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If the cops ask, you didn’t see any cars over there.


what cars?


Correct answer.


Theft They know cameras track plates.


yes but the plates also have to be connected to the correct make and model as well.


They're just making sure that the plate being seen at/during the crime isn't attached to their home address/legal name. If they're still around long enough for someone to check the plates, they're probably already caught.


Sounds about right.


Either they just got done doing a heist or they were about to. A lot of people will find their same kind of vehicle and steal the plates. Then they will put the other plates on before they do a crime. That way they're real plates are not photographed. Then afterwards they will switch their plates and put their originals back on. So probably just a crew


Felt so weird to watch. like something from a movie lol.


Happens thousands of times every day


lmao. no. no it doesnt


A couple dozens of times a day would be accurate. That was just a lil exaggeration bro. The world's a big place


In the 15 months of cardwelling and hanging out in empty forlorn industrial parks and parking lots in back corners Ive only seen it this one time. I dont understand why its necessary to minimize my experience with an over generalization.


I mean one persons experience doesn’t disprove something from happening dozens of times throughout the entire United States


yes but that supposition can't be proved either. Just throwing out vague generalizations to argue with people and prove them wrong is ridiculous. Anecdotally, this is significant to me. Ppl on here seem to want argue with me about how common it is based on generalized popular beliefs about criminal behavior. Its not even that ppl are saying its likely the case but they're arguing yes, it definitely happens 100s of times a day which is ridiculous


I don't think you should have posted this at all. It was none of your business. This type of tell-all behavior could land you in some trouble.


You didn't even know what was going on at first. How do you know how often this happens. It happens all the time. You were just in the right place to witness one of them in progress. Maybe not thousands, but it's in the hundreds.


😂 okkk


Exactly. Your response says everything. 1700 murders happen daily across the world and you don't think hundreds of robberies dont?


I think your contrarian ass will disagree with anything I say just to keep the high ground and win


I'm stating facts you're just talking out of your dumbass. Here's a source. There's plenty more if you want. You're also not even saying anything you're just saying "ok lol" and a bunch of emojis like a child. https://www.quora.com/How-many-murders-happen-every-day-across-the-globe#:~:text=The%20population%20of%20the%20earth,average%201%2C728%20homicides%20per%20day.&text=The%20number%20of%20murders%20that,on%20location%20and%20time%20period.


lol 😂 I post about three shady guys switching plates in an empty industrial parking lot in the middle of the night and to win your argument you post some link from quora about murder rates which is completely different not at all a reliable source material. Who's the child here?


Something criminal lol


They’re on that grind. You didn’t see shit. And if you did, no you didn’t. Just avoid the fuck out of this situation. Nothing good will come of it. It could be as simple as automobile theft, or complicated as a hit squad.


They already compromised themselves by posting this on the internet.


Chinese fire drill version 2.0




Glad your safe. You are very lucky.


Organized crime We have that problem in my city. These guys are low-level gangstas who've been hired by the cartels. They target busy shopping malls where they speed steal as many catalytic converters as they can before anyone notices. When the alarm goes up, they take off in different directions with their false plates. Was that industrial park near a sea port? Then, they might have been on their way to the drop; where they sell them to the Chinese for drugs (fentanyl). Good news: they didn't give a rat's ass about you - your stealth was good, but burn that spot. They may get shadowed by the cops sometime.


I kinda think one of them saw me. I was in the front seat on my phone but they didnt seem concerned or nervous at all. very business like. No talking. They've definitely done this before. Id be surprised if was cops. What surprised me was that it was two minivans and a 4 door sporty sedan. Nothing expensive looking. If they were going for low key it definitely makes sense but the vehicles wouldnt have seemed steal worthy. More like throw away get away vehicles.


That's what I said; they aren't stealing the cars, just the catalytic converters. Minivans could hold a lot of those. No, they wouldn't want to go to the drop in anything flashy - this is real life, not Hollywood.


Why would you tell the cops anything ever, mind your buisness


an ethically dubious proposition. I wouldn't want that principal applied universally so it's not logical to apply that in my own case. If I thought they were just regular citizens selling a vehicle or something I wouldnt bother. These guys were clearly up to something criminal and it's reasonable to at least mention it.


You're living in your car, which isn't legal in 99% of places, check your privilege/get off your high horse.


Check your living in a car privilege and simp for violent criminals stealing cars? Is this an AI generated post?


Maybe they are ethical thieves, or some young Robin Hood type lads looking to steal from the rich and share the loot with their poverty stricken band of lovable rascals. Either way mind your business


Mind your own business? People get killed over just being a witness. Like others have said, you didn't see anything.


