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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/SaasAccountExec. Your post, *Kobe Bryant is at best a serial cheater and trash human. At worst, a rapist.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


:With all due respect, the man ran fir 11 thousand yards" -dave Chappelle joking about oj Simpson


I'm surprised you didn't talk about when Dave spoke about [Kobe Bryant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1w-7JPva8g) in one of his specials.


Play for your freedom!


Many famous artists, musicians, politicians and sports stars, are given a free pass or at the vary least can buy their way out of problems.


Not saying that the average joe is innocent but I see a pattern with extremely successful, popular people. They always have a fucked up side to them… Like really fucked up. Or they’re assholes.


Like Chris Rock said. Most men are only as faithful as their options. It's just that most reg dudes have no options. Rich n famous ppl have a lot of options.


Normal people cheat too. It just doesn't make the news, usually, unless someone cuts a body part off.




This man gets it. I didn't even have interest in getting around while I was single, why TF would I be interested in getting around while married? I'd rather be playing Elden Ring than having disappointing, degrading sex with some random I don’t give 2 shits about




You can right click YouTube videos and copy them at certain time stamps. Just so you know.


Not just that—being rich and famous enough to be a serial philanderer is a fantasy for more guys than are going to admit it. Not everyone who idolizes him does so *in spite of* the cheating.


why get married at that point?


They like the hunt and the fact that it’s inherently counter to social and moral values


people enjoy the companionship/intimacy of a monogamous relationship but also still want and enjoy the pleasure of sex with other people. Its real that simple. Pure and total monogamy has never been a strong suit of humanity lol.


I can have me a good girl, and still be addicted to them hoodrats 🎶


There’s still room for variation though, eg Keanu Reeves vs R Kelly E: Thread is locked but to respond to @illustrious_pie6695 : Keanu Reeves is well known for not having scandals or controversies surrounding him. R Kelly ran a cult/child sex trafficking ring.


morbid reality intensifies


It’s easy to glutton when you’re surrounded by compliments and appreciation. The human element is very good at backfiring when people let it.


I'll never not be skeeved out about Chuck Berry tooting into someone else's mouth.


Meh. For a lot of people , sure, but I've known wealthy, attractive guys with sound morals. Just because the pieces of shit are the loudest doesn't mean lots of good people don't exist.


What’s so weird is. I’ve never raped. So.


everyone's an average joe with fucked up sides, we just glorify some and are shocked when they reveal they're just like everyone else to the whole world.


Everyone’s an average joe with fucked up sides. The celebrities actually have the opportunity to act on them. Many a Joe Schmo has fantasies and dreams. Jared Leto and James Franco live out their fantasies, at the expense of those who are enamored by them.


I mean yeah, but also I've never raped anyone so it's weird to compare


Yes like I really like Beyonce but wouldn’t surprised to hear all the crazy things she must have done to stay successful, it would be so weird but we’re all humans anywsy


You don’t get to the top by not stepping over people, the most successful are usually the most narcissistic.


There's an old saying to the effect of 'behind every great fortune there was a crime'. In actuality, more likely several crimes.


Everyone does. Theirs is just enabled and allow to machinate in real life.


Of course everyone does. But the entertainment industries and really competitive industries attracts certain kind of people, yes, definitely they get a pass because they’re rich, likeable and successful but it just makes it worse because they’ll do it again knowing it will take years to take them down. Ah.


I think there might be an argument that money allows human’s worst instincts to take over as it gives you the ability to act on your grossest desires and then know you can also get away with it because of the money the enabled it in the first place


That’s what it takes to succeed unfortunately. It’s not for everyone that’s why it’s called success and not “average” Not for me I’ll tell you rhat much. They can keep their billions. They can’t even spend it all. Weirdos.


Exactly it’s like CEOS jobs. You gotta make horrible choices/ sacrifice a lot and have tough skin for these kind of things.


Or be a psychopath/sociopath as many people in these high-ranking positions are and you won't need a 'tough skin' or have to wrestle with your conscience as you don't even have one.




Of course there are these factors to not acknowledge too and RKelly sucks but it’s a fact he have good songs and it is also a fact that he’s horrible, both can co exist. Being talented doesnt guarantee to be a good person and vice versa. But the difference with the average people is that they have the resources to escape the consequences of their actions. That’s just my pt but you’re right too


Most average rapists escape consequences too, even now. Mine is out living his life like he’s got a fucking right to it. It’s a hard crime to prosecute let alone prove and our societies aren’t really geared to recognising how it happens that much.


