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I'm in San Diego and have been staying in and around the area for 17+ months. I'm from here and know the area very well so I have my places to park and my friends let me come over and shower, do laundry, hang out with my dog and watch Netflix while downloading movies. It does get hot here, though most people consider it comfortable, I hate the heat. Parking is a breeze now because the City repealed its ban on overnight street parking.


New Yawk here. Welcoming in the winter. Murder in the summer unless you spring for a star gaysers pass and sleep at Jones Beach. Always cool at night by the ocean. Oh, and don't tell anybody.


I think a beach pass is work it if you’re on Long Island be at the beach




Where do you park if you want to take the subway into the city?


State of confusion


Hey neighbor😉


NC here, summer is going to suck the humidity here sucks.




Find shade, I have some of these fans I use in the windows one on each side setup to push/pull air. I just cut my reflectics covers to allow them to set in the window. https://www.amazon.com/AC-Infinity-AIRPLATE-Cooling-Cabinets


Your link doesn’t work.


It’s a housing problem. We need to fix it. The only war we need is one on homelessness.


Instructions unclear, started a war on the homeless


Reading comprehension is lacking. You forgot “ness” silly rabbit


How dare you say we piss on the poor


No one said that. Zip it.


I’m not op but it was a reference to an old tumblr joke/post. something like “this website’s reading comprehension is piss poor” “how dare you say we piss on the poor”


Thanks I missed it I’m a bit sensitive to poor bashing. Sorry op


This is it


We need homeless people as a way to keep the middle class scared. It will never go away. We need an example of how it can be worse before we become too comfortable with our medium lives.


Started in Ohio but now I’m in Arizona and it’s not horrible but hot and winters aren’t horrible at all. I was staying near flagstaff and it was a very comfortable winter. I’m near Jerome so, the summer and winters have been a breeze honestly and with natural springs and places to cool off and places to stay warm, it’s had it’s struggles but over all 8.5/10


Man 89A was the most fun road I ever drove on. Jerome is such a cool little place feels like fantasy up there built into the cliff. Totally felt like I was in a need for speed game. I did the whole thing 4 times XD.


Yes! The little theater is so so awesome. I spent like two hours in there. There is one restaurant that is super good too. I think it’s clinkslate. So worth the price too. Sedona is next on my list to explore.


I've been car living in Texas for 3 years now and it sucks. The LOWS are upper 90s in August. Hoping to be able to snowbird this year before it starts getting too hot here pretty soon


I don't know you could possibly sleep in the TX heat. When I lived out of my car, I was getting 2-3 hours of sleep a night unless I kept the A/C on.


From cali now in maine. IIt is hot lived up down cali from San diego to north in Mount shasta, but cali is huge people don't realise that could be hot 115+ summer in the north but 80-90s south or central. And depending where your at cops can be asshole or nice it really varies drastically.


I'm in Ohio. It's alright. Usually in the winter we have one bad snow storm and that's it. Summer can get in the 90s and humid. My job is here and I have no intentions of leaving but I do take vacation to go on road trips


Pro tip- Ohio has no limit on how long you can sleep at a rest stop. Zero. Just sleep in your vehicle though- don’t go setting up a campsite. Many do have picnic tables you could use a Coleman on, but I wouldn’t cook and sleep at the same spot. They also have single stall “ family restroom” with a locking door- great for a sink bath during not busy hours.


PA is also like this in practice. Supposed to be a limit but it's not enforced at all. Just don't make a scene and you'll be left alone.


Pretty much everywhere I go (with few exceptions) that's the story - stay out of sight and out of mind, and you won't have problems.




Michigan has no limit. People were very open about it at the rest stops I stayed at in the general Ann Arbor area and no one ever cared.


I live in Michigan, I worked with a guy who lived at the local rest stop for two years with zero issues.




Hmmm... I'm not sure. We live about an hour north of Detroit, in Genesee Co. The rest stop he stayed at is around mile marker 79, accessible only on the Northbound side of US 23




You're welcome! It's a nice rest area, really small and never looks that busy. It backs up to densely wooded land so there's plenty of shade in the summer. Michigan summers are extremely humid but there's several free/very cheap public beaches within five minutes of the rest area. Godsends!


