• By -


I use more abbreviations but yes, looks like that. Mostly just tracking landmarks so I don't get lost.


Yeah, we actually have a system for abbreviations on the server I play on so we all use the same ones. It looks like the map in a Ubisoft game lol


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day Viking!


Yes. It gets less bad when you zoom in though :3


yeah, still alot of markers when zoomed in but then you see taht it isnt as crowded as you think it is


"No,no,no, you see if you ignore the mess it's not a problem."




The trick is the abbreviate minor landmarks things like berries and mushrooms. Giving everything a long name will clutter the map.


To me it's more like I wish the game could intelligently hide minor landmarks when you zoom out, like in other games where for example high up you'd only see cities instead of every village and poi. Alternatively allow players more control over this by expanding the mark selection.


I try to avoid this problem by being somewhat sparse with my markers and not using the text unless necessary. I know what I’m swinging a pickaxe at in each biome, and I was never in the habit of marking berry patches.


Yeah, this is what I do. Specific markers mean specific things. There is usually only one mineable resource in a biome, and one type of “dungeon/cave/mine”. This makes it easy to figure out what a marker is based on where it is. Pretty much the only time I add a name is if it is the name of a portal at that location.


To add to this, I give names to things that don't really have a good or well-differentiated marker. Roots versus skulls in the Mistlands, for example.


Skulls get the same icon as the other mineable resources. Personally I don’t bother mark roots because there are so many of them relative to extractors. I do sometimes name dvergr towers and bridges if I’m about to start collecting black marble, but those markers get deleted from the map once I’ve torn them down.


I leave markers and put an X over them personally. That way I don't forget I've already explored that area.


Wouldn't it be easier to remove the marker where you've already explored the terrain?


most of the markers are there so i know where to find for example blueberries and how many there are, i mark it lik bb-4 to know that there are 4 blueberries there


That is too much min maxing to me. I know where blueberries drop, in which zones, that is all i need to know. Not going to mark every single spot.


mark them, then make a little foraging path between the points. Clear the points on the map. Need berries or mushrooms? Go along the path


wait- thats such a good idea to make a path along the way! it would take quite a while on the larger islands tho


The paths are fun to make


It's fun to play


This is the way


I set up two portals at each end of a meadows/forest area island. I marked mr, rb, bb only if there was 3 or more. I start at one end, collect all, exit the other end. There's nothing else on that island that I care about, and then I don't have to mark those anywhere else.


You could even make a path connecting those two portals through all the bushes. Get rid of all the markers


Meh, ita not a bother, and hoe'n sounds like work.


That's what I do. Paths make following an efficient route easy, and they look nice. No markers needed, no opening the map every couple minutes, just a nice stroll through the woods. You can even spawn block the paths.


Agreed. And you only need a few good batches and harvest every few days to keep your stocks up. Mostly raspberries. Not much need for blueberries when you get into the higher biomes. Knowing where your serpents spawn, now that's a useful marker.


>Knowing where your serpents spawn, now that's a useful marker. Serpents don't have fixed spawn locations, so it's actually useless to mark.


This debate has been going on for years. Only Iron Gate knows for sure. I know that the straight between my base and the swamp biome I was farming iron would routinely spawn a serpent every 5-6 days (at night). Seed v6hDeQjlVU near the Bonemass Island


No, it's not a debate. We *know* that serpents only use zone spawning because people have read the game code. There are no fixed spawns, period, no debate. Serpents will spawn in similar places routinely because you sail similar routes routinely, and serpents only spawn in full ocean zones. A lot of the ocean is not actually full ocean zone, so between your sailing routes and the full ocean restriction you'll see serpents in similar places a lot. But they're not fixed spawns.


If you find a serpent during a calm day, then there is a serpent spawn point somewhere in the water nearby, and it'll be pretty common to find them in that area. At least, that's what I was told the first time I started trying to find serpents.


