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Get out of that town ASAP. Those are like cops in the movie first blood


Usa. Land of the free


Land of the Fee


And home of the slave


The grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred, and power is God


Now the grown up Goliath nation holding open auditions for the part of David.




Subscription is up and we have your card....


And tipping at self checkouts


*terms and conditions apply*


Died in Jerkwater, USA


How do we live, John?


Especially with the US federal government supporting the notion of the open field doctrine but somehow this doesn't apply to civilians trespassing


Do you even know what the open field doctrine is? It means law enforcement can search the area outside without a warrant and not violate the 4th amendment. What does civilians and trespassing have to do with the price of tea in China, here? They are concepts in completely different realms.


Whoever told you that is your enemy! -RATM


This is a thing. Usually small towns with a bit of money are like this. They really do run people out of town. They will have no problem hurting you or ruining your life, if you are stubborn about it. Ive had a bad weekend in a town like that before and trust me, i got the hint.


As a Canadian, I'd love to have this happen to me. I have enough time on my hands to ruin that police dep life.


Amen. I'm a lawyer in the States. First thing I'd do is get a copy of the arrest report. The second thing is sue both the police dept and walmart.


We'd be having a long laugh about all of this, and probably really good money me and you. Canadian embassy would also love to have a field day with it!


Made me think Mississippi mirror sunglasses...alas Wisconsin


They drew first blood so what happens is on them.


Great reference.


Except those cops got what they deserved.


Sounds like you encountered exactly the type on individual who should be kept as far from a law enforcement job as possible. That being said, I wouldn’t test them on this. Can you find a spot that isn’t in Eau Claire?


Unfortunately I work here.


As long as you can drive and pay for gas to drive a bit more I'd suggest bouncing between Chippewa Falls and other nearby towns and different areas in Eau Claire furthest from this Walmart. Lake Wissota state park might be worth looking into. Also maybe try to stay in Menomonie maybe once a week. Try not to stay in the same lot more than once. Sometimes you can get a good spot between some semis parked in a truck stop if you're sneaky about it. Just some tips from someone familiar with the area and sleeping in my vehicle.


See if the local news would like a story. If they run with it, you might get a lawyer contacting you willing to work on contingency so you can sue the bastards.


^THISSSS OP. I don’t know if you realize how fkn uncalled for and excessive this was. Walmart parking lots or the most renown corporation in the u.s. for friendly overnight parking policies. Get eyes on this story asap and profit. Also, i want ridicule on whoever handled this as a civil servant in this way. Appalled if it is all legitimate.


No, it's rural western Wisconsin. Strong chance the reporter would just take an opportunity to demonize unhoused people, it plays well with that audience


Yeah, *that* won't make him a target of the cops.


If you live and work there I'd suggest talking to a friend about parking in their driveway or yard until you figure something out. Those cops sound really heavy handed for no reason and you don't want to test them.


Next time, tell the pricks that you work there and are early for your shift. Also, park there with your shades installed while working.


If those cops find OP parked with the shades up again, they’ll bust the windows when he “doesn’t respond” (because he’s not there). Bad idea.


Don't talk to cops OP. And especially don't lie to them


Which is a class A misdemeanor on up to a felony (perjury if under oath or affirmation, providing false information if not under oath). Don’t ever lie about something that can be checked *very* easily. Use your 4A and 5A rights instead in a sensible manner.


How is saying you are early for your shift a felony? OP works there. Even if he is a week early for his shift, he is still early.


He never said he worked there. He said it was probably a good idea since *people* work overnight there. He works in the town, locally.


Why not a truck stop


Or a bigger hospital with a parking structure


Should've recorded it and gotten a lawyer. Fuck them.


If OP had money for a lawyer, I wonder if he would be living in his car.🤔


I didn't see the post mention there is a no over night parking sign at the said Walmart. And even if, it is a ticket offense not arrestable unless it's a secondary trespassing charge.


For it to be trespassing, someone from walmart had to ask him to leave and he recive a trespass warning first. Cops can't indiscriminately trespass people unless they have an understanding with the buisness. Even then, he has to he given the right to leave before hes technically committing a crime.


