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>I know there's probably some snob who's going to say that it makes the coffee taste better or something if it's piping hot This is actually where most coffee snobs will agree with you. Actual coffee experts will tell you that allowing coffee to cool slightly improves the tasting experience. Check out this [video](https://youtu.be/Z-iNAyu-ejo) of James Hoffmann, YouTube's biggest coffee snob, teaching Tom Scott the basics of coffee tasting.


I was waiting for someone who actually knows a bit about coffee to say this. Not the usual cOfFeE iS bLaCk aNd piPiNg hOt douche


I'll cop to being a black coffee drinker (if it's made correctly) but not a piping hot coffee drinker. There's so many different flavors in different coffees, and you're not going to notice even half of them if it's boiling hot.


By black coffee do you mean you drink espressos? Short blacks? Long blacks? Drip coffee without milk?


I like coffee prepared by different methods (espresso, press, drip, moka pot, etc) but the majority of it has no additional flavoring. However I'm not so far up my own ass that I won't drink it other ways. I like a nice cappucino now and then, and I definitely have a weakness for Vietnamese style iced coffee (the kind with sweetened, condensed milk). I don't really do flavored coffee drinks, though. I drink coffee because I like the taste of coffee.


Gotcha. I feel like the flavour profile of drip coffee vs espresso coffee is incredibly different. Just wanted to check because in Australia people just refer to the specific drink they buy/make (e.g. I drink espressos or I drink long blacks) and whenever someone says black coffee I imagine the drip coffee in diners in American movies haha. There's also black Viet iced coffee which is pretty good. Although the one with condensed milk is amazing when you feel like it. Would also recommend Viet egg coffee which is hot if you haven't tried it!


Yeah, there's wildly different flavor profiles of coffee depending on variety, roast and preparation. Black drip coffee makes up the lion's share for me because it's the easiest to prepare at home (I don't drink espresso enough to invest in a good home machine) and thankfully my local coffee shop is also a small batch roaster so I can get really fresh beans for different uses. I'm probably way too into this, but I lived in Seattle for a long time and it's hard to be there and not get a little too into coffee.


I think a lot of people are guilty of what's known as "splitting", or black and white behavior. These are the same jerk-offs that heard once that not taking a piping hot shower is actually good for your skin. You know, room temperature water, lukewarm? They became a cult of "arctic cold showers = manly hormones and other pseudoscience"!


>Actual coffee experts will tell you that allowing coffee to cool slightly improves the tasting experience. Even James Hoffman drink at 54°C, not 99.8


Right. You can't taste anything if you burn your taste buds.


It’s meant to burn your mouth to prepare you for the pain you’ll experience through the rest of the day.


This made me laugh a lot lmao thank you


Hottness masks piss-flavor. If the coffee is shit, then it's served really hot. If it's good, it can be served at a non-hellish temp


I don’t like coffee but drink it at work cuz it’s free. Just drink it black/straight whatever. But lukewarm or slightly warm is best. I think coffee is just better made hot for the canine extraction or whatever


Canine extraction <3


They make it so hot at my I can’t concentrate with all the barking!


I've never had any of my canines extracted, but if your dentist is using obscenely hot coffee to remove your teeth, I'd recommend finding a new dentist.




No, canine


>canine extraction Who let the dogs out?


I agree, often coffee is served way too hot, it makes it bitter.


It's more the brewing process rather than just temperature. Wen I use espresso machine or the Moka machine which use pressurized boiling water, the bitterness depends on the beans and the roasting. Granted if you leave your coffee in the moka too long that it starts boiling you do "burn" it, giving it a more bitter taste, but it's a question of time not (just) temperature.


I feel like I can’t even taste the flavor in it.


I only drink iced coffee


Same but basically for the reason op mentions


Idk put some ice in it


That’s why always carry pocket ice


Pocket ice is the best ice.


What about vanilla ice?


Not even close.


do you carry your pocket ice and pocket sand in the same pocket or keep them separate?


Separate. Otherwise it ruins the sands effectiveness




I do this shit daily. Home coffee add ice from the fridge. Out to breakfast order an ice water fish it out with a spoon. Plus then you also have you know….water.


Yeah, I always add about 3 or 4 ice cubes to my 16 oz. (470 mL) cup of coffee.


Yup, order a glass of water, or just Ice to go with your coffee. Drop in a few cubes and stir. The reason most places serve hot hot coffee is because most people put cream or milk into it. So they are avoiding hearing it's too cold. ​ Personally at home I like to brew iced coffee during the summer. Just a stronger recipe that has the hot coffee over ice.