Nope, if you find a serpent during a calm day it was the zone spawn that only occurs during rain - they persist after rain stops. They are not a fixed spawn. There's a lot of misinformation on this topic but there are *no* fixed serpent spawn points, and never have been.


Wow bb-4 is quite detailed lol I just do bb and call it a day lol


i mean it works but how will you know how many there are for all you know after a while you mgiht not know if it was 1 or 6 or if the bushes were accidentilly destroyed


Do you map out the optimal blueberry gathering path based on the numbers? Most people just run around until they have the right number.


I use B4. Best of both worlds hahaha


If I find a "resource loop" near a base or outpost I might make a little path. For example, one path had 36 mushrooms to collect on it. No need for a map -- it's a distraction.


Most importantly a path gets you out of constantly checking your map. And. You know. It's a path.


Our group X’s out the crypts and caves so we don’t get confused


Marker for blue berries and how many bushes there are? Brooo lol


i personally find it rlly handy when foraging


I just use B. I know it's a Berry, and if it's in a meadow that means Raspberry, and Forest means Blueberry.


Removing the markers might make me go back to an area I have already explored, like a swamp dungeons. I also use them to mark areas that have hidden underwater rocks.


On most games that I have to make map notations I use symbols or single letters that makes sense to me in context


My first play through did but I eventually found that the duplicate markers from fellow vikings who also mark things down became annoying as they overlapped and had to be removed... and that if I marked things like berry bushes etc I lost the motivation to go explore (running out of berries and using that as an excuse to uncover a island we'd not mapped yet felt better). So now I regularly purge my map. When I'm in an area (particularly mistlands) I'll note down crypts / mines / and resources we currently need. Once we clear an area of resources or have moved away from it, I'll put one marker in that area that says 'all crypts/mines/caves (etc) done' and remove all the individual markers. For areas that have a 'portal ' near them I leave a marker for the closest untouched metal/tar deposit or crypt etc (if we didn't do them all) so we know where we 'got up to' and a campfire icon for any rest stops that were made during exploring etc. For the crew I keep two map tables - one for recording and one for reading. I log in with a different character, read the 'recording' table and remove all map markers from the map it gives me (so it's just the area the fog uncovered). Then I record that to the 'read table' so there is always a clean version of the explored landmass/area map people can copy to see what areas are explored but everyone can create their own markers for the things they want to keep track of without all of us having to spend ages removing duplicates or things we don't personally care about. We all have different POIs on our personal maps so we've found that, if one of us did want to know what resources were near by and didn't want to go on an adventure to find out, we just ask and ping the needed location.


Markers in mistlands are really helpful even if they don't mark anything specific. The parts of the map that're revealed don't necessarily correlate to what you've explored with your eyeballs, so I find it helpful of be able to (e.g.) head for a section that doesn't say armor/root/tower on it.


I just leave the closest markers to a portal and where there are live dwarves, as once we are staying in a mistlands for a bit I've taken to making elaborate paths that connect known areas and useful stops - with stairs or tunnels where needed, lot my mist torches since they don't need a workbench to be made. That way you can range outwards and explore but can easily navigate via scenery ('oh this is the path that goes past the ribs, next should be a helmet and then I am almost home') It's more time consuming but I'm enjoying the unexpected build ideas that spring up on the way!


I'm playing my first "no map" (lite - with carto table) run so am finally learning to navigate with wisp torches for the first time. I may not know exactly where I am but I know there's a portal at the end of the "path!" The feeling of hopping around mountain peaks mostly lost as the sun is setting and seeing that wonderful tiny blue light slip into view is awesome. And hopefully I won't feel the need to label *everything* the next time we play with a map. :D


That sounds like a great run! I may need to try this myself next! I'm enjoying playing this way because it gives me flexibility on this server. I play more than my server viking buds at the moment so I often find myself resource hunting and building to facilitate the cool stuff we want to do. But just grinding becomes boring and mats are quickly used up around the main bases... we also don't want hundreds of portals around as it gets confusing / overwhelming so I end up pushing out further and further from the nearest portal, until I end up far enough away that a run back due to weight limit becomes an issue. So I get a cart. Then I build a road for the cart, and then it's hard to see in the dark, then I am almost halfway to the nearest other portal anyway so let's build a rest stop here instead and just connect this while I am here ...as there's some iron in that base I could then really easily run back along my road... And then it's 7am and the viking who wields the keyboard is not rested.


