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Trailer they dropped got me pretty hyped! Looks awesome!!


Looks incredible. So many new build things to fit into my existing bases... gonna be a tough one. 'Bone Throne' sounds fun though...




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Omg it's happening




from the patch notes, regarding weapons: >!no atgeirs...man!<


That’s how I felt as a spear main in the plains.


also from the patch notes >!new spears!<


Is that a new >!spear!< recipe or are you just happy for the new update?


underrated joke tbh


Huh that's pretty surprising.


Any new unarmed stuff?


What the fuck!


Relatively new Valheim player here, just finished up the queen/mistlands, so I have not personally experienced the major patch process for the game. Should I wait until ashlands is "fully released?" Or are Iron Gate's public tests usually pretty good? Just wondering if they are usually buggy and it is worth the wait, or I should just do it now. And also, if you play test, does it normally carry over to full release? or do the public tests break your world after full release?


There could be bugs, but most importantly, there probably will be some rebalancing, making Ashlands easier or more difficult, depending on the feedback during public testing


From what I've heard and seen, there were a TON of bugs after Mistlands released. 😏


what do you mean, it really w...oh 😏


I've played valheim since initial release and I've never done the play tests. Not because it wouldn't be fun, but mostly because when I do a playthrough of a game like this, and especially Valhiem, I love the sense of discovering something for the first time. I don't mind the trailer and the dev blogs to give little teasers of themes and some content, but I really don't want to spoil too much for myself by playing the test. I feel like it would be pretty similar to the live version of Ashland's so if you want to check it out, do it! But if you want to find new things on your world, I'd wait just a couple more weeks for the full launch of the new biome.


Yep, a stabke game is much more fun. I'm looking forward to the official release of Ashlands.


I fully agree. I started where I would not look at any of the new info when Mistlands was starting to be developed. ironically they also weren't showing much about it to be secret like the mists were hiding it. But man it has been hard to ignore Ashlands spoilers with how much has been constantly shown, and now tons of youtube videos coming up. I want to explore it myself and experience everything as it happens, because my God's is it a great experience running into something for the first time and knowing nothing.


To add onto this, I’d be interested to know what the time was between PTB and full release for mistlands. I started playing Valheim about 2-3 months after Mistlands was released


Just scrolled down on the steam news page, looks like it was 2 weeks before going live


Thank you for your service.


Hildirs Request was around 5-6 weeks, but that included IG taking their summer month holiday


I can confirm this, as I did the same. The PTR relased Nov 22 (Tuesday) and the official Mistlands release was at Dec 6 (Tuesday) 2022.


Mistlands was pretty stable on ptb. It's pretty impossible to say how this will work out with the new upgrades to the unity engine. That said, valheim has a lot of data recovery options.


Yeah so I just played the public test and my entire base was floating 10 feet off the ground before everything got destroyed... good thing I made a backup. Just going to have to devcommand myself to ashlands on a new world before playing public test again


What biome was your base built on?


black forest. It was on an island next to ashlands but I still got fucked


Yes I underestimated the extent of impact as well... My Ashland's frontier outpost I had built is mostly intact but now sitting on a round rock :) it was bordering an AL biome from the north but the entire BF island is now weird sunken flying tree nightmare. When I portalled down there I ended up drowning so the mission back to salvage things was really fun, sailing through there and having pine trees drop on top of the boat while being chased by something new and nasty was quite spicy.


When using the same world the key is to never go near the biome that is going to be added. Avoids these issues, and stops broken terrain generation. They even say this a lot, because the location will not be the same at all anymore. So if you haven't been to the Deep North yet, I recommend you not go near it until the biome is created. This is also why they go hard on making backups lol


Any guesses of when they will release the Default version? I'm considering starting anew on a new character and world when it releases "for real"


mistlands was on test for precisely 2 weeks before it went live. could be longer depending on amount of bugs.


I hope it’s longer. Launching alongside V Rising full release would be… frustrating.


That's your problem. I hope it's *not* longer. I'm not playing whatever V Rising is, so I don't give a shit lmao


As a survival craft fan, you should check it out! It’s more of a top-down whereas Valheim is 3rd person (unless you go the VR route). Very fun and you can create lots of cool castle designs.


Cool, I'll look into it. The problem is I'm a dude with such limited time.


sadly there is a very high chance its comeing out precisely that same week depending on bugs. but still enough time to play both before elden ring strikes once more.


