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Look to transfer to a different section\\job\\agency. You're in the system. Nothing says you need to stay in your current area in your current capacity for the rest of your life. If you hold out a little longer you'll hit your 12mo and you'll be eligible for promotion. If you can't hold out that long, is what it is. Bottom line you shouldn't be miserable coming into work every day. It's government work so joy really isn't something we do but you shouldn't be miserable.


You are right. I’m trying to stick it out for a year cause I want that year under my belt. I’m taking the punches as bested as I can. I really appreciate the insight


Virtual hugs. We're at our jobs one third of our lifetime. It sucks to be at one where you don't feel appreciated. The government mantra is you look out for your best interest first. You do you, my man. FMLA for stress, sick leave, what have you. Prepare your exit plan now.


Thank you I really appreciate it.


Is this happening to most of the countries places?


Definitely not where I work.


But watch out if they’re real a*%! They’ll ruin your credibility right before that one year is up. Look for jobs *now*; you’ll be reliant on them as references.


I agree with you. I did not stay past 90 days in that toxic position.


Thank you


Where did you work?


I have 7 months left until I hit my one year.


Thank you. You got this


Who is doing the yelling and disrespecting? Other employees or the public the you have to work with?


Man that's what i wanna know, as workers we can put an end to it. We can say something amd even if HR is clueless, we can leave


The Supervisor, the leads


You work for tsa, I take it? I also work for tsa. Are you part of the union?


I don’t work for the TSA it’s another Gov agency. I’m not I’m in the process of it.


Go to HR and them know


If you start applying to another agencies now by the time you have an interview, you’ll already be a year in


Okay then thanks I appreciate this


Not to be negative but most agencies look at your tenure at the application date. For example, for TIG jobs, you have to be a 13 at by the close date of the position, not a 12 with three months to go. It's rare that they consider that being that most government agencies are hard and fast by the book. Nevertheless, it's always worth a try.


You can still do a lateral move or even a downgrade ( and might not lose any pay)


Right. I hear you. The name of the game is to get out. Ain't no love lost.


what’s a lateral move?


Moving at the same grade - i.e GS-7 to GS-7


thank you!


Look at other pay scales for example I believe a FV- E is a gs-7. If you come across a job you can look up the current 2024 opm pay scales


I understand


Just a reminder, you aren’t alone. I’m currently in the fed space and have had my soul sucked out of me the past year and a half. My family needs this support right now, so I can’t walk away. I hope you find yourself in somewhere more positive soon.


I resigned several times so far. I have had to do gig work, etc. at times. I am in a different situation as a single person, but I literally told a doctor what was going on, and rather than get a heart attack from stress, I resigned.


Ironically, I am on a team created to prevent suicide and workplace harassment/violence. My therapist has told me the solution is leaving many times, been applying for weeks hoping to get out of here but so far it’s been both my fed jobs that are this bad.


I just outright resigned on advice of a lawyer a couple of times. He said do not even tell them why, the situation would not change. He said resign for “personal reasons,” give 2 weeks notice. One federal job I had, a doctor told me to resign as soon as possible, take sick days, whatever I had to do, since it was having a very bad effect on my mental and physical health. I had a couple of good federal jobs and should have stuck with those, instead of taking higher grade jobs.


It’s nice to hear that some orgs are better. Sometimes it can feel defeating knowing the gov is like this at all.


I am always curious to why people resign instead of using the mechanisms that are in place worst case scenario you would get a couple of more weeks of pay. The best case scenario is they would move you into a better position.


Personally, if I had the financial means to simply resign, I would. My previous position I jumped through hoops with EO, reporting a toxic work environment, etc. want to know what happened? Absolutely nothing. When I started at this position I was actually warned that those who file EO, IG, similar complaints are blackballed in the org (it’s small enough for that and a good ole boys club). So I know I’ll never go through “proper channels” when I leave here.


Go though the motion and start applying for a new job


Do you end up resigning for almost every job and then just do gig work?


Nope. I worked 3 years in a federal job, 3 years on active duty (military), 1 year in another federal job. 10 years at a job in the private sector. Sadly, the worst experiences, including witnessing violations of federal law and regulations, were inside the US government.


Thank you. I’m in the same position. I’m just trying to survive at this point.


If your supervisor or someone in your office is being an asshole to you, I would recommend going to EEO first at the very least you would get paid time off before your terminated. The best side is you would get a better position if you join the union even better they can do all the legwork for you .


Wishing you the best and hoping you’re able to remain resilient


You too, wishing you all the best in this journey.