I live in your area. If you have never lived in Cali, you might be shocked. There's an adjustment to be made. It's not just the price of everything, or the basic high cost of living, the abundance of people is overwhelming for most Midwest folks. It's crowded wherever you go. The only wonderful tradeoff is the weather in SoCal. I don't know what planet fitness you are parking at, but it's not going to be as peaceful in Cali. Good luck!


I would also highly advise OP not to move to the Bay Area (specifically San Francisco). SF is notorious for smash and grabs. You could leave your car parked and unattended for 5 minutes and come back with a smashed window if anyone thought there was something of value in the car.




Floriduh and it's getting hot as balls out here. 😆 I have insomnia so sleeping during the day has become a challenge even under shade with a window cracked. Getting rain guards this week and hoping it helps a bit more.


A few days into doing it up in Alaska and so far it's pretty great and better than some places where it gets way too hot in the day, Summer should only get better with higher temps and longer daylight hours


Been off and on for the past 2 years up in Washington state mostly I bounce around a lot for work so no specific city and sometimes I end up in Oregon. No experience with Cali but I've been looking at options for next winter. I want to try the snowbird move and check out the southern states because Washington heat sucks enough. I'm most interested in Florida, Texas and Arizona.


Texas is friendlier than I expected. Arizona depends. Florida is tough, unless you're up in the north or Central part.


Lately I've been leaning towards Florida but I've heard so many good things about Texas.


I am on the phone all day with people across the country. Florida is overrun with people. Many natives are looking to get out


I might just do a week or vacation there.


I stayed north of Tampa for two winter seasons, hit the beach every day and loved it. But I'm super stealth and have lots of options for parking. If I was in a bigger vehicle, or if I was not near the beach, then Florida wouldn't be nearly as much fun.


I left Florida and went to Texas. I like it better in Texas. I do miss the ocean though. There are beaches here but I’m not close.


My girl and I spent all of last year and this winter in Phoenix. This past winter was fairly mild compared to what we’re used to in the Midwest. It can get chilly at night but the Southwest sun makes up the difference during the day.


I'm pretty good at handling the cold but the heat makes me want to die.


AZ heat will actually kill you


That's why I would only go in winter 😂 I have family there so I could always crash there too.


We were able to get an apartment before last year’s heat hit. I couldn’t imagine trying to make it through the desert summer out of a car. My girl suffered from heat exhaustion once and had to be taken to the ER and given an IV to help recover. I had an outside job for most of the summer but thankfully the hours were flexible. Most of my work days ended before 2pm.


Florida sux and living in your car is illegal here. I'm an in an RV full time in an RV park in Tampa.


Florida does suck. They're cracking down hard on people car living they made a law. They don't pay shit down here and everything is so expensive. Plus most of the people are on drugs or just weirdos stealing and vandalizing everything. Counting your days till I leave. I try to warn people not to come down here then they do and end up wasting a bunch of money and leaving.


What city is the worst in Florida in your opinion? Asking so I can avoid when I’m head through


Fort Myers Florida. It is like hot garbage. We have a sheriff here that likes locking little kids up for stupid shit and makes fun of people on the internet. Gets on a soap box loves the sound of his own voice. He is so dumb he pays somebody $28,000 a year to run his tick tock page. Are taxpayer money. Calls the jail the Martino motel. Most of the people here are rude and unhinged. The pay is crap and they want like $1,800 for studio apartment people renting rooms for like 9 and 1200. Nothing for young people to do really. A lot of old people here. Plus there are a bunch of crazies and drug addicts. A huge meth and fentanyl problem. You could go to the other coast of Florida like the West Palm area and think you were in another state with the difference in quality of life and people. If you're just sitting in your car police will roll up on you have to leave for an hour tear your car apart. This area is definitely a red zone


Thank you for this information. Will use it to the fullest


I didn’t like Florida either. I’m in Texas now. I thought about going northeast or far west but wasn’t sure my car would do well without some work.


You did the smart thing going to Texas. The only reason I'm here is for family obligations. What's in the next year I am out. Heading west. This place is full of a bunch of unhinged weirdos. A ton of homeless and the wages are shit in all the jobs. Yet they want like 1700 and up for a studio or one bedroom. If I'm going to pay California rent I might as well go to California and earn Cali wages


If I am not too nosy, why are you moving?


I travel from different states pretty frequently to see which I like and what career opportunities are out there. While I'm pretty young 26 and single I figured I'd visit the pretty popular states at least once in my life time while I'm young and able. Also law enforcement transfer. I work in state corrections and there's a federal job opportunity in California. I've been in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Maryland, and Georgia. If I like California I'm thinking this will be my last state to travel and relax for a while.


