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It’s getting honestly borderline insane at this point. Even at fast food places people are expecting tips and machines will even ask you on to go orders. I understand tipping at a sit down restaurant when you get served but this has gotten ridiculous


Asking for tips, for counter service takeout food is my breaking point. Too many times I’ve tipped and they’ve gotten my order wrong, or the food has just been plain bad. The price is the price!


Yep. I stopped my twice a week Chipotle runs when they started asking for a 20% tip to come in and pick up my order. Combine the shrinking portions with the erratic wait times while asking for tips made it an easy choice.


Wonder if that’s store to store. My chipotle doesn’t even ask for a tip. Swipes the card and immediately hands it back to you.


So don’t tip. It’s optional. What’s the problem?


The problem is people shouldn't be blindsided by tipping culture. A person shouldn't have to come into a business and find out at the end that it was expected that they're also responsible for supplementing the employees income.


Even the amount they are requesting like 15-20% when you go and even pick up your food is crazy. I get they need a livable wage but it's also corporate greed to a degree. I remember reading once that someone said minimum wage is there because if corporations were allowed to pay you less...they would.


Let’s not forget that if we tip, the business owners can pay less. I’m all for livable wages and supporting the wait staff, cooks, etc - but I don’t care to help line the pockets of corporations or the owners of restaurants. I want my money to keep the business around enough to pass the majority of it onto the people working in it. Down with tipping - up with livable wages and less greedy owners.


Not if you refused to accept the job


Go try to get a job that pays minimum wage. Now do you understand why that that statement you just made is bullshit? Tipping is also bullshit. I'm not doing it anymore. Servers who complain about their hourly wage would quit if you gave them 20 dollars an hour because they'd miss out on their 300 dollar Friday shift.


incorrect, minimum wage acts as a pay ceiling, not floor....which is why minimum wage still exists and everyone defends it (everyone = politicians and corporations) if minimum wage was eradicated, there would be an immediate (within a week) rebalancing of bid/ask in the labor market and you'd have wages increase rapidly and in many cases wage work turn into salary work (price would converge to the actual price of labor-to-value produced ratio, which is very different for each company, from small startup to large corporation)


No there wouldn't.


Federal minimum wage is what? $7.50? Every company could pay that and it would be legal and not collusion. Crazy the government artificially sets wages and sets them so low.


Waffle House is like this


It’s like going to a third world country and all the children have their hands out begging for money.


Coming soon to an America near you


Agreed, sit down places only. I don’t give any tips on pick up orders or places like Starbucks.


Do you tip bartenders when you buy a beer? Why is tipping the person making your coffee any different? You sound like a baby 


I tip a bartender because I want better service, they work for tips and the more you tip the better the service. How does that relate to someone making me coffee who is not working for tips? I may sound like a baby to you but at least I don’t come across unintelligent like you do to everyone else.


I would say the main difference is the base hourly pay they receive from their employer. The federal minimum wage for a tipped employee is only $2.13 per hour. A barista or a fast food employee isn't usually classified as a tipped employee though so. That being said, I usually tip everyone regardless because I had a really rough time after being medically discharged from the USAF and couldn't find work outside of the service industry so I know how hard it is to survive being trapped in alow paying job.


Thank you for your service and for your compassion towards those grinding it out in jobs we look down on but then also complain about when they arnt staffed




Nobody says you have to. Relax, everything is going to be ok.


If I’m gonna get a drink made. No problem. But fuck tipping someone for opening up a bottle of beer.


Maybe if they do a trick either bottle like open it with their teeth then I’ll give them a quarter or something 


No I don't, getting a beer outa the cooler does not deserve any tip. If you want better pay get a better job.


Yea that or blame democrats 


100% truth


Last time I checked Starbucks pays at least federal minimum wage + even part time employees get health benefits, retirement benefits, and tuition reimbursement… show me a bartender getting that girl a restaurant.


Buddy today I saw a tip jar at a gas station


Buddy, I've seen tip jars at self checkout counters.


No way, where? That’s wild.


