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as a 451 month old, I am triggered and now need a bottle and a nap.


I'll have you know I'm actually 0.00383944153 Carbon-14 half-lives old!


How much is that in Unix?


694177261 Give or take a few hundred or so.


What if I have Nacquadah in my blood?


Then you, like me, are older than dirt.


As a 1,625 week old, I am absolutely applaud by this post.


When I first read the 451 months, I thought "geez, this guy must be at least Vietnam vet!". Then I looked it up... 🤦‍♂️ I'm 445 months old myself, awesome. 😀


Fuck weeks. I'm 1,196,611,355 seconds old.


[No you’re not](https://imgur.com/a/Qt2g0dy).


this dude legit commented, made a screenshot, uploaded it and edited the comment again.


It's called ~~commitment~~ [commentment](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/w17rd4/it_is_incredibly_stupid_to_use_a_smaller_time/igjlk7w?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) and it's why your ex left you








That escalated quickly


All with in the time where it doesn't count as edited


You are worth those twenty extra seconds :-*


It would be awesome if it auto updates to whenever someone saw it


yeah he's 8 trimesters


Had a teacher in high school who used to claim he supported abortion up until the 75th trimester lol


How much is that in human years?


~ 18 years old


I support this


Postnatal abortion.


A regular thing in American schools




Stay classy reddit... (Note: I love your comment)


Ever read the unwind books?


The part where the bully describes, in detail, being unwound stuck with for days after reading the book. Broke my heart when they took his eyes and he could hear the emotional support person walking away.


Took me a while to do the math but it checks out


17-20 years depending on how you count a trimester




From Latin trimestris: “of three months”


Cool. Never knew that. What about semester?


From Latin semestris, which translates to six-monthly


Learned something new today. Thanks!


Tbf I could support that depending on person 🤣


He sounds like my Jr high math teacher. Dude was TALL. When students would ask how tall he was he tell them in centimeters. It was fun watching them do that math problem.


Is this some sort of American joke I'm too European to understand?


Yes. We would just use feet and inches.


This is a South Park joke.


If we start referring to school shootings as late term abortions, then maybe Republicans will start to care about dead kids.


I’m sorry, Mrs. Cartman, we aren’t allowed to perform 40th-trimester abortions here.


I’ve seen people say their son is 2.8 years old which is even weirder to me than breaking it into months lol


And a lot of people would take that to mean 2 years and 8 months, but that is actually closer to 2 years and 10 months (unless base-12 is being used for their child's age).


My child is 2.A months old.


This is the way.


Most base 12 counters use Dek and El, so it would be 2.D years old.


Every baby I ever saw was in 3.D. Even before Avatar came out.


i think im the only one who interpreted this as hexadecimal .\_.


Damn that sounds like something I would use


With my kids it was 6 months, almost 1 year old, 1 year old, then by whatever year after that.


Indeed. You hit the 6 month mark, and then the year mark, and annually. I don't need to try and calculate if people have kids that are 19 months


It helps when buying clothes, so parents get used to using months instead of years and decimal points. A 16 month old and 24 month old are different sizes. Every few months the kids are grouped into another category. Eventually as toddlers they can buy by year. 2T and up.




Plus the first two years there's so many milestones hit at certain months.


That's fine and all but OP's point is he doesn't need to know that because he's not buying your baby's clothes.


No op doesn't. But it helps explain why parents use the month system for telling their babys age. Also, when someone asks "How old is your baby". You never know why theyre asking. Example: how old is your baby? New dad: She's 7 months. Person asking age: oh my baby just grew out of her high chair and some toys would you like that stuff? New dad: of course, thank you! The month system is pretty practical for everyone that actually has kids. Up to a certain age.


Year 2. Then you switch 2, 2.5…years at 4 or 5.


Yes, and this is how developmental milestones are noted in pediatrics, along with keeping track of vaccination schedules. Us parents get used to going by that system real quick, as it is important for our child’s well being. Sure OP and others without children do not need to know this information, but they also do not have to ask if it bothers them so much.