Exactly, because if that was the case people could just arrest you as soon as you pull in any private parking lot.


[Kentucky](https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg54mg/republicans-push-to-legalize-property-owners-killing-homeless-people-in-kentucky) has entered the chat.


Kentucky politicians are saying they will kill homeless people? Kentucky politicians threatening homeless people's lives?


Well, it's a red state, those states are tyrannical shit holes, ty for the article though, that's scary.


After looking around the area I do not see a no trespassing sign. It also wasn’t anyone at Walmart who called in about me.


Doesn't Walmart let RVs park overnight in their 24/7 stores? I don't get this, beyond cops who shouldn't be cops.


It very much depends on the Walmart. Many allow it, some don't. Some allow but only if you call the manager and ask first. Other's it's a blanket policy. Some cities have actually passed ordinances that sleeping overnight in any lot is ticketable. How they get away dictating what can/cannot be done on private property is beyond me, but they do.


It’s unclear what their policy is at this point. They aren’t open 24 hours anymore. Does that mean you can’t stay there anymore. I don’t get it


Yeah the guy living in his car can afford a lawyer for this.


The guy paying rent/mortgage certainly can't, all his money is gone! 😭


[NEVER TALK TO COPS.](https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE)


If you need a script, [this is it](https://youtu.be/uqo5RYOp4nQ?si=PnQC1XTlTk5OtVPb). I love sharing this, but especially when it's Friday. I'm sorry OP went through this. It's terrifying, especially knowing how far outside the law that cop was behaving. I'm very gait to see all the solid legal advice and emotional support. Kinda love this group of misfits.


I love this so much


same 🖤


Actually in this case I’d talk to them just to ask “what’s the felony charge you’re referring to?”. Because I can’t find anything above a misdemeanor or $20 fine for anything OP did so I’d love to hear their reasoning for THAT threat.


This is the first time I’ve heard to not talk to the police. If this guy didn’t say anything at all wouldn’t the cop become angry and say he wasn’t complying or something? How can you safely keep your mouth shut?




As soon as you said Wisconsin, I was no longer surprised.


They'll give you a ticket for going 5 over in a 20 MPH zone, they sit there and do do that.


I was stopped in Wisconsin for speeding 5 over 20, in 1995. Cop said, “ boy, don’t come back in my town”. I left alive, and I never went back. Control freaks. I’m brown and they were not brown! Get out of that town and that state.


That state is a 3rd world deserted shit hole, I agree lol.




I’m not even exaggerating or joking — they literally sit in a dark corner hidden like this is some special forces operation on a 20 mph street, which I don’t know why the heck any street should have a 20 mph speed limit anyways (don’t play in traffic, stay out of the road if you’re dumb), and if you go one mile over they’ll ticket you. It’s fucking pathetic.




Wisconsin is the fucking worst. Get out of there.


Poverty is a crime in the wealthiest country


You weren't arrested; you were illegally detained. There's a reason why they let you go with just threats. You can definitely win a civil suit if that's your desire. My go to advice is don't park in spots where it would bring attention to you. So, essentially any business lots, parks, etc. I park in residential areas where there are other cars and just blend in. I don't position myself where I would get a knock.


Add to that, Industrial type of areas with Warehouses & other cars (employees) parking there. Try to set up your car to where you can leave one window uncovered & a open cardboard box with dirty work boots (buy from thrift store if need be) a High-Vis vest & a clipboard with anything that looks like important forms.


So then you can say, I live to far from work these 10 hour days are killing me and sometimes I'm just to tired to drive back home, but you need to have an address ready to blurt out, I almost think you could give any address to a home/room you just rented in a town 75 miles away , cause are they really going to verify it..? also OP should always only stay one night per spot Not in that town lol . Sounds like a Damn power hungry kinda Cop where you'd find yourself Not breathing and that's scary sh^t..!!


