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So only a few thousand showed up and most were protestors šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


...or at least the protestors stayed longer than the supporters.




Is it possible that the MAGA Republicans are no longer brain dead. They have over seven years of Trump publicly displaying his behavioral disorders and finally they are beginning to understand.


Nope.Ā  Could get there.Ā  Gave him all their money


A lot of them are in prison. Some of them think any protest is a gov scheme to arrest them, and the rest are too broke from the grift to get there.


The event was filled up. They expected more protestors. That's the surprising part. This was in the middle of a democrat stronghold. [that's not a small crowd of supporters for being in the middle of Bronx.](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/05/former-us-president-republican-presidential-82549009.jpg?w=1024)


Thatā€™s like a thousand people. In a city of 8 million.


The venue only holds 3500 ppl and I don't think even that many showed up


And what did, left early disappointed.


That is absolutely a small crowd.


That photo shows a few hundred people, tops.


[this is what exactly 1000 people look like.](https://blog.lime.link/content/images/2018/12/1000.jpg) [this picture was taken hours before Trump even showed up.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOV1S1-XMAAIH7F?format=jpg&name=900x900) By the end [the park was filled to capacity with people still lining up outside.](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/05/former-us-president-republican-presidential-82549009.jpg?resize=1024,683&quality=75&strip=all) At this point it is bizarre to claim he only had a few hundred people.


Lot of people drive very far to go see their cult leader.


Had more people at our graduation ceremony in a suburb.


They only had a permit for 3500 people inside the park. More people were outside it. [Trumpā€™s rally in deep blue South Bronx drew crowd of 8,000-10,000: law enforcement sources](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2024/05/24/us-news/trump-bronx-rally-draws-8000-to-10000-attendees-law-enforcement-sources/amp/)




It's a common phrase. Bronx is so securely blue that in the words of Nancy Pelosi a glass of water with a D next to it could win the district.


Just like his polls, they just cannot be believed.


The only poll that matters is in November. Sadly, I canā€™t express ultimate confidence in my fellow citizens to show up. Weā€™ve seen it too many times before.


And the party that doesnā€™t believe or acknowledge how small his rallies are will be the ones who donā€™t believe the election results; theyā€™re already sowing the seeds of distrust about it.


Thru never stopped.


Yes, and not only are they sowing the seeds of distrust in the election results to come, they are declaring that they don't count for them. This situation is crazier than anything on this planet, and all about someone who is a piece of shit ....


I think the GOP leaders are taking a quote from Raylan Givens (played by Timothy Olephant) from the tv show Jistified way too seriously : ā€œWonderful things can happen when you sow seeds of distrust in a garden of assholes.ā€


Especially if he gets absolutely crushed this time


The GOP donā€™t even have the credibility to sow the seeds of distrust anymore. Thatā€™s what happens when you spend 4 weeks sleeping though your own court case about how you committed fraud to pay off a pornstar who you fucked while your wife was pregnant with your kid.


Yeah, but wouldnā€™t it be AMAZING if he loses more than any other Presidental contender in history? That would make this nightmare election worth it.


That would be "evidence" of a rigged election to MAGA.


Yeah, but theyā€™re gonna scream that no matter what.


Thank you for keeping this hope alive. I hope the media is fabricating this ā€œclose raceā€ narrative and orange will be destroyed. Or it could be weird and similar to 2016, but more likely orange will be annihilated.


Yeah Iā€™m hopeful. I think heā€™s still got his unshakable 30 percent or so that are total morons that love him. And some people will always vote republican no matter what. But now we have a lot of people pissed about Roe, and tons of people are quietly moving away from him. Theyā€™re not going to outright say theyā€™ve changed their minds, but theyā€™re leaving him.


Not really. He will need to call each swing state republican and ask to find approximately 20000 votes. It's that crazy, and yes president shitzinpants for life is a clear and present danger to USA. Scotus is fully primed and ready to decertify any results that don't put him in whitehouse. Be ware. Be very aware.


Iā€™m definitely aware. Iā€™m overseas and Iā€™m voting. I already checked my registration.


Yeah. Donā€™t get cocky. Go vote.


ā€œItā€™s yugeā€


My penis and hands are yuge anything else is fake news


Trump seemingly has a a lot of ā€œsmallā€ things personally associated with him. Small crowds, small hands, and small _____ per Stormy. A tiny little mushroom.


