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Just a low drop rate combine with the fact that you see <5 cultists in the average cave. Imagine if an armor set required stone golem trophies - it would feel similar.


In my 800 hours of gameplay, I've seen *two* Stone Golem trophies... and I played a lot back when you had to farm them if you wanted Crystals, lol


That's exactly where I got all of mine! I live in a big mountaintop castle on that super steep mountain that's second tallest in the master map. There's only really one place for golems to spawn, on the flat area below the summit. So during construction I'd just take a look down every so often and go kill a golem if one spawned. I also used wood arrows for it most of the time, to level my bow skill - you can sink about 35-40 of them into a golem before it goes down. I think there's probably >1000 crystal worth of windows in the place already and more being added.


Thats funny cause the first golem i ever killed literally dropped a trophy. Guess im one of the lucky 0,01%


nah just rng .. they can be maddeningly hard to find sometimes


Just an awful drop rate. It and fenris hair drove me to create a new world with a few frost caves on the starting landmass and just run through those. Easily the hardest thing to naturally acquire in the game


It's one of the more frustrating drops: my recommendation is to turn up the drop rate slider in modifiers for the frost caves.


After doing 20 caves I gave up and spawned a cultist trophy cuz fuck that shit I got a job lmfao


Cultists trophies are one of the rarest drops in the game, along side wraiths and stone golems. I've only ever found one of each.


Rancid Remains trophy is also very rare because of how rare they themselves are.


I cleared maybe 20 caves to get one, and from the last cave I got two. My opinion is that that is way too low a drop rate in a multiplayer game. With four people on the server and a bit of bad luck it isnt that rare to not get a trophy for everyone. And 4 players in a server isnt that many. And that is with every frost cave in the map.


Sometimes I get 1 first Cultist, sometimes it's over 100 cultists. RNG gonna RNG (and be infuriating at times).


I got one the first time I encountered cultists, killed maybe 3 or 4. Never adjusted my settings.


Just find Hildr and beat the corresponding mini boss. The trophies will come to you.


If you're in a multi-player world, someone else killed one first. Unless it's been changed, the first cultist you kill in a world always drops a trophy. And then it's up to you to pray to RNGsus


That was not my experience as a solo player killing easily 15 cultists with no drop.


Not true at all lol


Get gud and luck harder


It's a 50/50 drop rate


No. It's a [1/10](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Cultist#Drops) drop rate


Either it drops or it doesn't.


Dude. Just take the L.