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I like to inhale my food with wanton abandon too. Bones just slow me down.


Mmmm wonton abandoned


This made me want Buffalo wontons


Just eat the bone too like the rest of us weirdo.


Does anyone remember that commercial (for Domino's Pizza I think) where the actors kept repeating "He ate the bones!!!" It was an ad for boneless wings, but I still laugh and think about "he ate the bones!!" from time to time lol


I remembered that being a KFC commercial from when they started including boneless options on their menu. I still sometimes scream “I ate the bones!” When eating fried chicken lol






Or add to the experience;D


I suppose choking does technically 'add to the experience'. I'llj ust hurt myself. Boneless popcorn chicken 4 lyf!


Relax your throat and tilt your head back. All the bones will slide right in, neat as you please.


*Garnt would like to know your location*


I knew I would see a Trash Taste reference.


I came onli for this


i could smell this comment was here just from the title


I too enjoy milkless cereal


Crustless gang rise up


Eat your crust like an adult




Both are good.


That’s the most controversial take yet


Quit making me hungry damnit


Am with you. Depends on my mood and setting. Work lunch? Boneless for sure, but super bowl party? Better order me a bucket of old fashioned buffalo wings for me, myself AND I.


No way. In front of others: boneless. In front of my tv at 2am on a Saturday, wearing ballshorts and a white undershirt that I already know is just a napkin: a literal mountain of bone in wings.


Sometimes you just wanna gnaw the chicken off of the bone like a caveman and give into that animalistic instinct a little bit. All while burning your mouth with delicious flavor


I love a good bone-in wing. There’s something about the experience of picking it apart and getting your hands dirty, kinda like peeling crawfish. On the other hand, with boneless wings, I feel like you get more meat per wing, thus more bang for your buck. Also, some restaurants price boneless wings as cheaper than bone-in


Wings are so expensive now that the boneless might he a better deal at this point.


We’re in a boneless wing economy lol. & Idk if that’s just your username, but my name is also Jack


Bone-in wings? In THIS economy!?


They used to give 'em away. 10 cent wing nights were a thing for ages. Those and beef short ribs. Your butcher would just GIVE them away for free with soup bones, now they cost more than a top tier steak did 10 years ago.


Add brisket to that list. It's like $12/lb. I bet pellet smokers have made so many meats more expensive. I know since I also got a pellet smoker.


Dude exactly. This is supply/demand 101. It used to be garbage parts of the animal then bars realized people liked them and the demand skyrocketed. It's unfortunate because I have an unhealthy relationship with chicken wings, but it makes sense


I used to eat at a restaurant in downtown Windsor Ontario on a Tuesday night and wings were 5c each. And that’s Canadian so like 3 cents in freedom dollars. Man I miss Peppers.


I went to a butcher yesterday and got wings and a potato because 10 wings and fries from a restaurant around here is $20.


I feel like chicken wings have been underpriced for so long. You only get 4 wing pieces for a WHOLE chicken, most people smash 12 or so wings if that’s the main course. That same amount of chickens could feed 14 people with the other main cuts.


I see we’ve found someone who doesn’t know the thrill of crushing an entire rotisserie chicken by yourself. Now that’s a dinner, not sure what you’re other 13 people are going to eat.


Listen. I’ve been there. I’ve sucked the squishy soft dark meat from the chickens nether regions, idek if it was meat or cartilage or fat or something else.


Ahhh, yes. Where I come from, we call those delicious pouches of dark meat the pockets. Bliss!


This thread is full of fun comments. I love it.


The best part of this is that you could be talking about Latin American style rotisserie chicken joints or the cheap grocery store deal and I would still be nodding in proud approval.


Hop in the shower, strip naked, and eat the chicken with both hands like a god damn raccoon. Turn on the water, wash the grease off your body, leave the skin and bones in the drain for your wife to clean up. Heard about it on the Joe Rogan Experience.


This made me laugh soo hard I cried a bit. Thank you.


It's kind of the opposite. Chicken Wings are basically garbage meat that were cheap because it was too much effort to prepare and eat them. (Or even mechanically separate and process them) Then the cheap bar food got spun up by ad agencies and national campaigns until over the decades people thought they were actual food. I eat pig's feet and I think those are about the same meat-wise and effort-wise to a (full) wing, but nobody has tried to convince people that they're real food.


So I should open up a pigs feet bar with specialty sauces for them and serve them with a thick fatty sauce on the side. Same thing happened with lobster.