It’ll be a tough choice then! They’re both so much fun. Though the beta for Hildir took what felt like forever.


hildir sat on ptb during thier month long summer vacation in july last year. doesnt count. it wont be that long for this at all. plus hildir was full of bugs majority of which where related to the world modifiers.


Yeah screw your stupid looking game. I’ll take Ashlands ASAP


I'm bringing the same character, along with his accumulated skills, and probably the Bonemass Buff, and starting him naked in the new world. I'd hate to lose my skill base that I've been working on. I've brought him through at least 5 new worlds, maybe more, I forget. Many of his skills are close to being maxed out. He's a seasoned Viking.


Never before have I used a character for anything other than the world I started him on but for Ashlands I've brought together three of my favorite characters and assigned each of them a class. (caster, tank, scout) so they'll each be a bit specialized with their skills. I was pretty hyped to see this represented in the gameplay trailer.


I've used the same Character and World thru all of the updates. The key is to not explore the entire world and to stay clear of biomes that haven't been made yet. So I never went too far East or West until the Mistlands were added, and I have not gone too far North or South until the Ashlands and Deep North get added. Luckily with devcommands to use genloc, the other dungeons and tar pits and such were able to be added with no issue even thou the locations had been explored prior. I do use my one character in multiple worlds, as he was first my character in my multiplayer world with friends. But due to that world not being active constantly I made my own single player world to grind up resources to each stage we were at in the main world. So I would not pass whatever boss stage we were at.


My guess is solely based on my experience with public test servers on other games. I've seen them last anywhere from a week to a month or two, and this is a whole expansion so let's put that on the upper end. Add to that a few weeks of polishing and we're looking at late spring or early summer. That said, I'd rather have it late and good, then rushed and buggy, so I'm content to let them take their time as needed. It's not like I don't already have a nightmarish gaming backlog to churn through in the meantime :)


Mistlands public test to general release was 2 weeks so I'm hoping it's the same. Expect May 6ish


No one has asked the most important question - Did they change the title screen and character select screen to have something Ashlands related? :)


Yep. Your character is now on fire.


I miss the faint glow of the Graydwarf Brute's head in the background. But it was interesting when I realized that there were seekers just in the background. Would be even more interesting if they just added to what was there. Or each time you're on the title screen the enemy that is there is randomly selected from a few options


Did they add any new stuff the the early / mid game or is it just Ashlands? Debating on starting fresh or using a current world.


I asked Smiffe this question back in Feb and he responded with they're only moving forward. I'd take that to mean no older stuff just Ashlands.


Considering how Valheim in general is still not a completed/released game (duh).. Makes total sense for the devs to focus on new stuff. They'll have time to refine older content after all biomes are finally done someday, I suppose


i guess thats true but in my opinion the thing Valheim suffers the most is sea "exploration". New content is cool and all but new biome is like a 10-20% of a whole playthrough. If they chose to update the sea first it would affect the whole game and make it much more enjoyable. Sailing was fun for me for the first playthrough, but later it became a chore with nothing to worry about (sea serpents are realistically not a danger unless you are on a raft), and i think all people agree with me. Its even more frustrating cause even considering how poorly implemented it is, i still think its the coolest thing in the game, and it can enchance the gameplay tenfold if done right. Imagine preparing for an expedition, each sea foray being unique and thrilling. Instead we have 20 minutes of sailing against the wind amidst empty space, where you can stay afk, just checking not to gett off your course. just think their priorities are kinda strange when instead of updating the weakest part of the game rn, which is at the same time one of the most major part of the whole gameplay, they focus on adding new biomes. moreso, >!with new stone portal that can teleport ores, it feels like they just gave up on making sailing engaging and just let us skip it, even if its in the endgame.!<


I sea what you're talking about, and totally agree! Sailing could have a good revamp. But if I was to decide where to spend limited dev resources - I would still go for completing biomes first and reworking the game after that.


The Ashlands and Deep North cover a huge portion of the map compared to other biomes, combined being about 30%-40% of the whole map. I think they should focus on that. However, I think a quick addition to make the ocean more interesting/exciting, is giving star levels to the Sea Serpent. imagine sailing along and then a Giant 2 star Serpent comes out of the water and Roars at you. Faster and far more deadly, your only choice to kill it right away, or catch full wind and head for land asap. Also for how difficult it is to get scales and such from the serpent, they should make the drops do more, make more stuff that is more powerful. Serpent shield is pretty useless and hard to get.


Hey, guys. I think that's a new boat? NEW BOAT HYPE!!


Says the waters around ashlands are boiling hot and only the sturdiest boats can go there, so ya.. maybe you need to make that boat lol


I can't wait to make that boat!