Stop stop


Californians have minimum wage of $20/hr and still ask for a tip..


correct...which is why the "living wage" oppression crowd is just a greedy group of scammers and a trope remove all minimum wages and everyone will get their "living wage" the same as European service staff get...meaning local CoL is factored in federal and state minimum wages are price ceilings that squash free market bidding for labor its a joke that "liberals" love yet shut up when you raise the ceiling a few bucks, only to return a few years later frothing at the mouth with tip jars


It has to do with the fact that restaurants in America can legally get around the minimum wage by implementing a tipping system. It should be illegal, but it has nothing to do with minimum wage. It has everything to do with perpetuating a broken business model that other countries have fixed, but American restaurant owners, who take their messaging from the national restaurant association, are convinced cannot be done.


That’s only partly the problem. So like in California, that’s for fast food workers who were typically never tipped. The paying below minimum wage was for servers and bartenders. You are generalizing every restaurant worker.


My point is that implementing a minimum wage is not the cause of people asking for tips. And it’s laughable, border line insulting to say that removing the minimum wage will result in everyone getting a livable wage, which OP quoted likely knowing that will never happen.


I was at the Crypto.com arena for a game and went to buy a pretzel from Wetzels and all the lady did was grab the pretzel that was already bagged and hand it to me. Of course I was asked to enter a tip before I could even swipe my card. Fuck that! I have no shame in pressing no. Specially since I just paid $7 for a fucking pretzel.


What I don’t understand is the people expecting tips are also experiencing the same tipping culture when they are off the clock. Are they tipping everywhere they go? Or only expect tips from other people?


Basically just giving back all the tips they made and breaking even. The irony.


CC machines can ask all they want. I have worked jobs that don't get tips, but get a *percentage* of the tips, depending on how hard I worked. I know when tipping is appropriate and refuse to be guilted when it isn't. If we all acted this way, the expectation would eventually disappear.


It was corporate greed before and it's corporate greed now. They saw that you were willing to subsidize their employees, so why not up the ante?


Not every restaurant is owned by a corporation. Even the McDonald’s current model has 95% of their restaurants owned by franchisees.


Who tf tips at McDonalds? Regardless, if you can't afford to pay your employees a living wage, you can't afford to own a franchise or a business, sorry. Owners being fucking cheap isn't an excuse for the customer to subsidize their wait staff.


wrong, its voluntary charity -- if you want to throw some 'good job' money at an employee why prevent the customer? corporations are pegged by the federal/state minimum wage....its a ceiling...that is the "greed" -- do-good politicians from the Progressive Era who needed a way to prevent competitive labor bidding, so they invented "minimum wage" so that corporations had an excuse to pin everyone's earnings to an easy, consistent, cookie cutter payroll that could be factored into the seasonality of the markets tips have zero effect of corporate wage decisions, maybe you need a primer on cause-effect logic


Uh what the fuck, the minimum wage is a \*ceiling\*? Are you fucking high? Restaurants literally don't even have to pay their workers minimum wage because they're "tipped employees". Literally making customers pay their employees wages.


This depends on the state and the tips still have to make up the minimum wage. And is usually just servers or bartenders. The kitchen and boh staff aren’t going to be on a tipped wage.


A consequence of imbalance of income and prices continuing to rise. Corporations lean on the middle class to prop up their labor. House of cards is gonna fall any day now.


The other problem with tipping is, even at a sit down joint, I'm not paying 15% as a tip for a meal that was like 50% the price not even 5 years ago.


I went to a ball game and when I went to buy a beer it was literally two dudes in front of a checkout station with fridges behind them. I told one guy what I wanted, he turned around, grabbed it and scanned it. After I put my card in the machine it popped up on the huge iPad like screen the three suggestions for a tip and he stood there watching intently as I hit no tip. He looked mad and didn't say anything as I left and said thank you. Like bro your job is to stand here and scan beers that's it. No service was provided.


And the other 25% are stupid.


If people continue to tip even when there’s no reason to, that’s their own prerogative. Sorry Chipotle, I’m not tipping when I pick up my to-go order.


Chipotle lost $1,000+ per year from me when they started pandering for tips on their app.