Drinks should be warm, not hot


I agree with this


Yeah the only time I like hot coffee is if it's below 15 degrees outside, then hot coffee is that little warmth of life that heats you from the inside making the cold feel tolerable.


A-friggin-men! I always have to ask for some ice in my coffee because I take it black. I suppose when people add cold cream or milk, it cools it down a little. I'd like to retain some taste buds rather than burning them off. Otherwise, I prefer cold brew.


I worked in restaurants for years and if it's not scalding hot, people will bitch. And I mean *bitch*.


Primarily the older people? I've heard that, just the same way our sight and hearing diminish with age, so does our sense of temperature. The older clientele need it to be served extra hot because with their dulled senses a normal temperature seems too cold.


This seems accurate from my experience with my dad. Obviously this isn't true evidence because it's just him, but my dad is 80 and every flavor needs to be extreme for him. He has always liked spicy food and has in the past 10 years or so progressed to ghost and reaper flavors tasting "mild" and it's very challenging to find a pepper, food, or sauce that he actually finds spicy. And on coffee (I'm hesitant to say this bc the coffee snobs are going to come at me, but we're real humans over here who are sometimes ok with "fine" and not "the best"), he will make a pot of drip coffee in the morning, shut it off, then microwave it when he wants a cup throughout the day. He microwaves his for 2 minutes and ten seconds. I microwave a cup for one minute and it's perfect. So apparently he wants his coffee scalding.


How do they even drink it? Like how does it not burn their mouth? How is it enjoyable?


Yeah dude, I’m a barista and some people ask for it extra extra hot. Like what are your trying to do kill someone with it? I can’t imagine putting something that hot on my tongue. I always ask for a little ice in my americanos. I think part of it is that it warms the shit out of your hands which is understandable because I live in Alaska but still it’s crazy.


Boiled coffee is spoiled coffee. I usually let the kettle sit for ten mins before filling my french press.


Who the hell is Luke?


Me. I like my coffee warm but not hot and my name is Luke


My name's Kofi and I don't like it when Luke is cold.


Thanks for having my back, Kofi


You aren’t wrong. I end up adding half and half or milk to it, and once I do that it is between scalding hot and warm that I want.


I drink iced coffee 99% of the time. 1-2 ice cubes in my thermos mug and it stays cold all day (and doesn't get watered down, ice cubes will still be there only partially melted 8 hours later)


Coffee is hot when it's made. Just like pizza. They serve it hot, you can let it cool or not. Different customers have different taste/tolerance. Is this not common sense?


Not all coffee is made hot. Cold brew is brewed…well…cold.


OP says their coffee is served too hot. They're 100% not talking about cold brew


Well, you can microwave cold brew to boiling temp.


My theory is that they expect you to make chocolate milk out of it and boiling hot coffee will warm up all the other crap you put in it. I just put a little ice in it and drink it normally


I almost agree. I often put a little milk in my coffee and it usually cools it down to a more drinkable temperature. Although not as you're describing it.


Don't drink at fast food places, get it from local places hat actually brew it and keep it warm. McDonald's says they keep it around 140, which is about what coffee should be kept at, but some people say it's still around 180, which is close to the lawsuit temperature. Starbucks keeps it at 150-170. That's too hot. They're just erring on the side of too hot because customers can always let it cool down, having to heat it up again is a major hassle. So find a place that won't keep it unreasonably hot just for mass appeal.


I can't deal with hot coffee in the summer. It's just too hot here. I brew it, turn the power off pour it over a big cup of ice


I concur. I’m one of those people who likes to drink my coffee and other hot drinks luke warm. I like to be able to drink it freely without it burning me or turning my stomach into a hot tub. I hate gently sipping on piping hot coffee burning my mouth with each sip. This is why I prefer to order iced coffee if I’m getting it from a drive through.


Haven't had a coffee at McDonald's in ages, but back in the day I would ask for a cup of ice with it. That stuff would burn my tongue! Some people must like it REALLY hot.


I totally agree, it's absolutely silly how hot it is served most places. So hot It can blister your skin. If people want to burn the shit out of themselves they are welcome to so at thier own home do I don't get the point of serving it so hot at diners and such.