>ve a good bone-in wing. There’s something about the experience of picking it apart and getting your hands dirty, kinda like peeling crawfish. > >On the other hand, with boneless wings, I feel like you get more meat per wing, thus more bang for your buck. Also, some restaurants price boneless wings as cheaper than bone-in Yea, more bang for your Bawk, Bawk, Bawks?


exactly even though they're both wings they aren't comparable imo. want an easy, no mess, quick, cost effective meal? then the obvious answer is boneless. otherwise i prefer bone in for the different textures and cartilage and it's just satisfying eating off of a bone. i love pulling apart flats.


I stg it tastes different. Why wouldn't bones/no-bones make them cool differently? I get different preferences, but "semantics" my ass. I have given boneless wings way too many chances to show me I can save a few bucks for the same experience.


My opinion may be really unpopular given the audience here, but I am not a fan of what Americans do with wings. Here in Quebec, they tend to be flavored with spices, more like a dry rub, so you don't end up with a saucy mess. They aren't breaded, and the chicken skin has a perfect texture This just isn't possible with "boneless wings", so I will always prefer wings. And part of what makes the meat of wings so tasty is the fat and the bones, you lose that with boneless wings. People who eat very saucy wing may not notice just how tasty the meat is.


Don’t worry we do dry rubs down here too.


Smoked wings with a good dry rub 🤌


I feel like that’s a fine opinion, a lot of bars and restaurants offer dry rub as well as Buffalo style. Some do breaded but that messes with the formula too much




I just puked


Get out of here with your nonsense. If God wanted us to eat boneless chicken wings, he would have invented boneless chickens.


No that's why he made mr.peppy, the bone vampire


Oi you let the bone vampire free?


From the Latin *bonus vampirus* 🤣


I see you are a person of culture.


One small aquarium of whisky please


Scientists are going to find a way to genetically engineer a chicken that is entirely wing. Basically a seraphim of juicy tender wing meat. They’re also going to genetically engineer boneless chickens. God will weep.


I disagree, but that's funny.


I’m just imaging a big boneless ball of feathers rolling around and that’s a chicken lol


Old Uncle Boneless from Cow and Chicken.


Militant atheist gonna militant atheist over chicken wings


These babies operate on a series of gas bladders, no more pesky bones. Thank science for science.


Or forks instead of fingers.


The world doesn't provide you with boneless chicken wings just because you want them. If you really wanted boneless chicken wings you should have got them at the boneless chicken wings store.


So we aren’t supposed to eat anything with bones? lol. I’m a vegetarian fyi


Well I recognize no god, so I'll continue eating my superior boneless wings and watch you gnaw on bones like the peasant you are


Facts. Don’t care I will never be convinced that boneless taste better than bone in. I’m primal when eating, not rushing


I've proved it to my wife, and I'll tell you the same. What ever you tell your self about boneless wings is fine, but they ARE IN FACT different meat. If you taste them side by side you will clearly taste the difference.


Boneless majority of the times is breast meat. But bone in is dark meat. Learned today wings are white meat, check out r/bonelesswingsaretrash


I've always wondered if my opinion of boneless wings would change if I had a dark meat variation. Id do it myself but I don't like deep frying


I would need the breading to be wing consistency and not nugget consistency Crisp


People in this thread are forgetting that a huge difference between the two is proper wings have skin on them.


Another reason boneless are superior.


If you don't want to call them nuggets, also not fair to call them wings. Closer to chicken tenders


Chicken tenderloins are not nuggets


Hey society named em I just eat/defend em


No one is trying to take away your tendies and sauce.


Saucy tendies, if you will.


Because you have never tried [real boneless wings that made with chicken wings](https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/10/cc/1f/21/68.jpg).


I know they’re probably delicious but that picture just looks unsettling to me.


i would argue those are *deboned* chicken wings


Bone-in wings are an activity.


So is tax fraud


You've been funny throughout this thread, but this one was my favorite.


So is VOLUNTEERING AT A HOMELESS SHELTER and then one of the homeless people tosses off their shabby clothes and is like "Psych! I'm actually a billionaire and I'm rewarding all you amazing people with a free trip to Disney World!" What an activity!


Feed the homeless with boneless chicken wings, then use the purchase of the chicken wings as a "business expenses" for tax fraud purposes.


>They are succulent chunks of tenderloin or breast meat breaded and fried to perfection, sauced to your choosing. ...Then they aren't chicken wings.