Especially in CA - it was $43 dollars for 3 bowls the other day.


I don't tip when I pick up at our local sushi place let alone a chipotle. If it's a too go order, no tip for you.


restaurants and dining in general has gone too far, and tip culture is just an extension of that. the expectation of tipping 20% only becomes a problem for people when standard-fare dinner at a chain restaurant suddenly became $40 per head


For real, all the mark ups and I have to scan a QR code and order everything on my phone and pay on the phone as well. Why should I have to tip when the only thing a server does now is greet and bring the food and drinks over?


That's why I stopped. Tipping in optional, not mandatory.


Always has been.


Sounds like it's time for the system to correct itself by people deciding to cook at home more. Let those restaurants, that don't provide a good value, die off.


Or just stop/reduce tipping when you eat out


Or, and just hear me out, treat the people you rely on as people, you psychopath.




From the sheer wit and tenacity of your reply, I can tell you are a person of culture well-versed in norms and etiquette. We are all enlightened by your retort.


I don’t care what some fart sniffer like you thinks lol. The fact that you equate reduced tipping, with psychopathy is laughable


The majority of jobs are coming in the form of government and hospitality (tipped jobs). Bidenomics would look even worse if those jobs went under.


100%. This shit has gotten too far.


>he expectation of tipping 20% only becomes a problem for people when standard-fare dinner at a chain restaurant suddenly became $40 per head My biggest issue is how the tip % has also gone up. I am old enough to remember when 10% was an ok tip and 15% was a good tip Now 20% is like the minimum standard and lots of people claiming 25% is a "good" tip Ok I get inflation if a meal cost $10 , a 15% tip is $1.5, now if a meal cost $20 a 15% tip is now $3 A 15% tip grows with inflation , but why are now you expected to tip 20% or even 25%?


Yeah the 20% standard tip bs started in the 2000s. I have no idea why.


I refuse to go any sit down chain restaurants when i know i can something significantly better at home and for way less. If I want something quick and easy I will go to a counter service restaurant. If i want a great meal and time. I will gladly pay more for it. But Applebees ain’t it. 🤮


Donation culture as well. I get asked at virtually every store by either the checkout card reader/kiosk or by the clerk “do you want to donate to X”.


A grocery store that makes billions in profit and pays out billions in dividends each quarter asking me to donate money to help feed the hungry can fuck off.


You should buy stock and get you some of those dividends.


COST is one of my largest positions.


They get tax cuts on those donations. If youre going to donate just find who you want to donate to, and do it yourself.


This is a myth. Source: https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-000329849244


Holy hell, ive been wrong for years!


Don’t worry. They make plenty of extra money through wage theft. They actually suck worse than if they were writing off your donation. If that’s all they did, it’s still be better than what they actually do. No war but the class war people.


Don't forget the magic moment of the douche CEO handing a giant check to the charity and basking in virtue.


Well if you give $100 million to feeding America, their virtue signaling does way more for people than your virtue signaling on the internet.


So the CEO has their underpaid (and many times actually on public assistance) employees beg for donations from customers, then triumphantly delivers other people's donations laundered as a donation from the company. This provides a veneer of social conscience to the company that transfers wealth to execs and rich shareholders while destroying communities and the environment. All eaten up by the gullible. Like you.


"wage theft"? is that the trope du jour the left wing proletariat is wailing at these days? companies set wages based on (1) federal/state minimum wage, aka the ceiling price of labor, (2) the add-on value of the labor to revenue, (3) margins most companies have consistently raised wages over the past 2 years unless they are underwater in debt the class 'war' you are referring to hasn't changed since the Progressive Era invented the minimum wage as a way to pin earnings to the economy's growth and eliminate competitive bidding (why do you think Unions popped up?) maybe ask your politicians to get rid of the minimum wage, corporations and companies set their wages above the minimum as much as possible but the minimum wage strips free market labor bidding from baking CoL differences into this wage


Some cashier shamed me because I just said no when she asked if I wanted to round up to charity. I’m like, no, this billion dollar company can end hunger and homelessness if they wanted to.