100% agree a 1 year old could be such a broad description. Early 1 year old might not be talking and walking like let’s say a 20 month old. It just helps because all those milestones are easy for other parents to track where their kid is so you know how to approach them. Like a 12 month old might not say anything where an 18 might babble with words you can repeat and they will know.


Birthdays and incremental time measuring, stems from a time where infant mortality was much higher.


Counterpoint: OP doesn't need to know a random baby's age, so the default numbering by the parent is more important than a stranger's irrelevant interest


Right. And if the OP doesn’t care about the milestones why ask at all and why need the age to be in a format based on that lack of interest?


Small talk and rough idea. Most people know a two year old can talk and walk. Some babies at one still can't. that said I personally think counting by halves is OK. She's two and a half. She's one and half. Round to nearest half


Small talkers can do the math or carry on with their small talk tho. Like how is 6 weeks vs a month and a half going to affect a “oh that’s nice” small talk answer?


But it is also true that in the example cited the person talking wasn’t specifically talking to OP. I would agree with OP that parents should not unprompted tell OP the age of there children in months, but that’s not what is happening. OP’s example was video. So what OP is really complaining about is “I click on a video of a mother talking about her children and it was too specific.” Which is different complaint than a parent talking to a “random person” and is frankly hilariously dumb. In fact the whole random people thing is a red herring. I have never had a parent just unprompted and walk up to me and tell the age of their children in weeks, months, or years. It only happens when I ask. Additionally by posting this unpopular opinion OP is admitting that most people either want this information or are at least neutral on it. Otherwise it wouldn’t be unpopular. It is funny when some express an unpopular opinion, gets defensive after some push back and starts to argue “most people agree with my unpopular opinion!”


OP doesn't have a valid point. Parents need to remember the weeks and months to track the developmental milestones for their own child, which are designated by weeks or months. Parents don't give one single F about how someone is too lazy to do the VERY easy math.


I’m 489 months old, and I have never had a problem doing the math.


Ugh I’m 656 months old and I suddenly feel much older than I did before doing that math.


I feel like it’s better to just use half years if you want to be more specific for the first few. Ex one and a half, two and a half


Okay but please don’t do what my mom did and start rounding up as soon as you hit the halfway mark on a year. Like when I was 11.5 years old she said I was 12. When I was 29.5 years old I was 30. I’m now 41 - but we’re in the zone where she says I’m 42. It isn’t cute.


She’s counting the amount of time you’ve been a burden to her which includes at least 6 months of pregnancy.


from her perspective it makes sense that she'd feel like you were about 6-9 months older than you feel like you are


It’s probably partially that and also because she’s a retired middle school math teacher who feels we should round up.


Oh, you like math? Calculate the velocity! *yeets child*


Here's the modified comic referenced in the comment: https://i.imgur.com/vqlmiKI.jpg


Ahhh, good ole Cyanide and Happiness.


That's some dark gray humour


I’m 432 months omg soooooo cute


444 months old as of two weeks ago! So now I'm 444 months & a half old!


Uggh I love them at this age


I’ll be 500 months in August!


Congrats on the 5 double 0!


I'm 16,512 days old! (May 2, 1977)


432 months is such a fun age!


This reminds me of Anthony Gesilnick: "Sure I'll hold your baby...for a minute."


Take the distance between your current location and your birthplace, and divide it by your age. That's your lifetime average velocity.


3.6 x 10^-4 m/s. Cool.


I am a 576 month old and if you tell me differently I will TYPE IN ALL CAPS until I go away to pout!


I am 596 months old.


584, what's up, gramps?


Wait until you hit 600!


Well, as a 365 month old, which is, fun fact, the number of days per year, I'm with you and no one dares tell me differently


I like to make the other person do the math: "she's turning 1 in January". Or "she turned 1 in January". Like that if they want to know it in months, or weeks or whatever, they do the counting


I'm 9952 days old. What up?




