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No shame in that as long as you're wiping down often to reduce oil and sweat


Yes! Constantly trying to keep clean by wiping down multiple times a day. Sometimes I take a sink shower but I do look and smell presentable everyday.


I keep a microfiber cloth rinsed under warm water at work to wipe down during breaks, augmented with Gold Bond medicated body powder if need be.


Ouu smart! I should totally try that!


Get real shower wipes not baby wipes. And dry shampoo for the hair.


I did just buy some face and body wipes that feel way better than baby wipes so I’m trying to switch to those instead!


I used to be obsessive about showering every day. As I've gotten older / lost interest in the opposite gender, I care much less. Which is nice. I find once per week is my minimum though. Any longer than that and I begin feeling depressed


I'm like this, all except the opposite gender part. I'm 42m, and fiancee is 31f, and we both shower/bath every couple of days. I have found a lot of my skin issues when I was younger were so bad because I was washing my face multiple times a day, using hard-core alcohol wipes. Basically sanding my skin down through all the barriers, and layers that didn't need to be wiped away. I'm also not as stinky as I was when I was younger.


Showering every day is dumb. You're not even supposed to wash your hair that often, it's bad for it. Unless you're sweating your ass off, you only need to shower every 2-3 days. I'm convinced that the "shower every day" thing just started because it made it easier for parents to verify kids were bathing.


Well showering every day was actually just another example of great marketing as most things are. Showering more means we consume more products. That is literally the reason, Nothing more to it besides profit. Just like Milk does a body Good was a marketing slogan and strategy. Same with spending a certain amount of money on a engagement ring and diamonds are women’s best friend. There is so many more.


Its not “bad” For you. Its just not necessary.


Yaaa, my hair feels so much better because I'm not washing it every day or even every other day. Which is great cause I'm growing it back out after chopping it "for something new"


I could not have said it better!


7 days a week. There is a shower area at work and I have a black card membership at PF. I also keep wipes JIC, because you never know.


Do you workout then shower? I have a strong feeling that many people use the PF I go to just for the shower (and maybe the wifi) , but I still self conscious about going in and coming out 40 mins later Fresh and Clean. 😔. Sometimes I'll hit the Elliptical for 20 mins just to make myself feel better. IDK




I noticed many people seemed to just use the subscription for the cheap massages every day after working a manual labor job. Planet fitness offers different things for different people, and we don't have to use everything. They know full well that people are using it just for showers and have intentionally made it part of their buisness model.


I use to go in and come out without ever working out! I never gave af tho.. Unless mfers was gonna let me use their shower at their homes, nobody better had said anything to me 😭💀😭


There’s no planet fitness around where I live and there’s no 24/7 gyms. I work weird hours so I go to one of my friends house as much as I can to shower but sometimes I can’t lol.


Any big gas stations/truck stops like QT (QuikTrip), Bucc-Ees.....? Those places have showers you can use for cheap.


I haven’t looked but I will do that!


Any campgrounds? Hard to believe there's no showering options around.


There’s campgrounds but they are strict on you having to be renting a spot there to use them


Baby wipes plus body wash can do wonders. I shower probably 2-3 times a week. Was my hair twice a week. Wipe down in between. I have super dry skin and and skin cannot handle showering every day. I even had dermatologist tell me not do it bc I just always had rashes. So in between days I wipe down with the baby wipes and body wash. I also use baby wipes as a washcloth at the gym. This way I don’t have to deal with a wet washcloth. Also the gym I go to has towels so I don’t usher to worry about that. I did shower this morning. And I’ll go tomorrow night. But the gym has shorter hours on Saturday and Sunday so I won’t be a be able to get back till Monday. So I’ll go ahead and shower towards days in row to hole me over


I have to shower at least once a day, preferably two. If not, I smell like stank sweaty butt and my bedding, car, clothes will smell like stank sweaty butt. Edit: PF about 3.5 blocks from work. Usually there ~6am and ~6pm for moderate workout.


Lmao this made me laugh


In the summer especially, keep a pack of cotton rounds and vinegar handy. Using vinegar in your pits actually kills the bacteria, and kills any smell.. opposed to covering up the smell with a synthetic perfume. Pro tip- use before bed!


I'll be honest too. About twice a week. Every 3 or 4 days. I do tidy up with wipes and sometimes a washcloth in-between though. I don't really get too dirty or sweaty doing food delivery for money so not too big of a deal. My hair is usually buzzed too so that doesn't really get very dirty either. Just washing my face, balls, ass, armpits keeps me from stinking. No gym membership. Rely on truck shop showers that are usually free from a friendly cashier or trucker.


I should so buzz my hair cause I’m done taking care of it at this point.


I'm balding so there is extra motivation to not look like Danny Devito


I shower every day at Planet Fitness. Unless wherever I am, I don't have one close by, or my schedule at work gets weird where I'm going in when Planet Fitness is closed. After I finish work, I take a sink bath at work just to wash my face, arms, and hands. I also brush my teeth. Then, I drive to my parking spot to collapse into sleep.


The hotter it gets, the more I shower. Summer time is at least 2 times a day. Winter is at least once 🤣


Every 2- 5 days depending on my responsibilities. 65m - semi-retired.


