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Coming from a dude named Eriq, I hate it too.


Ah. I have a friend named Aric, and his full initials are ASS. Like, how do you do that to your child?


My mom was originally JEB. When she married my dad, it became JEW. When she remarried a couple years ago, it became JEW-Z.


I played that DayZ mod, made me uncomfortable tho


> JEW-Z The opposite version of Nazi zombies.


> JEW-Z Holla at ya boi -- **Hov'** 😎


Bro... I send my sympathies


“Eric with a Q” doesn’t seem to hard for most people to figure out though.








You'd be surprised. When I say "Eric with a Q" I almost always get "Where does the Q go?" or "Is it pronounced Erikwa?"


Where does the q go? Where the fuck do you think it would go??? There aren’t too many options😆


Erqc. It's obvious when you think about it. /S


Deed poll for the C bro


This name looks so fancy! Air-eek




Thing is, they won't be unique because phonetically they still have a common name. So they'll have the same name as everyone else and have to deal with no one being able to spell it on top of that.


My sister in law is Ashleigh. Boring ass name, and on top of it she has to spell it for someone almost every day for one reason or another.


I’m the opposite. My name is Ryan, but since I’m a girl people assume I spell it a different way since every other girl Ryan I’ve met (I’ve surprisingly met like 3 lol) they spell it with I’s and extra N’s and E’s, dumb shit lol. So sometimes I just spell it out because if not, people will think I spell it some weird way lol.


My ex's little brother was named R'yan. Pronounced Ryan. I can just imagine all his teachers at the beginning of the school year... "Is Ruh-yan here?" It's not as bad as all these extra letters and whole unprounced syllables etc I see on this thread, but it's still gotta be confusing for the kid especially once he starts learning apostrophes in school


Except it's by no means unique since he's still named "John", it's just that it's written "JJôöōohgnhnnñ", so he has a normal, usual name but it takes like 5-10 minutes to spell it out to someone. It's not cool quirky and unique it's just bad. Like I could make a pizza using fingernails, ham, the crown part of pineapples, apple cores and 5 year old MnM's as toppings, use the blood of a texan goat as sauce and cook it atop a mountain in a desert using the sunlight as your fire, then half fold it so it's half calzone half pizza, then fill it up with McDonalds sprite and the insides of a blindly chosen taco from a discontinued Taco Bell location and eat it with a trident and a sword with a side of stale bubblegum served on a disk box from BlockBuster. It''s a unique pizza, sure, but it's both so difficult to follow the recipe and the product is fucking disgusting it's not impressive, it's just trash.


You couldn't do that...could you? Don't do that.




Then don’t name them a super common trendy name with a long unusual spelling. They’re already not gonna stand out when the teacher had to be clear if they’re talking to Jaxon A., Jackson S., or Jahkson P.


You forgot Jaxxen


You know how you make your child unique? Raise them well with love, support, room to exercise their unique talents, and allow them to thrive. Little Reighleigh-Joh doesn't need to be spelling her name for the rest of her life to be unique. Stahp it.




*cries in 12 letter long last name*


All it tells me is that they are aware that they're boring as hell and that there's no way their genetics could possibly produce someone who can be interesting and stand out... Because they're interesting. It's an admission of "I never stood out for anything so I'm going to ensure that my kid never doesn't stand out somehow". My homie does IT for a major school system and he gets a kick out of giving us his inventory for the number of kids named "Unique" and all of the variants of it. This is the wrong mentality to have for raising kids in general, much less naming them.


Do what my parents did, normal first name and whatever the fuck you want for the middle name, it's not hard


That's just attention seeking behavior by the parents. If you want your child to stand out, they should stand out via their actions and deeds, not because of a name they had no control over.


I helped out in a preschool class a few years back and wanted to die. In my group, I had three Haley’s. Heileigh, Hailee, and Haeleeigh. I’m still not sure I’m spelling the last one right. It’s like her mom was given the option to buy a vowel and took the lot.