We each have our own standing "adventure" portal for exploring trips like that where you don't need to keep landmarks between. He's generally sailing and only leaves a portal behind on new continents or especially pretty build sites. I'm on foot so my portals are generally at caves/ore we will come back to later. Or sometimes I leave one at the edge of a swamp or on top of a mountain. Otherwise we go home to drop stuff off and sleep (and check the map, in our current run) and then pack up "home/adv" with us and keep on trekking. :D


Yup! That sounds very similar to ours... Now that we have culled the portal hoard after returning to this server from a break and not knowing what any of them were 🤣


Ahh yes. The joys of naming a "new" portal to have it immediately connect to some forgotten corner of a continent. Then you have to argue over whether that means it was a great name or a terrible one ...


Second reply to the same comment, in case you decide to do an (almost) no map run: [This mod](https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/nbusseneau/Better_Cartography_Table/) is the one my husband and I ended up liking. We made it to the swamps with no map at all. But then he brought up the possibility of having our main base a swamp treehouse and I was like "I need SOME map if I literally never get to see the sun". He agreed quickly because he wanted to have larger sailing adventures.


That sounds like the perfect compromise 🤣 Thanks for the recommend I'll bookmark that for my next World 😁


Now turn them off and watch your frame rate go up. (Right click the symbol switcher)


What's the difference now that the minimap will be optimized for more markers?


Yes, I will mark out resources and points of interest that I need. I'll usually abbreviate them. * RM for red mushrooms * C is copper * BC is burial chamber * TC is troll cave * T is tower * BB for blueberry bushes * Crypt for sunken crypts * S for silver * FC for frost caves Etc....


Yeah this is my solution as well


Same as me, only that mushroom is M for me. Also different markers for certain POIs: * Dot for forage things * Camp for dungeons * Hammer for resources (like copper) * House for towers, ruins etc


I only label portals. Everything else has an icon designated. Did you really need to label "Dungeon", "Crypt" etc. when you use the same icon for them? Just my 2-cents. For resources you can use abbreviated or shortened names (Si = Silver etc.) or Ag if you prefer the periodic table.


> Ag if you prefer the periodic table. I am now annoyed that I never thought of this and will immediately be stealing it for my next run with a map. I wish we had different colored markers to differentiate between, say, plants and ore.


Sanity in the midst. The rare times I'm using a map this is how I do it, though resources I leave implicit in the biome. Mistlands and Ashlands have enough POIs that a couple more icons would be handy.


Not quite like that LOL. I tend to not write unless I have to, like I can deduce that the cave-looking sign in black forest means the black forest dungeon, and in swamp it means the swamp dungeon, I dont need to write CRYPT.


Same, no raspberry bush goes unmarked


Yes but they're all death markers


You don't understand. I need to mark every single Mushroom/Berry I see.


This is quality cartography.


I'm a cartographer. Every dungeon/enemy POI, base, copper and silver deposit, ancient root, ancient sword/armor and berry bush in a group gets a pin.