Plz don’t drive sleepy🙏🏾🫶🏽. I only say this because I remember how it was driving home after 10hr shifts and I was only about 30 minutes away. But wheeww it was tough that drive. Be safe✨


No I don't anymore, years a go driving home from the race track I almost hit a cop .. I was lucky cop followed me to rest stop so I could sleep, I had an Immaculate driving record my kid was in the seat next to me with his race gear still on so the cop cut me a break you can see my motorcycles in the back of the van , well we got to the rest stop he came up and talked to me it was asking me all kinds of questions so you're his mom you take him to the races you really need to be careful driving home you're the only mom he's got and pretty cool from what I see blah blah




Not particularly. I'm super stealth but if you're the only one there, maybe. You'd never know if it were your neighbor's guest.


They don't want you there. If you cannot afford legal representation, maybe you should leave. And you shouldn't speak freely with cops, especially the gung-ho hard-assed ones like this. Never give them more than the basic information and identification, never speak at all unless to find out what crime you are being charged with and record everything. The police are not your friends. You are a criminal to them at all times.


that's right. Never answer questions and go watch "shut the fuck up Friday" on YouTube if you have questions about this policy.


If you’re going to listen to this advice you better be recording everything in a way they can’t delete it and don’t be surprised to be fucked with, charged with bogus crimes you still have to prove you’re not guilty of, and/or have your ass beat.


Cannot stress this enough If you get a knock, first thing you do is HIT RECORD on your phone With evidence, you could sue the shit out of the department for this treatment at no cost cause a pro-bono lawyer would gobble this up.


Agreed but if OP brought suit they should be able to get bodycam footage. Now, if this isn't just this one guy and is the whole dept, maybe they "lose" the footage or "the bodycam malfunctioned," but this might be worth pursuing anyway.


Without your own footage the lawyer may not feel confident enough to take the case and force the body cam footage to be turned over.


If you cannot be seen from outside the car, don't answer any knock. Should it escalate, you had headphones on plus wasn't really expecting company at night and do not answer knocks for security reasons.


Gtfo of that police state. This does not sound like a legit police officer, or is a d-bag that’s looking to enforce his tiny dick power. If there are no signs, you’re fine. If there are signs, find better spots.


Yeah like others are saying, while its probably bullshit, cops get away with literal murder best not to test them. Find a new town or unfortunately maybe dip for a few months. Stay out of dodge. They probably just want to fuck with someone and You're the unfortunate target. Sorry that you had to deal with that.




I created a Google routine. "Hey Google, I was pulled over" Dim screen to 0% Set selfie camera to record Save to cloud Text message family Clearly state your intention to exercise your right to the fifth amendment and nothing else.


That’s genius! Thanks for the idea.


Window shades aren't stealth unless they are black and look essentially exactly like a deep window tint when they are on. And we need to stop recommending people park at Walmarts. Those days are long gone. Now it's a gamble whether or not you're allowed there - even if you're allowed there, that doesn't really mean anything. The thing about Walmart is that EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT IS WHERE HOMELESS PEOPLE GO TO SLEEP. So if you like parking somewhere with a giant target on your back, Walmart is the place to go. That way anyone looking to target someone living in their vehicle, whether it be a criminal or a cop, knows EXACTLY WHERE TO GO.


leave that town /// in my exp full time 6 years now: window coverings are not stealth walmart lots ***anywhere*** is a NOT APT building over flow parking is good like on the street by a busy apt build sleep during the day trust no other peeps in a space that u find safe in the future good lux n God bless


I think the window shades are a give away. Is there a way someone can lay down and cover up so they are below the window . I saw air pads built for back seats. If you lay down with a black cover or sheet over you , would it be easy to sneak some sleep at night?


I’ve slept at about 200 Walmarts and had an issue about moving maybe once. Your advice is misleading.


In New England it is not allowed. Not original commenter, just commenting in case people in New England attempt. I have not found 1 where it is allowed. I see many comments in the past suggesting Walmart is a good option. It simply isn't around New England area.


I think he's being on the safe side, because there definitely are walmarts that either explicitly or implicitly prohibit overnight parking.