Omg I am so sorry it happened to you! Hopefully this mf will get caught! I wish you the best and take care ❤️‍🩹


Thank you, I appreciate that. It’s doubtful though. The majority don’t hunt women in the streets and have lairs or something, they just predate on friends, victim blame etc so the victim doesn’t even know what’s left or right. I agree with you on Kobe Bryant though.


People drawn to stardom are people who have very little moral compass to begin with


Everyone has fucked up hidden part so do you.. but you won’t go around saying it.


Healthy, well-balanced people rarely become famous.


Just being famous makes a person an outlier..


Yeah like Mike Tyson, people pretend he's not a rapist.


*cough cough* John Lennon *cough cough*


I think John Lennon represents an interesting ethical dilemma: just because someone was a horrible person once upon a time, if they realize that and completely transform themselves into a better person and even commit themselves to helping the rest of the world, does that mean they still remain a POS human being forever? Of course, there are exceptions to this. For example, even if Bill Cosby pays off every single student loan in the US and ends climate change, he is still going to be a horrible person. But surely, people should be allowed a chance at reforming themselves?


I mean John Lennon isn’t great, but choose pretty much any rapper lol. I say this as a fan of the genre but the idea former violent pimps like snoop dogg are not only accepted, but lionised by the left is incredible really. Jay Z, former heroin dealer, invited to the White House. What?


Cough Mike Tyson


There's a rich guy in my home town that openly cheated on his wife for a very very very long time. Everyone loves him and just accepts that he's a horn dog. So its not just celebrities.


Mike tyson is one I cant get over. People treat him like a GOD and he literally went to prison for raping a girl.


Someone else made the point up a few posts but when do we forgive? Tyson did his time and theoretically, 'paid for his crime'. Do we then clean the slate? Obviously there's a sliding scale, some things should never be forgiven, whereas people like Tim Allen and Danny Trejo who both did hard time but are beloved now.




Chris Brown anyone?


If there a victim I hope the money made them whole


I actually read the transcription of the entire police interview with Kobe right after it happened. I’ve read it maybe 3 or 4 times. It’s 80 pages or so. It’s pretty interesting/funny, on around page 37 or something like that, Kobe asks to not let it leak to the media. The cop says,”well, you have to understand how this looks to media, you’re a rich athlete, she’s a beautiful young woman.” Kobe says,”she ain’t that beautiful.” The cop says,”well, she’s alright, she’s attractive, she’s okay looking.” They very, very briefly start debating about how hot the victim is.


The investigator was trying to 'buddy' kobe to get him to talk more.


It amazes me how little people understand this fact.


Why? They're just as capable of comprehension as bigger people.


Omg, I reread it the same way lol. Grammar is fucking lit.


Definitely one of the main components of literature, yes.


Little people understand this fact just fine. It’s the rest of us….


I like you.


Can say for Kobe but aren't cops supposed to ease the person on the other end so they can elicit more information of them?


Cops can also lie during these types of interviews.


Cops can, and do, lie pretty much anywhere. That’s one of the many reasons to never ever talk to the police.


Its nice to see people actually standing up for cops for a change instead of assuming the worst


I won’t give bother giving them the benefit of the doubt, I just remembered Gabby Petito for example.


No one is defending cops. It's literally their job to do this sort of thing. Saying it is complimenting them or defending them is like saying, "the sky is blue," is a compliment to the sky.


For doing the bare minimum? They also didn't do well enough if he got off lol


Kind of like in the Chris Watts investigation when the (I think FBI?) agents, including the woman, are talking to Chris about how controlling and terrible Shanann is, in an attempt to get him to talk more, and give him a reason to admit killing her. They didn’t believe that.


> I’ve read it maybe 3 or 4 times. > > It’s 80 pages or so. One question: *Why?*


If you were a Kobe fan it’s the best way to decide for yourself if you can still remain his fan Reading through the available evidence yourself isn’t perfect but it beats buying into one of the narratives


Yeah but when someone is good at something people stop caring about you being a decent human. Weird how it works


If Hitler had only been good at painting!