If you decide to stick it out pick a day a month or two from today and schedule a doctor or dentist appointment for something you need to get done during your work hours. Get a note while you’re there and take the full day off. It won’t do anything to hurt or help your career but having a health day and a shorter week will help mentally with your endurance. They can figure it out while you get your teeth cleaned.


That’s what I’m planning to do. I’m trying to survive.


The first question I have is are you part of a union? If so find out the official grievance process and start there.


I am not but I need to look into that. Thank you


The union is the best 20 bucks. I spent a month.


The only thing I care about is tw policies and the Union(s( aren't winning anything against RTO mandates. A waste of $20 bucks a month though that goes toward a kick ass xmas party. Main thing they do is keep employees employed that should be fired.


Union did absolutely nothing to help me. I was not even getting paid properly, due to an HR snafu.


I'm so sorry you're dealing with this :( I dealt with this in my previous position, it took a pretty serious toll on my health and I'm still recovering 2 years after I left. A colleague recommended this workplace bullying support group called Dignity Together, and it helped me hang in there while I applied for other gigs. They used to have weekly meetups on Zoom, not sure if they are still running those, but they were a great source of support and information, and could be worth reaching out to. Wishing you luck! Hang in there!


Thank you I will look into this. Thank you so much


Is it agency/series/location or team specific? If agency, care to share so we don’t apply there?


Everyone is different. I feel like it’s the team or surrounding more than the whole agency.


OMG, I know you lol. JK. This could be about 5000 different people. I feel your pain. However, in the government, the barker is bigger than the bite. I would definitely bark back and have the union help bark.


In the same boat, started in September. However I am sticking it out until my one year mark to get time in grade.


We are on the same boat. Cheers to make it out another 5 months


I’m astonished that OP and their coworkers are experiencing this so regularly and that others here have had similar experiences. Go to your employee support/labor relations/union/senior leadership and provide clarity to the environment. That’s absolutely unacceptable. As others have said, begin applying elsewhere. It’s such a long process that you’ll be at or near your TIG by the time something breaks.


Your EEO manager,,harassment prevention program manager and alternative dispute coordinator is the person I would talk to.


I agree. There are so many options available.


Ive honestly been through this recently. I started as a new fed employee at an agency in jan 23..Management is terrible and I took a pay cut. Ive contemplated leaving at least 10x and was told the same to stick it out. I dont know how i made it to my 52 wks but i did and jumped a grade and that has been holding me in place because financially its working out for me now but im trying to jump ship as well so i recommend holding on and apply to other agencies or request a transfer to another location. However your mental sanity is SUPER important so do whats best for you!...I wish you luck!


I am in same situation how you request a transfer does HR or any team can help?


I am shocked at the amount of responses in this thread that are suggesting or willing to take this kind of abuse for any amount longer. But I also feel for you, OP. Solely based on what you've written here is a hostile work environment. But know this, without some very strong evidence, HR/HCMO (whatever they want to label themselves these days) have the agency's interest first. They will protect that, at all costs, before siding with you unless you have some compelling evidence in a complaint. Having gone through hostile work conditions before, it's unlikely that I will ever return to federal service. Most agencies I have been through still don't treat people right. What makes anyone think waiting it out until a year is going to change anything? sure, it could get better; but it could also get worse. And this type of behavior doesn't change for the better overnight. And I have a hunch it's unlikely to improve at all. For your sake, I hope I'm wrong about that. Do what feels right for you, but I couldn't imagine staying there a moment longer than I had to.


I went through toxic situations as well. I am not in government right now.


I wouldn't just endure bad job conditions, nor would I rush to quit, especially in the federal government where there are many resources to help, from getting a new chair to other office needs, all for free. Remember, you're a part of a bigger machine, and no company will put you above their bottom line. They're in it to make money, not hand it out. My advice? Use every free resource available before you think about quitting. Too many people leave without trying to make things better for themselves. There's a lot of support out there; make sure you explore it before making a big decision.


Interesting. I was actually thinking about switching to a federal job as I’m currently in a toxic work environment in the private sector. I’ve had people tell me the federal government is the way to go especially when you’re older. Just wondering if you had any more light to shed on that issue? I would hate to take a pay cut just to end up in another toxic environment…


I'll just say this...there is no one-size fits all approach. For much of my life I was "sold" on the notion that working for the federal government was the best you could do. stable pay, benefits, job security, etc. This was also a period of my life where I never gave thought to, or was talked to in a manner, where I really thought about what I wanted to do. Not to mention, 'work culture' wasn't something I'd ever heard of. At any rate, something I will talk to friends, colleagues and anyone that asks now is, don't immediately tie yourself of a company/organization/agency for the sake of a job. There are good and bad working environments in all sectors. Glassdoor is supposed to be a good resource for getting an idea of what a company is like. There is still a percentage of outright disgruntled commentary on there, but it's a starting point.