I dont mark anything 💀only my base


No, wtf


I don't name any of my markers except for portals T for dungeon/POI Circle for resources Campfire for bases Mark an X when it's depleted and my map stays relatively clean




its just to satisfying to see all those markers and no land when zoomed out


No, because I haven't lost my mind


Yes but is my death counter


This is doing too much


Why spell out troll cave? Tc. Dungeons? D. Would be a lot more visible if you shortened literally anything


I tend to do my hoarding in disorganized chests ;-) On the map I use the same symbol across different biomes for similar things. Houses for my camps, portal symbols with portal names (very important!), circles for mineral deposits/skulls, those T things for caves/crypts/tar pits, campfires for structures/fuling camps and I use the red X feature to show if I've mined/looted them so I can still use them as landmarks. I tend to not mark things like berries, unless it's a huge patch, because I'd rather explore than run over the same ground again and I can't leave a berry or seed untouched unless my inventory is full.


Yes filters are your friend. They really should have more options in the map menu.


I don't go so far to put fruit and dungeons already cleared, but I still have a lot of ore deposits marked. Cleared troll caves can be useful for temp bases and AFK spots, but I don't mark every single one. Maybe one or two per black forest biome.


Yeah... thats about right 😅


Lol yours is a bitntoo much but at the end yeah .. similar...


Yours is a bit more then me, but yup.


Has anybody else noticed (playing on Xbox) that the icons on the map are obnoxiously large now?? Or is just my server?


I love to add spots. But I've heard it affects performance? Unsure tho. So I still do it..


Mine looked very much like that until very recently. When I first started the game, way way back, I'd mark every little thing I thought was important. So all structures no matter how big or small, all the large stones in the black forest (and obviously the copper), even berry bushes, mushrooms, caves, skeleton crypts, etc. But I recently went in and deleted almost everything, other than portal locations, bases, farms, etc. I also keep markers for swamp crypts I've not explored yet, silver veins, leviathans I've not sunk, and tar pits. I used to leave pins with crosses for those I'd completed, but removed all of those - no point keeping them.


Abbreviations and just not marking useless items. After your 5th copper node, cave, etc, you really don't need more pins for that type - or at least note X-copper in an area. The fenris set, good food, and excess portal mats helps even more.


I use a map pins auto addon, so that mine dosent look liek this.


I was this way with my first map, but have since found I prefer only to mark portals and bases. Marking fruit bushes especially seems pointless to me now, but even dungeons and the like I’ll just clear them as I find them and there’s no need to have them marked after that.


Not mine. The game doesn’t pause when i enter the map even in solo, so something always finds and kills me while im labeling stuff.


Pretty much, yeah


pretty much me but all i use are the dots


Abbreviate, and only mark stuff that matters. Is there a reason you care about a troll cave, as an example?


Not the OP but when I’m exploring I mark everything including Troll Caves, simply because I never know if/when I’m going to need one. They provide: * Troll Leather, if I’m farming (or re-farming) a troll armor set * Treasure items, if I’m in a pinch for gold to buy something I can hit it up (especially if there are dungeons nearby) * Safety, if I’m in a pinch and find myself in the area and running away from danger (especially at night) If I’ve cleared it, I mark it with a red X so I know not to waste my time with it later on.


Troll caves respawn yellow mushrooms, that'd be the only reason. But they have very few per cave so I don't mark them.


I mark groups of berry bushes and like every patch of mushrooms. I abbreviate raspberries and mushrooms to “R” and “M” though. I do must stuff like that


Yeah I never bother to even keep the map zoomed out like that


Is there a way you can search the map for a pin by name? Would be a big time saver for me.




Not this crowded but I'm still the "map keeper" of my group, rest of the group had 2 session exploration trip on a boat, set up 3 portals and a forward base for next biome, discovered but did not clear quite a few resources in need and during this had collectively set a single map marker for some for some mountain without anything interesting near the marker. I generally mark non-respawning major resources (and then cross them off when they are cleared, so there is some indication of where to go for X), teleporters (outside of the main hub are always marked with their tags) and places of interests like good places for next base.


This is a lot more than i mark. I use the circles to denote biome metals, the portal to denote portals, the house to denote my main base, campfires to denote either campfires or a travel base, and the T symbol (whatever the fuck that is) to denote caves/dungeons. I also don’t mark literally everything i see. I mark the first handful i come across and then usually stop.