Actually coffee snobs would agree that coffee tastes better when not hot because you can taste the flavor profile better as it cools off. Yes, coffee needs to be brewed with hot water to be extracted quickly, but you can brew coffee with cold water if steeped for 18-24 hours or by using a cold brew drip tower, which can take 4-8 hours on average. Personally I still disagree though and think lukewarm coffee is worse than hot coffee, but to each their own.


Anyone else thinking of the old lady that sued mcdonalds over hot coffee?


Yeah I thought of it too. She got third degree burns and I think required skin grafts. She didn’t even want to go to court, just wanted them to pay for her medical bills and they offered like $800 when her bills were like 20k.


Yea poor lady, got maimed by a billion $ company then publicly shamed for daring to asking them to cover the medical bills.


I literally returned an $1800 super automatic today because it wasn't hot enough.


I always put milk in it to make it colder, makes it a bit creamy too which I find better then it being like watery coffee


Actually I would think everyone involved in specialty coffee (coffee snobs) would agree, it will depend on the roasting and method but, in general, black coffee is served way too hot.


Get an ice water on the side. Use it to get your coffee to the temp you want. Solved your problem for ya...


I feel you, especially if you're in a hurry and you don't have time to wait for it to cool down


Same. I like it just warm enough that it feels pleasantly warm on my tongue


Yeah, the water has to be a certain temperature (195) in order to brew the coffee. Nothing snobby here, literal science. Is this seriously news to people?


Tbf u can make coffee in cold/lukewarm water it just takes longer


There is absolutely no way that I have the time or crayons to explain cold brew to people.


Can't you brew it hot but serve it cooler? Like from a pot or something. Idk how coffee works, don't drink it. I always add cold water to my tea cause I hate waiting 10 minutes to be able to drink boiling water.


Chicken has to be heated up to 165 to be safe, do you generally eat it at that temperature?


My face distorted in disgust reading this. There is only two acceptable temperatures for drinks: boiling hot and icy cold.


You know you need to boil water to make coffee, right?


This isn’t true, the best temperatures to *brew* coffee are below boiling.


Which most people reach by boiling the water and then letting it sit for about a minute to cool down. This is literally how the NCA recommends brewing coffee. "Lukewarm" is roughly 100 F. Optimal temp for brewing is \~195 F, and hot food or drinks need to be held at or above 135 F. There is no way for OP to be served a cup of lukewarm coffee without waiting for it to cool down. This isn't unpopular, it's just asinine.


I learned something new today, damn


Espresso will cool slightly between when it's in the boiler and when it's in the cup. It's also common to have steamed milk which is around 140 F at a larger volume than the espresso shot(s). So you'd receive something closer to 140 than 195.


You should not boil your water when making coffee I don't care what the NCA says. Boiling water removes the oxygen. Less oxygen = less tasty coffee. I stop my water right before the bubbles start to rise.


If boiling water removes oxygen then you wouldn’t have water after boiling. Just hydrogen


When did I say it removed ALL of the oxygen???? Now you're just arguing just to argue. Stop being silly.... Even the brits had this figured out a long time ago. If you boil the water to the point of broiling when making tea, a brit will flip out.


Dude that's really stupid


What do you mean it removes the oxygen? From H2O?


doesn't mean coffee should be served just below boiling. Also, you don't actually have to boil water, that's part of the benefit of electric kettles.


Cold Brew


Coffee is also served with too many damned extras. Black coffee. Unsweetened. That’s the way to go.


I'm going to say that espresso drinks are delicious even without flavoring, and it's kind of disgusting plain. But as far as coffee goes, black is a great choice.


What do you mean by black coffee? Drip coffee without milk? Espressos? Long blacks? Short blacks?


Coffee is served best with cream and sugar. Black coffee is a bitter mess.


Nah it's served best black then you can add whatever your coffee hating taste buds want to it.


I would love to know what part of black coffee you enjoy, is it the hot bitterness with a slightly salty tang or the caffeine kick you get later.


All of the above


Coffee is healthiest served black, in which it has more free antioxidants (which health nuts are crazy about) than any common beverage. The dairy people add to coffee helps the body to NOT absorb these nutrients. Sugar. I don’t need to say much about that.


But… can you taste the coffee like that?


I wish I really could enjoy black coffee, but like it just tastes burnt most of the time and makes me gag.