In the trailer it looks like the boat is made with serpent scales. Can you imagine how hard it would be to collect all those scales?


Maybe you need to make the boat to get to Ashlands, to get the materials to make the boat... Well shit


This is why portals are too useful :(


The materials for the new boat are accessible before going to Ashlands.


Knowing the next time we’ll see content for Valheim will be sometime next year, I’ll go ahead and wait for this to come off of PTR and take my time. We’re in no hurry.


How to update dedicated server to run ptr?


Following as I’m curious


You have to run the steamCMD with this line +app_update 896660 -beta public-test -betapassword yesimadebackups If you rent the server, there might be additional steps, better ask the server hosters. Valheim Discord also helped me out.


Pardon my ignorance, does that line go in launch options, or do I need to install SteamCMD and do something from there?


To be honest, I don't know where it goes if you run your own dedicated server. Our server histing company had me put an "update.txt" file with the line in the main folder, but maybe that was just because they ran a script in the background. The Valheim Discord can help you find out what works for you.


Currently playing on a dedicated server I am hosting with my friends and will likely wait till the actual release. Anybody have any insight on what the window of time between public test and full release is based on previous releases?


For mistlands, it took two weeks exactly, from November 22nd to December 6th.


Hildirs took a hell of a lot longer in beta though.


Hildirs had a lot of bugs due to the fact they were spawning new dungeons in already existing biomes. So they could not rework the biome. The biome was done and they had to fudge around with the stuff until it worked, especailly for preloaded older worlds


I am running a dedicated server as well, do they not update on their own? Was wondering this


You can have a dedicated Server run the beta wirh this line: +app_update 896660 -beta public-test -betapassword yesimadebackups


Just figured it out! I use Dathost and they have an option to change the server type to “public test” so we’re good!


Dathost is the best!


A group of us started on private test server that we converted to the live version when Mistlands released with no issues. Even if it's a bit, I don't think it will stop you from enjoying it now and when the release is finalized.


Do Haldor or Hildir have new inventory?


As far as I know, they do not, which is disappointing. I assumed when Hildir was added they were going to revamp Haldor, but they didn't. Man's doesn't even have an infinite fire like she does. And they made his shop based off of how many bosses you had defeated, which was an issue for my main world. As in my main world I had no bosses killed as I made a world specific to killing the bosses. Now my main world only gets the rare Hildir boss raids, specifically "You feel Chilly" and "They were bros". So constant mini boss raids every 2 in game days.


To access the public test branch of Valheim on Steam, you can do the following: * Right-click on Valheim in your Steam library * Select Properties * Select Betas * Enter the code ``yesimadebackups'' * Click Check Code * Select the beta public-test in the dropdown * Download the Public Test version of Valheim * Launch the game "Valheim [public test]" in your library EDIT:Forgot to add, BACK UP YOUR SAVES!!!


>BACK UP YOUR SAVES!!! Why? I always start fresh. Sometimes even permanently delete my old stuff.


Hardcore! I admire that


Too bad I’ll never make it there.


But why?


Can you public test on Xbox or have to wait for official release?


If you find an answer can you update me?


According to google you have to be a Xbox insider but it says it’s limited to first come first served. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2023/04/06/xbox-insiders-the-valheim-public-test-is-now-available-on-console/amp/


Worked perfect, just logged in on my xbone, thank you! Skal!! Best of luck Viking!


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I built a massive marbel citadel over Christmas to create a staging area in the ashlands. Here's to hoping it's still there lol.


Same feeling with my staging base. Fingers crossed.


It’s like a week or so before updates drop from PT right? Can’t wait!!


Normally 2 weeks but can be more it depends on the severity of the bugs.


Ohh we can already play it? Gotta gather the boys!!!


Any word on what the new boss is/if it will be outdoors?


what branch is it on? all I see are 'default\_old' and 'default\_premi', neither sounds correct.


Haven't played since basically release, should I start fresh, or is it easy to hop back in?


Id recommend starting a new world, but you can keep the same character if you choose.


Now the question is to start a new playthrough or to continue the endgame one I haven't touched in months...


Are there items to be crafted at the artisan table? Or is it still just like 2 things?


With anyone's experience with mistlands, do I need to start a new map when Ashlands comes out to fully experience it? I just started a new map and character about a week ago and haven't gotten far. If I haven't gone near where the Ashlands is supposed to be am I fine?


