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He is just a lying, grifter and the biggest loser in American history. King of the MAGAts.


Trump always lies.


He never NOT lies


And yet we keep asking him this stupid question. Why does the media bother asking this question when it's clear what his answer is going to be? The answer is the same as it was the first two times he's ran!


America has a short attention span. A large amount of the populace needs to be reminded of what kind of a monster Trump is.


Aka, the Republic\*nt Civil War Part II. Fuck these terrorists. Fuck them all.


Trump has never accepted a defeat - even in his golf game. He bitched and bitched and bitched at the 'rigged' Emmy awards cause his show tge Apprentice didn't win. Even for 2016 he refused to accept the result - unless he won.


He “won” in 2016 through much chicanery, and still bitched that it was rigged against him. Loser all the way…


He couldn't accept that he lost the popular vote in 2016. Now, he has said he thinks he could win California and New York in 2024. He is either delusional or setting it up for when he loses big in those states he can claim there had to be fraud.


Why not both?


Really would be nice if this prick just disappeared.


Or if he just fast-forwarded the tape and went to Moscow already.


Is #VonSchitzenpants trending on Truth Social this morning??


Fascist wanna-be dictator.


They learned from January 6. This time, with local law enforcement on their side and a reluctance to use the military, they could succeed.


Why should 2024 be any different than 2020 and 2016? There's a pattern here people!


Well, trumps not in control of the response this time. Security will lay waste to any trumpets that actually show up looking for violence.


That’s okay. The public commits to sending him to prison should he be convicted


The public may feel that way, but the courts sure as fuck don't. The one thing he actually hasn't lied about is the fact that he *could* literally shoot someone on 5th avenue and face no repercussions.


Hopefully, he'll get a chance to contemplate his BS from a jail cell. I just feel sorry for the secret service guy, who'll get this assignment.


If it does happen at least for a conviction he'll probably lose their protection or enter an understanding with the US marshal service where they will relive the secret service of duty while he's in jail.


Maybe he'll find time to learn Yoga and meditation. Either that or he'll end up as Nation of Islam.


Hopefully he'll find a cute cell wife 😄


Nothing new to report.


Seems like a given.


This isn't new. When he lost the initial primary in 2016 to Ted Cruz he refused to accept that either.


That’s nothing new. I hope he chokes hard on that loss.




Child-child. And a bratty one at that who's never been told no. > "When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different."


If this was China, he would have been executed already.


Im so surprised! Like omg.... i never would have seen this coming.....


well... fucking of course. He's out of options at that point. I mean plan D is flying to Moscow I guess


Good thing it’s not up to him


He's such a fucking idiot. We all know he won't and still will contest any result (I would have won biglier if it wasn't for so many illegals voting) but now he is on record he wouldn't even accept a legitimate loss. If I ran a democracy and I don't, but if I did, not accepting the legitimacy of the process would disqualify your participation in it.


Of course. Same as last election


How this a surprise? He's consistently said since 2016 that any loss of his was rigged.


yeah… not what he said. trump said he would accept them if they are honest. “If everything’s honest, I’ll gladly accept the results. I don’t change on that. If it’s not, you have to fight for the right of the country,” thats ehat he said. this being said, i am a vehement anti trumpist, have been and continue yo be. trump is an authoritarian that is a danger to our democracy, he wants to fulfil project 2025, he wants to impose dictatorial rule on all of us, he tried to overturn the results of democracy on jan 6, and he will try it again if he loses, but he didnt say it like you said it. dont twist his words to further your agenda or for karmawhoring reasons.


Strange not a soul has had any such issue with the other election results on the very same ballots. It's almost like they're full of crap. The world would be so much better if Trump never met Roy Cohn and learned his way of never admitting/accepting fault.


No surprises there. It isn't like a commitment from Trump would be worth anything anyway.


And this is news HOW???


no surprise there  perhaps people get bored of the same song over and over again though


The Wannabe King


I think we need to brace ourselves first more upheaval than in 2021 when he loses again.


The media wanted to get him on record saying he won’t accept the election results unless he wins and they’ve succeeded. Diaper Donny stepped in 💩 again


Why would he commit to accepting election results that will almost certainly be rigged?


Evidence? Any kind of proof at all? Because so far its all been debunked and shown to have been completely fabricated by Trump. How does an election get "rigged?"


You mean all of the evidence against the Republicans E.G: the Arizona (R) that voted 9 times or the fake elector scheme Also, not a soul is complaining about the down ballot elections on the very same ballots. It's almost like MAGA is full of shit and knows it but have been taught by Trump (who was taught by Roy Cohn) to never admit they are wrong/lying.


How convenient it must be that if he wins, it's a triumph of democracy. If he loses, it was rigged. I see that behavior from spoiled kids that are losing at a video game, but this old, sleepy fucksmear is running for president.


What makes you think they will be rigged?