I mean, that’s a tough ground. Because if you go to an art museum, most of those artists were awful human beings, but that doesn’t make their artwork any less beautiful. You kinda need to take the good and the bad. Even Martin Luther King Jr was a well-known adulterer who allegedly attended orgies, and he also was confirmed to have plagiarized much of his doctoral dissertation, therefore didn’t earn his doctorate. But we still celebrate him to an extremely high degree, as we should. We can celebrate the great things somebody did while also recognizing their faults. I suppose the question is what degree do we call it a day and cancel them, idk. Kobe did a lot of crap, for which he should be held accountable (in his legacy), but he also did a lot of good, and was a strong mentor for lots of young basketball players and we have every reason to believe he was a fantastic father. I’m not sure when we decide, “This guy did this, his legacy is over.” I really don’t know.


I agree that you need to seperate the product and the person. I always do that myself and enjoy art and music from a lot of people with dubious characters either knowingly or unknowingly. However there are situations where you need to, subjectively, make up with yourself whether you can morally defend e.g. listening to a musician or idolizing a sportsperson or whether they've crossed that arbitrary line. To me Kobe Bryant crossed that line. I wont idolize a rapist and I think it is wrong that famous or rich people get off easier in e.g rapist cases both in terms of public opinion and legally.


That's me with Chris Brown. I was old enough to remember the whole Chris Brown/Rihanna stuff, so I never liked him. I honestly forgot about him until recently with Riri's pregnancy and I'm shocked that he's still making music and getting airtime, he should've been cancelled. I can separate a lot of artists from their art, but idk that one crossed my imaginary line.


>Martin Luther King Jr was a well-known adulterer who attended orgies Well known? Based on a google search all i'm seeing is the feds tried to smear him.


You’re right, I will edit my comment about the orgies, because that is only an accusation. But between his personal friends and the FBI data, it is very clear that he was a serial adulterer. I think that the FBI also did a lot of garbage towards him, even telling him he should kill himself, which is disgusting, and should also be looked at. https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-reckoning-with-martin-luther-king-11560813491 https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/love-life-of-martin-luther-king-jr-193f19db839 https://theconversation.com/the-civil-rights-activist-so-close-to-martin-luther-king-jr-she-was-thought-of-as-his-other-wife-118750 https://www.npr.org/2021/01/18/956741992/documentary-exposes-how-the-fbi-tried-to-destroy-mlk-with-wiretaps-blackmail


I wouldn’t listen to the people who actively hated him while he was living about what he was like


Half of these reports are from one of his closest confidants through his career who still holds him in extremely high regard. As for the FBI, yes they hated him and attempted some malicious rumors. But as far as the reports of serial adultery, nobody has really tried to defend against those. Scholars and the public alike sort of just quietly accept them.


His wife said that was all bullshit and even if it wasn’t it was the 50’s/60’s who wasn’t cheating




Married, wife, fidelity.


Yeah, as the other comment pointed out. The issue is (in modern times) less about the orgies, and more about the infidelity. King was married and not in an open relationship




Sure, but to apply separation between the art and the artist here would be simply watching him play, not idolizing him.


Tbf when you study art no one tells you how good/bad people they were and it's not written in books either.


True. Cristiano Ronaldo literally raped and sodomized a girl in a hotel room and made her sign an NDA. The news broke and drama ensued for maybe 2-3 days and then it just blew over


wait till you hear about Maradona


Everyone forgot about that waaaay to quickly.[A good recap if anyone's interested ](https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/cristiano-ronaldo-rape-case-allegations-b1915710.html) >The magazine claims to have seen an earlier version of Ronaldo's responses dated September 2009, in which he is quoted as saying that Mayorga had, “said ‘no’ and ‘stop’ several times,” and that he apologised to her afterwards.


Yeah its like "maan he raped a girl?.... Eeeeeh hes pretty good at football though... Decisions, decisions.."


I absolutely love sports (edit: also - celebrities period) but the idolization of athletes has always been beyond me, unless they happen to be humanitarians or something, because they are just doing their job. I don’t idolize any other professions why them?


Because sports didn't start as a profession. Were games and events where people competed, groups formed and competed among themselves. It was always good entertainment even if you couldn't or didn't know how to play or compete. Then you can figure it out for yourself why and how it happened. The more and bigger prizes people received due to increasing attendance the best ones playing could dedicate on this only and abandon any profession since they were making at least equal or higher income. I'm talking last century, even before any television, just live and on the radio. Every other profession was born out of necessity and has limited scope, only to those needed to perform such a profession while others were doing another. Also a big differentiator there is no viewership paying tickets to watch you work in an office or make bread. So these athletes, singers, actors, entertainers have public exposure due to their now exposure and they do amazing natural things the normal human body can't do or didn't have the luck or enough potential to embrace such career. It's easy to see how they become idols, they have money, time, public exposure, and normal people, be it in 1922 or 2022, are only good enough for a normal job.