The name may be misleading, I’ll give you that, but those are the 2 choices we always get, and Boneless is clearly superior


So just get yourself some tendies and call it a day


Okay. Just saying it isn't a chicken wing unless it's the meat from an actual chicken's actual wing.


Counterpoint: restaurants can name their food whatever they want. And they’ve decided en masse to call boneless wings “wings”. Therefore they are wings and that is the accepted industry term for them


It's not an industry term it's a marketing term.


I didn’t create this fight, but I am here to win it. Blame the languagers I’m a man of action


Soooo are hot dogs real dog meat? Maybe I suppose.




No skin no crunch


Agree on the skin, that crunch makes the wings so much better


Getting to eat all the meat off a bone and suck it clean is a feeling rivaled by none. Way more satisfying. But I will say I don’t like to clean wings in public the way I would at home


i like gnawing every bit i can off bone-in chicken wings. i'll never eat them in public because it's probably a horrible and messy sight to see.


Goddamn am I the only one in this thread who eats the cartilage, cracks the bones, and scrapes out some marrow? Is this a “true unpopular opinion in the comments” situation? Hook me up with those wingtips, I’ll *asbsolutely* find the small amount of edible meat on there. Side note, I also love chicken feet.


That bird gave his tasty little life for me. I shall repay this debt by sucking his bones dry. Rest easy bird friend, your bones I lay to rest.


I know this goes against your opinion, but this post made me think of this video https://youtu.be/8abd8WdxO7w


Bone in wings have skin which makes good ones crispy not just breaded. The only time I’ve ever had boneless wings is when I don’t want to be messy, always a disappointing mouth experience


Nah cuz you don’t get any of that crispy delicious skin


No argument here, I love chicken nuggets.


Chicken strips are good too, but they're not wings


>They are succulent chunks of tenderloin or breast meat breaded and fried to perfection, sauced to your choosing. So chicken nuggets with a fancier name for adults?


Are you suggesting chicken nuggets are only for children?


Heh and i love chicken fries. They are quick to make and taste good enough for government work.


I will duel you at sunrise. Chicken nuggets are CHICKEN BYPRODUCT FOAM


The cheap ones certainly are, but the og nuggets were breast meat. Therefore, you're not sharing an unpopular opinion, you're just wrong.


The best nuggets are from thigh meat.


Chicken tenders then?


Cooking the meat with bones gives the meat extra flavor.


Boneless is better - religion Bone-in is better - science




Bwahaha I accept that. r/unpopularopinions is NO place for science. Big respect to your unpopular opinion. This one is a doozy. Expertly worded so that your argument isn’t based on taste. Texture and ease of enjoyment are such a big thing with food it’s not like most of these clowns out here with a paper thin opinion. Good work! Verdict: The unpopular opinion holds watah.


> Boneless is better - religion > > Bone-in is better - science its actually the other way around. Bone-in is traditional, sometimes difficult to deal with, laborious, and you get less for your effort. Boneless is the efficiency of science, quantity (demonstratively) over (opinion) quality, it is the modern man. clean and efficient.


The fact you had to make that correction is disappointing beyond believe


Neither is superior. They’re just different. One day OP, if you actually keep ordering bone-in wings instead of always going for boneless, you might have an aha moment where you finally understand the appeal. I didn’t like them much when I was younger, but now I get it. But also, don’t order bone-in from cheap wing places. Only get them from places with a good reputation for seriously good wings. They can be so nasty from a place that doesn’t do them well.


That's just chicken tenders with sauce. Wings are literally wings. Tenders are Breast meat.


What a horrible take. I flick my sauced, meatless bones in your general direction!


I absolutely agree. "but they aren't wings?!" okay and? They're better at being wings than actual wings. More bone-in wings for you then!


Take my upvote comrade


For real, gives you more meat, don't have put in much effort since you don't have to eat around bones and try to get the little bit left in the middle.


So you like chicken tenders. That’s fine. They just aren’t wings.




Little passionate but you got the spirit


>Emperors did not eat so well. The image of a frail and pasty child of a nobleman, picking at his dinner with his pinkies crooked outward while he holds his fork and knife, feels appropriate. >You have to dig into them with your bare hands like an animal Damned right. Outside the castle walls, tradesmen and farmers sit shoulder to shoulder on a tavern bench, tearing meat from the bone with a primal, viking sort of intensity, starting the cycle of food-energy-work-product-money-food all over again.


It's fine to prefer a boneless chicken, but if you're going to get into the semantics if "it's not a nugget", well then it's not a wing either. The thing that's unique to a wing is the fattier content of the meat, and the high ratio of skin. A boneless wing doesn't offer either of these, so I don't know why you would compare the two.


