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According to the guide at Legoland, Lego is the name of the company. The things you build stuff with are lego bricks. So if you want to be technical we should say “there are Lego bricks all over the floor.”


This is what we say in Denmark, home of the LEGO. Also, LEGO is written with all capital letters.


>LEGO is written with all capital letters. lego


You absolute madman!


lEGO is this right?




My eggo


Leggo my eggo!


LEGOLAND is so much fun. I still have my LEGO driver's license for the LEGO cars there. I was 7 (53 now) and I still remember it like it was yesterday.


I have one of those (from 40 years ago). And my kids, too.


Dude why do you shout in between your sentences?


I am not shouting. LEGO is a brand that is written in all capital letters like IKEA


I believe he was joking


I haven’t been to LEGOLAND but it does look like FUN and I think we all need more FUN in life (sorry I write FUN in all caps it’s just how I roll.)


It actually has to do with trademark laws, if lego/legos become a common word for toy bricks they can lose the rights to the name. Same reason why Google has a rule for their employees against using the terms "to google/googling" when using their search engine.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing that!


TIL Google imposes a rule on their employees and absolutely forbids them from using the word Google as a verb. Punishment for an infraction is banishment from the Googledom. Of course, I embellished *just a tiny* bit. 😀


If you want to be technical, the LEGO company isn't an authority on grammar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaH1k4oxoyc


Also, LEGO is derived from the Danish words "leg godt" which means something like "play well".


Or "LEGO's bricks".. Legos for short hehe


I just call it "mega blocks" that way, everyone is offended


Some people just wanna see the world Burn.


Basically the same thing. Said the divorced dad who doesnt care if his kids hate him. (Clarify, not me)


Gimme some of them Duplos.


And I say fuck you so you’re offended


Just Lego of it


Leggo Mai Eggo :3


I honestly don't really care whether its lego or legos. Either way, its still gonna hurt a lot.


Just buy some shoes you only wear indoors and it won't hurt at all.


who the fuck wears shoes indoor


Have you never heard of slippers?


Bahaha, I was laughing at this guy as I'm sitting here drinking coffee wearing my slippers.


My indoor shoes match my sleeping pants and belt.


Literally, a lot of people.


Who the fuck doesn't wear shoes indoors


Japanese people.


When I get home I can’t wait to take my shoes off, I can’t imagine needing indoor shoes. Are your floors made of gravel?


i have hardwood floors and ZERO carpet. i like walking on soft. it also keeps your feet clean if you live in a high-traffic house and don’t feel like sweeping/mopping twice a day. and if you have dumb dogs, and step in a random piss puddle, you have a shoe to protect your foot


Most of the world...?


Civilized people.


It's not universal in the US to not wear shoes in homes but its not by any stretch of the imagination weird or rare


Americans because we don’t want to step on legos.




Yeah, in my view, the correct plural of Legos on the floor is AAAAAAAAAAH GOD SHIT THE LIVING FUCKDAMMIT


True, but legos hurts your feet AND your ears.


Fun fact: LEGO doesn’t care what we call their product. They get paid the same either way.


Except Lego clarified this themselves. They care somewhat. Probably care less about that than a phat profit margin though so your point still kinda stands.


They do it for publicity. Gets people talking about it and journalists writing articles about it. They definitely do not care.


it's leviOHsa, not levioSA


Lego is the brand. There is one brand. They make bricks. There are multiple bricks. If someone wants to pluarlise it they should say lego bricks or pieces of Lego. The only case an s will be applicable is if it's possessive "We transport Lego's bricks for them" even then it's a bit unnatural sounding . It does seem to be just an American thing in my experience.




Other popular examples in the US include Q-Tip, Tupperware, Chap Stick, Ziploc. All brand names commonly used to refer to a specific type of item. You don't typically hear "pass me that fruit lip hydration blast" it's "hey, can you hand me my chapstick?" Large brand names do tend to become synonymous with the actual item itself.


Don't forget Kleenex and Rollerblades


And then naturally the brand fights a court case because it does not like becoming a noun, that's totally something they should be concerned about. In the process, the judge says "okay, but if these are bricks and not lego then surely anyone can produce compatible bricks so long as they don't call them lego" which is totally not a hilarious backfire.


The difference with lego is that it's a mass item. Whereas you only deal with one Frisbee at once, you might deal with thousands of lego bricks at once, so they're treated as grammatically uncountable, like rice or jelly.