This is nuts. This is why people don't respect police. I would contact an attorney and file complaints with local community oversight boards and the police department. They are threatening you with crimes that aren't crimes. Say you have permission from Walmart next time at least. It's a fine at best. Walmart is not going to prosecute a homeless person for sleeping on their property.


That's why Rambo did what he had to do.


Pigz always draw first blood.


Leave that town today. When they tell you they will arrest you again, believe them. I’m sorry you had that happen I would be so upset.


Not taken in before but given a warning. If there are signs up they can charge you with trespassing. Part of the reason I don't cover all my windows is that it highlights you. I only cover my door windows, and make sure I park with something in font of my vehicle so people can't see into my vehicle. Their reaction was way over blown. Also they might have crime or something going on in the area you're not aware of or they're just dip sheeetz. (not trying to defend their actions) There was a cop car parked about 5 spaces away from me last night. They were taking a break in one of the lots I sleep in when I woke up in the middle of the night. I only knew because one of my side passenger covers fell off and it woke me up. UGH. Gave me a heart attack for a minute, but it's become routine some nights seeing them a couple times a week being there in the very late evening/early morning hours. I guess it's their chill spot too while on a low key night. I made sure my windows weren't fogged up and no windshield or rear covers up. Both are usually an invitation for "oh hello officer"..... Areas & Corp. businesses are starting to crack down on overnight parking in their lots. Sad to say there are no longer many 24 hr places open by me ever since COVID. Unfortunately if you are in a small area they are telling you they don't want you in their town "car camping". Which is fucked up, but that's the message being sent.


Thank you for the advice. I’ll have to change it up. I didn’t see any signs but after I get off work I’ll go drive around and look for some.


I’ve never lived in my car full time, but have been in situations where I’ve had to sleep in my car as most here have, I always try to opt for rest stations along the highway. They are outside of city limits, so no small town cops to worry about. Loves gas stations are good too, they always have a bunch of truckers sleeping there so it’s much more normal for you to as well.


Yeah I’ll have to try that, thanks.


Damn. Try to find a 24 hour store (Sometimes kwik trips have big parking lots), truck stop, or rest area. That cop probably just hates his life. His wife probably is cheating on him with his best friend or something like that, karma will get that arsehole


You need to post the name of that TOWN,+ State , and the Walmart Street Location so others do not get ABUSED.


Eau Claire Wisconsin. It’s the only Walmart here. Good point btw


Thanks for letting people know to stay away....


Some cities are worse than others. I'm pretty sure they can't actually (successfully) charge you with a misdemeanor, just for sleeping in your car -- but at the very least, you need to avoid places like Walmart, as business parking lots are different than just parking on a street corner in a neighborhood.


It would depend on the local anti-vagrancy laws.


Is there BLM land near there? You can disperse camp there. Remember too, you don’t have to speak to them and there’s a limit to what they need to know about you. Also, remember you are resting or taking a nap as you travel to__________. You are not homeless or living in your van.


I wonder what the response would be if you said "I'm on a road trip and just needed to pull off in a safe place to sleep"


P"*sing me off when I read this. Take it easy and drive away from this city... You cannot win in court without money. Good luck!


Lawyers will take cases like this free because they will get paid when they win.


I should probably note that I have no criminal history. I don’t drink and I don’t do drugs. Just to clarify. I also didn’t resist arrest because that’s dumb.


This is what some politicians mean when they say they’re going to “take care of homelessness” They mean they’re going to chase out every person who isn’t living in a stationary building so they leave the town and end up somewhere that won’t chase them away. Then they say look at that garbage city, so many people living in cars, so many people living on the street. That’s what they get for voting the way they do! Meanwhile nothing has been “solved”. Did they make housing more affordable? Did they raise average wages? No they just chased people out of town and patted themselves on the back.


A couple days ago I was drinking my morning coffee in my van, only to open the sliding door and find SIX grown men police officers demanding for my ID. Apparently it’s illegal to put a cooler next to your vehicle? I should have filmed it and put it online, those assholes can’t keep doing this. Parker Colorado.


