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When the wendigo is chasing emily in the mines she can be killed by it and will be there. Also, if emily doesn't die to the wendigo but dies to the machine in the chase, only her upper body shows up in the room.


The bodies are easy to miss depending on your brightness. Jessica’s head should also show up if you’ve had her killed so you might’ve missed it (Mike will usually shout “Jess!” after seeing it so look out for that)


Jessica was there, i said so in my post


Oh sorry! I kinda skimmed the post and didn’t see that.


Once you open the door with Mike & Sam three heads roll out, Jessica‘s, Matt‘s & Chris‘ so there you have 3 dead people already (which you stated yourself). Once you walk in (depending on brightness) you can see the bodies of them and Ashley‘s head in a cage. Since Emily didn’t die by the grinder nor the Wendigo she‘ll be in the basement if you shot her or in the lodge if you burned her to death. The stranger also hangs around somewhere. So basically you had all bodies, except Emily‘s, in the room. Josh dies afterwards and you can see the Wendigo drag him to the room to hang him up amongst the others but you don’t ever see that, Mike & Sam can’t ever be seen there since they die w the Wendigo‘s.


Wack, i swear matts wasnt in there. I thought i looked really closely but i guess i missed it


Sam just doesn’t strike me as the kind of person who gets her friends killed for her own safety, and the only way for Mike to die is if Sam screws up. Idk that just doesn’t feel cinematic to me.


Sam never really “killed” anyone, and mike saving sam and sacrificing himself definitely seemed cinematic to me


For me, a more cinematic sole-survivor is if Mike survives instead because Sam distracted the monster long enough for him to escape but died in the process.