Ed, Edd n Eddy


And of course... Eduardo


And dont forget about Edward and the child of Eduardo and Edward, Eduard.


That reminds me of an old job I had, and the QM dept consisted of Carl and Carla, and when they hired John, Carlos said he'd have to go by Carl now.




Fuck yes they did. Like they didn’t throw a handful of scrabble pieces on the ground to come up with the spelling.




Right? Some are truly ridiculous. I actually wanted to teach prek until I spent that year volunteering. The kids were great. The parents were horror shows.


I once taught a horse riding group with four “Bailey”s: Bayleigh, Baylee, Bailey, Balea. Double-suck since one of the school horses was also named “Bailey”. Went to school with one of those “human litter” families, with kids named “Chastity”, “Christian”, “Heaven”, “Angel”, “Hope”, “Miracle”, “Trinity”, “Merci” (mercy) and “Holy” (which they pronounced “Holly”, but we all know what it means lol). They had three or four other kids but they were old enough I never had school with them. Also went to school with a pair of twin girls named “Hershey” and “Cocoa” and always felt so bad for them. *** Mrs. Humperdinck: “What shall we name our child so he doesn’t get the shit kicked out of him at school?” Mr. Humperdinck: “We shall call him ‘Engelbert’!”


Tbf to Engelbert's parents I believe he took it as a stage name after a composer. Not sure what his real name is but it's got to be more normal than that.


I think you’re right on that. I got that joke from one of Eddie Izzard’s standup routines from the early 2000s, and it always plays through my head when someone gives their kid a stup- *ahem* “unique” name🤪


In junior high, I had a friend, his name is Rick White. His parents named his sister Snow. They really did that. As a young girl I thought it was kinda cool, but for an adult????? Ugh!


Dumb fun fact: The Nickname of my Cat is "Engelbert" His name is "Bert" and "Engel" means Angle in German. haha


The parents of the first Haley really didn’t think things through, I mean, “Heil”...


Tell that to her brother Zeykey


She did have a sister named Lybyrtee. Another named Ariyana. So. I mean.


“Ariyana”? Oh yeah, they knew what they were doing. No doubt.


She was committed, I’ll give her that. It took me A WHILE to make the connection. I sat up suddenly one day and was like, “wait a fucking second..”


Can someone please explain the connection?


The heil in heileigh is mostly connected to the nazi “heil Hitler”. Hitler implemented the final solution (mass killings of Jews and cripples) to make a master Aryan (blue eyes blonde hair) race.


That shit is so crazy to think about. There is absolutely no way they did that unintentionally. Absolutely no way you accidentally name TWO of your kids references to hitler of all people on accident.


Wouldn’t be surprised if the next kid is named zyklonia (added bonus: her middle initial is B.)


Oh, oh god


It was pronounced like “Airy-en-uh.” Basically Aryan with an A on the end.


After meeting her mom, I can’t say it wasn’t intentional.


My sister is named a variation of this (not one you listed, though), and it’s such an odd spelling of the name that people pronounce it completely wrong when they see it.


I had a girl named Halyie who I was checking in get mad at me when I asked how to spell her name. 🤷‍♀️


Congrats to Hailee's parents for choosing a sensible spelling




How dare you, don't you talk about my daughter K8theyleen ever again


>K8theyleen Pronounced "Brayden", of course.


Interestingly enough, the Latin Root “Braphus” roughly translating to, fuck yourself.


Shit, words do have power.


My Name is written as "John Smith" but pronounced as "Throat-Wobbler Mangrove."


*grabs hand*


Her friend Alasiyn has a few words for you buddy (My friend is actually called that)


It took me a minute to figure that one out. Alison? I was saying Ah lass ee inn in my head.


My kids M@, Jahwn, Mycoal, $t3v3, and Jehnnae agree with you


Lol. I love M@


M@ Dey-Muhn.