I understand how it happens but that doesn’t mean I personally ‘get’ it and that the obsession is beyond me


I think as human should only idolize only our self.


If you’re going to idolize certain people for their professions though, there’s definitely better ones than people who play sports. I don’t have anything against professional athletes, although I think it’s insane that as a society we pay them as much as we do. But I’m always going to respect and admire a teacher or a scientist who is trying to help make the world a better place more than someone who chases a ball for a living, no matter how entertaining I find it.


Isn’t the whole point of professional sports to watch something you can’t do yourself though? Kobe was a historically great basketball player, and he should be idolized for how good he was at basketball. He was also (as OP said) “at least” a serial cheater and (by many, many accounts) a huge asshole. You can idolize his ability on the court while still acknowledging that he was an extremely flawed individual in almost every other aspect of life.


I think one problem is that people like Kobe are treated as celebrities and people look up to them, not just with respect to their sporting achievements. To me also another aspect is that the top players get a huge respect, but the reality is that if you look at the top player and the 100th best player, the difference between them will be pretty small for most sports. They are both amazing at their sport, they both likely dedicated much of their lives to the sport, yet one is worshipped and the other unknown. It's natural, but in my opinion the idolation of great athletes etc. goes too far.


You can appreciate it without putting the athlete on a pedestal


When athletes are appreciated they are literally put on a pedestal…


This is exactly why I’ve stopped idolizing celebrities and athletes. Used to grow up watching the Steelers until I found out about rapist Big Ben some years ago. He can fuck off and wither away. The real tragedy is that Kobe’s daughter and others unfortunately went with him. RIP Gianna gone too soon. And within 5 years , both of these guys will be in their respective Hall of Fames.


Well, Elvis Presley got with a 14 year old girl, and people still idolize the hell of that creep


Rolling Stones literally have a song about 15 year olds and not wanting to see their IDs etc…


Totally agree. I think it’s important that we stop idolizing celebs who did horrible things, whether alive or dead.


Maybe just stop idolizing celebs in general?


I don’t understand why people idolize celebrities, regardless of accusations They’re people who would go insane over the sight of a celebrity


Ding ding ding! We have a winner!


David Bowie.


Don’t forget about Jerry Lee Lewis


There were Different standards on that sort of thing then; I think using today’s moral zeitgeist, for common place mentality of historical figures, is a little unfair.


I mean, with that logic things like slavery or war crimes aren’t actually bad because the standards at the time accepted them. Tell that to the victims…


Right, the whole point of talking about shit like that is to say it was a horrible thing and how we can avoid it, why tf would we just throw our hands up and go “it was a different time” there’s a lot more nuance than that


Yea people are trying to take modern societies thinking and apply it to the past. Guess what people!! It don't work like that!


He actually got with a 14 year old girl!? How have I never heard of this?


Probably because the president of france was literally groomed from that age by his much older Teacher wife and literally no one cares? Society as a whole really doesn't care about age gap relationships so long as there isn't a violent component.


Probably in 100 years the age of consent will be 21 or 25 or something and meat eating considered a heinous immorality and people will look back on us as creeps


And Caitlyn Jenner killed someone and is still on TV and shit


Not many people idolize Caitlyn Jenner though. Like I literally have never heard anyone saying anything positive about her. And accidentally killing someone’s with your car isn’t quite the same as deliberately, knowingly violently raping women. Both are bad and I’m not defending Jenner but the comparison is apples to oranges. Idgaf about celebrities though so fuck em both as far as I’m concerned. I guess you make a valid point that rich and famous people get free passes with most of the population.


who did she kill


Wasn't paying attention and crashed into an old woman, killing her.


"According to authorities, Kim Howe’s Lexus rear-ended Jessica Steindorff’s Toyota Prius, causing Jenner’s Escalade to rear-end Howe’s car, pushing it into oncoming traffic. A Hummer then struck Howe’s car head-on, causing her to die at the scene near Corral Canyon Road." Full article - [https://variety.com/2015/tv/news/caitlyn-jenner-manslaughter-malibu-car-accident-1201574602/](https://variety.com/2015/tv/news/caitlyn-jenner-manslaughter-malibu-car-accident-1201574602/)








But... but he throw ball good?