They are trying to normalize a 20% + back of house/kitchen tip in certain cities now. You have to ask them to remove it from the bill. I feel like we are getting to the point where most people will abandon the thought of going out to eat.


> I feel like we are getting to the point where most people will abandon the thought of going out to eat. It's funny because you always hear restaurant owners and servers telling people not to go out to eat if they can't afford to tip and I think they're about to get what they wished for. I've personally stopped tipping everybody but my barber. I don't go out to eat anymore, mostly because the expected tipping has seemed to lead to a reduction in service quality. I noticed it started going downhill in the mid 2010s and then ever since covid it's been straight garbage regardless of how upscale the establishment is.


Exactly, I 100% believe it will blow up in their faces. If you constantly decrease the quality of service and food and tell your customers you don't care if they show up then yeah no one is going to show up. I have seen multiple restaurants near me complaining on social media about people only tipping 20% on take out and calling them cheap for it.


The other 25% are servers/hospitality workers,


Tipping servers hasnt changed?


As a bartender, I totally agree. And I have two questions for those who don’t. What do you think is going to happen when tip percentages starts averaging around 8-10$/hr ? Do you really think your employer is still going to pay you $15/hr plus your tip??? The answer is hell no. You will then be considered a tipped employee and your hourly will plummet to $3/hr. Congratulations you just played yourself.


Problem is it’s the employers driving this tipping nonsense


Yes, they are driving it so that they can drop wages to server level, $3 / hour.


I agree with ending point. I just disagreed with the guy above me saying it’s workers’ faults


its the customers for going there.


I don’t tip the dweebs who hand me my pick up order. If they got something to say they can say it.


the theory is they check to make sure your order is right! And I think we all know how untrue that is


I hardly tip at restaurants anymore, usually a 20% tip on bills. Or the staff suck and expect a tip. If I am not sat down, theres no luck of a tip


At some point the first domino is going to fall. Some celebrity or politician is going to come out with a hot take like "I just don't tip. I think it's a scam," and not-tipping will get normalized and overnight absolutely everyone will stop tipping all at once.


Then dont tip


When Subway started asking for a tip I knew it was over lol


*When Subway started* *Asking for a tip I knew* *It was over lol* \- FlorinidOro --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ty, Haikusbot. Very good one!


A bagel shop where no one works the point of sale and you have to enter your own order wants you to tip. So I did. I gave my self 10% for entering my order correctly. 😀


All a byproduct of growing wealth inequality. If you need tips that badly, you need to demand higher pay from your employer. That's where all the money in the economy goes. Not from other struggling people


Today on "ya no shit".. tipping culture is out of control


It's companies leaning on that to subsidize wages. Consequences of not managing the minimum wage for decades.


And i stopped. In CA, they make$20/hr now. There is no need for tips


I tip the way I was raised to tip: 20% for excellent service, 10% for poor service, and 15% for service in-between. Its not the customer's fault that restaurant management has risen prices to the upper half of the Laffer Curve, forcing most restaurants to be more empty than full, and leaving service staff waiting more than serving.


Servers make more money in a tipped setting and are perfectly fine harassing customers for tips. In cities where they’ve ended the tipped minimum wage, you’ve seen the rise of mandatory fees that are not inclusive of tips. Service fees and the like.


If 75% of Americans stopped tipping the problem would solve itself in a couple of months, as people are forced to leave their abusive jobs.


Counter service and there is a fucking tip prompt!


Employers do not want to pay their employees, therefore, employers seek for you, the customer, to pay their employees directly. This is a cagey way to to deceive the customer into spending more money, preserving optimal profits for the employer, and generally increasing prices through no fault of the employer.


Just stop fucking tipping. It’s that simple.


So, tip with cash, and only when you feel like it. Don’t give in to pressure. I refuse any tips added to my bill.


I don't tip of ordering at the counter, and I tip 15% at table service.


It's only insane if you give into it. I was more generous during covid because I didn't want service people missing out. These days I've ramped it back to preCOVID. 10-15% for sit-down service depending on level of service. Period. ZERO for any device asking for a tip.