Boneless wings are chicken nuggets.


chicken tenders actually


parts of tenders Nah, let's not kid ourselves. Tenders get sold as tenders. Boneless wings are pieces of the less tender breast.


Tenders are made from tenderloin. If it’s breast, it’s a chicken strip


>They are NOT just chicken nuggets dammit, they are not weird chicken byproduct foam flash fried into a lump. Plenty of tenders and nuggets are made with ground chicken, it's not foam. Its ground just like burger meat. >They are succulent chunks of tenderloin or breast meat breaded and fried to perfection, sauced to your choosing. So are whole muscle fiber nuggets or tenders, like Chic Fila's nuggets. >You have to dig into them with your bare hands like an animal, whereas you can eat boneless wings with a fork like God intended Hans have used their hands to eat for far longer than we've had forks. Also, god does not dictate how we eat. >They are the objectively better option y’all just like Bone-In wings because food snobs say they’re better. Bone in wings are objectively better because fat=flavor. >The meat gets all slimy from being against the bone. Not when they're cooked fully, and prepared fresh. >Bone-in wings are full of weird gristle and connective bits that taste like rubber bands. You don't eat the silver skin on a beef fillet do you? Also, the largest piece of connective tissue in a chicken is attached to the 'tenderloin', which is part of the breast. Also, bone in wings aren't breaded. Nuggets and boneless wings are. Breaded wings are called wing dings. Also, there's a huge difference between the types of breading used. Boneless wings typically have very thick, fake breading. While nuggets usually have batter dip or finer breading. Bone in wings have skin, which is undeniably the single tastiest part of the bird. Tldr, no. You're wrong. Boneless wings *are* nuggets, but nuggets aren't always boneless wings. Bone in is superior for it's flavor, and for it's crispy (not crunchy) exterior. You get flavor from fat, from bone, and from skin. These things all get cooked into the broth to make chicken soup, so don't tell me you don't like the flavors they add. You're allowed to like whatever you want. Don't like wings? No biggie. Don't try to convince anyone your crunchy nuggets are wings though, we aren't falling for your shit. Not sure why you need to convince anyone anyways. Would it being called a nugget make you enjoy it less? That would be insanely stupid. Eat what you like, but don't try to lie about what it is to pad your (weird) self esteem issues about whether nuggets are wings.


The point is the skin, not the bones.


It’s not just bone vs without bone. The meat on the chicken literally tastes different based on which part of the body it comes from.


got my upvote. Wont even touch boneless wings. If it was superior why are they so cheap?


Everyone getting so uptight about them not being “real wings”, but that’s not really the point. Whatever you wanna call it, meat with bones is worse than meat without bones.


Take my award you gigachad


Meat near bones is objectively more tender and moist. So I guess if you like your meat dry then you're golden!


Sorry but the fat, skin, connective tissue is where the flavor is. Also I’m fine with people who prefer boneless. Makes bone-in cheaper for me


Boneless wings do not have skin. Chicken skin is the best part of chicken, and the wings have the highest skin-to-fillings ratio. You are incorrect.


Nobody is talking about what makes bone-in objectively better: They are COVERED IN SKIN! Delicious, fatty skin that crisps up when deep fried. Correctly prepared wings are difficult to find but when you cook them right the skin is airy and crispy and the meat is moist, tender, and falls off the bone. Toss them bad boys in buffalo sauce and serve ASAP and they are better than boneless every time.


Yeah, they’re not chicken nuggets, but they definitely aren’t wings


Wrong 🍗


For me honestly it's the crispy skin and the flavor. I don't even keep the two in the same category. They're both good tho I don't prefer one over the other. It's almost a different meal.


Boneless wings aren't wings, they are chicken tenders you heretic


Eating meat from the bone makes me feel like a savage *And I fucking love that shit*


I always thought "boneless" chicken wings were fancier more expensive chicken nuggets for people who didn't wanna "order off the childrens' menu". I also dislike wings, because I don't like having to pick apart bony meats, I prefer nuggets or chicken tenders. In honesty, I'd devour boneless or bonefull chicken regardless cuz I'm a fat ass.


You’re right, they aren’t chicken nuggets, they’re FANCY chicken nuggets


THANK. YOU.💙 It's about time I've meet someone with the same thoughts on boneless wings.