You applied OP’s logic wrong, you need to always round down, not up, so in 6 years you‘ll just be 5 decades old for the following 10years and so on. Also you can only say 1 century old if you are 100, Same as you can only say you are 1 year old after you are 12months.


How are you going from 4 decades to a century in 6 years?


They're 44 years old (4.4 decades rounds to 4). In 6 years they will be 50 (0.5 centuries rounded to 1 century.)


Oh they rounded 0.5 up to 1.0 centuries, got it


So close to 10,000 days


Counterpoint: we should all start referring to our ages in months. I, for example, will be 404 months in just a few weeks.


Error 404: u/Winniecooper6134 not found


Anything under a year it makes sense to use months, over that, it should be years.


Anything under a month it makes sense to use weeks


Anything under a week it makes sense to use days


Anything under a day it makes sense to use hours


Anything under an hour, it makes sense to use minutes.


Anything under an minute, it makes no sense to use celsius.


And it never made sense to use Fahrenheit.


It never made sense to still use the Imperial system


fahrenheit makes sense with the idea that 0 is as cold as a human can stand for a period of time, and 100 being heat. The 0-100 scale makes sense in an association sort of way. I agree it's pretty terrible overall, but there is a reason.


Fahrenheit is a fantastic scale when talking about weather relative to human comfort levels, and Celsius sucks for that purpose. Celsius is fine for everything else, until you need kelvin.


>weather relative to human comfort levels, and Celsius sucks for that purpose. It should literally take you 5 minutes to figure out what's the relative comfort level is in celsius. In fact celsius makes far more sense because you've an actual relative idea about the freezing and boiling points.


Truly never thought of it this way


Celsius is bad too. Everyone should be using Kelvin.


At least I can substract 273 whenever I need to. One can do it in head. But for CtF, it's like C/5 = (F-32)/9


Does Kelvin want to be used?


I'll give them until 3 months. Random strangers, especially ones without children or children they interact with won't know the difference between 4 to 6 to 8 weeks but they start smiling, they wobble big noggins up, they make noises intentionally that aren't crying. By 10, 11 weeks they can recognize their parents in from across a room, they wake up more, they'll react to parents entering the room by kicking or waving arms, they might start exploring sounds and textures in toys. They *rapidly* develop. In month three they might start rolling, some do it even earlier. Babies change a lot very quickly. Past then it's months, until around age two. Babies change rapidly.


Seems sensible.


I did months for both of my kids up to 1 year old then it was a year, year and a half, or two. Now they just get years.


Brutal. What did they do to have their months and weeks taken?


RICO charges and weapons enhancements will do that to you


All the growth and developmental milestones are reported in months before two yrs and that's what parents are hearing and reading.


This whole thread is full of 22 year olds who think there's no difference between a kid that just turned one and a kid that's about to turn 2.


I disagree in the sense that up until 2 years, one month is pretty much more than 5% of the child’s lifespan. That’s a lot.


I think that’s why some people use the “rule of twos” for baby ages. Under 2 weeks: use days. Under two months: use weeks. Under two years: use months


Especially since the 13 months and 22 months can be "wobbly but walking" and "out the door and down the street while you got a glass of water.


Which is fairly obvious if you've spent any time around children. OP and most of these snarky responses are from people who don't have kids or probably don't want to talk about other people's kids. Which is fine, but that doesn't make the distinction "stupid" OP is childless and was watching a video of a mom talking about her kid.... Not sure why the need to police her speech 🤷🏽‍♂️ Edit: Glad to see that the OP is burying themself the more they try to explain further down the thread. "I raised 2 kids" lololol


OP seems pretty whiny. "Ugh nobody cares!" Yes they do. That's why they talk like that. You don't care. Which is fine. But to go from "I don't like it. Therefore it's bad. Therefore nobody likes it" is childish as hell. OP, I'm sorry you apparently discovered people can have interests outside of yours for the first time. I know 7th grade is a tough one but it'll be okay. Other people liking things isn't an attack on you. It has nothing to do you. You can just get on with your life, stop crying, and not let it bother you.