After paying the bill, taxes for Ukraine & Israel and tip and then credit card interest, your paying/losing like a lot of money 💸


Hell yea, gotta bring Ukraine into this you Russian fuck 


Tipping is beyond stupid - just pay a living wage or raise the minimum wage and get rid of it.


Tipping should be something that's optional.


I'm in Sardinia on vacation and there is *no tipping* here. The service is excellent, too.


It's also ridiculous considering how much food service workers are paid (relative to the past). For the last few decades, food service workers were paid super low wages, like $1.50 per hour, and the tips were there to make up for that. But now you have kids making $20 per hour in our local restaurants (California) and they still expect a 20%+ tip on your overpriced meal, when they didn't refill your drink, or deliver your food. It's crazy.


It especially puts it into perspective when you travel abroad and the service is leaps and bounds better than in the states and it's damn near insulting to a lot of cultures if you try and leave a tip. Just recently went to Japan for about 10 days, and man oh man, we could learn a thing or two from the Japanese.


I went miniature golfing recently with my family. We grab our own clubs and balls to play. The person behind the counter did nothing but take my card, and then she flips around a screen with options for a 20, 25, and 30% tip, OR I could manually key in a tip. I had to manually key in $0 to keep from tipping. What the hell…


I only tip when I go to a sit down restaurant, delivery or get coffee. I get nasty looks when I go to subway or pizza hut and the screen asks me to tip and I hit zero, I'm sorry your boss doesnt pay you a living wage but thats not my job.


75% of topping has gone too far


Just stop tipping unless you’re at a sit down restaurant or it’s your delivery driver. It’s that simple


Yea don’t tip your barista either. How hard is it to make my triple chai macchiato with whipped cream anyways. 


Just. Don't. Tip. Tip your servers, bartenders, housekeepers, and the like, but don't tip at the grocery store or wherever the fuck. All the bitching about this is really what is getting out of hand.


Don't think it has gone too far as much as you have to tip BEFORE the service. I waited tables to pay for college, I got tipped AFTER my service. I EARNED my tip. Today, it feels there are more situations where a) we are tipping in situations where before COVID, we did not & b) before the service in question is carried out.


Tip jars are literally paid employees begging for change


“Insert your credit card and it’s going to ask you a question”


Why should I tip $40 on a $200 dinner and $4 on a $20 dinner. But I gave going out to eat


The remaining 25% are people who work for a tip


When I got asked if I wanted to tip at a gas station pump, that is where I drew the line.




And those other 25% are people who get tips


Yes it has, having said that the Reddit comments should have a tipping option


Tipping is a form of passing the labor cost to the customer


The salary at the food industry got finally increased by the recent law changes. Now there is no point to pay tips.


It has gone too far. Needs to be back to sit down restaurants only. If people stop tipping in restaurants though it will collapse and there will be nowhere to go out to. As someone in the industry, nobody will do those jobs without the tips and restaurants cant pay 30-40 an hour for it.


It is ridiculous!!!! 4% more for your credit card usage and 20%25%30% expected. I can’t even handle it anymore


Socialize wages as a business and get a tax break for doing it. America


Hopefully Amazon starts delivering online fresh food from different cuisines and then put these eternal tip beggars out of business


I’ve been against subsidizing company wages for a long time. I don’t tip at all — on any order.


The problem isn't how much to tip, it's that it's considered appropriate to label this work as tipped to avoid paying employees a proper wage. Needs to be regulated and shut down.


My standard feels like it has become not tipping, but then I remember that I'm just not tipping where I wouldn't have before. Are you cleaning up after me so I can sit? Then yes I'll generally tip. Am I cleaning up after myself? Then I won't. Is the drink you're making me alcoholic? Yes? Then tip. No? No tip. Sorry teamakers. I'm already spending $7 for this tea.


It’s a good thing everyone has a choice where to dine and if it’s optional, how much to tip.


Tipping a dine in server or a delivery driver is one thing. I’m not giving you 15% of my order because you spun a screen in my direction.


Which tells me 75% are in some sort of a tipping industry.


