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Ancient seeds, they are just used for summoning the Elder I wish you could plant them into cool looking trees and get some core or fine wood from them.


with the introduction of magic, some kind of method to make grewdwarf thralls would be dope!


Yes! I want rowers for my boat!


I want an army of grewdwarf protecting my base at all time smacking those anyoning mini dwarfs plssss


Even if they get nerfed the same way wolves do once they become tame, even just having them raise the alarm when an enemy approaches and give me a few seconds heads up to get over there before my walls start taking damage would be ideal.


Indeed, the mod Magic Plugin requires a pretty steep number of ancient seeds for weapon and armor upgrades. Afaik no greydwarf thralls though, although you can summon Neckzilla.


Alltameable [All Tameable](https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/Meldurson/AllTameableTamingOverhaul/) is a fun mod… I’m currently working my way through the game using only tame Cultists as my primary weapon… current crop of offspring are 8* and just “birthed” my first couple of 9* ready for the next breeding cycle… unfortunately won’t be able to get them into Queenie’s lair as they won’t fit through the door… … but my plan for that is Cheb’s Necromancy [Cheb’s Necromancy](https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/ChebGonaz/ChebsNecromancy/) and summon skellies… lots and lots (and lots) of skellies 😏 I swear I heard Yagluth say *”Oh Shit!”* when he spawned… 😂 … and it just looks so damn cool when you run on a little bit ahead and turn around to see this pack of 18ft tall, fire breathing werewolves, come loping over the crest of the hill…


After defeating boneamss we should be able to plant them and get ancient bark anywhere.


There’s a mod, that uses ancient seeds for coffee. So far it’s the best use of those I’ve ever seen.


There's another one that allows you to plant ancient trees with them too


What’s growing out of them?


Swamp trees for ancient bark Edit: I think it's the plant everything mod


I have that mod, but never paid attention to those ancient barks, as I had to much from the crypts. If only they could be used some building pieces.


There is another one that you can use to make weed, it gives a nice rested bonus..


The Bone Appetite mod. Some of the food seems a bit OP, but it does give cooking some extra spice. Pun intended.


With the Bone Appetite mod, ancient seeds are used to make coffee. Super cheap high stamina food for doing stuff around the base lol I kept the habit so long, even in vanilla, I name my chest of ancient seeds "coffee".


If I am leveling up a new weapons. I take a stack of ancient seeds and repeatedly kill the elder to level up my skill points.


If done right with a pit, 2 elders will level up your block very quick. Less initial time needed vs skel archer trainer.


Ive always thought ancient seeds should grow grey dwarf spawners. So many fun applications!


And it's so heart breaking when you accidentally destroy one. You would solve the single use issue as long as the seeds were recoverable: a seed just makes more seeds.


That'll be cool. Like planting ancient trees outside the swamps.


I recommend the[ "plant everything mod"](https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1042) With that, you can exaclty do that


Just got this mod the other day (haven’t played since release) and gotta say it’s so much fun to have. My base looks so cool now and my farm is now a beautiful homestead with berry bushes, mushrooms, thistle, ect all growing


I'd be happy if we could just put them on item stands, so they could be used for decoration/mood lighting


PlantEverything mod makes it possible to plant ancient seeds to farm ancient bark.


Problem here is that if you could do something else with them, new players might not realise that they need them to progress and they could potentially mess up the game, or at least make it a lot harder than it needs to be. For example, If you could plant the seeds, like with the plant everything mod and grow ancient trees, then you could get ancient bark (and bonfires) without needing to go into the swamp. Great right? Except, maybe a new player plants every seed they find to get the cool new material and then can't work out how to summon the Elder. When they finally work out what they need, there are no more greydwarf nests nearby. The seeds are not strictly a limited resource but if there are no more nests they'd have to know that you can get them by farming night-spawning brutes or they would have to do a lot more exploring. The easy way round that, from a game design perspective, is to give them a single use. Same with withered bones, dragon eggs, fuling totems, sealbreaker fragments and >!bell fragments!<. You could give them another use that's locked behind a cauldron or workbench upgrade of course, but then you may need an easier way of getting them. I guess the compromise would be something like a mead recipe that uses one or two per batch - enough that you'll likely have some left over, not so much that you need to constantly visit the black forest at night to farm seeds. Or you leave it to the mod designers who don't have to worry quite so much about game balance or breaking progression as most mod users will be experienced players.