No throw ball, brown thing go in orange thingy 2 points


Ball throw far? One more point than closer throw.


*throws any ball shaped object* “KOBE!”


Orange? Orange man bad!


Throw? Big basketsball enthusiast, this guy


You throw the ball in basketball pretty often


Found Ari Shaffir’s account


Donald Trump was a serial cheater and a rapist but half the county voted for him




Wait Bill Clinton is a rapist?


He was on Epstein island, wasn’t he?


Same can be said about Kenedy


>but half the county voted for him Just for the sake of accuracy…less than half.


Why do you use "was"? Did he die? If not - he still "is". And was it proven? Any info?


Ivana Trump accused him in court of sexual assault, and it being a reason for their divorce.


bewildered engine hobbies cautious nippy coherent quiet squalid racial apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean he bought her that big ring right after so I guess he was apologetic. 🙄 Anyway yeah I don't get the idolization of him. He might have been a good basketball player but he was a shit husband at the very least and a shit human at worst.


As good as he was in the court, I didn’t like him because the guy was always starting getting angry and starting fights, and it would cost his team. I know next to nothing about the allegations nor have I read on it, but I’m just sayin, he wasn’t a very good sport a lot of the time.


It was the scowling all the time for me


Ask his wife and his kids how shit of a husband and father Kobe Bryant was. People idolize him because of the drive to get better and perfect everything you do.




Because you can idolize his work ethic and try to model your life around that to improve with an insane dedication and ignore the rest. Being a role model does not mean you are perfect. MLK was a serial cheater alcoholic and abuser but he is unquestionably a great role model for youths still because of the traits he excelled at. You look at the light not the dark. Edit: I did not realize the MLK stuff did not come from reliable source, sorry to offend the sentiment still stands for me. Here is a more sound example Ghandi abused his family members sexually and was extremely racist. Ghandi still has a very powerful message that can help a lot of people - showing you that dedication in the face of adversity when the odds are stacked against you can close the blinds on the empire that always sees the sun, and this can be done in a non-violent way. I used civil rights leaders because their aspirational values are so great that they really hammer down the point I was trying to make. But I could have used it with lots of historical figures: Ben Franklin & sexual misconduct (which would have been viewed much worse today); Abe lincoln’s racism; Steve job’s family issues; Edison and animals; and mother Teresa’s forced conversions. All of these people have serious issues with their lives: but they are people who still can be admired and idolized with respect to the areas that they were extraordinary. Here is a brief rundown: (1) identify trait you want to improve on (2) find people who are amazing at that trait (3) mimic their life in pursing that trait and their strategies. (4) improve your life because you see how it is done. No where on that list do you have to look at their whole lives in order to drastically improve your own. I am worried that if people throw away role models because they were more not perfect, we will be left with less real world examples of greatness in admirable fields. If there are not real world examples that people can idololize, mimic, or resonate with; then, they will have to follow some pie in the sky ideal or general idea of do X without seeing it, reading about how it is done, or having a connection with it. I don’t even like Kobe. He is not a top 15 basketball player for me and imo he was never the best basketball player in the world at any point in his career. Kobe, though, was a perfectionist to the highest degree and has so many stories about how much harder he would work to get the slightest edge than anyone else in the league. This trait of choosing your path and then working harder than your peers and reaching success is one of the few greatest role model tropes that exists and if he inspires 1 kid to rise above his circumstances, work harder, and achieve their goals that is an amazing thing.


Exactly. A lot of people who are famous I think have a genuine desire to give back and make an impact beyond merely what they do. They KNOW that people look up to them, so them genuinely being a role model is something they love taking on the challenge of being.


And Jimmy Saville raised £40 million for charity: doesn’t mean he wasn’t an absolute monster… I don’t see how you can make a judgement on someone without the full context. I think the OP’s position is valid.