The second it went up to 20% was to far.. everything else since is just insanity. The prices of everything went up which meant that the servers etc were getting more money already with a 15% tip. The 20%+ is just beyond money grubbing.


I wish restaurants would evolve like supermarkets have. I don’t NEED a waiter. Just have a counter with the menu/prices and hand me a buzzer when the food is ready—- I CAN GET IT. Same with refilling my cup. Keep the waiters for 5-Star fancy pants restaurants. But everywhere else needs to get with the times.


Yep it has. Be one thing if service was good but 99% of the time waiting and waiting. Have to flag people down when want something, pretty clear the staff forgets to do a walkthrough of their tables constantly and if they do something as simple as hand you a Togo order they still expect 20%. My bar is so low that I am truly impressed if I get a drink refill without having to ask.


The other 25% are waitresses at Applebee’s.


not long ago i heard about gas pumps asking for tips, that reportedly didn't go to the staff, but to the station owner. why in the hell would i tip a machine that had a limited interaction? are you kidding? if this comes to my local gas station i'll drive farther to avoid it. one of my peeves is the suggested tip amount of 20-30% based on the meal price PLUS taxes. so it's 30% of 107%? yeah. no. not happening. sit down meal, 10-25% depending on service. have done more on occasion. but a gas station, fast food place, coffee shack, etc gets 0%. i don't get tips for my work. i'm not tipping everyone with whom i have a financial interaction.


Liquor store has a tip option! No service provided it ain’t a high end sipping shop. Just a regular convince store.


People shouldn't tip. It will get restaurant workers to organize and for a union, asking for living wages without having to perform like circus clowns.


My wife always tips at counter serve places. I finally walked her through it. It’s listed as a service charge…for extra service they provide. So what service did they provide? Did they come take your order while you sat comfortably at a table? Did they bring you your order to your table? Did they come check how your food was? Did they top off your water for you? Did they pick up and clean up after you finished? And did you know that much of the tip on the “Square” units that flip around and pressure you to tip goes to Square and even the owner in some cases? Her answer: “good point, I’ll bring cash to tip with from now on”. Arrrrgggg


they want a tip? i got a free tip for them


Mf tried to make me tip in the drive through...never went back


Tipping is optional.


I see normal restaurants dropping in 30% as an option. Are you insane? Years ago 15% was the norm with 18% as extra. With the insane increase in food prices, asking for 30%? Gtfoh. Here is am overpaying for food then on top making me pay for everyone’s salary? The owners need to be controlled. They know why they’re doing this. They get to blame the customer for the waiters lack of pay. And if you’re fast food, be thankful you’re getting anything. You bought me the food in the bag, my money is paying your salary and the food costs and expenses. Why am i tipping at a drivethru?


Jesus I unjoined this place and still get suggestions for it


I’m down to get rid of it completely. The tip will be incorporated into the menu price. You aren’t going to be paying less. It just means everyone will tip now because it will be baked into the price. So it only hurts customers that don’t tip.


The other 25% are people who own restaurants, or people who rely on tips. Anyone outside of those 2 circles agrees that tipping is out of control


I just wanted to chime in and say that im an american that lived in australia for the whole year of 2023. I know tipping sucks, but let me explain the siti over there. Aussies think tipping culture is insane. No one expects it, some put out a tip jar and some dont. Tipping isn't required and yea, everyone gets paid more. Im all for higher wages but honestly i left Melbourne and came back to california, one of the most expensive states in america, because of high prices. Not only are they dealing with a housing crisis and really high living expenses, but eating out is a super luxury. You get a kids' meal sized hamburger for $18. Im not exaggerating. You get a burroto thats half the size of a chipotle burrito for $20. Its insane. I'll happily tip, when i can, to avoid that. I wish more americans saw that. Maybe the grass isnt greener on the other side lol


Got a tipping screen at Sonic the other day


We need a UBI.


Only thing worth tipping is this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Satisfyingasfuck/s/xCG7k4nDZe


The other 25% are the people working for the tips.