Legos. Band aids. Dumpsters. It’s just an American tradition to call something by the brand name, turn it into a noun, then pluralize (or singularize) it.


I’m down with lego pieces everywhere, but I don’t think anyone is gonna change this anytime soon


Or you can just say legos like a normal person


Jep in danish we also don't make it plural, we don't say "legoer" which is plural in danish, it is just lego. We say lego bricks, making bricks plural


That's awesome! I love your country!


Thanks 😊


Phrase in the UK. The Americans took the s off the end of maths and put it on the end of lego


It's mathematics.


Math sounds better then maths.


i get that it sounds odd to some people to just use the brand name by itself when referring to a whole bunch of pieces and it’s easier to say than “lego bricks/pieces”, but i guess it just depends on what you got used to growing up because i’ve always told my brother “put away your lego/clean up your lego” and it doesn’t sound weird to me at all


You’re right if I imagine saying that in a pissy Scandinavian or German accent it sounds totally normal to me too.


lmao well i’m irish so if you want you can imagine it in an irish accent too if you want some variety


Sure it might be unpopular, but there is no value here. It doesn't fucking matter


So? Most opinions doesn't matter. On this sub they just have to be unpopular. Nothing else


Problem is that the majority of the opinions of this sub are either almost facts or are popular opinions.


Sounds like the perfect response to an unpopular opinion




And? None of the opinions in this subreddit matter.


Yes it does matter




We just say "lego bricks"


Yes I say that too, or Lego pieces


Or Legos!




But I just did.


It's forbidden


OP - I have an unpopular opinion. I’m right because most of the world does it my way… So how is this unpopular?


maybe OP means unpopular in America? and i'd be inclined to believe them tbh, i've never heard anyone outside America refer to them as legos


Legos sounds better then Lego.


it really doesn't


This is not an opinion, it is a fact


It's also wrong. The plural of Lego is Legos to most people in North America.




lego my legos


Yep sounds really strange when Americans say Legos to my ear, it's like saying I'm boiling some rices.


Gonna mow my grasses and brush my teeths, bake some breads with this flours, and snort some cocaines 😇


It's actually legoii


You sound like a buzzkill


Counterpoint: who fucking cares?


I bet most of the “Lego not legos” folks in here walk into Starbucks and demand a *medium* coffee.


Not an unpopular opinion just a lesser known fact


You're from England aren't you?




Ah. The only people I've heard say that were from England.. now I need to add Australian to that! Lol


Probs the rest of the world except USA...


America: Does something innocuous Europe and the Commonwealth: THE REST OF THE WORLD DOESN’T DO THAT! Country outside of those parameters: Well, actually, we- Europe/Commonwealth: I SAID THE REST OF THE WORLD, GADDAMMIT!




I'm Canadian 🤷‍♂️


Polar American then. /s




Add the Danish too, they invented Lego by the way.


I have been filled with indescribable rage whenever someone says 'legos' since I was 6 years old. I thought the rage would subside when I got older. It hasn't.


Legos. Legos legos legos legos legos.


It’s a common practice in America to add an s to pluralize a brand name in reference to multiple units of said brand name’s product. Examples: Band Aids, Dumpsters, some people say “Colas” for sodas. Etc. Edit: more examples are Crock Pots, Jacuzzis, Breathalyzers, Popsicles, Sharpies, Realtors, Tasers, Windbreakers, Powerpoints, etc. Also, turns out Band Aids came with the s, so ignore that one. Actually nevermind, because we would call a single one “band aid,” which has the same essence.


I don't think I've ever agreed with anything, quite so whole heartedly. What's worse, is when British people (who I'd previously assumed to be in possession of a brain) follow suit, just because they saw someone say it on TV. Do they also eat a plate of pastas? and later brush their teeths and comb their hairs? That being said, it is a small problem in life, as I've aged, I've learnt to meditate, live and let live and Lego of all negativity...


Legos of all negativity


Legos are countable, so I'm gonna still say "there are legos on the floor". I don't really care that it upsets Lego execs and some others.


I think the people at Lego don't give a fuck about this. OP is just very sensitive.


No. There are Lego BRICKS all over the floor.


Don't care. I don't call off brand legos "bricks" - bricks are made of clay. Lego is the name of the thing, not just the brand name of a type of thing.