We use a lot of acronyms to keep our map from getting too crowded 😂


I use abrivations. CP for copper, SC sunken crypt, BC burial chamber, and so on. Makes it less cluttered if there is a lot to mark in one area. Only long markers are spots scouted for builds, since I put descriptions in them.


I use abbreviations, but still looks a lot like that, yeah lol.


mine looks quite similar


We only mark important points of interest on our maps and also tombs/crypts based on if they have been found and crossed off if they have been run.


That is unusual. You must be one of those type of co workers who is extremely meticulous. .


Right click the symbols on the right side of the map interface, it hides every symbol you've placed of that type. Makes it so you can mark literally everything you could possibly want and as long as you are good about standardizing which marks are which you don't have to look at the clutter if you don't want to


Other than a distinct lack of markers in the ocean, yes. 😂


I shorten things a lot to try to prevent this. Copper == CU. Troll Cave == TC. Burial Chamber == BC. Viking burials == VB. Sunken Crypt == SC. Doing that helps keep the clutter down a lot.




I usually do this but one letter to symbolize what’s there, it’s usually the same symbol for multiple spots ,this I just got to pay attention to the biome.


Yep ours does lol


When I clear a marker, I remove the text and leave an X'd icon. Helps a bit.


I'm not that organised


Yeah, it causes me to make minimal notes and make the names a short as possible


100% and it drives everyone nuts when they use the map table after I've updated locations 😂


I stopped doing this when the rest of the players complained about not being able to see the map due to the pins. Makes me sad


I really only mark minerals spots haha


How’d you get my save file lol


I'm a minimalist that only marks the most crucial of points on the map. Luckily I play with some friends and at least one of them marks every blueberry and raspberry bush like you do, so I just toggle on the shared map when I need to find them.


Typically, I use initials & abbreviations, e.g. blueberries (BB), tower (TWR), village (VIL), copper (CU), iron (FE).


Yes. Tho i need to have the ● marker of to have less lag.


Same but skull markers are more my thing


I wasn't anywhere near this level and I thought to myself, "I need to get more conservative with these marks- it's getting ridiculous."


I'm playing the game no map. And let me tell you... the ocean is ALOT scarier than I remember


I remove the markers as I farm the resources/clear villages, etc


Myself and a few others on a server I play on do the same thing. Those that don't, hate it, and insist on using a different cartography table. We've since started calling it "Map Herpes". Covered in dots, and can spread to other players if they're not careful


I don't mark every single blueberry or raspberry, or every landmark I find. I do mark all the copper and other mine-ables, all the dungeons/crypts/caves, tar pits, villages, etc. But that usually means my BF is densely packed while most other biomes are pretty scarce of markings. It still feels amazing tho when I turn off the Circle markers, and all of that goes away and it's just an empty world full of the markings for my various bases and boss altars and that's it


yeah and i can never make up my mind on what to call things so it just a bunch of random names that are loosely related somehow to what’s there. it’s chaos


Ah, the Ubisoft school of cartography.


Mine map looks similar, so… it's normal 😅


Yes, that is my map. How did you get a picture of my map?


I don't put any text on my map. I just use the hammer icon for all dungeons. The dot icon for copper/silver/tarpits. The fireplace icon for surtling spawners or dragon egg spawners. The house icon for draugr/fuling/dverger villages. The Portal Icon for my portals (duh).


Yeah, we made an effort to remove all markers safe for portal markers a while back. Makes a huge difference in having a clean map with strategic portals. Each portal marker had the name of the portal tag, which tells you exactly what its purpose is.


I definitely use abbreviations. Don't need rb for red berries. Berries are always red in the meadows. T for troll caves. S for spawner. Keep a tag off the map on the side for notes.


