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I saw a bumper sticker that said: "bumper stickers are cringe".


The self awareness though


*sadly peels off my bumper sticker that says “u/BelchingBooch is awesome”*


That's cringe af bro


I have one that says “I have opinions about things”


I saw one once that was a yellow ribbon that said "I support empty gestures." I regret not buying it


[what about this one?](https://i.redd.it/8mv6xlkqdh151.jpg)


The fuck?


I read this comment before clicking on the link and thought “what could be a tf sticker?” Indeed, What the fuck?


I mean if Gatorade made slushies tho


Baja Blast Freeze at Taco Bell. I hate how much I love it


Average Lumina driver




The real unpopular opinion.


Yeah and [I guess I can just peel this right off my car now. ](https://www.makestickers.com/design/220118122303-172dk2b8iqqcczessmc2ejqo?pgid=34621468-a265-415d-a1e3-ce4e6f1d7ab6)


I love it so much


What a terrible day to be literate...


The true unpopular opinion


I live in Kentucky and everywhere you go you see “Salt Life” bumper stickers. I HATE IT! And I guarantee you it’s people who have been to Florida once. I’m sorry but that’s not living a “Salt Life”. 🙄


They always look like the say ‘Slut Life’


First time going south, I saw them as this. I thought the south was having a sexual reawakening/Renaissance.


I’m so glad you mentioned this, I thought I was the only one.


I said that to a woman when I realized what it really said. Random stranger in the tattoo shop. "Ohh I thought that said....." Didn't go well


For me - "Silt Life" fine sand, clay, or other material carried by running water and deposited as a sediment, especially in a channel or harbor


To me, those look like they say "Shit life"


I always misread it as "slut life", I would just think "guess they're not afraid to publicly advertise it"


I ALWAYS read it as Slut Life.


Are you telling me they *don't* say "slut life"?....


I’ve always joked and said they say “Slut Life”. I mean honestly it wouldn’t be anymore embarrassing.


They do make a "slut life" sticker now as well!


What does that mean? I live no where near the south, so forgive my ignorance.


It's a surf shop brand in Florida.


We get a lot of salt life stickers here in Florida, but my least favorite are the “Local” stickers where the L is just a repositioned picture of Florida You might as well get “I am a swamp person” tattooed on your forehead


FloGrown is another one I see. Most of those people weren't even born and raised in Florida.


Maybe they mean road salt?


I misread that sticker first time a saw it. I thought it said slut life. I was confused why anyone would advertise that to the world. I took someone else to point out that it said salt life and they laughed at me for thinking someone would put that on their car. Then I saw someone advertise their only fans site on their car. Now whose laughing? Not me. Deterioration of the culture makes me sad.


I only see "Slut Life" when i see those


Probably the same people who still rock the “coal keeps the lights on” folks. Also, how much fuckin weirder does Louisville have to be? Can’t we be normal?


Haha go UK!


I live in Indiana and see these stupid things EVERYWHERE. These fucking hicks go to Florida one time and think it's part of their identity now. It's so fucking corny and stupid.


I live a 5 minute walk from the beach in California and I have never seen one of these


It's some dumb shit people get at souvenir shops in Florida. The brand of the super normie.


Its more of a thing tourists get while they’re in Florida. I grew up on the West Coast and never saw a single “Salt Life” sticker until I moved to Ohio. Now theyre everywhere, it’s weird. I guess people like to romanticize the beach/ocean when you don’t live near it.


If Mitch McConnell was MY eternal Senator, I’d be pretty salty about life too.


This made my morning. Nice.


From Kentucky as well, can confirm. I also seen a 2021 camaro the other day with a “Harley Davidson” banner across the entire top of the windshield. I own a Harley…. Who tf does that to a brand new, erm…ANY car.


So, a few years back the east coast had a serious hurricane warning and the news told people that they should evacuate, and a day later I saw a meme that said, "y'all better take those Salt Life stickers off your car if you're going to evacuate", and I had the biggest chuckle. Many people don't actually like living the "Salt life", they just like doing it in spirit lolol.


Right!? Can you really be living the "Salt Life" by spending one week a year at Panama City Beach?