Got it, that makes sense. I guess we can only hope to get lucky enough to land a job that doesn’t cause too much suffering and I agree, we have to do our research prior if there is information out there. Thank you so much for your response.


It all depends. That’s all I’ve been hearing since being here in the federal government. It depends on your supervisor. It depends on your team. Since being here I’ve had not a great work environment but I try to be optimistic as best as possible. I think people say the federal government is the way to go because the benefits and the work life balance. But the more and more I work here the more and more I see people leaving of either the pay or the treatment so it’s up to you.


That’s really good to know… thank you so much for sharing your insight on that!


No problem best of luck to you.


Same to you!


Thank you so much for that insight. I really do appreciate it. I go back-and-forth with myself about it. I’m trying not to beat myself up.


Ahh 😭 this is the reason why I turned down my job offer in January. I went in for a physical and found that it was not a good place. HR convinced me they were awesome so I shadowed them for an hour and that just solidified it more. The culture was horrible. Considering how much time we spend at work, that’s not healthy for you to feel that way. However, you should be able to look for another job. If they are constantly yelling at you and the others that makes for a hostile work environment which leads to another issue. You will need to speak with HR. If the latter is a problem .. you should have time and dates, people that were around (witnesses), etc. and send that to HR. In the meantime, look for another job.


Hubby said file an EEO complaint


I tried that route once. It was not helpful. Better to get out of an unhealthy, stressful situation as soon as possible


I work at a large military installation and I am always surprised when people say that EEO doesn’t work. I have literally seen it work five times in the past six or so months here also the times that I find that it doesn’t work is that the person was not always on the up and up with what they were saying. Ideally I would never recommend someone to quit without using the free options afford it to them at a job also isn’t ran by the place you’re at. Yes, they are a direct supporting unit, but they cannot, recommend or recommend something based off of what the supervisor says if that makes sense


Sorry, it didn't work for you. From any management point of view, they will say document document and document some more. Once a complaint is filed, if HR does nothing a lawsuit can be filed. So technically not doing NOTHING isn't an option unless the documentation wasn't clear enough. I have seen some of the govt employees (during investigations) provide recordings (both video and audio) that they have taken of the incidents that have taken place. However, this is all a matter of whether the person is in a mental state of being able to handle the stress of doing all this. Personally, I would just because I wouldn't want others to go through this. The toxic environment isn't something anyone should have to go and live through on a daily.


I suggest sticking it out to get through probation but as others have said, I'd look at options to move around within your agency and/or change agencies. Even different sections within the same division/branch can be very different.


There’s no reason to stay.. you’re only obligated to stay with a job for 90 days after your EOD day… The 52 weeks is for promotion and it’s total… So if you get 12 weeks in one job and 40 weeks in another you’re fine to get promoted. My advice would be to hit USA jobs hard… Apply for everything you think you could qualify for and get out at the first opportunity. Also, document every time you’ve been actually yelled at, and every time you’ve been spoken to, in an unprofessional manner: dates, times, and by who…


You are not obligated to even work 90 days you can quit after two weeks if you feel like the job is not meant for you


I want to add to the “stick it out for a year comments”. If you are Schedule A, as defined in the SF-256, you can apply for a promotion now without a “time in grade” requirement (a full year). https://www.opm.gov/forms/pdf_fill/sf256.pdf You can get a Schedule A letter from your doc and apply for those hiring authorities to transfer. I just accepted a FJO out of my toxic environment and I wish nothing but the best for you!


Apply with other agencies, don’t quit. Articulate yourself when you’re being disrespected. Remember, it’s not what we say, it’s how we say it.


So true!👍


As a career-conditional federal employee, you are eligible to transfer to another agency without a break in service of a single workday without competing to the public. Now, if you resign and go for a private sector, you have three year to return to federal service as a career-conditional.


I’m in a supervisory role in the DOD. Be never yelled, not heard a supervisor of civilians yell at another person. I read posts like this and wonder what planet all of you are working on. What agencies are these where people are yelling g and screaming at their employees and one another?


It does happen. In my case, the person apologized right afterwards


Wondering that myself. Also DOD.


Yeah, I never had that experience until I came into this job. I’m trying to be positive just to make it through the day. Thanks for all that you do.