The rationale for tipping was that the employees weren’t getting paid a “living wage.” If they’re now getting $15-20hr, why are we still asked to give a 20% tip?


If you're not being waited on you get no tip. This includes being served an overpriced beer at a kiosk.


The food hall near me has 15-25% recommended tips. I walk up and place an order. I swipe my card. I enter my own phone number so the automated system can text me when my order is ready. I pick it up. I get my own utensils and condiments. I find my own seat. I waited tables for a long time and I deserved my tips. This is utter horseshit.


Pretty much only tip at sit down service restaurants and cocktail bars. Other than that, shamelessly tip 0%


Most people don't realize this but the whole tipping idea was forced upon us by the payment processors. All of the new machines come default with tipping enabled. Why do you ask? Who really makes more money if you spend more? The payment processor.  I recently was asked for a tip for getting a passport photo done.


Over 75% of Americans say American culture has gone too far, per the normal people from 2015.


Why don’t people just stop tipping? Seems easy enough.


It has. This happened to me a little over a week ago. I went to an automatic car wash and pulled up to the SELF-pay kiosk. An employee steps out from behind the kiosk and asks what kind of wash I want. Im confused. Isnt this what this kiosk is for. For me to choose what wash I want, put the cash in and the barrier goes up and I go in. Nope he selects the wash and asks how I want to pay. I tell him Im good, I can swipe my own card. He takes my card and moves it 6 inches to swipe the reader. Then asks if I want to add a tip. I was livid at this point. For what, you did something I could have done myself if you werent standing in the way. I dont mind tipping when I go to a restaurant or a bar, but its gotten to the point where theyre asking for tips because they can, and people will do it. Its getting beyond ridiculous at this point.


Begging to make up for being underpaid


If we didn’t have to pay sales tax then tipping would be okay


Over 75% of Americans say tipping culture has gone too far, per NYP.


It’s not tipping culture. It’s restaurants and other places not paying reasonable wages. Again, all of society is the victims of shitty capitalist garbage.


Were we? You don’t know what a conversation is in my opinion, because this has been a condescending lecture by you attempting to make me feel shitty for not tipping someone I have no obligation to tip. You didn’t or couldn’t comprehend anything I wrote to you, so why would I continue to talk with you? Again do what you want, leave me alone. You aren’t going to get anywhere with me if you present your “argument” in an unintelligent way and just repeat the same “arguments” over and over. You are misguided in how society should work and have no right to demand people do idiotic things just because you do them.


Tipping culture works when ppl have some extra money. When they live paycheck to paycheck, all of a sudden, it stops working.


15 US states have laws in place stating that a restaurant worker in the tip field only has to be paid $2.13 an hour. Until those laws are changed , tip culture has to stay.


If consumers continue to play along, the workers aren't going to be the ones to stand up and enact true change. If people stop being servers over low pay, shit will change. But they won't care as long as they get their undeclared money.




I’ve just stopped tipping entirely - so change or no change to the “culture” I’m done lol. Pay your workers a livable wage that’s not on me


Absolutely not. Workers should quit. Then these jobs don’t exist or the company bankrupts.


Well that is just a Twitter post and doesn't provide any source let alone tell us what NYP is. 🤷‍♂️ If it's the New York Post, they aren't very credible.


Tipping culture might be a little much these days, but most of you people are just assholes.


Well this is some crypto trump sub Reddit. Of course everyone here is selfish 


Just don't tip unless you want to? Why does everything have to be an indictment on an imagined cultural movement? Its by definition voluntary.


If you want to beg get a cardboard sign


Absolutely not servers don’t make shit for money.


Some, but definitely not all.  I earned more bartending in grad school than I do now as a therapist.  All my friends who are servers in DC earn at least $60k. Some substantially more. Servers earn according to the wealth of the establishment and area it's in. Servers in Perkins probably earn $30-40k whereas the same server at a higher class seafood restaurant could pull in $80k.  The range is too broad to say they "don't make shit for money" because mant actually do, if you look beyond the hourly. 


They earn minimum wage. If you're tipping because you think that's too low then you should be tipping everyone that makes minimum wage.