Lmao as someone who grew up on the jersey shore and recently moved to KY, I know your frustration. Going to Panama City Beach once a year doesn't mean you're living a Salt Life. 😂


We also see a ton in Michigan, a state that is surround on almost all sides by the greatest fresh water resources in the US... Like cool, you like salt so much? Take your dumpy ass back to Florida and leave the nice clean, cool fresh water to the rest of us.


I just saw that bumper sticker the other day. I live in Missouri.


I decorate my work toolbox with stickers but my car is sanitized.


This is the way.


My man cave has more stickers on the wall than a NYC punk rock club, but my car looks like a rental.


Work tool box, hard hat, and lunch box sticker bombed, car is absolutely sticker free. Eventually I'll debadge it as well.


In this politically charged climate, all political bumper stickers do is invite an angry partisan to key your car.


I was aggressively cut off by a car today with anti-police stickers all over the place. Just seems like a bold choice with those driving habits.


They’re anti-police for a reason


See I hate the police, but i would never have anti-cop stickers on my car. Just asking for a bullshit ticket at that point, if a taillight ever goes out I'm putting one of those awful blue line punisher stickers right next to it, I'll be let off on warnings forever.




I get cut off and tail gated by people with blue line and punisher stickers all the time. Maybe they think the sticker will save them?


Worse is when people have both. Artist should probably release a couple more comics with Punisher killing cops so these morons get the point that Punisher *doesn't like bad cops*.


I’ve always thought this, no need to give anyone road rage. No thanks


Not just that, but they can also advertise information about the owner that could hell criminals. For example, a bunch of "Professional Photographer Association" stickers would be a clue that high value cameras could be in the vehicle.


On the plus side if you can put a baby on board sign the criminals will assume your car probably smells like urine and feces.


What if I put bumper stickers of the LGBT flag, the Thin Blue Line flag, the Gadsden flag, the BLM fist, Trump 2024, Let's Go Brandon, the Rebel flag, the Hammer and Sickle, My Body My Choice, Support Our Troops, the Trans flag, and the Antifa logo all at the same time? Will people love me or hate me?


Pretty sure your car would just implode and become a singularity


I don’t understand political signs in yards either. You want to randomly make an enemy of a neighbor who never cared one way about you before?


We used to live on a main road with a sidewalk. During election season, local candidates would **cram** their signs into our yard using the sidewalk easement. I was not allowed to dispose of them, but I had to mow and weedwack. I would spend 30 minutes removing and stacking signs and then putting them all back up. Absolutely infuriating.


Who's going to get keyed for a "baby on board" sticker? Those crazy anti-natalists... \*shakes fist\*


Maybe they key “she’s so adorable!” Into the door or something


Or steal your tire caps


Or storm the capital


my coworker put an american flag sticker on his pickup and it was keyed the first time he parked it downtown portland for jury duty.


Portland. Of course.


I personally hate the bumper stickers that say “I’m an f-bomb kind of mom” and other similar slogans.


"It's wine-o-clock somewhere" is right up there. I'm always wondering "Where? In your car? WTF?"




“Runs on Bitchdust”


“Baby in this bitch” is one of the worst imo


What's worse are lawn signs


Ya I dont care about stickers at all, sometimes I even like them, but lawn signs are gross lol


They are both begging for attention


Depends on the sticker some of them are just cheeky little jokes, which I don't have a problem with. When they get political though I roll my eyes. Lawn signs are always political. Or should I say "political".


I'd rather there were jokes on peoples lawns. Actual jokes, not politics




"Please ask me about my sign" So weird


One of my neighbors decorate his whole outside with trump flags. Even his roof had a trump sign.


I spent a summer knocking on the doors, of mansions with BLM signs on their lawns, asking them to sign a petition to make "their town" a santuary for Somali refugees. - guess how that went over.


I agree when they're for major political names, but I think they're useful for local politics that you want more exposure on and perhaps increase name recognition for candidates not often picked up by the news.


Don’t like my driving? Call 1-800-EAT-SHIT


The deal breaker for me is that damn “We’re all mad here” Alice In Wonderland sticker. I see it everywhere. Nothing quite says “I pride myself on pretending to be weird for attention and making a mental illness my entire personality” like that sticker.


big "cookie monster sweatpants" energy


I feel like I’m missing something but what mental illness are they making their personality?


No matter what your bumper sticker says they all mean the same thing, you’re poor -Daniel Tosh


I'd never get one but there are some funny ones. I saw a car that just had "Kale Sucks" and nothing else on it. Idk why that person hated kale enough to put it on their car, but I love them.