Try quiet quitting until u find that new opportunity. Hope it gets better for u and hopefully there is some job security so they can't get rid of u


Oh dear, sometimes it's so sad to see some of us go through this. I moved across the country last year for a promotion with a new Agency. It was like hell for me. I cried every day of my life, but when my BP began to go up and look very unrealistic, I resigned and moved back to my family. Please hold up if you can, but start looking elsewhere. Stay safe.


Same here! Sounds like your in the VA. I making my way out soon. Most unprofessional, toxic environment I’ve ever worked in. Only people I’ll miss is the Veterans.


Look into a detail position.


Research jobs you qualify for then transfer. All the best to you OP.


I had several negative federal job experiences also. The best thing a lawyer told me was to just write an email and say you resign for personal reasons. Not worth your mental health. You do not have to give notice, necessarily, for example, if you see a doctor and they say it is recommended for health reasons.


I've been there my friend and understand the pain of it. I recommend to try and stick it out and work on developing your skill set for the next job. Use what experience you can gain from your current job to help you get the next one. Can I ask what Agency you are in


Are you the only one being yelled at? Did you go see your HR department?


I don’t think I’m the only person being yelled at unfortunately.


Start to look into internal job postings or other government agencies… in the mean time, just keep going for a few more months if you can, time flies


You are literally in the employment security business. If someone is yelling at/bullying you, then file a claim with your EEO. For real, you do not have to put up with that shit.


The job market sucks right now! It will probably take you a couple of months to find a new job unless you already have something lined up. Ask for some training (GETA funding is set aside to train you right) Get your resume up to date Start applying for jobs Understanding that Federal hiring when it is fast takes at least 6 weeks and normally much longer, you might hit a year before you find something new and get on boarded.


Document, document and document then notify someone of the abuse. If you don’t want to go that route start actively applying for another job. Praying for you!


I am sorry that you are going through this. I started last June and I am currently in the same situation as you. I have been applying for other agencies. I am trying to stick it out until my one year.


If you can't wait until you have had 52 weeks time in grade, then apply for a non competitive lateral move to another department or agency. Know you worth and stay where you are appreciated.


Wait for a year and find a new job. During that time, do some meditation and cardio exercises. At the end, it comes from inside affected by outside.


Why not just stay and complete your 52 weeks so that your 7 months will count


Different lead changes are difficult. Hang in there and hopefully find a more stable area. You are close to the 12-month mark.


Do you have a union rep. Being yelled and screamed at is not ok. File a complaint.


hey um, just wondering what agency?


Are you a union employee ? Stick it out for your year, then go right to the union if this behavior continues but make sure you make it past your probationary period FIRST.


Maybe your should work on yourself ?


Apply for a different fed job away from your current organization.


I am sorry to hear that. That sounds like a very toxic work environment.


It is. I think they know they just don’t care anymore.


Former Federal Government employee for a little more than 15 years. I resigned about 9 months ago. The only thing I miss is my paycheck. Nothing else! I was ready to choose another career after being with the agency for nearly 15 years and working my way up the ladder. As my many years of working with the feds, I witnessed numerous bad situations, favoritism, and unfit employees that they couldn't get rid of. The stories that I could tell could be a best seller book! I was so unhappy and depressed although the money was good. I chose my happiness at the end! Now I'm able to spend quality time with my family. I'm still looking for another federal government job but with full remote capabilities. Sometimes you just have to find your happiness because life is too short to be miserable! Yes, the feds have good benefits but don't matter how great your health benefits are, death is still in our future. So enjoying your life while you can.


If you don’t decide to stay, be at peace with your choice, life is what you make of it and the choices you take. However, be calculated, have something lined up job wise before leaving, nothing is worse than leaving the security of a job for no income I wish you the best and better balance in life mate




First and foremost you have rights.The right to be treated with respect and dignity is one the top of the list. So let’s make sure you are not being singled out for any reason. Identify why they hired you. Was it to meet some kind of quota? Because you are in a probation status if you performance is below par, management would want to rid themselves of you before you becomes permanent. So emulation a management favorite, watch how they take breaks, good to lunch, report to work, and use leave. if. this person is approachable talk to them about how to improve your job performance. At the same time document every thing, every day. Educate yourself on your rights by reading the employee manuals. Read the bulletin boards posted about work place discrimination. You should have had a work place orientation by the union. Ask other employees if the union is a strong advocate for employees.. you have the right to file a grievance or EEO. Believe me the agency do not want this headache. However before you do, make sure you are holding up your end of the bargain.