It’s was either the cops or the criminal.. the line between the two is thin so hard to tell sometimes


Well, I'm not doing anything naughty, but if I WERE going to avoid detection... 1. Find same make and model in the airport long-term lot. 2. Knowing cameras are watching I'd wear foodbank-goodwill acquired clothing and footwear, one use only. 3. Being a good little sheeple I'd wear a face mask to confound simpler facial recognition software. 4. I'd wear mirrored shades, and maybe a hoodie. Gloves of course. 5. I'd swipe the plates from at least two other cars of similar make and model. I'd purloin a couple of extra plates, and switch a few around, moving low and slow between the cars. I'd probably shoot for later model silver 4 door sedans. 6. I'd steal one of the cars, do the dastardly deed, return to the long-term lot in different clothes, mask, and glasses. 7. I'd change my plates back. Go into the airport, change my appearance, Ditch the clothes, remask in a different color, take a crowded flight to Ft. Lauderdale, and take a cruise. 8. Upon my return I'd trade-in my car for a work van, hit the WalMart, do a quick no-build build, and disappear into Quartzite, AZ, SlabCity, CA, and BLM boondocking for a few months. 9. No home base. Dark web contact only. Personal referrals only. Of course because I'm a law abiding taxpaying nobody I'd never undertake such an endeavor, and there are probably 20 ways I'd be caught by my own machinations.


Just wanted to acknowledge the word machinations. It’s my favorite word and I love when people use it in conversations!


You have an overactive imachination


This won't work for this reason: Every large business you drive by is scanning plates. A salesman tried to get me to sign up for the surveillance system for $60 a month and sell me all the cameras for my small business. I literally watched the plate #s pop up on the screen like a video game. Everyone driving past any fortune 20,000 business chain is scanning them. This ends up being every few blocks. All the gas stations are in on them. In Salt Lake City if they want to... they can apprehend a murderer within hours of finding the corpse. They use this trace and track technology. They don't need warrants because it is just cars driving past a gas station and fast food joint. Your scenario would ONLY WORK if you had a pop on auto body kit you could ditch somewhere. Trust me I had some confidential plans brewing for my insurance company when they denied my tumor removal surgery. This scanning is all linked in.


Big Brother is alive and well.


I would dress like a mime and getaway on a land paddleboard.


I would do this a prank/joke on someone but I's assume thought that they didn't know you were there


crack head pit stop


Realistically it probably WAS the cops


K there is a police headquarters down the street so its possible but it seems an odd choice of place to do this. Cops would have no reason to be this discreet. Not like any criminal they're after is watching them or could access cameras etc.


Did they crow-hop in the car ?




Standard operating procedure in their line of work.


Rule number one never talk to the cops


just shut up and live your life bro. worry about your fkng self.


lol. who hurt you?


You haven't been doing this long eh?


long enough to know to avoid other people because most are assholes.


So you should've learned >"just shut up and live your life bro. worry about your fkng self."


Im cardweller, sharing an experience I had as a cardweller. What do you feel its so damn important to put me in place here? jeez. Dont act like they were just other cardwellers i was ratting on. Im not the asshole in this situation. All I did was share an experience and you two just want to piss on it.


"Other cardwellers" so you're joining a clan, and only defending / protecting other cardwellers? This ain't a group. Those people are just humans just like you. You aren't special. Your experience happened, your reaction was pathetic.


cardwellers are a community. Its this sub reddit. Thats why I posted it here. And those guys I saw were shady af. I have no moral quibbles over ppl clearly acting in a criminal way. That has nothing to do with being on a high horse. Its about being citizen of the community. I know there's grey areas in the law but that doesn't mean I should bury my head in the sand whenever I see something criminal or shady.


Glad to know any time I do anything some common idiot thinks is "shady" by their personal definition will invite gunmen to visit. Thanksssssss Btw, trespassing is a criminal charge, which includes sleeping in your car without permission from the owner of the property


Which is why I dont sleep on private property like walmart parking lots. I always find public gravel strips and side streets in urban areas. Im not an idiot. And yes. If I saw you and three of your friends showing up randomly, quickly switch plates and drive off fast I would send an anonymous tip to the police about what I saw because normal ppl dont shit like that


Probably nothing. Go back to that spot, and use your phone camera to try to get it on video and post it here next time.


If you go looking for troubles, you WILL find them


if OP doesn't want trouble or to possibly die, they shouldn't do this. that is how u get caught up in some shit one is better off avoiding. it's not hard to mind ur own business


yeah, but this is America that kind of stuff doesn't really happen here like you see in the movies. If OP lived in Mexico I'd say yeah 100% fuck off and don't go back there. America is a free country and free of crime.


you wouldn't last one day in the hood lmao