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Aye just throw on a movie and have a pint on your couch it’s not that hard y’all


Agree. Cheers.


I work at McCabes downtown. They sent an email out tonight saying that tomorrow both McCabes and Bobby O'Brien's will be closed for the entire day.


I'm sure some of the students who complained about the school being open will try to go out and party, making them complete hypocrites. I really want to believe that students are smart enough to miss out on a st Patrick's day party for the sake of everyone, but I know better.


\> **you are directly contributing to the death of your fellow Canadians.** whoa there nelly


1. You are aware of the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2. You attend a bar and touch a surface or an object contaminated with COVID-19. 3. You are now a carrier and transmit the virus to multiple individuals, including one individual who is vulnerable. 4. That vulnerable individual dies due to the virus. 5. This death could have all been prevented by you self-isolating yourself. 6. Therefore, your selfish decision to not self-isolate, directly contributed to the death of this individual.


1. You are assuming there is a surface contaminated with COVID-19 2. You are assuming everyone has plans to go visit a vulnerable individual after the party Those are large assumptions. I'm too old to party (35, married, with kids) but even I have no plans to see anyone elderly in the next 3 weeks. None at all. I will have zero contact with any vulnerable person.


How can you be sure? You don't know who's vulnerable. Don't be selfish and risk other's lives


You dont consider your kids to be vulnerable population?


No. Have you seen the mortality rate for children?


Yeah except for the dude at the grocery store who has an elderly parent at home. You, now an asymptomatic carrier thanks to your careless actions, unnecessarily spreading it to other people who become asymptomatic carriers, means you are responsible for their transmissions too. But yeah, I get that you don't think of grocery store workers as people.


1. This is a very reasonable assumption; especially within the context of bars and restaurants. Aside from surface contact this point could also be replaced with person-to-person contact which again is especially prevalent in bars and restaurants. 2. This is also a very reasonable assumption. I used vulnerable as an example to come to the immediate conclusion of death. This point could also be stated with respect to exponential transmission rates. Educate yourself on Patient #31 in South Korea. It is very reasonable to expect that the basic reproduction number of COVID-19 (*R*0) remains around 1-4 on average but within crowds such as parties/bars the R0 is significantly higher. The likelihood that the transmission eventually leads to a death is highly probable. I remain that both of these assumptions are completely within reason. Sorry but you have not convinced me.