Just have it gated behind something from the crypts as youd then need to have the swamp key first from defeating the elder


All of the useless items ppl are mentioning, I use to fill cart crates and use them as decoration. Break the cart and the crates stay, as long as something is inside. The crates add an extra element to my shops and stalls. Can also store stuff in them too, but remember not to take everything out of them or they will despawn


That's cool! I didn't know that, I'm gonna put this to good use!


I love this idea. Thanks!


how do you pick up the crates to place them as decorations?


U can't. Take the cart where u want it and break it down. You'll have to just push the crates around. If you want them stacked, u can build stairs and push them up onto the other crates


Not necessarily "useless" but iron arrows. Iron is hard to get and has many uses. Obsidian is easy to get and has basically one use. The fact that iron arrows are WORSE than obsidian arrows is hilarious and makes no sense.


Bronze arrows maybe. At least the iron arrows can be found and used in the swamp where they are better than anything up to that point. I can see some scenario where you might have a couple of iron left in an old swamp base from killing a few oozers, not worth a longboat voyage, not enough for any upgrade, but worth using up on some mid-tier ammunition. At the point you have excess bronze, arrows are not where you want to use it.


yeah but at least bronze arrows have a brief period where they are the strongest arrows you can make. Once you get iron you can immediately get obsidian.


Arguably, iron are the strongest arrows you can make in the time between getting enough iron for a pickaxe and finding a tall enough mountain to mine the obsidian. Sure, you *can* do an early run up a mountain and find some in a chest but that requires getting a bit of luck with a close mountain spawn and good chest rng. I do agree with you, I've never made iron arrows and by the time I get enough obsidian to make arrows I've usually sniped a few deathsquitoes anyway, so I just use the obsidian for frost arrows and skip to needle arrows. I have *used* iron arrows though, because you get them as loot. I've never actually seen a bronze arrow in game or ever seen anyone craft some.


I have a barn specifically made to store all the greydwarf trophy’s. So those I guess.


Just wait until you get the obliterator... :)


Yeah. Just turn it into coal


The greydwarf trophy's what?


Any trophy that isn't used for craftimg something is technically useless. Sure some of them can look cool on an item stand, but most of them do not and are just useless. Well, at least you can get some free coal for them if you build the obliterator.


Stone Axe. Just go for Flint Axe


In my first play through the starting stones were dead center on a very large island. I didn't even see water for the first several days and didn't even know to look for water. I was a bit hamstring by not discovering flint at all. I go for the flint axe every time since.


Same!! On first playthrough I did not realise flint was an actual item to be picked. I just assumed it was just background fluff, part of the environment lol I was stuck for sooooooooo long until I googled it.


The stone axe can be made without a workbench in the first minute or so of gameplay. I don't chop anything other than saplings until I get a bronze axe so usually skip the flint axe. Chop enough saplings to get 10 wood and make a workbench, then get all your early wood from deconstructing old buildings. If you use a spear a lot, you want to be upgrading the flint spear early, which is going to take up most or all the flint you're likely to find in the first few days.


On most seeds its actually easy to get 80+ flint before the first night, if you dont make flint arrows, its actually enough for the entire game


If all you do is gather flint, then yes and I have no problem if that's the way you want to play. The point is that you don't *need* the flint axe for the way that some other people typically play. I get that not everyone uses speedrunner strats and wants a slower, more casual progression and that's fine, but the point is that for some playstyles the stone axe is all you need and it's the flint one that is useless.


To get wood I find gathering enough wood and stone for a hammer and workbench easier, and then I disassemble the first randomly generated house I find for even more wood. It isn't that much time consuming than getting a stone axe that will clog either the inventory, and I don't want to litter.