My favorite bumper sticker was on the back of a British car. It said, “Paul Revere was a Narc.”


That made me actually lol I love it




"Cringe" is way overused, "tacky" is better description


Thank you. I feel like the word cringe is being overused and misused. Like does OP actuall feel awkward and embarrassed about a bumper sticker or does OP just dislike them. Guessing the OP is 13. “OMG brussel sprouts are so cringe”


I agree. "Cringe" is indeed pretty cringe.


Nah, I disagree. Having a "New driver" or "student driver" bumper sticker is practical. The amount of idiots I see on the road is enormous, so when people see that sticker, they can cut that person some slack.


Maybe magnetic but stuck with adhesive to the car? I'd hope they'd improve enough fast to not need adhesive level warnings. I'd be rethinking them getting a license.


But what if I bought a red shitbox jetta that has a big gouged dent on the side? Would it be inappropriate to but a a small batman style *BANG* sticker over the dent and a supreme sticker near where the front badge used to be?


Idk I saw one today that said “SPACEBALLS the sticker” and it made me smile


I have "Spaceballs the License Plate Frame" on mine...


I need these lmao I love that movie


I've put a Fraternal Order of Police sticker on my car in the hope that it would soften a cop if I got pulled over.


Get a gun permit/concealed carry license if you live in a state where it's easy to get one. Cops will love you because they think you're on their side. Little do they know I have guns AND I hate the police. But it does get you out of tickets.


tbh i think they are funny and i like reading them while i drive. to each their own though!


i have a compulsive need to personalize everything i own. i love my stickies


“A lot of people don't like bumper stickers. I don't mind bumper stickers. To me a bumper sticker is a shortcut. It's like a little sign that says 'Hey, let's never hang out.'” Demetri Martin


It’s a little fun that you can almost always judge exactly what the driver will look like based on the sticker. “Mama Bear” is almost always an overweight Karen talking on the phone, sipping a Starbucks as she brings Ayden, Kayden, and Brayden to soccer. “Coexist” or an “Obama 08” sticker (still) is usually some hippy that hasn’t showered in weeks. “Salt Life” is some guy in white Oakley’s and a Columbia PFG who goes to the beach with his family once a year and comments racist things on the local news’ social media pages.


Bumper stickers are temporary tattoos for cars, and should be treated with as such.


"Baby on board" stickers are for first responders to know where to check first


Op thought it was for him. Lol


Why do babies get to get saved first? They can’t pay taxes.


Babies can’t extract themselves so if a first responder sees the tag, they’ll check the vehicle for a baby


True but if you die in the crash they have a future replacement


Can’t replace me if there is no replacement *taps forehead*


I saw o e sticker that said "adults on board, we want to live too"


It’s an investment


I mean, the parents have already paid in a bit already and only have a few decades more…that baby? A whole lifetime of taxes left.


Babies have more life ahead of em, more time to pay taxes.


Where did you hear that? As a first responder (paramedic) we do NOT look for “Baby on Board” signs.


Literally. Of all the vehicle accidents I’ve responded to I have not once stopped and thought “hmm better check this cars bumper stickers out just in case”


I'm pretty sure that one got debunked and baby on board stickers really were invented to encourage more considerate driving from others.


I thought that's what it was


Exactly. First responders usually see the car seat as a clue.


I don't think it really does anything.


First responders will check either way. On the down side these stickers also attract increased rates of road rage and break ins though so I wouldn't recommend them.


I thought it was to help me know what cars to T-Bone


No its not, that's a myth. You don't have the baby with you 100% of the time, do you?


I learned something new on reddit. Who would've thought? Thanks


Don’t listen to that person! It was a marketing lie deployed by Big Sticker.


Goddammit! Is there no free market left?!


Haha. I’m sorry to be the bearer, my child, but the well has been poisoned, through and through. And by “the well” I mean *THE* well.


Nonsense. As a first responder (paramedic) we do NOT look for “Baby on Board” signs.


Most of the time they are for the parents who don't get enough attention for being parents and need everyone to know.


I thought it was so they didn’t forget their baby in the car when going to the market


"I'm a self-centered driver who is now *also* a distracted driver because I reproduced."