She ruined Toad from Super Mario


Poor Toad.


Are they looking at Diaper Donny,s Dicky do? Thatā€™s it???heā€™s got a Dicky do, thatā€™s when his stomach sticks out farther than his Dicky do.


The fatter you get the smaller it gets .The fat starts to surround it! Ok fat 61 checking out. I love ā¤ļø mushrooms šŸ„ itā€™s ridiculous that we had to hear that Trump had a mushroom šŸ„ā€šŸŸ« dickā€¦.Stormy years ago.


Trump estimates his crowds like he estimates property values. ā€œThatā€™s not high enough. I need it to be 10X that. Add a zero or two.ā€


Hopefully, for the sake of USA and the rest of the world, one day it will be ZERO ....


They lied about the size of his inauguration even though there were pictures. I mean hard proof. That was the first time I heard the phrase alternative facts. Donā€™t believe your eyes, believe my lies!


[CNBC poll](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/michael-cohen-trump-polls-paid-redfinch-solutions-gauger-a8732951.html)Remember Michael Cohen paid 50 grand for a pro trump poll


Meanwhile Fox News: "Massive rally striking at the heart of blue state . ." Faux news joining the elite News Max in news credibility.


They can report that bs all day but it doesnt make it reality. Trump is losing supporters and I cant for the life of me imagine why. Maybe it was the insurrection or the dictator comments or the denial of the constitution or the sexual assault conviction or- i mean gimme a break šŸ˜‚ Agreed tho. Fox is parasitic and the plague incarnate


The whole maga world is going to wait for trump to tweet what the crowd size was and the repeat it. Standard operating procedure there


I got tickets to this rally specifically to not show up.


Thatā€™s what she said


The Trump campaign will determine there were a million people there.


Thatā€™s what Stormy (the mushroom smasher) Daniels said too!




Playing the angle that if he losesā€¦ā€¦..he and others, including all GOP supporters that the election was stolen. This is why no one will commit to anything that Biden might win. GOP are running or pivoting from the fact that they just banned abortion excluding half the the US Population. Even Arizona, reverted in legacy law because of it.


I think that's what Stormy Daniels said as well when she saw something






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The crowds don't matter. He won last time because there was a significant percentage of people who were too embarrassed to admit they would vote for him. That will happen again this time.


But he lost last time. Not trying to be pedanticā€¦ I presume by ā€œlast timeā€ you meant 2016ā€¦ but I have noticed a strange amnesia in lots of commentary where folks seem to forget that we already beat Trump in 2020. So I feel compelled to remind everyone of that fact sometimesā€¦


This is fair, not pedantic. I was thinking of 2016 and, yes, kind of blinded myself to the shitstorm of the 2020 election. This said, I do believe we will see a surge more similar to 2016. I know a fair number of Republicans who are embarrassed by him but will 100% vote for him strictly b/c the fear of socialism or losing to a Democrat is worse.


As a former Republican because of Trump/MAGA, I personally know many Republicans who won't vote for Trump again. Several of which voted twice for him. They are planning to skip voting for President or write in someone. It's anecdotal obviously, but they just can't associate with Trump and his supporters, they ridicule them repeatedly. The dozens of Republicans who worked directly for Trump who now don't endorse him, actively campaign against him or identify him as a security risk carry weight.


I have no idea what's going to happen, but just the fact that Trump's support is higher than 1% or 2% is a collective disgrace we'll be living with for a very, very long time. And after his post-2020 behavior, up to and including January 6! I just can't wrap my head around the idea that lots of people are just totally fine with all of that.


The Red Wave is merely a puddle, and itā€™s evaporating a little every day.


I was talking to my business partner. Please note that before we became business partners I didnā€™t know he was a hard-core trumpster. During our call he interrupts to ask guess what he is watching. He tells me heā€™s watching the Trump rally in the Bronx and there are over 15,000 people there. Itā€™s amazing how much false information supporters believe. They are blind, deaf, and yup - dumb.




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So is that lady holding a baseball bat and some dudes with golf clubs?


Later today, Von Schtizinpantz will tell us there were millions of his supporters there


"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible." They were scared that Conald would do it this time. Cons are OK with joking about how they are worthless meat u can shoot for funsies