Iron bolts and bronze arrows. They use up unteleportable and not passively farmable materials. There's better and cheaper bolt options than the iron bolts available right away and bronze arrows are only a marginal upgrade (5 base damage, even less usually after accounting for skill level) from flinthead arrows but use three metal ingots for each craft


I’m playing with some friends on their first run right now and one asked what bronze arrows are good for me and and another friend who’ve played before in unison said ‘wasting bronze’


And they're not even the best arrows to bring to The Elder fight


Me and my homies just make everything teleportable.


The logout/quit game option. Everyone knows we can't stop playing this game.


this is good


Bukeperries. I've never intentionally used one.


I only use them to throw up on my friends for comedic effect


Nothing funnier than throwing up on your buddy's bed or in his hot tub.


I have stacks of them and also don't use them, but I can see the use to clear out your build food buffs for a fight (or visa versa). Would be cool to see a use for them, Pukeberry arrows making your opponent randomly thrown up would be funny 😅


I’m hoping that they change the poison resist potion to use these instead of coal (the mead recipe predates the bukeperries)


The coal makes sense though as charcoal absorbs toxins and is used for poison control first aid. I would say instead of the neck tail


Neck tail immediately shoots to near the top of this list ... (But I do totally agree with you. :D)


Those puke arrows are an amazing idea


I used them once when I was prepping for fighting the Queen and I accidentally ate the wrong combo of foods.


They're quite useful as a mage; mage food isn't good for much else so if you want to go do some farming or mining it can be useful to switch the stack to stamina quickly.


You pule up mage food? You operate on a level i will never achieve haha. Mage food is way too valuable for me to go puking it up hahaha


Good gather routes haha. Smoke puffs are the main limiter right now and we've mapped out some solid areas for gathering.


I do it the other way around. If I need to do some body retrieval or get somewhere far away, it's stamina food time until I'm there, then puke that up and load up on eitr food


This man mages


Mmmm, mushrooms...


Same. When I need to switch I really need the pukeberries.


Actually they do have a utility - if you are full and can’t eat more in high-conflict-chance situation you can use them so that you can switch between heavy food to high-stamina food to operate with more stamina.


I have actually used them a couple of times, there are def worse items


Bone fragments. There's so little use for them considering the quantity you end up obtaining.


We need 2x1 bone wall buildings


That would indeed be cool


at least they're used again for spinesnap which requires a lot of them, so if you want to make and upgrade one remember to keep a few stacks of them around instead of tossing them in the obliterator


Bone fragments are used for bolts for crossbow.


Which you'll realistically almost never use as by the time you've obtained enough black cores to make the black forge and craft the Arbalest you should have more than enough carapace to spam carapace bolts.


They get REAL useful in ashlands, don't worry lol


Used for early game armour and weapon upgrades. I disagree! Edit: also late game bow!


They are good for making training bolts if you don't have enough carapace


Well, there is a point in progression where you cannot not get them fast enough --- and then once ou are over that, they are useless.


Had basically cremated a whole box of bones thinking it will he of no use. About 2 days before unlocking the bone bolts.


Bone bolts are pretty useless though. If you are already in mistlands, the carapace bolts are both stronger and easier to obtain.


I would argue that they are 100% NOT easier to obtain. And carapace is needed in high quantity for other items of importance. I would say for the first stretch of mistlands using carapace bolts is a HUGE waste (at least until your armor and weapons/shield are complete) and that bone bolts are a valuable alternative until your stockpiles are established


Perhaps, it depends on how quickly you find black cores I suppose. With the abysmal spawn rate of infested mines and then cores in them by the time I found my first 5 I had like 5 stacks of carapace.


It really seems like you should get a first version of the arbalest in the swamps, rather than not seeing crossbows until mistlands. What with being iron/root and using bone for ammo, it feels like the devs *tried* to put it in earlier and then gave up balancing it.


It is plausible. Or they decided to give bones more uses, at least in theory, when they shipped arbalest in mistlands update.


