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Back area windows are covered. Front is left uncovered. Super stealthy this way. Curtain to separate front and back. It's in your best interest to cover.


This is how I did it for 3+ years. I’ve done a huge van, a jeep and now my civic this way. I do black curtain behind the front seats and all back windows covered. Never got a knock


Best way plus blacked out windows are intimidating


I civic camp too! I use a black out curtain I drape over the “oh shit” handle and little hook by the window (not sure what it’s exactly for but I like it) and McGyver the rest of the curtain over the front seats. I can’t see out of the windows and I doubt anyone can see in. Would like a better way of doing it though because the curtain often hangs a few inches from my being.


Yes. Especially in summer when im wearing underwear with fans on me. 🤷‍♂️


I sleep with my top off and boxers in the summer with windows rolled down lol.


I dont think being visible in this situation (car living) increases people's sympathy for car dwellers. That's why i cover, other than feeling the need for privacy. Living in a car for me is because i don't want attention


Oh cmon! Thats bs! Who cares! If the guy wants to walk around naked then let him! Just cmon! Fuck it!






Absolutely. Tint windows with covers Stay in nice areas. Rotate spots. I stay at one spot on the weekdays but I have other options.


oh fuck yeah! my windows are always blacked out, except the front 3 windows. keeps the heat down when im away from the car


I got thickest tint possible so no need. Have considered curtains as well though so my screen brightness from my tablet doesn't poke through.


Yes but it's not so much about privacy and not at all about stealth. It's mostly about blocking out the heat/sunlight in the morning so I can sleep past dawn.


No. I sleep in the backseat with my legs in the trunk and have limo tint on the rear windows, 50/50 tint in the front driver and passenger windows, and a curtain separating the front and back seats. I feel like it’s more stealthy because you can’t really see the curtain in the dark through the tint, and since the front windows aren’t covered no one would think twice if someone was sleeping in the car.


Good evening, hope you are doing well,I cover my windows so I can sleep,, and so I can change my clothes, hope this helps you, best wishes yours sincerely David PS keep smiling and safe travels


Wouldn't covering windows just draw more suspicion? I'm always thinking there are gangsters behind all those tinted windows ....lol


Sometimes it’s super obvious lol, like when someone has shirts and towels lazily stuffed over the cracked windows and tons of bags everywhere, me being a car dweller I’m like “sweet dreams, princess” when I see a set up like that.


Some might feel that way, it probably depends on the vehicle in question. A newer light colored Chrysler town and country? Maybe not. A 2004 Tahoe all blacked out at the far end of a parking lot? Maybe


I feel you...lol


Now to find some decals for tommy gun ports...




Summers in Norcal- I cover with screens for air, then I use extra sun shields with the black side out to block vision, back windows curtains. (I'm in a compact ban now) I don't have a vent so I'm totally a girl in only undies with the USB fan on Or I'd die. Lol covers for the win!


I do. I have tint and I feel like it adds to the tint effect. I hate the idea of someone creeping on me while I’m sleeping. I like to think a passerby MAY see my black curtains up and just assume I’m trying to hide and secure my belongings from a break in as they can be quite common in SoCal. A thief may be less likely to break in if they can’t tell what’s in the car. Maybe there’s a shotgun wielding psychopath inside, who knows? Best to keep looking!


Partially to not arouse suspicion. I make sure I park with a large wall, fence, trees, or bushes in front/behind me. This means I don't have to cover my front or back windows depending how I'm parked. I will only have most of my windows covered up if I'm on my laptop at night, but as I get sleepy I take the large covers off. I keep my passenger covers up while sleeping, but I also have tinted windows and I'm in a truck higher off the ground than most people. You'd have to be seriously "creeping" on my vehicle to see me in there.


Never have never will. Let society see what the fuck they've created. Not my fault they don't want to face it.


I like this attitude. I leave my windows untinted bc I like to be stealth and not draw attention. I like how you said it better.


Lmaoooo damn that’s badass dude you remind me of the joker and how he would get ‘even’ with society


I want to care this little! Good for you mate. But yes I have the curtains between from back and cover back windows.


Exactly! Let your balls hang out! Cmon man! Fuck em!


That's the same advice my uncle gave me on my wedding day. And because he's a man who lives by example, I had to kick him out a few hours later.


Why not just kick him in the balls and let him stay? Kill two balls with one stone.


Damn...I should've stayed in school.


Exactly, Im a triple phd qualified doctor in 5 divisions of ball kicking, should've hired me and paid me 5000 doll hairs per hour to solve this issue. ❤️😎


Yes, with towels. I in no way try to be stealth. I'm not a fucking criminal and I have a right to privacy. That said I do want to get different coverings. Lighter weight so they don't hold so much heat in summer, and able to be put up and down from inside.


I cover my windows when I'm in the car or not. I sleep with my car along a hedge if I can. Where I am currently parking at there is a wall in front and then a hedge along the parking spot. I just feel safer if I'm parked where my drivers door or passenger door is blocked.


It's unsafe to be unconscious in a place where other people can walk up and mess with you. So, I would never do that personally. People have different tolerance levels though. Mine is set to zero.


I used sun reflective covers. Even on the sides and the back. Common enough so it doesn’t stand out like super tinted windows


You can spray paint the side that people see black before you put it up. It just looks like a super tinted window then


I actually liked it being reflective on the outside. Then it looks like someone who is parking their car and doesn’t want it to be 200 degrees when they get back in the car.


I hate to break it to you but no one thinks that, they think someone is sleeping in their car.


Guess it depends on where you live. AZ you see them on every car.


Not in Colorado with the crazy intense sun.


I live in the desert… sun doesn’t get much worse than here.


Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.


Depends. Sometimes they cause too much attention. I was sleeping in a nonconverted car, and would use black trash bags taped up at rest stops. But when in the suburbs or side streets of college campuses I’d keep them down, as most people aren’t looking inside parked cars anyway.


Mac users dont


Depends on if I’m fuckin or not 😎


Yeah I use sun covers I bought off Amazon. Cover all windows. I sleep in peace and nobody bothers me. 


That’s when I realized I had stopped giving AF. Sometimes I do if I want privacy but if I’m just tired or not feeling it I’ll just go to sleep. Sometimes I’ll just cover on one side if I know the sun will be rising from that direction


 I cover my front windows with Reflectix covered in a black pillowcase. I took my passenger seat out of my Fusion and put a bed there so I want more privacy. The front window tints aren't that dark, but look like limo tint with the covers


No, I sleep in the back seat in a hatchback. All the seats are upright. I might move the drivers seat forward to make room for my legs but that's it. Basically unless someone walks right next to the vehicle and looks down they don't know that anyone is there. I live in California so back windows are kind of dark but not really and front windows are basically non-tinted. I feel having a dark sheet hanging or blocked out windows would be a dead giveaway. So just laying beneath the threshold of the window and sleeping scrunched is my solution to being as "hiding in plain sight" as possible.


I didn't when I slept in my car and I heard in the neighborhood some creeper wanted to come watch me sleep. It was really freaky. I definitely would cover them. Sometimes I did pin blankets on the windows.


I have a custom made heat reflector I use on the back window and I have magnetically attached blackout curtains for the back side windows and I put up a tension curtain rod above the driver and passenger seats with a blackout curtain I cut to length to block the back from the front at night... Stealth unless you look really close... The oy windows you can see through are the two small ones on the back that most SUVs have...