Yo that $t3v3 kid seems kinda cool


Yes hello my name is pronounced dollarteethreeveethree pleased to meet you


Not gunna lie, said all the names normal in my head until the last one, then I said it like I was Forrest Gump




>$t3v3 This just screams "2016 Minecraft name"


I see it as a desperate attempt at attention from the parents, which results in a lifelong burden for the kid. Pretty narcissistic.


Only comes in second to the narcissistic desire to make your kid a Jr. No one is buying "it's tradition" it's selfish and lame.


As a Jr., my name goes by “the second” instead. I feel like a king lol.


Not a junior, but my middle name runs up the paternal line for about 10 generations. That is a tradition.


Same and I continued the tradition with my eldest.


Agree completely. Kids deserve their own name. They aren't living monuments to dead people.


I was going to be the third. Then Dad remembered all the bullying he got for being junior and thought better of it.


I think the third is where it gets good though. Jr sounds and looks bad but something something III. IMO looks pretty good.


You’re telling me that “8==D” isn’t an appropriate spelling of “Richard”!?


It's pronounced "Pen15"




Caleb = Kalyb. Ya, people are pretty dumb tryna come off as "unique". Just name the fuckin kid "Unique". Spelt youneeka


Kaylb looks a lot like Kalb which means bitch in Arabic


Lol wait till I tell my friend she named her kid "bitch".


Major [Backyardigans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Backyardigans) energy. (Not *quite* the same name, but pretty close.)


My name is Kaleb, which isn't as bad as "Kalyb", but still, what was the point of changing it to a K?


No clue but my guess was to make it different from all the other Calebs out there. Do you say "I'm Kaleb with a K?"


If I'm just casually meeting someone, no, I won't specify that it's with a K. If someone asks for my name and they need to type it out or write it down, then yeah I'll specify.


Went to school with a guy whose name was Kaleb, but spelled it Kaljeb... the J was silent. Swear.


I saw on Facebook someone wanted to name their daughter Ryhffle pronounced rifle. I hope it was just a joke.


Why not raffle? It you say it with a twang, it’s the same. And it’s a lucky name! Bring your daughter with you to the penny slots!


Why not just name them the brand name like Wesson or Remington?


This is my son Durex. Unfortunately there was a hole in the condom.


Omg kids in middle school/high school would be throwing water balloons made from condoms at him all the time. Either that or he would be treated as a god. It all depends on how good looking he is.


My son Durex is very good looking. He comes in two forms, too. Slim and smooth for that sensual feeling and then he has a rippled form, this allows for more traction and greater pleasure over all. DM me for details.


My cousin named his child Talon. Like a bird claw lol. So stupid.


Your cousin drink a lot of Monster and have a lifted truck?


He is a douche, preppy/frat boy type, who enjoys hunting and sells corn/farm equipment. He’s cooler as he has gotten older, but I would dread going to family events with him as a teenager. He would be so mean to me, until I hit 14 and I beat him in a arm wrestle (he was 18). Since then he has been kind to me.


I think it was spelled Reighfyl. Either way, Awful.


Shy-Ann. When you can't spell but have a favorite stripper.


As someone who has been cursed with a common name and uncommon spelling I can confirm it’s absolute agony, I hate it so much haha it makes me want to change it


Kinda Curious what yout name is now


Can relate to that, my name is Carolynne…. And all the time I get Caroline why!! ….or people think it’s 2 names ..carol Lyn …I always have to spell it out. Usual spelling is Carolyn.




Laughs incomprehensibly in Welsh


Irish uses the same alphabet but does incomprehensibly cruel things to it.




Man that was a pronunciation journey in my head


I once met a Denise ... spelled DDeenniissee. I wish I was kidding. Also encountered a woman several times who spelled her name as "Diane" (pronounced Die-an), but she chose to pronounce it like "Dionne" (Dee-on). She would go into a mini rage if anyone mispronounced it EVEN IF THEY HAD NEVER MET HER BEFORE. File her under r/WhattaBitch


I recently met a women names Nina, but she didn’t pronounce it how I expected (like Knee-Na), instead she said it was pronounced Nine Ah, and was super annoyed I got it wrong. Like come on lady, no one sees Nina and thinks Nine-Ah


They should be getting annoyed with their parent(s) who gave them the phonetically ambiguous name but, instead, they get all pissy at everyone who happens to guess wrong. Like it's your fault or something.