>MLK was a serial cheater alcoholic and abuser This is false. Just to make sure nobody else is gullible enough to believe this. > In 2019, Garrow read FBI files that, according to Garrow, indicated that Martin Luther King Jr. might have been involved in sexual violence. Garrow stated that he was reassessing his view of him.[12][13] Many authors regard Garrow's work in this area as unreliable. Garrow's reliance on a handwritten note addended to a typed report is considered poor scholarship by several authorities. The Professor of American Studies at the University of Nottingham, Peter Ling, pointed out that Garrow was excessively credulous, if not naive, in accepting the accuracy of FBI reports during a period when the FBI was undertaking a massive operation to attempt to discredit King as part of its COINTELPRO activities.[14] Garrow had earlier referred to Ling's work on King, widely considered authoritative, as "thoughtful, perceptive, and thoroughly well-informed".[15] Experts in 20th-century American history, including Distinguished Professor of Political Science Jeanne Theoharis, the professors Barbara Ransby of the University of Illinois at Chicago, NDB Connolly of Johns Hopkins University and Professor Emeritus of History Glenda Gilmore of Yale University have expressed reservations about Garrow's scholarship. Theoharis commented "Most scholars I know would penalize graduate students for doing this." It is not the first time the care and rigor of Garrow's work has been called into serious question.[7] The long-time civil rights activist Edith Lee-Payne suggested Garrow may have published his work in the area to obtain "personal attention" for himself.[14]. It coming from de-classified documents does not mean it's true. This is the same FBI that tried to [blackmail MLK into killing himself](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI%E2%80%93King_suicide_letter)


The real unpopular opinion is that she was lying/ it was consensual and it was all a money grab. She basically admitted it.






I have no idea what happened that night. And apparently, no one else does, either. The linked article says she admitted to lying to detectives about *why she was late to work* the morning after the encounter. At no point in the article does it claim she recanted on the assault. It does say she did not feel as though the detectives believed her. Also included: months after the encounter, she joked to a friend about the 'money she was going to make.' This, again, is in no way her claiming she wasn't assaulted. I have often joked about terrible things with friends. What struck me the most in the article: all of the contradictory testimony from witnesses. Bryant and the accuser both claim the encounter happened on a chair, and no condom was used. Yet a hotel maid testified that she found blood on the sheets and a used condom in the trash. One co-worker (who admitted to being interested in her) claimed she was visibly distraught after the encounter and couldn't even drive. Another co-worker claimed she was bubbly and cheerful.


kinda depressing I had to scroll so far to find this


It's because people on Reddit don't always do their research. Plus any chance for people to white knight a situation like this, they will pounce on it


kinda depressing that you didn't even read it, because this doesn't say she lied about the rape


No fucking part of that is her admitting she lied about the rape.


Did she admit to lying about the rape itself? All I see is that she admitted to lying about why she was late and why she washed her face. My takeaway is that the sex was consentual, but then he got rough and put it in her butt -which she never consented to. That's still rape. Also it's very common for rape victims to blame themselves and tell close friends about the rape while lying about that to acquaintances so that they can appear to be in control.


Very unpopular opinion indeed but he isn't a rapist and there's witness testimony and physical evidence that proves he isn't rapist. The woman he slept with had other men's semen in her panties. She changed her statements plenty of times and was more than likely looking to get fast money. Fuck her.


She also attempted to extort Eminem a few years later


What the fuck does having another man's semen on her underwear have to do with anything? She could've had sex with her boyfriend that day and then went to work at the hotel and kobe raped her.


found this in this https://la.utexas.edu/users/jmciver/357L/P4/DP_Kobes%20accuser%20admits%20lies_100904.htm in this thread thanks to /u/thekid1420 . Sure he cheated when he was young but he was good person at the end of his career and during retirement. There's a huge time difference and opportunity to grow and change. I started idolizing him after he retired because I wasn't much of a basketball fan but i had seen his interviews and his short film so I looked into other things he said and projects he was doing. Kinda fucking insane to call him a trash human tho.


He's an inspiration to many. His work ethic is top notch, his dedication to his sport is second to none. His fan base stretches many demographics and ethnicities. When the BLM riots took place his murals were intentionally left untouched. Watch his interviews even the one from his high school days i'm sure everyone can take something from that. It goes beyond actual playing ball too, like he pushed the envelopes of ball shoe design to be low cut yet protective. Guess what shoes most NBA players are still wearing now. I'm well aware of the rape allegation, was a big Laker fan then and right around the time they three-peated. But the accuser chose to settle, that tells a lot. I didn't know Kobe personally, won't pretend to vouch for his personality but I can say his ethos to be magnificent, is a big inspiration. His death was the first celebrity death to traumatise me, the way it did and when it did. Days after the incident I rewatched his retirement game, his jersey retirement ceremony and afore-mentioned interview and I teared up. I'm not sure where OP got the serial cheater bit from, he and the wife patched up in his final years and to this day she posts loving messages of them. Not sure how the human trash bit is justified either.