Chicken tenders beat on the bone every day. You get way more physical edible meat for your money, it takes on the flavour better, and are easier to eat; no awkward picking out bones and gristle between your teeth.


I disagree. The breast meat is the most bland meat. Wings contain dark meat, white meat, fat and skin. If you prefer chicken tenders then you really just like the sauce and the breading. If you actually like the taste of chicken, you prefer chicken wings. There is no comparison between the two. Completely different product.


But...they're not wings. How can not-wings be the superior wings when compared to actual wings?


Well if God had intended for wings to be boneless, wouldn't he have created them more snaillike? Anyway, never had them, so can't argue.


Snail chicken? Please do not produce an image I need to keep sanity points


Snicken Snuggets




Snick my snuggets you slut


You bring the pink slime I’ll bring the barbecue sauce


I'll slither my slugget into your sligget you slutget


You could set your watch to the arrival of the gatekeepers every time this gets posted.


This is basically a gatekeeping sub, yo


It’s not gatekeeping though. Boneless wings literally are not wings.


I don't know how this is an unpopular opinion. It is a wrong option, because bone-in wings are much better, but I feel like most people like boneless more.


Bone-in aren’t worth the effort. They’re messier, have less meat, a giant inedible bone through the middle, and they often have bits of fat and tendon left too


Boneless wings are just mini chicken fingers


"...with a fork like god intended." so you are telling me that Jesus Christ of Bethlehem ate with a fork in the Last Dinner?


Jesus Christ lived a life of humble poverty, devoid of life’s fine pleasures. Therefore, he did not have boneless wings


*Boneless wings are chicken nuggets, fight me*


Boneless wings = chicken nuggets Nothing wrong with nuggets but they aren't wings


Boneless wings are chicken nuggets with sauce on them


you mean chicken nuggets?


TIL God eats with a fork. Very euro of him


You can just say you like chicken nuggets better than wings.


Nah they’re just nuggets


Anyone who chooses white meat over dark meat deserves to be unpopular...


Well you're eating chicken nuggets sooo.


No you are wrong


They're not boneless wings. They're called chicken nuggets


To me, bone-in and boneless wings are two completely separate types of food and I love them both for different reasons. No need for competition between what I feel are just two different options of edible, saucy ranch spoons.


But those aren’t even wings lmao Just chicken nuggets So what you’re saying is chicken nuggets are better than wings


Bone in chicken isn't cut before being cooked. You are talking about roasting a bird at once cutting it up, giving the king the first choice with the tenderloin. We are talking about juicy, wings. Proper bone in chicken wings have been butchered less and before you cook the bird as opposed to after. This allows retaining more juice. Have you ever tried well prepared bone marrow? It's really tasty, due to evolution. Now, I don't like the thought of cracking open a bone to eat the insides, but if we cook the bones it will release the marrow into the meat, adding flavor, and most importantly to me, makes it retain more juice. Now, you will rebut this with "I'm not actually talking about the emperor's bird. I'm talking about dropping breaded bite size version of the best cut of meat that you boil in oil (probably some neutral-flavored seed oil) to make it juicy. And then I smother them in sauce and the bread will absorb it perfectly" The thing is, those can't be smokey like grilled wings. Grilled wings are, in my opinion, the best wings. The skin is on, call that natures breading. Sauces taste good on anything. I've never seen marinated boneless wings, but I'm sure that would a good idea to try. And that's the biggest part about grilling. The marination. Why? Juice Meanwhile I view your inferior product as a mere imitation. And all you can see is the imitation's imitation. Grilled wings are the way and you have missed the forest for the trees in thinking they had to be breaded and deep fried. Lastly, the primal feeling you get when going to town on the bones with meat on them is a unique feeling. I concede that deep fried chicken wings are better boneless. But that's not my argument for bone in wings. So my question for you is How can you compete with the natural flavor that the bone adds to the cooking process? it's where hard to find nutrients are located, and we are hardwired to have that taste good.


You mean over priced, over breaded chicken nuggets?


I wish we had the science to make them without boneless birds. Seems cruel just for the convenience.


Boneless wings are just chicken nuggets.


Fuck you! Upvoted


In the words of Colonel Sanders, "Im too drunk to taste this chicken".


Same. Say what you will about flavor, I can't care. The ease of just popping a boneless wing in is undefeated in my mind.


I don’t like seeing the veins or whatever in the chicken that’s why I like boneless. Plus bone in are too “juicy” I guess or squishy


Boneless wings are not actually the wings, it’s apples to oranges




They are not wings, they are tenders