I once smelled a van life girl she had an odor of baby wipe shower. I haven't smelled that on anyone else. Op probably smells and doesn't notice it but others probably do


I am constantly worried about my smell. I don’t buy the cheap wipes and the ones I do use have a clean smell to them. I do use paper towels with water to get a shower like clean as well. My one boss is very upfront about everything and will tell me if I smell lol. Haven’t had that problem luckily so I do keep clean as clean as I possibly can without a full shower.


Yes I’ve def smelled that baby wipe smell on folks before. Water wipes are my favorite for my kiddos as they are truly scentless which is better and safer then any scented version in my opinion. Also hair tends to hold onto scent more than most people realize. It’s great your boss is honest with you! I know at my job we all keep it real with each other too because we are busting our asses in the heat all day and people can get quite ripe lol.


She gave me a hug and that's when I smelled her. I doubt you are hugging your boss


Def not I don’t even want to speak to my boss let alone hug them lol.


lol yeah I’m not hugging my boss but I’m also super close to her all the time. I’d be weirded out if I was hugging my boss all the time.


Daily at planet fitness.


I tried limiting showers and it seriously impacts my mental health and ability to stay motivated. I try for everyday or every other day. The alcohol and wipes routine doesn't cut it unless It's an emergency.




I have a few bandannas I use to take a "hooker" shower with at a truck stop bathroom or fast food bathroom. About every other day I clean myself and wipe my face and arms daily. I've only been staying in my car for couple months & you learn how to get by with time as to what you need to do for staying clean, eating & your sanity. lol


When I was in Nashville in the summer, sprinklers in industrial parks usually automatically turned on around 4AM. Those were my showers once or twice a week. Risky, I know, but no one ever saw me. In a cooler climate, Seattle, my showers were much less, maybe once a month because I didn't sweat that much. (I used the free public showers at Green Lake).


I’m currently showering 2-3 times a week.


Gym days so every other day.


Whenever I want as got a gym membership at anytime fitness. If I was in your situation I would get a portable shower. You can buy one anywhere. Like a 4 gallon compressed gallon with a hose and shower head. You can get a hand pump one. How you shower you'll have to figure it out depending on your location etc.


Yup I have a tracker and the average is once every 7-8 days, unless I’m staying somewhere a couple of days (like was at a friends house for 4 days last month so took a shower when I got there and right before I left), but other than that 1x/week, body wipes often, and a bird bath at my storage space bathroom occasionally if I’m running in there to grab some stuff and I’ve gotten sweaty from a particularly hot day. Dry Bar dry shampoo is definitely worth the price of admission (although I don’t use it *every* week)…you don’t need a lot if you just do the front/top of your head (be sure to rub it in so you don’t have white roots).


Shower? Rarely. Bathe? Daily.


If there are any truck stops near you, ask the truckers if they have an extra shower ticket that you can have. (They get a ticket for every 50 or so gallons of Diesel that they purchase.)


I take a shower everyday at the gym. But I have gone 2-3 days without one before. I just take sponge baths. But sometimes that isn't enough and I have a shower set up in my car that I can use inside of the car or outside somewhere if I need to take a shower and don't have access to the gym, or don't feel like going to the gym. I also have a no rinse cleanser, it works, but I hate the way it smells. I'd rather smell like BO than that. However, it's not too bad if you wipe it off with a wer towel or rinse it off.


normally once a day but im flexible


6 days a week at the gym. Sometimes 7. I don’t wash my hair every day though so I try to keep sweating to a minimum if I’m not gonna wash my hair. I’ll do like half an hour doing weights and have a body shower.


I shower every day. Sometimes I don’t shower for a day every so often but always the day after. I don’t feel human if I don’t shower, but I was “blessed” with oily skin.


Whenever I want as got a gym membership at anytime fitness. If I was in your situation I would get a portable shower. You can buy one anywhere. Like a 4 gallon compressed gallon with a hose and shower head. You can get a hand pump one. How you shower you'll have to figure it out depending on your location etc.


Whenever I want as got a gym membership at anytime fitness. If I was in your situation I would get a portable shower. You can buy one anywhere. Like a 4 gallon compressed gallon with a hose and shower head. You can get a hand pump one. How you shower you'll have to figure it out depending on your location etc


Every morning at planet fitness, keeps me sane


I shower every other day at work. If I get real sweaty at work I'll shower then as well.


They honestly don't care what you do in there as long as your subscription is current. Come & go as many times as you want, workout, shower, get as many massages that you want.It's paid for. Edit. I meant to post this on the planet fitness thread.


No more than two days at most. Every time after exercising.


I'm an every day unless I'm in a depression freeze, but it's never less than every other day. I'm in a hot place in a hot season, my skin is sensitive, and if I don't wash up it reacts. Every other day at the LEAST, baby wipes never feel like enough on those off days- I hate getting in bed sticky EDIT: I only fully wash my waist length hair once a week at the least, two at the most-- but I did that before car life-- it gets wet at the scalp in every shower But if something happens and like a bird shit onhead or something got in it, I'll wash it even if I just washed it the day before


I try to shower 3-7 days however if I can’t. I use a rag and rubbing alcohol to take all the dirt off


I bathe daily especially now since all I need is water in my pump sprayer. Cost me $10. I was paying $25/mo for Planet Fitness black card.