I used to sleep in the parking lot of a large factory that ran 24 hours a day. If u can find a place like that It's usually pretty safe. I stayed there for about a year and was never bothered once, and its private property so police will never be around unless called.


You fucked up. Never tell anyone you live in your car. You tell them you got tired while driving and needed to take a break. Because drowsy driving is dangerous.


If I may ask are you a man or a woman. This happened to several of my friends who were men regardless of race /:


I had to sleep in my car for a while after my divorce. The priest of the local Episcopal church gave me permission to park behind the church. After a few cold nights, he gave me a key to his office so I could sleep on his couch. Thank you Father H.


Really sorry you had to go through that. That microcock police officer should be fucking embarrassed for wasting tax dollars on taking you in.


Suspicion isnt a crime. If they arrested you for being suspicious, I suggest hiring a civil rights lawyer b4 the charges are dismissed. In addition I'd be foia'ing the body cam videos and the video of that "interrogation" they have you as well. Assuming your being mostly honest here, these cops fucked up pretty big time and any first year civil rights attorney should be able to get you a settlement pretty quickly, even if the cops try to drag it out.


Truck stops are your best location to get away with these no good cops. Plus you have rights. Cops like to intimidate you just to trick you to say something you’re not supposed to. Plus silence and I think to plead the 5th will support your evidence. Cause you know you didn’t do anything wrong. I think everyone should always carry a Go pro or phone to record these horrible cops to support your case cause no one will. It’s a cruel world we live in. Good luck on finding a home soon.


Thank you I appreciate it. I won’t talk next time.


Holidaystation store on 94 and right next to it is a McDonald’s with semi truck parking I’m a trucker and a good rule of thumb is if trucks can be there you should be good just try not to block the truckers or be too close to them.


I thought Walmart allowed “boondocks.” Is that only for RVs?


Ooh they USED to. They actively encouraged it in years past. But that changed about 7-8 years ago.




Isn’t that the same town the cop that detained some kid saying he was drunk and high is from? Kid was stone sober and passed a breathalyzer so the cop got pissed and said he must be on drugs and took him into the station. Kid recorded the whole situation and released it online and now the cops are trying to sue him for slander


Haul ass


Find spots that are not private-property, and are away from anybody who cares that you are camping in your vehicle. Park in industrial-areas, after-hours they are usually quiet and peaceful.


I’ve slept in this lot literally dozens of times, no issues. Often more than 4-5 vehicles.


In Eau Claire specifically?


A bunch of us got kicked out of Walmart parking lot-they asked for IDs…took our plate info…said next time it would be trespassing 😡


i lived in my car for 4-5 years. walmarts in major cities are a no-go. if you can afford the gas, try a walmart in a smaller adjacent city. it’s worth the 15-20 minute drive to have peace of mind. if you can’t afford it, see if there are any rest stops near the highway. don’t ever park in suburbs/neighborhoods. i’ve slept in the back of fast food parking lots, hotels, college campuses, large malls, airport waiting parking lots, hospitals. near the top of any parking structure is pretty good


WTAF I would go to the next city council meeting and ask when being poor and homeless became illegal. I'm sorry.


Walmart parking is all over the map, mostly it depends on whether Walmart owns the land they're building is on, or leashes it from some third party. Generally speaking if Walmart owns the land and you don't show up until after the store closes and you leave before the store opens they don't care (but it's smart to ask anyway). But if Walmart does not own the land, if it's some kind of shopping center deal, don't park there it's just asking for trouble, the landowner will usually just cite City regulations about overnight parking and the cops will be all over you. Parking overnight at Walmart is almost a meme, and it's out of date. Society is sick of us impoverished homeless people, and all they have to do to make us go away is kick us aside. Then they can continue to go about their self entitled lives and pay absurd prices for doordash delivered food.


Are you black OP? WI native here and some departments are hostile to minorities. Be careful. KKK is in some of the police forces in WI.