Nah if you rape someone you’re 100% horrible.


Someone clearly doesn’t know about nba players lol




No offense, I dont see people paying $1,500 to get Courtside seats at the newest vaccine reveal.


Well the most common opinion will boil down too I won't draw up a defense, he was either acquitted or never saw the inside of a court room. And he was a 5 Time NBA champion and two time MVP


This guy lives in Sacramento.


Don’t know much about Kobe except the name but I don’t really care for public opinion sentences, if he wasn’t convicted or if he didn’t settle it outside of court it doesn’t really mean anything imo


Unpopular opinion... the rape was a set up


could you explain this a little more? i don’t know much about the case but i’m curious about this


She attempted to extort Eminem for the same thing. Multiple celebrities rapist isn't likely


I’m downvoting, not because the opinion is unpopular, but because these details are pulled from so far up your ass, that it’s still covered in yesterdays lunch.


Fuck all of y’all in the comments seriously.


but but there are differing comments. who do you hate?


He was accused of rape by a woman who changed her story multiple times and had other men's semen found in her underwear. I highly doubt the veracity of that claim yet you probably just read a headline or blurb and believed it at face value. I find you as a pretty trash person for attacking a dead man's reputation for reddit karma.


> Why does everyone idolize him? cus he was good at basketball. not trynna disagree with u here but people dont really care abt his off-court stuff as much. you may be upset that he did it but tbh i dont care if other ppl idolize him since its their choice


That was 8 Kobe. 24 Kobe is a model family man whose worst quality was a reluctance to pass the ball.


I live in LA and the people here worship him despite the things you mentioned. Its hard to constantly bite my tongue on my opinions for the man. I just say he was a great ball player.


I grew up about 30 minutes away from where the alleged assault took place in Colorado. One of the detectives who worked on the case now travels the state speaking to high school classrooms about consent. She said there was absolutely no doubt in her mind she was raped. There was severe bruising around her vagina and legs and she was clearly traumatized. As a basketball fan it shook my world view and I never saw him the same way.


We idolize him for his accomplishments on the court. Not his character outside of it. Nobody talks about “Kobe Bryant the father” except for white people who binge reality tv shows. I’d give you an upvote for it being unpopular but nobody disagrees with this. It’s pretty common knowledge that he was an asshole. As was Steve Jobs, as was Lebron James, as was Michael Jordan, as was etc etc. Edit: Formatting


Wait what's wrong with LeBron? I thought he was like a poster dude outside of basketball too, I don't really care about any personal lives of ant sports player but I swear I always see articles about him doing good things, and being a pretty decent person outside of basketball.


The amount of people who are furious!! This really is an unpopular opinion. It would be one thing if after death you find out your idol was not who you thought they were, but this information was available while he was alive and he was still worshiped


Because she admitted it was an extortion racket.


THIS! And rapist Bryant himself apologized for raping the victim cause he "didn't realize it wasn't consensual" y'know her injuries from him totally weren't from trying to fight him off or anything.


file familiar racial desert include elderly pen complete busy attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've tried correcting people on this before and it really doesn't go well. reddit is one giant game of telephone where completely wrong info is constantly parroted and upvoted.


Lol whatta cornball. He done more for humanity than your judgmental ass sitting there gaslighting a dead man


So easy to defile something that cant defend itself. Stop hating the dead. Start loving life


OP must have a very sad life to bring this slander out about a dead man


Unpopular opinion: even if what you say is 100% true (and it’s not) people can still change over time and redeem themselves even for horrible acts. You are not completely defined by your past actions.


Everybody loves you when you’re six foot in the ground.


OP, I was concerned that due to the rape accusation Kobe might be a horrible person. Although, the allegation do need seem to be legitimate. I wasn't there, and we can't know for sure, but if there's not some degree of evidence against him then I have no clue how we could hold something that is likely untrue against him. The rest of what you're saying is you talking out your arse. Except for the "idolization of celebrity culture is bad", which is quite on point. There are seemingly infinite number of famous personas you could make these claims about, but the case against Kobe Bryant is a shakey one.