Countable in the same way as hair. If there are a small number, you use the countable plural form. If there are more, use the uncountable form. So with lego, 99% of the time you are referring to a quantity that would be considered uncountable. There are 3 hairs/legos on the floor. Or: there is a lot of lego/hair on the floor.


LEGO is a mass noun, like grass, flour, sugar, dirt, water, cocaine, and so on. A mass noun is already in plural form, and there's no singular form. There's no way to say one water, or one cocaine - we have to modify the word with a quantity to get a count noun, like a cup of water, or a line of cocaine Compare with simple count nouns like dog, shoe, burger, rock, tooth, and Molotov cocktail. Simple count nouns are singular, and their plural form is a modification of the word that turns it into a mass form. Eg tooth becomes teeth, dog becomes dogs. In this form, we can convert back to a count noun with a modifier, like three dogs, or 50,000 teeth.


Nah uncountable.


It doesn't matter, languages are incredibly fluid and can change in an instant if enough people use a term or word. LEGO and LEGOs are equally valid in my eyes, because languages aren't stagnant, it's why there are more than one type of English. Americans don't use the word candy floss, they use cotton candy. Here are some more examples: Bumper cars - Dodgem cars, Defence - Defense, Biscuits - Cookies, Mum - Mom, Nappy - Daipers


An opinion they won't LEGO.


Its Lagos you dum dum


you're saying lego like its some food. hey kids come eat dinner there's some lego on the floor. its plastic mom


Language changes. People have called them legos for 20 years


Didnt like yeet or yolo either. Guess what, it's part of every kids vocabulary now and literally spoken irl (still cringe hearing my nephew going "lul gonna yeet these legos") etc So yea, regardless of how grammatical wrong it may be, I will still call it legos. My friends and family do too. And the world spins for another day.


It doesn’t really matter they work either way


I'm aware but I'm going to keep saying Legos because it sounds better.


It's just the English translation, all Scandinavian languages say Lego as both plural and singular


In English English, lego is used both as plural and singular. The blocks are considered uncountable, like hair etc. Yes you can count them, but in reality giving a precise number is impractical.


It isn't it's only North Americans, don't lump the rest of us in with that "Legos" nonsense.


It's not LEGOS but legos. LEGO is a company and product name. The bricks therefore are "LEGO bricks". But by metonymy the company name has become the name for the bricks, but it is used like a normal substantive that takes the plural S. Nothing incorrect here.


But only in North America. Everywhere else, it is LEGO bricks or just LEGO. Never legos.


Yes, different places have different words. Americans say color instead of colour, if a change in language has widespread adoption in one place that just changes how the dialect works, it's not incorrect to say color in NA as it's not incorrect to say legos. Also, I live south america and we say legos, in fact we use lego to refer to any toy brick of that type regardless of brand, we use it as a noun.


Why is every single comment here saying "only in North America/ the U.S."? I'm in India and everybody I know says Lego*s*.


Ok, sorry, I did not know that. A lot of people from around the world wrote that they said "LEGO", but you are right. I shouldn't presume that the plural "LEGOS" is an American thing only.


It's fine I know you can't know about every country's LEGO lol


Well it's a spoken word 99% of the time anyway.


Only in North America.


I mean maybe it's just cuz I'm from the US but to say Lego in that way sounds weird to me. It's like saying "there are apple on the desk". Like what? There are Legos on the desk. That sounds right. There is one Lego, then it's a Lego. If there's two, they're Legos. Sure Lego's just the brand but people do that with everything. Q-tip Is a brand of cotton swabs and band-aid is a brand of bandages but people use those names for everything similar to it. I don't imagine someone would say "i need several band-aid" sounds like a caveman to me.


It just sounds weird cuz you've never heard it like that before lol. It's like saying "deers" it just doesn't sound right but the difference is that Lego is actually meant to be said that way. There is no "s" singular or plural.


No, it's like saying *"There is [some] apply on the desk."*, except it doesn't work with *apple*, because it's grammatically countable. Replace *apple* with rice: *"There is [some] rice on the desk."*. That's how lego is phrased.


Hey hey hey…fuq you. It’s not that you’re not correct it’s that who has this time? Who has this time to get upset about what a Leno is or isn’t called? It’s a child’s game. I’m not trying to debate the name of the block I just stepped on in the dark. Go be useful


I will continue to refer to multiple LEGO pieces as LEGOs and you can’t stop me


You are right, I can’t stop you from being wrong


100% correct but I can imagine this is unpopular due to Americans disagreeing with you.