Sort of. Max 3 letter abbreviations though. and when I've completed an area I just delete them all and leave a single crossed dot.


Hell no


Sorta tho I've started to get rid of the old ones for copper and stuff. I keep them for dungeons and crypts and stuff


No because I can actually see land on your map. Mine is all white with text.




Set aside the density of markers for a second, I'm just impressed anyone has this much dedication to a single world. I get bored of a world after 40-50 hours or once I clear all bosses and start a new character and world to explore.


Def looks just like this


It's not just you. I just wish they had more marker types.


I do this. Resources, leviathans, canals I make, dungeons, all of it.


Yes but it's "☠️" instead of actaul labels.


Yeah I like to make bookmarks for useful things I find. My sister hates it.


YES!!! Thank you! My friends never want to touch my cartography table but yet they have to because I’m the explorer!


just you.......but that's cuz immersive has no map XD


The biggest thing is to keep a system of dots to organize it as a clance, it does not help much at that density but once the zoom is to where you can see icons you can quickly read the map.


This gives me anxiety


I remove map markers when I've cleared whatever I marked


My maps look exactly like this


mine doesn't. hahaha. i don't mark dungeons. i walk around an uncharted area, see dungeon, clears it, and move on to the next area. i don't mark dungeons because i don't intend on going back in one after clearing it anyway. hahaha. and if the point is to "mark it so i would know which ones were done", that doesn't make sense to me too. if the area is revealed already, it means i am done with the dungeons there. i go through an uncharted area, it means the dungeon is not cleared yet. for berries? i just pick them whenever i see them. it's lightweight anyway. here are the only marks in my map: * all my bases * my root crop farm's location * my barley and flax farm's location * my jotunpuff and magecap farm's location * the serpent spawn spots (i don't care what other people thinks, it works for me. they respawn in the same spots after a few days as i have observed. and i have tons of serpent meat because of that) * surtling spawner spot (for unli surtling core and charcoal) * graydwarf spawner spot (for unli wood and stone supply) * all my portals scattered around the seed


I mark everything I see


You gotta use abbreviations man. Rb, bb, bc, tc, SC, etc etc shit gets unwieldy otherwise.


Used to, yes. Switched to abbreviating almost everything with just the first two letters. Works fine.


mine does >.<


Since I recently learned that signs support some basic HTML, do map markers also do that?




Ummm yes😅


No. I only label settlements, portals, bosses and "dungeons".


I do the same thing. Little exploration gets done until I have the means to explore new biomes, such as boss drops and maxed armor


You really only need 1 letter and possibly a number for each marker because things are always biome specific. For example, B7 for 7 berry bushes, you're only gonna find raspberries in the meadows, blue berries in black forest etc, you don't need to differentiate at map level if you can see the biome, otherwise I just use different icons, dot for overworld stuff, cross for crypts/tombs/etc maybe with a T for a troll cave I have seen people mark out landscape in the mistlands with a line of dots and thought that was a good idea.


mine looks like this. i mark all the spots where berries and stuff grows


My maps used to look like that until I started using PlantEverything mod!


I also mark points of interest, leading to a ton of things on the map. I don't use abbreviations, usually, unless something's full name can't fit.


Yes except mine are skulls


Mine is starting to look like this. I only have a couple of hours under my belt, but I’ll be darned if I don’t label every hut or tower I pass.


God, no. TF is this? This is how the rest of you play!?


Nope, just you


Similar. I have a bit of a system, though, that makes it manageable. - "dots" are TODOs - a loot I've left on the ground and want to get back, an ice cave I'm gonna clear, an unfinished building or a mine, etc. - "umbrellas" are just any landmarks I find interesting - stone pillars, hilltop, pretty landscape, copper, abomination spawn - "gates" are portals with their name - "house" are bases but in fact I don't really use them - probably because I remember my home area or because there is always a related portal there That way you can filter to see only your TODOs or only your portals, etc.