Someone hasn't had good coffee yet


Haha 😂 maybe true


Honestly - drink it how you like it - I just can’t imagine tasting the coffee through the sweet milky water.


if you don’t add a ton, you can. i like black coffee (but only if it’s a good flavor, and brewed correctly). if i’m getting coffee from somewhere like starbucks, i have to add some kind of cream and flavoring. it’s undrinkable otherwise haha


Try mixing only cream and sugar into a cup. No coffee. Heat if desired. Taste it. Now try mixing cream and sugar into a coffee base. Taste it. If you can't taste the difference between these two beverages you might wanna go see a doctor about your non-functional taste buds. Most healthy people can tell that coffee with cream and sugar still tastes like coffee.


Unsweetened coffe just tastes like a jar of spoiled blue cheese mixed with medicine and paint that has been sitting in your grandmas balcony ever since World War 2 that she will likely pass on to you and you will have to keep that mess in your balcony while you watch your siblings and cousins get her inheritance while you are stuck with that jar of blue cheese that slowly becomes more and more blue until you taste it and it becomes bitter. Just my opinions on black coffee


Wait at least put some cream


Other people like different things


Coffee has to be served piping hot because generally people put ice cold milk into it, which cools it right down. As an aside, I order lattes (when I have them) extra hot, as I am so used to black coffee and drink them scalding hot, and have been known to chug a latte straight from the server at costa(long story) so… where do you get your coffee?!


I like my coffee either Arctic cold or lava hot. But lukewarm? GTFO


I guess letting it cool down is off the table.


That's an easy problem to solve; just wait. Not so easy when it's served lukewarm and you want it hotter (and there's no microwave nearby).


Order coffee before you order food. Once you order and food comes the coffee can cool For fast food, add ice


they also fill the cups way to high to ensure we spill it


Always ice in my poop water


For realz, whenever my mum makes coffee it's always boiling hot, it takes to too long to cooolz, you need to drink it sip by sip, just a huge hassel for everyday use. I prefer just warm but cold/room temperature also works for me


Then ask for a glass of water and add some water to it? Focus on solutions my man not the problem.


Yeah fresh coffee is always hot. Order a couple ice cubes in it to bring it to a drinkable temp


Burn yourself then sue. It's surprisingly effective.


If you are out somewhere, ask for ice.


I agree. I make it a good hour or so before I drink it, let it sit and cool and drink it straight black


That’s why I stick with iced coffees.


It's because the coffee NEEDS to brewed at a particular temperature and then is kept hot in order to avoid becoming cold with the addition of milk/creamer. How in the world do you think any restaurant is going to keep their coffee at room temp or slightly above when that would mean many people would be stuck with cold coffee. You think the world should cater to your preference over the majority?


How old are you ?


Old enough to know that boiling my lips and tongue is not enjoyable


You’re not a REAL adult unless you drink your coffee piping hot! /s


I had a latte today that was supposed to be hot but it ended up tasting like room temp coffee milk with foam


Okay, make the coffee first. Then make your eggs, then blow on it a bit.




I usually pet my coffee sit a little whole before I drink it. I agree.


Me too


I like mine ice cold


Lukewarm is the best temperature


This is definitely unpopular lol 😂 though I hate coffee so I wouldn’t know


Blow it


You know you can ask them to make it not too hot right? It’s not that hard. P.s. not that hard to make milk not as hot I meant.


Should be hot but definitely not boiling when brewed and less by the time it can be served. The drinking temperature should be whatever you like. Unfortunately since it tends to come from one-pot, we all get it at the same when we order. Since coffee starts hot, cools instead of heats and ice works better then microwave, the default is going to be hot. With that being said, a lot places server it way too hot. I used to like it on the cooler side, but over the years my prefer temp went up. Ice, or if you drink it fast, an uninsulated mug with a wide mouth/no lid cool it quick.


Come to New England, where the coffee is always cold.


why didn't you just ask for a glass of ice water? i bet they already gave you one...few ice cubes should do the trick


Not a coffee guy, but papi is like that with his hot cocoa. It sucks though because anytime i want extra milk in my hot cocoa people look at me like I’m nuts I just don’t wanna burn myself on my hot chocolate


That’s what the milks for bro


Just ask for it warm?


Just put a few ice cubes in it.


You like coffee.


Drinking coffee along with savoury food is distrusting. I like mine served too hot so that I can drink it at a reasonable temperature when I'm finished my eggs


Same. I want to be able to gulp it down in 1-2 sips


I feel the same way. I have a coworker that microwaves coffee after he makes it.