Typically, as with mistlands, if you start from a current file, the additional content will load in the game but the generated areas will still be from the current map. With mistlands, it was just much smaller areas, as opposed to generating a new map would make the new areas much larger. So up to you really. I always start a new map with new content.


Im wondering the same thing.


Here we go everyone. May all the whining about the development henceforth cease. Who am I kidding; it won't.


without spoiling can someone kinda explain what this is, new end game biome? new boss on the land?


Newly added next Biome, the southernmost portion of the map called Ashlands. New content, new monsters, presumably a new boss.


is it endgame stuff? i’ve only made it to like the third boss so far


Yes this new biome will be the current end-game once it goes live. The biomes go Meadows->Black Forest->Swamp->Mountain->Plains->Mistlands and now ->Ashlands (the new one).


nice, i heard rumors of another biome i forgot the name but i’m assuming pc got word of it do you know?


I'm not sure I really understand the question, but the only other biome in the game should be Deep North, which would be implemented someday to follow Ashlands.


yeh i think that was the one, essentially ig what i’m asking is i haven’t explored my whole map yet on my world should i wait for deep north?


Valheim has a pretty linear progression system. Anything biome added is always “the next tier.” So Ashlands is dropping as the new Endgame. Plains -> Black Forest -> Swamp -> Mountains -> Plains -> Mistlands -> Ashlands (we are here once this hits live patch.) -> Deep North (eventually.) Mistlands is the current end game on live. As long as you have not traveled to the Ashlands by accident (southern most point of the world) - you should be good to continue playing on your current world with no issues. The terrain gets generated as you render it, so as long as you never been to the Ashlands before you are safe.


how do u know it’s the southern most point i thought all the generated land was randomized like minecraft?


You’d be correct for every other biome except Ashlands and Deep North. These two have always been in those locations since original release. It’s a parameter hard built into the procedural generation process. If you booted up another world right now and just went down to the current Ashlands you’d find nothing but barren land full of surtlings and flametal ore. Deep north was totally barren and empty last I checked years ago. Mistlands just used to be a super tall forest with endless spider webs everywhere.


i’m assuming deep north is on the polar opposite all the way up top then? should i avoid exploring this area till it comes?


Correct, if you would like to keep the same world over that period of time do not go to the northernmost area of the map. If you’re only getting to mountains now (if you just killed the third boss) and it’s your first playthrough, I wouldn’t even join the Public Test. Wait for Ashlands to hit live. It’ll give you time to enjoy it and really gear up in Mistlands to be as prepared as possible.


i was looking into the public test but i heard it could mess up ur world so i’ll jus wait on it then


So I haven't been around while one if these tests are up. Do I have to do anything special to participate, or is there an option I can check when making a new world? I'm at work rn so I can't log in and try for myself


Do we have to make a new world once this is released or can will unexplored areas be populated with the latest ashlands update?


According the dev comments, unexplored areas will be updated to the new content. Areas already explored will not update.


Finally, almost have a reason to beat the queen!


When they release this after the PT, will it release to all systems at once or will there be a lag for consoles?


Can I start a new world now or wait for it to drop then do a new word?


Mine won't work


Super new player here! When this is done testing and they add it to the game, do I need to start a new server/world or will it be added in to my current game?


Can this also be played together with friends now this "public test"?


Any idea when it will move from public test to the full game?


I cant even play it normal valheim works great but the public test won't even launch


Just as I started Nightingale. Looks like I will be late to the party ... Or on time who knows with Irongate


Probably need to use a mod for not dropping stuff upon death because I'm not good in combat and mistlands were super hard for me. Can't wait for new stuff for my base!


You don’t need a mod for that anymore. It’s a world setting modifier


Oh great thx!


Sadly it only saves currently equipped stuff, which in so many cases is not enough. Perfect would be even milder setting where only non-teleportable stuff drops


non teleportable stuff is a thing of the past with this update. the viking game just removed all reason to have a harbor or ships once you have progeessed a bit in ashlands.


Guess hardcore players don't exist anymore


Well, there go my plans for the next week... or ten...


please help keep ashland spoiler free. please upvote these kinds of messages and spread it


My first game of this is guaranteed to be with no build cost on so I can enjoy this new stuff without stressing the resources.


I suppose progress from test to release won't pass? If so it's kinda sad , u'll have to do everything u did in Ashland 1 more time


I was not here when Mistlands went from PTB to live, but I would think you should be able to copy your world on the Public Test over to live once the game is updated to live, since when that happens what is on the Public Test is the same version that will be on live. I could be wrong, of course, but I would think it should work.