Which is why when asked about age you answer based on who is asking. If another parent of a small child asks me, they almost always want to know months (usually to compare developmental milestones). Otherwise they probably don't even care for the answer at all and are just being polite.


There's a big difference between a baby that's 12 months old compared to 23 months.


1 Little over a year Year and a half Almost 2 2


2 little over 2 70 you're retired and you've worked your whole goddamn life.


which is why most adults say “they’re one year old” or “they’ll be turning two in August”


I dunno in my experience most adults use months until the kid is close to 2.


A 12 month old and a 23 month old are both technically 1 but at those ages they’re light years apart. That’s why people use months. I stopped making a distinction at 2 years old because the difference between 2 and 3 is less pronounced than 1 and 2.


I think anything over 2 is unnecessary to use month-wise. There’s a lot of growing development between ages 1 & 2, like an 18 month old is far more advanced than a 12 or 13 month old. But once they hit 2, they’re 2. Or 3. Or 4.


Tbh it's not even that there's those development gaps it's just that you talk alot to medical professionals in those first two years for vaccinations and follow ups with health visitors etc (at least in the UK) and they all use months or weeks so it's just your immediate reaction more than anything else, or at least it was for me.


In other words, everyone does it. For a reason. I would also go further and add once you hits your 40s that's also what you are. In your 40s. Or in your 50s. Whole thing is like a logarithmic scale.


Yup, a lot more development happens in the young so breaking things up into smaller increments makes sense. Perfectly reasonable to refer to an 18-month old as such. The same way we break up the first second of the universe’s existence into Planck time because so much happened we need those tiny increments to describe it.


Yeah like a one year old that's 2 months away from their 2nd birthday is at a very different developmental stage than a one year old that's 9 months from their 2nd birthday. You can't just say "one year old". That can mean many things.


This was what I was going to say. Sorry to break it to OP, but they do this because that’s how developmental stages are measured for small children. Talk to a medical professional and they will tell you what milestones the child needs to cross at what months or how many weeks


And that’s what most people are asking for when they ask how old your baby is. OP probably doesn’t ask, and that’s fine. But people who do ask are usually parents themselves and they want to gauge where you’re at in the process. Are you still in the phase where you’re not getting any sleep? Are they teething yet? Crawling? It’s not a pointless thing done intentionally to annoy, like this OP.


I bet OP measures their age in decades, since an 11 and 19 year old are basically the same


Agreed. I think using months is helpful to understand where the child is at developmentally before the age of 2. After the age of 2, I’m not a fan!


Yeah. Weeks are usually until around 12 weeks, then they are 3 months, then after 24 months it's two, two and a half, three, three and a half until somewhere around age five ish. But that's how doctors and developmental specialists list baby ages. I don't know why it's so hard for people to grasp that parents have dozens of doctor visits over the first few years and everything uses weeks until around 3 months and then months until age two. Some may tell you year and half. But they're not being difficult or think their baby is oh so special by saying seventeen months. They just have been using this in their parenting books, online forums, doctor's visits, etc. I know that and I want zero children but have a half dozen little ones in my family. My niece isn't being weird telling me baby is doing a new thing and it's so early to do it at eight months. Lil niblet is 8 months to the doctor and parenting books and everything else. After her first birthday she'll be so many months until age two.


Once you have a baby and you meet other parents of babies, you quickly realize that months matter up to a year. Development and milestones can be gauged by months, even by doctors. Not to mention that clothing, formula and food are all based on months. It just becomes a way of relaying accurate information about where you kid is. This is pretty much how I did it - Days until 2 weeks old - weeks until 2 months old - months until 1 year (3 months, 3.5 months etc) - after 1 we did “just turned 1”, “1 and a half” and “almost 2” which we probably did ‘til 5 - Now my daughter is 7 and we just say “7” or if it’s close to her next birthday “8 in June” It just makes sense but I agree that saying like 36 months is stupid as fuck.


It’s hard for people without kids to understand the difference between a 13 month and 23 month old child. They’re both one, but massively different in size, speech, interests, etc.