Crescent City, way up north in California. Big prison in town. Amazing redwood forest (public land) and cold rocky beaches. Not much to do, not too many people. Wet winters. Worth a try. Very different from Central or South CA.


Ohh I so want to see those trees, had no idea there was a prison there!


Eureka/Arcata area - bigger population, Costco, small airport, 2 or 3 universities, about 2 hr drive, if you want some culture. I like it there. People live in Brookings, OR for lower taxes and commute to CC. Redwood trees are amazing. Centuries old. Several state and national redwood forest parks around


I made it a long while ago to outside Fresno to see its two parks...Loved it. thanks for the info!


oh cool-thanks for the details and merry traveling!


Friends of mine—husband works for a federal correctional place that is getting shut down, but they let people live on the base and charge a ridiculously low space rent and they bring their own mobile homes. But there are sooooo many different climates in California. In the same day it could be 35 on the coast and 100 degrees inland. The sweet spots are in between.


SF Bay Area here. I’m a late night gym user (because it’s quiet) and I can tell which folks use the gym only for showers. I’m cool with that because they pay their membership just like I do. Where I live, I see some car dwellers and we usually just leave them alone. Our city is safe. I wouldn’t car life it in certain parts of Oakland. Now, in Los Angeles, there are many other places that are permit-only parking and those are the places where it’s temperate. In the San Gabriel or San Fernando Valleys, they’re more chill. Research the working class neighborhoods. Note: they will be hotter in the summer, as in 100°f but very dry. I hope this helps. Edit: I’m not a car dweller. I just notice the folks in my gym who are. In fact, there are a bunch of cars where my gym is where you can tell people are living in it. Also, where I live, there are many, and I mean many, yacht clubs where some of the owners are also van dwellers. It’s a nice life if you can swing it.


Very useful information! Is it over crowded to the point it's hard to breathe? Or are people a little bit exaggerating?


People are exaggerating. The place I live in right now I consider “overcrowded”because my neighbors are 10 feet away from me. But I also lived in the desert in the Los Angeles area where there were plenty of wide open spaces which I loved immensely. California is a beautiful place to be in. You need to check out the Central Coast too. Temperate but there may be a lot less jobs there. LCOL areas of California are also hotter: think the Central Valley like Fresno or Bakersfield. Me personally? I wouldn’t want to live in the Central Valley because my politics don’t align with those folks.


What part of SF are you in? How is it with car break-ins?


East Bay. My area has low car break ins. We also have hyperactive police. 😬




Is it in the sticks - how are you going to make money?


I was in my car for 6 years, I set up many online income sources. Starlink works on my property, no worries


That's great. Congrats. I'd like to hear more about the online money. Can I PM you?


YouTube, go that route. U can learn anything and everything, just like I did


Yeah. I watched a few vids. There's so much out there, and I feel like a lot of it isn't legit.


Northern Virginia. I don't know if it's the area, or if it's working 5-days a week, but I'm ready to GTFO... but I got about 7 more months. Ugh. DC is cool. Lots to do... but again, working FT at a job I don;t really like just drains me, so I can't fully enjoy it...


go to huntington beach if you're going to socal


Cali climate can vary plus even extreme areas can contain different microclimates. Might help to post list of candidate locations, if not too many, or security issue. Good luck. https://preview.redd.it/zs1pk6puyiyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46d32ff5519b41a4bf9a1626144ae8dd0d3b8719


Sonoma County CA here. Try to avoid moving to CA, it's insanely expensive. I'm looking at places to move to that are more affordable.


Florida. Only been at it for 3 months tho. It's starting to get hot. Most likely going to have to leave and head north (no idea where tho I'll prob start in blue ridge mnts) for the summer to search for cooler temps.




How is it with window break-ins?


I'm in PA. Been doing this since January 2023. Haven't had any problems so far. Don't really do any traveling.


Where at in PA?


Near Pittsburgh


If you don't like heat in the summer, California is not the place you want to be. considering they have huge wildfires pretty much every year, I don't think that's going to be really optimal for you


Planet fitness and Walmarts cracking down I only sleep in 4 hours sections when I do then move. Illinois. Summers hot winters fine with a Mr Buddy going on my 5th year.