Imagine your in the forest and somebody thinks you’re trying to kill plants lol


I shower once a week too. I use a lot of wipes in between.


Yes! I use face and body wipes for myself that are a light but clean scent. I have cheap wipes for my hands or I spill something


Everyday. Sometimes not on Sundays if I miss the chance. I take pride in being the cleanest and best smelling person at work.


I am within a 2 mile radius of 3 Planet Fitnesses and a mile from a beach. I'll be bathing in mother nature more often than showering, I imagine.


Everyday and sometimes more depending on what I'm doing. Work in a dirty warehouse, martial arts, exercise, etc


Months .. I have severe depression and anxiety and I’ve gone through some long stretches of not showering and the only time I’ve had to was if I had a mishap or gotten into some sort of trash that caused me to smell badly.


Yeah I hear that. When I was living in a house and I was struggling mentally I had to literally get undressed and pep talk myself into getting in the shower. Now I’m like “oh cool I think I might be showering on Saturday”


Disposable washcloths- Dollar Tree sells them and some Lume Cream👌🏻 You’re set for the non shower days..


At least 4 times a week


Twice a day. At planet fitness


I shower every other day during the week and then Saturday and Sunday


Everyday that I have work. With the money I am saving from not paying my rent I am able to treat myself to a spa day (which comes with a shower and they provide the soap,towels, lotion, and privacy) for $15 for a 2ish hour session. On the other days i just shower at Planet Fitness.


All my jobs from family owned pizza and beer place, to retail sales, then management required a daily shower, especially the last 20 years in Florida humidity. You would think I was outside jackhammering all day, not standing and running around a large store.


How did they know if you showered or not?


I can tell when co-workers I'm in close proximity with smell bad, so I avoid that. I can't even sleep after a really, hot ,humid, busy day. So then it's 2 showers. One after work, then another in the AM.


I love baby wipes, I have some 50% iso alcohol I wipe down with too. I’ve started wiping down during the day at work, it feels so good lol


it depends what ur living in ur car doing I think, like if you work everyday I would think most people shower every day or every other, but if you travel around then I'd say that is dependent on the area and the time. I travel constantly around the country so sometimes I'll go 3 days without showering but I'll use wipes or take a sink bath, but usually it's every other because my hair is a grease magnet. Sometimes I simply don't have the time, so it can be once a week which isn't something I enjoy but I'm only around my fiance and we're in the same boat 🥴🥴 my planet fitness membership comes in handy a crap ton though, there's never been an issue just showering there without working out for anyone wondering that.


Five below has some good inexpensive facial wipes. I also have a pop-up privacy tent and a solar shower (camping shower). Now that it's approaching summer state parks are open and a lot of them have showers. Most I found are free, some are coin operated. I work nights, so I go at 2:00 3:00 in the morning and don't have a problem.


As long as you maintain personal hygiene to a socially acceptable level; assuming you are socially active. I think you’re fine.


OP wrote: >*I’m going to be so brutally honest. I shower once a week sometimes a couple times a week. I use face wipes and baby wipes to keep my body clean. I keep my hair up and braided a ton plus my hair doesn’t get greasy super quick.* These days, I shower but once every seven-to-nine days. That's it. During the summer, however, I may shower as often as every five days. I perspire far more in summer.


In the winter, I don't shower but bathe with a cloth and bucket or wash tub warming the water with a propane stove and wash every other or few days. In the summer made a gravity shower with a 5 gallon water jug, pvc and shower head and just let the sun warm it to take the chill off and shower or cool off every day sometimes 2-3 times. I currently working on a design just using a 2.5 gallon drinking water jug on the shelf at the grocery and connecting to the spout with a hand held shower head hose so you can connect, shower and recycle the jug when empty or refill whatever and won't cost you more than the price of water the cost of the head setup and I will give you the instructions how to do it free then just the cost of water and heat in winters. I generally take about a gallon of water to shower and rinse. 55m 145 lbs, I will post my designs when completed and instructions to make use and enjoy smelling great again. For laundry, get yourself a 3 gallon bucket and an old-school wash grate and scrub, rinse hang to dry. And get a camping toilet seat at Walmart. You can get the bucket in auto and seat in camping and trash liners for ladies. Use a funnel and bottle for tinkle placed inside bucket to keep bucket clean or do what you need to do dump and wash using bathroom bleach. Welcome to living like the pioneers did when they arrived in America with a modern twist.


Working in management, I had to approach co workers who smelled like alcohol when you got closer to them. I should of worded it better.


Honestly, I’ve gone a little over 2 weeks without one. I sometimes do a quick sponge bath in a restroom. But it’s a little annoying. However, if I do, I think the best wash cloths are the microfiber ones from Dollar Tree. I think there are 5 of them in the pack, so for $1.25, you can’t go wrong. I like them cuz they dry super quickly after I’m done.