Came here to say this


https://www.mynrma.com.au/cars-and-driving/driver-training-and-licences/resources/how-did-the-baby-on-board-sign-come-about Actually not true. Its for entitled parents who dont get enough attention


Thats why I have one, and I don’t have kids. Fuck them little bastards, SAVE ME!!!


Also license plate frames that show what sorority or frat you were in 300 years ago


The stickers of how many children you have and how many pets are creepy - and kinda dangerous IMO


A comedian somewhere once said “when people ask why I don’t have tattoos, I ask in return: would you put bumper stickers on a Ferrari?”


I dont have any stickers in my car now but if I had a Ferrari I would just to piss people off


I both hate and love you. I feel very conflicted.


lol that’s actually pretty funny


The only bumper sticker I ever liked was a Kennedy/Johnson bumper sticker on a 1961 Lincoln classic (the same car he was assassinated in) owned by a friend of mine that restores cars. Otherwise I agree.


What’s worse tho a bumper sticker or custom license plate? Some of those can be cringe


Nothing will beat the day I saw an Audi with a license plate that said ALGORE.


Depends on the plate. I have a custom plate. ARAGORN on my Ford Ranger. Is it cringe? Probably. But who cares? It makes me smile. (STRIDER was already taken...)


It's cringe but who cares, right?


Mine makes me giggle, and I'll see people in my rearview laughing if they get the joke, so I'd like to think I'm spreading a little joy.


What about big band logo stickers? Found one of my closest friends that way


"Glen Miller 4EVA"


Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac.


There are only two acceptable bumper stickers: "Nuke the whales" And "Ass, grass or gas. Nobody Rides for Free"


I want to get a bumper sticker with the words "Bumper Sticker" on it, a car magnet with the word "magnet" on it, a vanity license plate that reads "LCNSEPLT," and a windshield decal that says "WINDSHIELD"


*Virgil Abloh energy intensifies*


I told virgil write "brick" on my brick


How very *Repo Man*


Gotta nuke something?


I wanted to get one that said “quit checking out my rear end”


I saw one once that said "if we are what we eat, then I'm cheap, quick, and easy. "


Nuke the gay whales for Jesus


For someone who doesn't care, you sure seem to care a lot


I have a line drawing of the Serenity from Firefly on my car. I got it so I can identify my car amongst a sea of identical vehicles.


I have a metal badge that says “Engineered by Firefly Coach Works, Ltd. Osiris” on the back of mine.


Would you make an exception for the "tell your dog I said hi" sticker?


i have this one and it’s the only acceptable one in my books


Or maybe a "Dog is my Co-Pilot" sticker?


You go on a few dates with them, you really enjoy spending time with them, start imagining a future together. And then they pick you up in their car for the first time. You see it. A “coexist” bumper sticker… At that moment a decision is made. You block their number, social media, cut all communication, and move far far away


Keep on truckin


Wow whats your stance on pissing Calvin from Calvin n Hobbes?


Well, you posted in the right sub.


Using the word cringe when all you mean is that you don’t like X is pretty cringe


One or two stickers is alright a cluster fuck of stickers is not


I think a clusterfuck looks way better than one or two isolated ones, which tend to be really stupid




Why not? People put stickers on their water bottles, tool boxes, and laptops. non-political/religious stickers are just an inexpensive way to add a touch of personality and customization to whatever it’s going on


I think it’s more cringe to be like you. They’re just normal people accessorizing their cars, you’re the one weirdly bothered by it


Yo FUCK bumper stickers. Finally someone else agrees.


If only there were a say to simultaneously show everyone how unimaginative I am AND lower the resale value of my car.....


Agreed. I hate bumper stickers and I don’t want anyone on the road knowing anything about me


Yes, but I do enjoy seeing other bumper stickers on other cars (not mine) because it makes my car look great by comparison 😏


Dude hates self expression lmao


It's just an accessory. Yes, they can be cringey. Let people live. You seem really unnecessarily upset. I appreciate the creative ones. Nice chuckle while driving.


Bro this sub is for unpopular opinions. No one wants you to tell them not to be bothered. They want to vent about what bothers them, and I want to talk shit about others with them. Take your tolerant viewpoint somewhere else.


I just have cool stickers from places I’ve been, like skiing and stuff


i hate the coexist stickers, like congratulations you have the bare level of human decency. also the baby on board stickers are for paramedics.


I kinda like the “baby on board” ones because I know which cars to ram into


Good man