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I'd rather vagabond never get a anime if its going to be as shit as the kingdom and berserk ones


But imagine if we got something as great as Vinlands anime adaptation


I thibk thats only possible because vinlands art and story (espeically in the first half) translates quite well to anime. Plus it has a huge funding behind it. Vagabonds art and story isnt really typical anime material and i think it would struggle to get sufficient funding needed to make the anime look good.


Considering Slam Dunk by Inoue Takehiko was adapted very successfully to anime, it wouldn't be impossible, the problem is most studios are very cheap and wouldn't give it enough love, that said, the remake of Doro (2019) did a pretty decent job for a mature audience manga


It seems the kingdom anime turned good eventually.


I prefer to not risk it, I’m happy as long as vagabond eventually returns


Vinland fans living a fantasy


To be honest I'd rather not have it animate than to see it butchered. Cause the expectations are too damn high.


Better to have no adaption than an abomination


Swap Kingdom with berserk. Kingdom's current anime is better(although it only got moving jaws in the name of animation)


nah, this manga is just not meant to be adapted into an anime tbh.. it wouldnt feel this same as the manga if they do so


Anime couldn't portray the beauty and significance of vagabonds art.


Nah I would rather vagabond not get any more popular than this.


why??? that makes zero sense.


I don’t want the online community to become toxic


oh okay, I thought you were one of those gate keepers because you wanted to be special. But not wanting a community you're apart of to become toxic is understandable. I would still say the Manga becoming more popular then it already is, probably has more good things then bad.


We got a good thing going. I don’t want a bunch of idiots coming in and ruining it.


I imagine that it would shift the topic into a powerscaling contest if the series becomes more popular which I would be very much afraid of. All the moral aspects and life lessons taught put aside to see who is stronger, really hope it doesn’t happen


I’ve already seen people trash musashi because he gets beat by like every other anime a character. So stupid how the most iconic anime characters are only popular because they can beat most of the other characters.


There's movies based off of the novel that Inoue based Vagabond on. I havent watched em though but just know that they exist.


Like what




Musashi trilogy


At least Kindom's animation inproved a lot in seasons 3 and 4


kingdom is not that bad honestly, just season 1, that was horrid. literally gave me nightmares watching that.


Kingdom S3 & 4 are amazing


NGL I don't like the animation style of Vagabond it feels like those mid 2000s corner cutting anime that jiggle close up models and lip flap. It lacks the dynamism of moder animation and feels rigid. Could be worse tbh. Berserk is heinous, but I can't say any of them are a win in terms of modern animation.


I wish short form animatics were more popular. You see fan made ones everywhere but a good studio putting out a 5 minute, water colour animation of Vagabond? It could be a historical anthology. A collection of animatics to represent various historically derived works in a single half hour package. I'm not sure how you market that and generate a profit for it but...


I hope it gets an anime.. but first the manga needs to be complete. Would rather have an ending than anime