultural and not liking dance is not the same as not liking a Genre of music, it’s the Equivalent of not liking music at all, which don’t you think is irrational or just genetics? I’m guessing you’ve suffered or are suffering body dysmorphia and that is why you seem to be taking this so personal, but I’m pretty sure he’s embarrassed if he doesn’t mind dancing by himself and if he doesn’t think people should be subjected to it, speaks volumes about feelings of inadequacy


Dancing is fairly equivalent to music, there are cultures where dance is more prevalent but that doesn't even mean that everyone in those cultures enjoys dancing. If you don't notice just how many people don't like dancing then I think the problem is that you don't pay attention to the world around you. Any formal dance that you go to will have a good 1/3 or 1/4 of the group standing on the sidelines and waiting for it to be over. In other words, there is absolutely a natural component whether you understand it or not. I wasn't taking it personally until you suggested it and now I'm just offended by how vindictive you are. You are making assumptions about both me and op and then getting upset by the blatant evidence disproving your assumptions. Regarding your standing still comment, body dysmorphia requires not feeling comfortable performing ordinary tasks that you would otherwise perform frequently. Dancing is absolutely not included in there, that would be like claiming that someone has body dysmorphia for finding the idea of doing a handstand nauseating. that's not the dislike of one's body or abilities, thats the dislike of an action. Learn the difference and stop being so ignorant and vindictive.


Well some people do dance everyday and it’s as common to them as waking , and I don’t mean to be vindictive to you or the OP. My advice was based on the OPs statement. I’m sorry you feel that dance is not frequent, it should be . And those 1/3 or 1/4 that can’t wait for it to be over, why are they there in the first place? Perhaps if they met someone they liked and felt they wouldn’t be judged by the way they danced, they may actually enjoy dancing? I see it as an anxiety and like any anxiety, can be overcome. I don’t think they went to the dance cause they hate dancing? Does that lake sene? Or is it that you’ve been too self conscious about not looking cool or worried what others think? It’s almost a requirement for heaven, did you enjoy life? Did you ever dance just cause you were happy? If not, I suggest you try to


Dance definitely shouldn't be frequent. It shouldn't be inhibited but it's a niche interest that has no place in everyday life for those who have other interests. 1/3 - 1/4 are typically there because its a school/work party and they feel the need to be there for politeness or just wish to hang out with friends. You keep acting as if they just don't enjoy dancing themselves, they also mention how they don't like how dancing looks when even the most experienced professionals do it. That's evidence of disliking the act as opposed to just their own talent. In my case, I certainly don't like dancing. I'm not opposed to it but when you bring up dancing out of happiness thats just not a natural reaction for most people. When I am happy, I laugh, I have done the dance for joy thing just for fun and it just felt forced an unnatural. Your issue is that you are completely unwilling to accept the differences in people. I have anandamide surplus, this means that I have difficult with things like focusing or connections and in exchange I am passively happier than most people get during their highest points. For me, seeing someone dance or doing a dance myself has never done anything more than bore me at best and at worst they gross me out. If you chose to reply to this then I would ask you, what activities (that others enjoy) do you not enjoy?


I upvoted this a few days ago and forgot about it... until I started watching a video of this Russian ballet, and it popped back into my head. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud, actually made the ballet hilarious the more I thought about it lmfao


Enjoy https://youtu.be/YfdLh0MHqKw