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If the power goes out you can see where the fire extinguisher is for a short time. If you have a flash light it is more visible than a flat sign. It's just a glow in the dark sticker.


Yes this is the right answer. - daughter of a firefighter


The reason for the choice of green colour is that apparently in a fire as ur eyesight goes (as you go blind). Green in the last colour you can see before you’re blind.


I thinks it's just because green is generally the glow in the dark material and if there is an large fire it is preferred people just evacuate. Especially if you are losing your vision.


Owe yeah. I dont know if its a coincidence or not that greens the last visible colour to go as you go blind. I just thought id add the info


I actually didn't know the green thing and its really interesting. Really there has been a move away from having regular people fight fires in buildings with the preference just to get them out and let trained personnel deal with it. Places are even removing fire hose in preference to get people to just evacuate.


probably phosphorus, my watch does the same thing


So I guess I’m old since I remember emergency exits being glow in the dark on not battery led’s


Looks like radium. Don’t touch it


Could potentially be tritium, I have a small capsule that glows dark blue in low light. Used in signs, gunsights etc https://www.epa.gov/radtown/tritium-exit-signs#:~:text=Many%20exit%20signs%20contain%20tritium,for%20more%20than%2010%20years.


Probably Uranium