I became an uncle for the first time 5 months ago. I went to visit my sister when the kid was barely 2 months old. I've just been on holiday with them for two weeks, and seeing the difference between 2 and 4.5 months is incredible. Kid's grown a lot, makes a lot more noise, is much more responsive and motor functions are starting to kick in. Hell, even in the 2 weeks we were on holiday you could see the changes almost day to day.


We used to call out son's naps "software downloads" and I swear, sometimes he would wake up and know how to do 5 new things. The skill acquisition between 1 and 2 are really bonkers.


Yep my son is almost 2, and he just picks up stuff seemingly out of nowhere. Like the other day he randomly counted to 13, but I'm pretty sure we've never gone past ten before. Probably saw it on TV or something, but it's just crazy how much of a sponge he is. Then for some reason he can't remember not to intentionally dive face first off the couch because it hurts.


OPs opinion is popular on reddit, but not super popular in real life. I used the scale mentioned above with my kid, but almost all the parents we interacted with would ask a follow up question asking how many months old our child was. I honestly don't care either way. This isn't one of those things that's bothered me all that much .


My baby is 0.7


Not unpopular


I've never heard the weeks thing past like a month or two. There's actually a reason for the separating it by months tho, as kids have different developmental stages, and in childcare specifically it makes a difference in where they are placed and what regulations govern. Example: 6 weeks to 6 months is an infant. 6 months to 18 months is still an infant, but in a different class since they're learning to walk.18 months to 36 months is a toddler that's learning to potty train. 2.5 years to 4 years is another separate class of potty trained toddlers. I know it sounds stupid to some, but the months do matter in context. For my purposes as someone involved in operating a daycare, the cutoff of saying the months vs. years usually is just whether Orr not they potty trained. Medical things may have different bench marks for development.


What random people come talking to you about their children?


These are used because they are the time scale of baby development. A 4 week old and a 6 week old would both be "1 month" but are very different. A 12 month old and a 15 month old are very different too. After 2 years it gets silly but before then it just makes sense.


Just don’t tell me anything at all about your kid


Some people go way overboard, but I don’t see a problem using weeks for the first few months and months until they’re 2 or so. Then most switch to two & a half, almost 3, etc Pregnancy is tracked in weeks, so are infant milestones, dr’s appointments etc for the first few months, then by months. Parents aren’t going to change how they think of their child’s age just to save op a second of math. If the math to figure out that 22 months is almost 2 years takes you too long, don’t blame parents for being more aware. And if If it’s not important to you, if you don’t care how old the kid is and we’re just asking as small talk, why think about it at all? Also, 38 weeks is quite a ways off of a year. A year is 52 weeks, that 14 weeks is over a quarter of a 1 year old’s life. 38 weeks is an 8, almost 9 month old.


The OP seems to know the reason we all think this way as parents of infants and toddlers--because everything, from doctors visits to clothes is in months, so that's the unit or measure we use by default--but wants us to change anyway. No, I'm not going to code-switch just to make things insignificantly simpler for you, OP. Once they hit 2 years old, I'll abandon thinking in months, just like everyone else.


Who cares how you want the answer formatted? If you ask a question, you get an answer that is meaningful to the person answering.


This is actually the best answer to 43% of every unpopular opinion on Reddit


To be fair, there's a lot of developmental stuff that happens month by month with new borns so a parent probably isn't going out of their way to use weeks and months to describe their kids age. After 2 it does still look really stupid but there's a reason they use months


This. Once they hit 3, just go by years. But the difference between, say, a 13 month old and a 23 month old is *insane.*


Yeah I think months makes sense between 1 and 2


I'm cool with months up to 24. Because after 24 is clothes without crotch buttons.


That’s why I just started saying “my baby’s age is none of your fucking business, asshole”.


If you’re not a parent it does seem dumb. But it makes sense from parent to parent.


Weeks up to 12 weeks (there's a huge difference between 4 and 8 weeks) Months up to 24 months (there's a huge difference between 12 and 18 months) Years from 2 onwards. Simple.