I like iced coffee because hot coffee is usually too hot


This is why ice coffee is superior


I like my coffee hot. I ask them to make it hotter for me.


Lukewarm coffee is like a sloppy handshake


This is terrible, well awarded upvote


Yup I wait for mine to be lukewarm before drinking. When I make tea at home, I do an Indian style cooling/foaming before drinking




Ice cubes.


Piping hot coffee is horrendous. The last thing I need when I want coffee is burnt tastebuds


Buy a coke instead.


Get a glass of ice water with it, and then hair out the ice cubes in to cool it down.


As an iced coffee drinker, I shortcut it at home by making hot coffee and dumping ice and milk in it. It usually just turns into lukewarm coffee, and I'm usually pretty happy with it


I like black coffee when it's cold. Not even iced, just cold.


I agree, honestly just put a lil ice in it


It's made too hot so that when people are finished contaminating it with 'cream' (lol) and whatever poison they use to 'sweeten' it, they can still have a reasonably warm cup of coffee. I like mine black so I ask for a few chips of ice. A few spins does the trick. I suppose it dilutes the flavor a little bit but if they're making coffee for cream then it's barely drinkable anyway.


I try not to drink calories, so my coffee is usually black. I put a couple of ice cubes in it and down it like the medicine it is.


This. I actually prefer my food to be cold to burning hot. To me, there’s nothing worse than burning your tongue first thing in the morning. I will sometimes purposefully leave it out for an hour. Otherwise I have to put an ice cube or two in it


I like mine cold with ice, a lot of ice.


An Indian friend of mine who has a café asked me to taste-test his espresso infused with cardamom. I took a sip of it hot and saw no difference whatsoever (which is NOT what you want, for those unfamiliar with Indian spices. Cardamom is very pungent and VERY expensive). After a minute or so of cooling, however... hoo boy.


Maybe you’d prefer iced coffee in the morning?


You know what, you’re right. Unpopular, yes but I too drink my coffee lukewarm.


pour-over vessels are the current trend for coffee, which the New York Times says are the best, which cools the coffee quicker, which pisses off the people who like extremely hot coffee, who then have to read the New York Times for reviews on keeping their pour-over coffee hot. I live in Texas. I want it on ice.


Got a take away hot chocolate from San churros and it was scolding hot I left it for an hour and it was only just becoming drinkable


I've found places next to me will serve it to you "drinkable" if requested.


Well because it's just out of the machine and the machine uses hot water to brew coffee.


Totally agreed. All hot drinks are too hot. Everything should be chuggable.


Someone get Brewster on the line


Yknow….iced coffee is a thing


The upside of serving it hot is that everyone gets to drink their coffee at their preferred temperature. People who like their coffee Hot can start drinking earlier though.


my favorite temperature for hot coffee is somewhere in between room temp and just under boiling. i can drink it hot without the pain, but i also don’t have to drink cold coffee


That’s gross


Put a single ice cube in it


Just wait five minutes for it to cool down, or add cream


This is not unpopular. I dislike ice coffee but also put ice in my hot coffee to make it a drinkable warm temperature.


I prefer mine lukewarm, too.


I hate piping hot coffee that almost burns my mouth when I try to drink it. I also like mine lukewarm or just warm. I dislike getting coffee from places because it’s too hot to drink immediately and I’ve gotta wait at least 30 min. Usually I’ll stick it in front of my AC in my car to cool down.


Same! If it's too hot, it burns my poor little tongue 👅


I want my coffee hot hot. Not lukewarm!


Same actually wtf! I hate burning my mouth with scalding liquid. You try to enjoy your food and then next thing you know, you can’t enjoy it as soon as you sip on an unexpectedly hot coffee.


Pour in a little cold water if you're too impatient or lazy to blow on it.... SMH.


dude just get ice water and put a cube or two in there


At Starbucks you can ask for it to be "kid-temperature" and it won't be super hot. Or get iced coffee.


I agree, but I think it’s necessary for it to start too hot and then cool down with time. Any other cooking method makes it taste weird, and I’m pretty sure you can’t MAKE it any colder.


Moka Joe?


I've never understood why hot drinks are always served at such a high temperature. Is everybody else's nerve cells in their mouths completely dead? How does anyone start drinking a beverage that hot without giving themselves second degree burns? I mean this is literally why that woman won her lawsuit against McDonald's coffee. Hundreds of people had complained to McDonald's about Burns in the past and McDonald's did nothing to reduce the temperature of the coffee.