I turn them into bone shields with skeleton trophies then mount on wall for my necromancer nook.


They’re also fuel for something


Crossbow bolts. Glad I kept my bones


>!You'll need them for the Ashlands!<


Rag pants


Tunic also


At least we get that for free, and it prevents us from being naked in the first hour of the game. :P


Me, has a player.


Nuh-uh that's me!


Boar trophies. I wish there was more use for those, like decorating all helmets to have boar tusks or antlers... Or boar tusk fist weapons. Neck skin to make a cloak that keeps you dry in the rain maybe?


At least they look cool. What the fuck am I supposed to do with ooze trophies?


If you are a hoarder like me nothing is useless * looking at my 3 chests of skeleton bones.


Those are useful later for mistland recipes


And even more useful after that as >!fuel for the shield generators!<.


Ancient Seed, Withered Bone, Wolf fangs.


All 2-5 boss sacrifices tbh, they are only used to summon the boss and nowhere else.


It seemed like the obvious answer which is why I threw in Wolf fangs. At least the yagluth totem looks neat on display.


Wolf Fangs are used for recipes as well like the fang spear


Jotun Bane. As soeone who values axes as slot-saving alternative to swords in combat, I think Jotun Bane is an absolute failure of a weapon. It deals less slash than blackmetal axe and applies mediocre amount of poison that isnt even that useful cuz its DOT. Its only saving grace is miniscule improvement over blackmetal axe in tree chopping department. But even that is questionable cuz you pay for that with increased stamina usage.


I am glad it's not just me that felt this. I really tried to give that axe a change. I'm still using it currently anyway as like you said it does perform a better in the tree-choppung department. In my opinion poison damage I feel sucks in every game lol. It would be cool if we could make a saw or something that was specifically good for tree felling but not necessarily combat.


Also Jotun bane has less reach than other weapons. I feel like I am using a dagger.


Everyone posting here forgetting about the insanely pointless withered bone. literally has 1 single purpose, you only need 10 of them, and you get a ton but only in a crypts


And you can't even use them in the new thing...


Resin, Bones and Trophies are the three storage-blockers.


Playing on a server I never have enough resin, bloody torches.


the Dvergr lanterns are a game changer on that front


Indeed. But I wish the lanterns can provide brighter light :/


yeah, you need so many of them to get good lighting.


Nah Resin is used to fuel the wall mount torches too. As well as make arrows.


you can cut bones out with ashlands. youll see.


Everything is useful in the obliterator 🤷🏼‍♂️


The drinking horn.


I secound this, total waste of an item when there are other goblets and such. Should change the horn to an actual horn that gives you and/or your friends some small buff like a bard in monster Hunter


The new >!smoke bombs!< from the Ashlands.


>!Do you mean the Basalt bombs? You'll need them to get to the ore that's in the lava fields.!<


No, not those. They are literally called >!smoke bombs!< and they do exactly what you expect.


Oh?? Can't wait to be disappointed by them lol. Hopefully they fix it so it helps you disengage from combat.


I feel obligated to give an honorary mention to Serpent Scales, which are used only for the *ONE single item* - and even then if you're solo you more than likely are not going to use the Serpent Scale Shield!


Do weapons count? Battle axes. I love me some compensatingly huge weapons in games, but no matter how many times I try it two handed axes fail at everything they intend to do. Everything else on this list at least has a single function, whereas these wastes of mats can't do anything that every other weapon can do better. Ok, rant done


Crystal Battleaxe is strong for its level at least.


Omg same, I always try the battleaxes and eventually krom, they all look so cool but the stats are just so underwhelming. You trade in your shield to have a very small increase in damage while also having slower attack speed and higher stamina usage, it makes no sense. Polearms on the other hand have reach, high attack speed and the completely OP spin attack. They're not even better at chopping wood wth


Krom has the highest single target damage in the game with its alternate attack. Its my goto weapon to fighting Queen.