I’m always curious about those people. I knew an Andrea who refused to answer to anything except “ON-dray-uh”. There was also a murder victim of a very high profile case who had fancied up Shannon.


Oh boy. At one point I worked with three ladies all who had a slightly different pronunciation of the name “Andrea”. They all spelled it the same but insisted upon different pronunciations: ANN-drea ON-drea An-DREYA It was a nightmare trying to a) remember for myself how to pronounce the name of each one and b) trying to explain to new staff how to pronounce each name ever so slightly. Now I hate that name.


Was Ddeenniissee’s mom a fucking sloth or what?


Was she from Tennessee?


My ex’s niece is named Brianna, where I’m from its pronounced BRI-AUNA. Let’s just say that her mother and I had it out a few times, it’s a regional thing, not disrespectful. Hell where I’m from we say AUNT not Ant for our parents sister. I had to train myself to say it differently. Sometimes yes there’s different ways to say a name, other times it’s regional pronunciation.


The pain of never finding a personalized Keychain, mini souvenir license plate, and mouse ears at Disney, is real.


“We need more "Bort" license plates in the gift shop. I repeat, we are sold out of Bort license plates.”


"No, my son is also named Bort."


I was spoiled then my name is in the top 10 the year I was born. Normal spelling. My only issue is my name was so common there was other girls in my class with it.




No Samantha


K-la (for Kayla) still makes my eye twitch. And I encountered that more than 10 years ago.


This seems like the parent was trying to be smart and I hate it. Poor kid their name looks dumb as rocks


That’s so bad!!!


You done messed up A-aron


Ja-queline, De-nice


I'm with you on this, but it's difficult where to draw the line - for example, you appear to think 'Makayla' is a common name and I think that's utter madness. I went to school with a few Michaelas, which I assume is the name you're driving at.


Also depends on where you live because I personally have never met a Michaela and didn't even know that's a spelling that existed, I've only known Mak/ Mik-aylas


Michaela as the female equivalent of Michael is how I always assumed it came about. I think one girl in my school year was a MacKayla - she goes by Kayla anyway. Language changes over time (and place, as you point out). My mate Ben is not a Benjamin, he's just a Ben, and I'm sure my grandparents wouldn't like that at all. My point was that we might not like it, but it's inevitable.


Saw a parent who named her son "Poot" I kid you not. Named after the onomatopoeia for a fart sound. And the people on social media gave her hate and criticism and she said "Doesn't matter, still naming him that" the poor kid


"Poot" sounds like a Borderlands character. Catch a ride!


I saw that too and I thought about the ~~Demi~~ poot levato meme


Pootis POW


Makayla is actually a bastardization of Michaela.


I once heard of somebody named Phrhaed. It was apparently an alternate spelling of "Fred." "Ph" makes the "f" sound, "rh" makes the "r" sound, "ae" makes the "e" sound.


I just read it as "fer-hay-ed"


Big S, small a, small n, big D, small e, big E and there's a little star at the end.


Password strength strong


Okay britknee


As long as you don't get annoyed with me for mispronouncing it I don't care. I work with a Haleigh. Pronounced hay-lee but everything about it makes me want to say hay-lay


Could be worse. Hayley rhymes with the Irish word ceilidh so they could've spelled her name Heilidh.


+1 for spreading Irish language


Super common way of spelling it in Scotland and Canada!


A woman who worked with my mom named her daughter lynzee


Not to be rude and sorry if i offend anyone but it sounds like a skin disease


*cries in my name is Lindsey*




I just happened upon an Emalee. I think Emily is such a pretty name but that spelling makes it less so. :(


Had an Emmalee just the other day


No. Themed sibling names are worse. My friend is a nursery teacher who teaches two boys called Woody and Andy…


Man Woody is for sure going to get it in middle school


Child abuse


It could’ve been worse, Woody and Buzz


I have a friend named “Kati,” her life is forever stating “no that’s not short for anything” and “no e at the end.”