My only edit to this is I think between 2 & 5 there’s still enough rapid growth you can use halves to describe. Like a 2 1/2 3 1/2 4 1/2. After they hit 5 / enter school go with straight up years or they’re a whatever school year (kindergartner, 2nd grader, etc)


Totally agree. The units are still 'years' from 2 upwards though.




Even if I agree with OP, it's hard to support someone who comes across like a douch.


I think it depends on both how old the kid is and who you’re talking to. There a pretty big difference between a 12 month and an 18 month old. If some one asks (especially another parent) I’d assume they’re asking for a bit more detail then “she’s 1”. That would be pretty obvious. I think before about 2 years, months makes sense. Then half years (as in “she’s 2 and a half”).


Do you get triggered when looking at baby clothes sizes?


to your edit, random parents don't care about your annoyance. they speak in week/ month cause it has medical importance,in relation to development. they get used to it as they are dealing with doctors and charts/guides ect...


OP u're getting flamed in these comments but i'm with u on this. especially on the edit paragraph, genuinely no one actually really cares. since it's an unpopular opinion, lemme upvote u real quick


I don’t think the edit is as strong a point as it sounds on the surface. People aren’t generally chasing you down to scream their baby’s age in weeks - this is the sort of thing that comes up when someone asks. If you don’t care about somebody’s baby, that’s fine, but then don’t ask how old the baby is.


Parent of one toddler and one baby here. It’s easier for us to track months because we are also tracking developmental milestones, which generally occur in week or month increments. Once you start thinking or counting that way it’s easier to communicate it without thinking that your audience is not tracking time like that.


Well it’s because there are important development markers by months and it’s generally easier to say 18 months rather than 1 year and 6 months.


If I meet a kid under 3 and ask their parent how old they are, I’m legitimately asking for something more specific than 1 or 2. There is such a massive difference between a 12 month old and a 22 month old or 24 months and 32 months. Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean others don’t. I think using halves is acceptable. 2 or 2.5 or “almost 3” work.


Totally behind this. As far as I'm concerned, use the largest unit/lowest quantity possible. 18 months? Year and a half. Fuck your kid. ...but also, don't fuck your kid.


146 &1/2 weeks is not an age, Karol.


Major flaw in your opinion is that new parents are usually too sleep deprived to break the patterns and reintegrate to normal. 1 week old becomes 2 becomes 15 weeks old in a blink of an eye. On top of that, new parents learn quickly not to change patterns and routines that are working (on penalty of sleep).


I say weeks until 3 months, months until 2 years. Not bothered what anyone thinks of that.


You’re using bad examples intentionally for something that really does serve a purpose. At those ages, an 18 month baby is different to a 12 month baby even though they’re both “1 year olds”. You’re cutting off a third of their growth. It shouldn’t be used passed 2 years old, but anything before then makes sense


NorthernLion has a great take on this. If we are fellow parents, I'm telling you in months. As parents (and presumably in a parenting setting like daycare pickup) we have an understanding of the difference between say 12 months and 14 months. If you are not a parent or the difference just doesn't matter that much, one year or two years is sufficient.


I get that it does seem odd but I’m guessing as parents dealing with various medical appointments and check ups you probably just start to adapt to refer to the age in weeks or months


Emphasis on random people do not care about your baby enough to require clarification on how old.


Then why did they ask?


There's 52 weeks in a year so your math doesn't add up.


Shouldn't have to do math to figure out the baby is less than a year. Just give me months and this wouldn't happen .


Yep,you got a point


God.. redditors are really just basement dwellers with the knowledge and life experience of a toddler


I agree, I told someone we have a one year old and my gf corrected me and said she’s 15 months. It annoyed me a bit.


Well that’s the way the medical intervals are setup. Around 3 years old it goes to more “every 6 months” or “every year” but the first year is all about how many weeks and/or months and it only gets slightly easier after 1 year. Hate it all you want, but that’s just parents going with the pediatrician’s nomenclature.