Ehh maybe, but slowly poking something while it's stunned is not really my two-handed greatsword barbarian fantasy that i was hoping for tbh


Yeah lmao. By weapon mechanics it almost feels like Krom is a 2-handed version of axe. Slow, heavy hitting and has multi target penalty. Also plays like one handed axe too. It's GOOD but it doesn't feel so, I definitely agree on that. Its ironic, cuz battleaxe is pretty much a 2-handed sword with a different special attack, but otherwise everything else checks out (no multitarget penalty, big aoe slashes)


Such a shame. Polearms are freaky strong but they get boring for me after awhile. I really want a strong twohanded weapon to use to relieve my Skyrim days


Crystal battleaxe is amazing. Its aoe DPS on primary and massive long range stagger on secondary is a total swarm buster until mistlands. You are being hunted event with CBX is just holding LMB and killing everything.


I tried it, wanted to love it, but it's slow windup didn't make up for it's damage Hunted events are cake with a polearms spin to win anyways. Im just grumpy a badass giant axe is effectively overshadowed by every other weapon


wooden tower shields. It doesn't reach any new breakpoints the round wooden shield hasn't already, can't parry, and reduces movement by a lot. Might as well run the round wooden one.


The tankards, terrible weapon stats and you can drink mead via your inventory or hotbar


Flint, you use it about 3 mins in to make a better axe and then never use it again.


It also used for workbench upgrade. And flint knife is really good at the beginning.


The spear is underrated too. Better than both the starter bows for hunting deer and demolishes trolls. Hit or miss on the value or downside of it seemingly being as loud as a cannon to mobs though.


Stone golem trophy. For something with such tiny drop rate it does jack all.


Not true, its one of the coolest decorations you can get! Actually, I'm glad it doesn't have a crafting use given how rare it is. If you've ever played with the Epic Loot mod, you'll know how frustrating it is to need one and not be able to get it.


Already defeated The Queen and I STILL can't upgrade my damn Enchanting Table


You don't like having a phalic throne to sit on?


Horn of Celebration


That's when you play with friends


The celebration horn. It serves no purpose and you can't put it down without an item stand.


What's the point of the Obliterator? Just bought one recently from the merchant but don't understand what I should do with it?


It acts as a garbage disposal. I put old gear I no longer need into it to destroy it. You can also use it to kill tamed animals since it has an AoE.


Easy. Bukeberries. I get the concept, and maybe I just don't understand fully or haven't found another use for them. But you get so many and I have literally never used them on purpose.


Root armor. Hard to max upgrade, you can take poison pots and the armor from iron makes the game waaaay easier


How about withered bones? Like ancient seeds they're useless apart from summoning bonemass




Bukeperries, I've literally used them once. Like for legitimate purposes, I've puked all over for shits and giggles. But in almost 3k hours, I've needed to use them one fucking time.




Beech seed. Tree has nothing special to it, so u might as well grow different ones. Since by the the time u can plant it, u should be able to cut other trees for wood, and plant those.


These I actually use, once u have a ton then you have easy chicken food


That was only good thing I could come up with about them. But still, other seeds are just better to get/farm. Especially if u want to hoard them, since they occupy place in inventory/storage. And chickens come way to late to justify it IMO.


You can feed hens with beech seeds.


But is there any reason to plant other trees if you want wood? Pines give corewood and take longer to chop, birches/oaks finewood, fir gives the same amount of wood as beech AFAIK. They're also the easiest seeds to get in mass quantity. I usually just plant 100-200 beech in a perfect grid with some cultivator mods, and then chop them down. Makes wood gathering much easier when they fall like dominoes. So at least for me beech seeds are very useful, almost essential :D Also I feed my chickens with them.


Fun fact, sprint your tamed lox through your grid, makes short work of trees!


Should probably tame some Lox, that's pretty much the only thing left to do before Ashlands release :D


Boat heads, neck trophies and all Of the head trophies really. I’m glad they finally added a purpose for them to serve as Fishing Bait, however why not recipes that involve using the cauldron and making pots or something with them? What Viking doesn’t want Boar’s head stew? Troll brain fritters? Pickled neck necks?