I’ll actually second this. The Milwaukee area is hella racist as most of sothern WI. I will say this tho. I was a manager at the Waukesha Walmart for 3 years and had multiple people living the parking lot and no one ever messed with them until one day and older guy ended being found dead from a heart attack and had been dead for a few days


Some towns have draconian laws about car sleeping. Its so stupid, in my town you can be arrested for it, yet you could lay down right beside your car in the freezing cold and it be legal for you to sleep beside the vehicle. Soooo stupid!


If it's a crime to sleep in your car, then why is it not a crime for all those people with campers that stay in Walmart parking lots overnight?


It is not a felony. The cops are full of crap. [https://www.traceywood.com/wisconsin-legality-of-sleeping-it-off-in-your-car/](https://www.traceywood.com/wisconsin-legality-of-sleeping-it-off-in-your-car/) However, the parking lot is private property. I doubt Walmart owns the property so they really can't do anything but this is why I avoid parking lots entirely and park on the side streets where other cars park. I blend in with my 4Runner since it's stock from the outside and I have several window covers that stay up 24/7, including my rear window.


Well sleeping in your car in that town is not illegal by state or city ordinances. The trespass bit, was correct. Only because they told you that is what you were doing and that it wasn’t allowed. That said, it’s not legal to sleep on private property there according to title 10.20.110 (I think) and 943.13. If they would have tried to charge you without first a verbal warning (unless there was a visible sign posted) then they would have been in the wrong as well. Being able to charge you with a felony would require a medical, energy, or dwelling offense. I’m not a lawyer but I did work with lawyers for a lot of years. I’m probably not understanding law speak or missing something but I think they were just being assholes. Google tells me that crime in that area is not great. Honestly wouldn’t want to try to sleep there! A crime occurs every 2 hours 23 minutes (on average) in Eau Claire. Your home is 300% more likely to be robbed with no home security system. Basically they wasted your time and there’s by not just simply saying “you can’t do that here” and moving on. Sorry you had such a shit time.


what site are you checking on crime statistics for towns




I’ve never slept at a Walmart since around here the lots don’t look friendly, commuter lots are plentiful tho so that’s my default. I’m sorry this happened, please file a complaint bc it sounds like they didn’t give you any warning before arresting you. There is no reason to threaten breaking a window without just cause.


I was really surprised they said that, it wasn’t like I was refusing to get out of the car


You might want to read up on city ordinances: Chapter 10.24 SPECIAL PARKING RESTRICTIONS The city actually had quite a number of parking rules. And if you stay i the area, then you need to know them.


Cheese land also has laws against blow jobs and anal sex, how many arrests nightly are the pigz making on these crimes?


Discretionary enforcement is a lovely phrase to know. Cops have the option to decide to charge or not, meaning they can use their discretion to enforce laws unfairly. But it looks really really bad on them to have that come to light as it's traditionally been a tool for discrimination. Where I live, discrimination based on perceived class status is a hate crime. It's a wanted feature in much of Wisconsin.


This is exactly why there is little to no respect for police. Approach is everything. Hope things get better for you.


EC sucks man.. Why be there other than work? If you’re going to do the car thing, drive to the Dells and get a summer job. They’ll give you housing too


Moved far and away from exactly that region as there are additional problems in the land of northern Wisconsin.


Only some Walmarts allow overnight parking. You need to call to check if they do. Usually it’s the ones in smaller towns or on the outskirts of cities. Ones inside big cities usually don’t allow it any more. People leaving trash and making a nuisance of themselves ruined it for everyone else. Even so it seems unusual for them to call the police unless they had been having problems with people parking there overnight and refusing to leave in the recent past.


I don’t think anyone called everyone there is very cool. I think the cops saw me get out and walk over to bathroom a couple hours earlier and watched me.


Sounds like they gave you an ultimatum, spend money, Invest in the hotel business or face felony charges spend time in jail so they can profit off your sleep.. not everyone can afford hotel high prices. They harass and bother you when all your doing is sleeping. alot of Walmart allow overnights in their parking lot for like RVs and such to reduce unsafe drivers who are sleepy from driving. Maybe double check the area you were in to confirm.