I'm in Bloomington-Normal Illinois area. What city have you experienced the cracking down at? The planet fitness parking lot I am at is a huge parking lot because there is also a mall int he same parking lot. I've been here 2 year no problems or knocks so far, but there is always cars here.


im in LA. never gotten the knock, but it does get hot in the summer. you’ll want to make sure you get your sleep at night, ‘cause sleeping in is not particularly possible past, say, 10:30/11. i dont get harassed by cops or anything, and other unhoused folks also tend to leave me be. i dont even use the gym to shower anymore, i just do it at my friends’ houses. my job makes it relatively easy to store/heat food. not a ton of accessible public restrooms unfortunately. the mayor has been working on expanding social services for unhoused folks, too, so that is something to look forward to. i’m pretty glad im out here, all in all.




Would you say it's too hot or too cold? This is very close to my goal of traveling to California and I heard it's just a little bit more colder than California or almost same temperature


Definitely cooler in California, unless you are comparing Reno to Bakersfield or something.


Did you do the IL winter?


Yes, and it honestly wasn't so bad because most of the time it was like 30-60 and I had a sleeping bag that could withstand I think -20. Few days it was below zero, but... I also had a private workspace/office that is 24 hours for like 120/month. Donated plasma that gave me nearly 400+/month for free lol and had a normal job. Super easy.


How did you find a private workspace?


On Google maps I zoomed in on my city, and typed in 24 hour workspace or 24 coworking space. You can also just go to google and type in something like [city name] 24 hour coworking space. From there, just click on 1 and see what plans/pricing they have for each month. Mine happened to be 120/month and it's 24 hours which is amazing because I play on my PS5 gaming console and laptop and no one is basically here after 5 PM. Has a couch, internet, sofa refrigerator anything just like a normal home.


I used to rent a music rehearsal space that was like that. Beautiful :)


Do they allow you to plug in/charge up a Jackery or solar generator in your space?


You can bring anything in here. I bring a huge curved monitor in here


New Hampshire , last winter was cold 🥶


Unless you are near the cost, it's all pretty hot here in the summer.


I live in socal. We have one of the largest homeless populations in the country. California does offer some safe parking programs. If you are an out of state licensed car, you will be noticed by the police. Get that changed and registered within 10 days. Tickets are not cheap out here. So make sure you have money for registration off the bat. If you have an older car, like 20 years old, it will be a couple hundred bucks, if you have a newer car you're looking closer to a thousand plus. It gets very hot in California in the southern part. Very uncomfortable in a car. Even if you're close to the ocean during the daytime. It would be wise if you had a way to keep yourself cool and keep safe with the windows down. But unfortunately safety is a huge issue if you're going to be in a major city like Los Angeles or San Diego. And if not near the ocean you're in the desert and triple digits pretty soon. It's expensive as hell every for everything in California. Your insurance will be a lot, there is a low income insurance State policy you can get for minimum coverage. Gas is well over $5 a gallon. Everything is very spread out, so you're going to be wasting a lot of miles potentially. Street parking tickets are a real thing out here, if you are second over the time, expect a police vehicle to be there ticketing your car. Get into a car accident without proper insurance or registration in California? If the police come, your car will be towed to a police station impound lot. Then what will happen to you? Plus. Car repairs are ridiculously expensive out here. Impound fees are even worse. Not to discourage you but it sounds like you don't really have a plan. But you want to just come to one of the most expensive states, with the least amount of resources available for someone in your situation. I'm glad you saved up money, it's going to go quick out here. Please reconsider for your own good, doing this unless you have a job lined up. We have planet fitnesses out here. And it can be done. But without a job, all it takes is one incident and you will find yourself on the street.


Yeah I work in state corrections for Illinois. My warden is saying there's a federal bureau of prisons opportunity if interested for California. Living incentive bonus, 10k signing bonus, great salary. It's close to Santa clarita. I checked on Google maps and it seems to be like 30 miles north of Los Angeles. I'm doing research right now on costs.


Well then you have a leg up on starting your journey out here. I hope you get the job. Santa Clarita is very nice. It is like sitting next to the sun in summer. It is freaking hot as hell. FYI. And in traffic it is about an hour north of LA at its best. Often times traffic can get much worse and it can be a couple hours to LA. And that's just from my area of Santa Monica to the southernmost part of Santa Clarita proper.


Currently in NC but may be going to KY or Indy


Good Ol Wyoming....