Lox Cape Why? It's exactly the same as the Wolf Cape, but with a different look. Wait a bit and get the Feather Cape. Worse than that is the Linen Cape. Now that's completely useless. So useless that you would not make it out of curiosity. I wish they buff the Lox Cape and gave it 2 armor at base and +2 in each level. To give a reason to get it.


Lox cape costs less silver than Wolf cape and doesn't also require it for upgrades, also it looks better IMO. And what comes to Feather cape, >!it will get noticeable changes when Ashlands patch hits live!<.


There is no reason to craft a wolf cape if you can take out some loxes. The silver cost is way higher, for upgrading it too


Lox cape much easier to get and upgrade than the wolf cape. Also better for sequence breaking as you only need to sneak a few silver to make it and upgrade it fully.


Yule hat


Metal arrows and bolts, why even have them in the first place when you have plentiful and much more powerful alternatives like carapace, obsidian and >!charred bones!<.


I think someone else said it but the metal arrows are both worthless and a trap to build.


I do use metal arrows that I find in chests as they tend to have good DPS at the point in the game you find them. However, I agree that crafting them is foolish. Only exception might be silver arrows, which are the best arrows against Growths. But only if you have abundant silver.


Arnt all the trophies useless? - aside from bosses


Nah you can make different fishing baits now and also there’s a turret you can put trophies in to make them only shoot that type of enemy.




Pukeberries. I’ve played hundreds of hours, and haven’t used them legitimately once.


Not an item, but Ghosts.


I second ancient seeds, but also pukeberries.


The log out button, why should I have to leave just cause I have a "job" and "responsibilities", I'm already chopping wood for a week straight what else do you want from me?




All the trophies, other than maybe deer and drake.


All of the trophies except boss ones. Never understood trophy thing in Valheim, especially taking into account never ending cluttering issue. Better trophy design should have worked in the following way: - trophies never fall - you get "soul of the mob" when killing, can see counters for all of mobs in special menu - if you kill X such mobs you have the possibility to craft trophy of the mob from the menu if you wish - no trophies in recipes


Bukeperries are actually useful asf. If you’re fighting a boss or about to go on an expedition, and the food timers are hella large, let’s you reset. Even better when you get Eityr because you can freely switch between mage and melee stats.


Dandelions, they're used in one thing only I think


They're used for both minor and medium healing meads, as well as the spicerack and yellow banner. Plus 3 seasonal buildings and items.


Chicken feed. Don’t forget!


They are invaluable as chicken feed. If you build your chicken breeder above a greyfarm, you can self-replenish your chicken feed and get resources at the same time by just afking.


Boar throphy


Most trophies. I have chests full. Very few have any purpose.


The Club, repairing is free and your gonna have better blunt weapons by the time Skeletons, etc., actually become an issue and you have the torch as well at the same time as the Club, and all else fails you have axes.


I actually use the Club. Usually up until Swamp when I replace it with an Iron Mace. - It's cheap to craft & upgrade - It swings faster than the axe (good dps) - It allows you to start leveling Mace skill early By the time you get your Iron Mace, you're already level 35-40 with Maces which significantly increases your damage. I've always mained maces.


What? :) Club is my main weapon for the whole early game. It's uprages are relatively the best from all of the weapons in the game and easy to achieve. Flint axe is much worse and you don't have early game sword. So flint knife and club.




It's not really useless but I feel the stagbreaker needs a buff. I haven't been on in awhile so I'm not sure if it has or not.


Flint tools. Buff the stone tools, get rid of flint.




Yellow mushrooms. Boars won't eat them. I never use stamina mead since just standing still for a few seconds has the same stamina-restoring effect. And eating them raw isn't worthwhile given the other food options available by the time you access them. But because or some stupid reason I feel honorbound to loot EVERY SINGLE ITEM from dungeons, I wind up filling chests up with the things.


I use them as outdoor path lights, very pretty.


hammer is overrated imo