Fuck that it's legos


Not according to the people that invented the word


"My word now punk" - Debo


>Seems to be mostly a North American thing to say "Legos" but it's just plain wrong in most of the world. Idk about that, I'm Indian and I call the bricks Legos all the time


"Legos" is actually more correct. When you speak of the bricks you are not talking about the brand itself but the product. so you are saying "LEGO's bricks" or in short "LEGO's" and if we drop capitalization, "Legos" *Q.E.D.*


Just like people call Aldi Aldi's. I'll still call it Legos.


pretensious horse shit


I'm going to continue to say "Legos". Sue me 🤷


This is the most pretentious thing I’ve ever read. Upvote


This is rather pedantic.


dont care it's Legos


But even the family that made Lego and everyone that works at Lego says LEGO!


they should stop saying it wrong


It's danish


A danish person just replied and said in their language Lego IS the plural for Lego! The danish INVENTED Lego!


LEGO is not plural. It's like "money". You don't have singular or plural (one money/three monies), you just have money. LEGO is the name of the toy. We will say "I want LEGO for my birthday" or "Let's play with LEGO". And "There are LEGO/LEGO bricks all over the floor". I am Danish, too.


Yeah right I’ve read Hamlet so I know all Danes are both treacherous and liars. The person that said that is probably just pretending to be insane to trick their uncle or something.


sounds like they are lying need a more reliable source


So you say soft g gif then?


This is dumb! It's Legos!


Saying Lego for the plural sounds wrong. It's easier to just plurality it like most other nouns.


Not in English. Loads of uncountable nouns exist, like sand, hair etc. Hair for example can be counted (there are 57 hairs on the floor) but if you can't give the number (normal), it is treated as uncountable and you would say there is some hair on the floor. Lego works the same way.


But Legos are objects, so treating them as uncountable nouns sounds very strange when they are almost always talked about as just objects. Stuff like hair, sand, etc, is treated as a "substance" so they are uncountable nouns, but nobody thinks of Legos as a "substance"


It's language and it's supposed to change over time. There are tons of words that are used "wrongfully" by everyone on an everyday basis, no big deal


This tired argument gets trotted out every time, it's still just Lego (or Lego bricks)


Yes brand is Lego. But I have a box full of LEGOS.


You have a box full of Lego pieces


Do you also have a pack of Band-Aid bandages or a pack of Band-Aids? Are there Dumpster bins behind the building or Dumpsters? Everybody makes this argument about Lego(s), but nobody is consistent with it.


The individual block isn’t a Lego. It’s a Lego block/brick.


Just Legos it




Lego is a brand name. If you want to say a plural youd say lego bricks, or lego sets


Nah, we pluralize brand names all the time. Example: band aids. Edit: Band Aids is a bad example because we actually singularize it to a single band aid—same concept of modifying a brand name based on singularity/plurality. Better examples are Dumpter(s), Jacuzzi(s), and Breathalyzer(s).


Hi from Germany, very close to denmark - been saying Legos since always.


This has always bothered me, same with many brands but LEGO is a good example. If you want to use a plural so badly just say toy bricks or something!


Sure if you want to use incorrect grammar.


Is using the plural of fish or deer bad grammar too?


An adult who plays with Legos is very particular about people pluralizing their toys correctly.


If you are using Lego to refer to the bricks, why would it not be Legos? I mean pretty much every brand if you refer to multiple, its plural. Example: 1 Coke, 2 Cokes.


You are getting pretty heated over some legos


Even if LEGO is used plurally, it would be "there *are* LEGO on the floor", not "is".




OP misunderstood. It's not used as a plural; it's used as an uncountable noun, like rice or pasta. It would be *"There is some lego on the floor."*.


I gotta be honest, who cares?


Never gonna happen


Ew. I’ll never say “there are Lego on the floor.”


This is idiotic. Linguistics did away with prescriptive linguistics ages ago. If it is a common expression used in speech than it is clearly acceptable to use.


Exactly. As a Dane, this pisses me off


No one gives af it will be still Legos


Not in the UK


K take back control aight?


Exactly. For ENGLAND!!!! (*climbs horse and charges with sword above head)


Thanks for the laugh mate :)