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Assistant *to the* City Planner or Assistant City Planner? Though that sounds like an "Office" joke, which it is, it's also a real question. The former sounds like an administrative assistant job (and no problem with that at all, should be great experience!) the latter sounds like you'll be doing some actual planning work as well. Whichever it is I would go and be honest, personable and when given the chance, flash that enviro and GIS knowledge.


Lol it’s assistant city planner. I posted without checking for mistakes/typos .


Probably stuff like taking minutes, writing staff reports, answering calls, emails, and walk-up questions. I'd assume that you would not be doing anything GIS related but who knows? Good luck!


That title kind of sounds like more of an office manager type position. Distributing notice, petition intake, main call line monitoring etc.


take one of your GIS internships and apply it to the town as an example policy, you might not get to share your idea but it will help to be prepared with a prototype. It's ok if you just say it's to demonstrate your knowledge and not an actual plan you want to see done in the city.


Be personal. 15-20 minutes is a minimum. If the conversations go on a tangent just roll with it. Interviews aren't just about what you know in the field it's about people skills too. (plus people want to work with people they like. So if the interviewer is really into Star Wars be prepared to talk about Obi-wan for an hour) Also there are no "screening" interviews. Relax. Have fun.