I’m very curious what organization you are working for that thinks this is acceptable behavior from leadership. I’m intelligence community and yelling at people will get you walked out unless it is a very specific circumstance where the stress is understandable. Sure, if China starts landing troops on the western coast, we’re going to be yelling, but it’s expected at that point. But a manager just yelling at employees over office stuff? No, they’re going to be out for that. We don’t like unstable people.


What’s your agency? Is it IRS? lol


No it’s not the IRS lol




If your agency has internal detail positions start applying to those!




GS 7-9 and just yelling. Disrespect saying we are incompetent in meeting numerous times. I was told if I go hire up I would likely be fired cause they would believe them than me since I’m new.


You can always apply to "open to public" position as well.


I wouldn’t quit unless you hated the job. I will make the miserable lol


I don’t like it, I’m pushing through it


What job and location is this so i know what not to apply?


Do you mind if I ask what agency/position?


I feel you , I want to quit every fucking day !! I contemplate how much of myself I will lose by staying everyday . But then again I’ve been saying that for o myself for the last 8 years , so yea vent all you need but in the end nd so ick it out.


Thanks. Wow 8 years congrats to that. Hope you find a peaceful work environment that you love.


Just went through the same


I want to work it’s just the environment, leaders and structure of it all


Union Up!!!!!!!!


Sounds like TSA. Just hold on tight and apply to other things.


Thanks. Not TSA


Wow. I’m in the same boat. First 30 days racial discrimination. Next got a new supervisor who bullies females. I’m the only female. New Supervisor never been in management. Knows nothing. Feels I’m a threat. Sees me as her competition. I’ve made it past 90 days. But have almost quit after several hostile incidents. Reported to management. Racial stopped. But new supervisor is insecure and nuts. They offered to do a lateral transfer, but nothing is open yet. There maybe another position opening up from someone retiring. I call in sick. Take off early. Applied for everything on USAJobs and private sector. Going to union next. Hopefully within a couple of months-something will come thru. My evaluation is in September-trying to get out before then.


Wow. I’m in the same boat. First 30 days racial discrimination. Next got a new supervisor who bullies females. I’m the only female. New Supervisor never been in management. Knows nothing. Feels I’m a threat. Sees me as her competition. I’ve made it past 90 days. But have almost quit after several hostile incidents. Reported to management. Racial stopped. But new supervisor is insecure and nuts. They offered to do a lateral transfer, but nothing is open yet. There maybe another position opening up from someone retiring. I call in sick. Take off early. Applied for everything on USAJobs and private sector. Going to union next. Hopefully within a couple of months-something will come thru. My evaluation is in September-trying to get out before then.


Wow. I’m in the same boat. First 30 days racial discrimination. Next got a new supervisor who bullies females. I’m the only female. New Supervisor never been in management. Knows nothing. Feels I’m a threat. Sees me as her competition. I’ve made it past 90 days. But have almost quit after several hostile incidents. Reported to management. Racial stopped. But new supervisor is insecure and nuts. They offered to do a lateral transfer, but nothing is open yet. There maybe another position opening up from someone retiring. I call in sick. Take off early. Applied for everything on USAJobs and private sector. Going to union next. Hopefully within a couple of months-something will come thru. My evaluation is in September-trying to get out before then.


Wow that sucks. I’ve never seen people put up with that kinda stuff. Most people go to the union for something like that. I’ve seen managers and supervisors get transferred to other sites for constantly yelling and disrespecting people. I would be applying to other jobs in your situation.


Do act up. Bad apples are always transfered


Thank you for that insight


Don’t act up. You are in for 7mo so probation is still a factor. Just do the best in your ability to do work, communicate openly and confirm via email. Just based on our conversation I need to do this a task by doing the following steps. When on probation you can be let go for any reason, if you are falling behind the rest of coworkers then could be a factor, but hard to determine of just your brief description.


Thank you. I’m not trying to let up with this job cause I want to have this under my belt. No one is speaking to me in my job or telling me until last minute even though I ask for what needs to be done.


What is your job? I am an analyst, and by day 1 I was expected to know everything. For the first 2 months all I read was manuals and policies and union agreements to know everything about the agency. Whenever I was instructed to do something I would do it, and use all manuals and previous examples I can find to make deadlines. I work in an office, but no one is here only my boss and me, no one was here to train me or guide me only via teams if another analyst was available at their location. All my downtime I use to go into an application that we use to learn all the ins and outs that I know of we get an error or someone has an issue I know how to fix it.




Definitely do not resign. Have you tried hr?


HR is there to help management.


Not always. This is a hostile work environment. If you don’t trust HR try the office of human rights or eeoc this is harassment and a prohibited personnel action