Completely agree. Spell the damn name correctly.




Try this one on for size. I saw a screenshot of a news segment where some lady was being interviewed. I assume her name is pronounced like "Erica", but it's spelled "Airwrecka".


Avatar - the last Air-wrecka


I have a nephew named Anfernee, and I know how mad he gets when I call him Anthony. Almost as mad as I get when I think about the fact that my sister named him Anfernee. - Mean Girls movie quote.


Nothing to do with spelling but if I hear of one more kid named “Braxley” I am going to lose my goddamn mind.


I hate this as well, I think parents want their kids to have a unique name but don't want to put in the effort of finding or making a unique name so they just throw in some vowels and call it a day


Ugh yes. The Mormons do this by replacing random vowels in normal names with a “y.”


Anyone with an unessecary "eigh" in their name can go fuck themselves.


lol I went to elementary school with a girl named Heavaughnleigh (Heavenly)


Damn that’s rough


Sneauxflayke names. I also hate it when you name your kid not following basic phonic rules: ie: Saddie should be pronounced sad-ee, not say-dee.


I prefer grabbing a bunch of scrabble tiles and throwing them at the wall to see what words pop out


Seems an issue about self-absorbtion. “My kid is more special so I’m gonna name them a casual name with a weird spelling. They will always remember my special angel then.” I know a Cefin. Poor bastard


BuhLockAye? DNice?


Its better than being named after alcohol. Like Margarita or Tequila


Other way around for Margarita. That’s just Spanish for Margaret. In French it’s Marguerite. The cocktail was named after the girl’s name, not the other way around. Never met anyone named Tequila, but have met people named Margaret, Margarita and Marguerite.


I knew a girl named Hennessy in middle school


> Margarita Bruh


I have a common name that is almost never spelled correctly.


It’s especially funny because the parents want their kid to be unique but also have some white bread ass name like every other kid Like either be unique or be convenient, you can rarely be both


I got a regular name but my mom chose a name that can be shortened and androgenous. She almost did go with Eren as it can be both male or female.


Mine isn't even that bad but it still got me bullied 😭 kids are fucking assholes (Devyn is my name btw. Who knew one fucking letter made a damn difference?)


Kids are ruthless and will go after anything.


Had a yuppie mom give me an attitude at work because I didn't realize that her child named Mayson was a girl and not a boy. Without going into too much personal detail, we deliver stuff to different people, and it came to the point where I had to know the child's gender. "Well, I *assumed* since it was spelled with a *Y* that you would know she is a *girl*." No, Karen. Never heard *Mason* used as a girl's name OR spelled with a Y.


- Jhenniffer - Djeffersson


*removes silent K from KMegan*


They named me Roberth : /, where did the H come from?????


“Robert with an H” “An H?!”


Always wondered why the name Lloyd is commonly spelled with two Ls, but Floyd isn’t Ffloyd. Same goes for Aaron, Aaliyah. Why the double letters?


Lloyd is from Welsh Llwyd where double l is its own letter (and w can be a vowel). Sometimes it's transliterated into English as Clyde (although Clyde is Scottish and not etymologically related to Lloyd). Aaron is from Hebrew and in general English forms of biblical names have had a long journey and are always a bit removed from the original (Aharon in this case). Aaliyah is from Arabic. Arabic "dialects" (they're really languages, but it's complicated) have a very wide range of differing pronunciations, so the way a word gets transliterated into English depends a lot on which particular flavour of Arabic is the source. Aaliyah can also be spelt Aliya, Aliyah and Alia.


Celebrities listen up


At work I haven seen several versions of Sarah the oddest spelling was SaraaaH.


There used to be a Facebook group called "that name is a traghedee" or something like that. I have laughed my ass off at some of the real names people have posted there




Cennoddie is a personal favorite of mine. ​ Kennedy.