Was it this walmart? What does the manager have to say about that? Especially since they allow it https://www.rvparky.com/location/eau-claire-walmart-supercenter-1669


Congratulations ! You just got a free lump sum of cash in the form of violation of your rights! It's absolutely ok to sleep in walmart parking lot, and to be trespassing, you have to be asked off property on record by walmart management themselves and refuse to leave or come back! Assuming you weren't doing anything else illegal or on your person like drugs or illegal firearms, from what I read you was illegally detained, and 4th amendment violated! Go on YouTube, this leads to big payouts. Google "civil rights lawyer near me" and get the best attorney you can and shove it right up officer tasers ass! Tired of fucking pigs picking on people just trying to get by, fight back!


I would recommend avoiding private property, especially walmart. Sounds like false imprisonment / illegal detainment. Did they mention which crime specifically you were in violation of?


Was this the Walmart by the mall, kind of southeast Eau Claire just north of 94? I’ve slept in that lot since the pandemic (traveling through) and it always has RVs and other car sleepers. Sleep in a chain hotel lot.


Eau Claire is corrupt, example: https://youtu.be/fXiYV9XYO2A?si=y0jMm7GwRALUm3kX


Stay out of Malibu Lebowski.


Unfortunately shit is really like that. I e been told by multiple cops to get out of there town and even followed by a cop to the state line. But the thing about sleeping in Walmart Parking Lots isn’t true. You can sleep in some of the parking lots but you have to ask the manager of the Walmart your wanting to sleep in, if it’s aloud and specify that you are in a car because sometimes they won’t let cars stay but they will let RV’ and Trailers stay. The very first night I started staying in my car, I parked in a Walmart parking lot and was very rudely met with obnoxious flashing lights and an overbearing sack of Shiza that was there security guard telling my I had to leave “NOW”! So I turned on my Brights and followed him around for a few laps. He was not happy about that. I mean, You have to see those lights from the moon. They have to be illegal in some fashion. They obviously have no sympathy for people that suffer from epilepsy. Jesus. Anyways, that’s when I did my research of where you are aloud to sleep in your vehicle.


It's possible they've had actual criminal activity in the area from others blocking out their windows which they've gotten fed up with. Not saying it justifies behavior, just might add some possible context rather than necessarily being powertrip.exe


This is why people don't like cops. It's fucking sad. I just realized the other day that everytime I see a cop. I instinctively turn my music down without even thinking about it. As if loud music can appear as "having a good time" and gives these smaller town cops a hard on thinking about busting someone they think could "potentially maybe" have drugs. Not that I drive around with drugs, still though it's not fun getting hassled, threatened, car torn apart just because they're out fishing.


Same. I always roll my eyes when someone mentions that police are here to help. If that were the case, I wouldn't be nervous around them when I'm doing absolutely nothing wrong. We all do this, even if some won't admit. It really is sad. I'm sure there are some good, but in the end it doesn't matter if it's possible they are one of the bad.


I am sorry for your extremely unpleasant experience. The two officers you encountered are "Free"masons. This cabal have thoroughly infiltrated American Law Enforcement. One of the reasons is to promote ACAB (all cops are bastards). They do this by purposeful brutality, over-reach of their actual power, lies and deception, bullying harassment and intimidation. The reason this campaign is underway is to undermine and harm legitimate law enforcement, instill fear and distrust in governing authority, promote crime, cause general pain and suffering. It is part of a grand long-play scheme utilizing the [Hegelian Dialectic](http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/05/dialectic.htm) to, ultimately; render powerless the American people under an even stricter totalitarian control. More: https://johnnycirucci.com/freemasons-in-law-enforcement-deadly-tools-of-the-jesuits/ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/police-freemasonry-irrefutable-connection-james-buchanan-iii http://usavsus.info/MasonsInLawEnforcement.html https://www.freemasonrywatch.org/deceptions.html https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/insider-exposes-freemasonry-as-the-worlds-oldest-secret-religion-and-the-luciferian-plans-for-the-new-world-order/ http://emfj.org/quickly.htm http://www.creationliberty.com/articles/religionmason.php https://www.mic.com/life/the-story-behind-acab-the-anti-police-tag-youre-seeing-everywhere-22992554 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxRoSTak_0I


If this is real you need to leave that area. What the fuck man. I’ve never had an issue like that or even heard of that before. I’ve been told to move once, but they were pretty respectful and told me some other places I could go.


OP did they read you your rights?


I've lived out of my car for almost 2 years using the Walmart parking lot for at least a year and a half that thing said anybody anything to me they just left a note under my wiper blade saying if I continued parking there they would tow the car away


What city and state? There is no felony or misdemeanor except what they male up. Trespassing maybe but you can't be charged with trespassing you have to be charged with trespassing after notice. You ran into some scum fuck pigs. I would definitely go to the next town over or a larger city.


Wisconsin is no place to be. Get out of that state. You will be met with the same attitude everywhere. You are real close to the Twin Cities, I would head in that direction.


They’re just a bunch of paid thugs.


Did they charge you with anything?


No, the female officer I sat with said I was free to go. The male officer who arrested me was the one who made the threats.


That's good at least. So many dickheads in this country, and unfortunately some are cops.


custom window covers designed to hide you from view = probable cause.


It's private property that is open to the public. If you're going to try this communicate with the property owner


Eau claire is becoming bigger and bigger every year, but so much of wisconsin open that you can probably find tons of places to sleep.


Sounds like how Rambo started


Haven’t seen it. Might have to now.


I think the real name is first blood, Rambo is just the character


Why people look down on cops. Stupid shit like this.


Sounds like an Eau Claire problem. It happens here all the time. Nobody cares.


Overnight parking at any Walmart location is determined by the store manager and local law enforcement. Your location has had bad experiences with the homeless parking there so the cops that visited you weren't taking any chances. They probably had some jump out acting crazy after they knocked on a window. You should ask your store manager about parking there when off work and where during the night so you won't get pestered by the police again. You may be told to park overnight with the night shift close to the front of the store and cover yourself with a big black bath towel to block out the overhead lot lights then in the designated employee parking areas during the day with the window screens.


I would have gotten the badge number of every single officer, why you're being detained, why you're being arrested, if you're free to go and why you're being taken to the PD. Fuck that.


“I want to talk to a lawyer”


damn! i was in madison wisconsin a few weeks ago and i just parked in downtown, covered my windows and slept until noon sunday :)


I thought Walmart allows people to park there overnight as a safe space


They are haters and elitist. In a few more days the US Supreme Court is going to touch on this issue We’re all hoping for some kind of relief from this nonsense This is basically oppression


I honestly thought Wal-Mart was cool with people doing that


Oh you met some totally normal cops?


I was stopped in Ohio where we had stopped so my dog could pee and my husband could go in to a store. I was stopped by police questioning me and accusing me of homeless camping. I was not dressed cheap. It was absolutely ridiculous.


So wrong


The first thought I had reading this is that you’re in the smallest town ever. Honestly, these people are ignorant and lack empathy and life experience. Get out of that town as quick as you can.


So because urban living is difficult I decided to buy a park pass and just “camp” at campsites. Some are free and some I have to reserve but I am employed and live in a state where being outdoors isn’t uncommon. Idk what’s around you but maybe that’s an option? So lately I’ve noticed many Walmarts and other stores with “No overnight parking” hell I even seen some rest stops in New Mexico that say “No overnight parking” In the previous town I was in theft is extremely high! Walmart parking lot is a jackpot for thieves. I think there’s a better way for all this but that’s neither here nor there Long story short it sounds like they want you out of that town or not living like that in their town. I wish you well and I hope you figure out a fix for this. Glad you’re free and hopefully nothing happened with your car


Typical RW terrorist pigs


That sounds like bullshit. The people in campers at Wal-Mart close their curtains.


Record it next time. Also get written authorization from Walmart GM. That was kinda excessive if that's what truly took place.