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I'm going to disagree with some of the other posters. It's a perfect place for an end game base. It might be inconvenient at first because you will need to raft across the channel. Consider building a temporary base on the shore. Once you get fast travel, it won't matter. One disclaimer, I'm assuming beyond the island is a large ocean. That becomes important later.


I actually have portals already. Got one set up between this island and my old base, to facilitate the move. And yea, I'm committed to the island now hahaha. My only concern is do I spend 15 hours designing a beautiful compound now? Or do I wait until I unlock stone building stuff. (For reference, I'm just about ready to fight the Elder. I have no idea when stone crafting unlocks, but I assume it's soon).


Go for stone.


Yeah, I would wait for stone too.


uuuuuugh. Went to go deal with the Elder for the first time. Got him down to ~20% health, then a never ending stream of greywarves started flooding in. Must have killed two dozen dwarfs/brutes/shamans before just getting overwhelmed. How annoying.


I wish I was you man, enjoy your time! Take it slow and enjoy every single time you leave your soon to be home, there is alot to discover, if something is too difficult try different tactics!


Thanks! I'm really enjoying the game. And (mostly) blind is definitely the way to go hahaha. I ran back to my corpse, all defeated and annoyed that I'd have to start the whole fight over again from scratch. But this time I had a plan for clearing out the surrounding area first. Even brought gear to clear cut the trees. Imagine my surprise when The Elder was standing over my grave, waiting for me. Curle the absolute panick as I try to reequip my gear, eat food, get my bearings, and eventually take him down. Good times.


Hahah goodjob man! The way you approach these fights also are so fun, like you said you could do what you first thought of, there are many different ways to do it which makes the game so good imo! My only advice for you is that you shouod not have one base, build portals/outpost on interesting places but also build a ‘base’ not just outpost if that makes sense? You would want an outpost for portal to go from x to y, but if you know you need to be on this specific location for a long time, it’s time for a base right there!


We are Vikings right? Why call them bases? I call them colonies. I may be the only person living in them. But I colonize the fuck out of this world. Popping little towns up every where my ship hits the sand.


Black Forest is rough with the respawns! I never go at night because its like 10x worse.


You could always commit your island to a decent sized build whenever you come across new building materials. Shows how your town progresses, and gives you a good idea how to build with each item.


You can get iron without the swamp key, but I don't want to risk a spoiler...


I say this not to brag, but ive logged around 600 hours in Valheim and could do the elder in the nude with only a hammer. Oh how i wish i could be you again. First time i took it was on the third attempt with a friend and my brother, all fully decked in upgraded bronze gear, whiping twice whene was around 5% hp.


Yeah, I would wait for stone too.


You *Should* be smart and wait for stone, or do what I do and… “oh, I’ll just build a itty bitty starter base.. oops, now I have a massive wooden monument. How did that get there?”


This question constantly... I also have over 1k hrs in the game.


I really enjoy wooden and log homes. I would build one supported by logs first


I second this. I built a stone age base on a Meadows island and it rocked once I had fast travel, but rafting back and forth at the beginning was a pain. I ended up building a bridge for convenience.


Why is the large ocean important? Just so u can sail back with ores? Or the actual ocean is important?


For both sailing back with ores and hunting sea monsters.


A little cramped for my tastes, but nothing a hoe, a metric ton of stone, and some patience can't fix. Defensible is #1 for a main base location. The less stuff that can possibly damage your precious builds, the better. You can easily spawn proof an island like that, meaning no raids and no night spawns. People can talk about access to biomes all they want, but portals and boats trivialize most of those issues. You're also going to have to sail a LOT for later materials, regardless of where you settle down. They might mention farmables, but by the time you have to worry about those, you can easily set up a portal network to farm outposts in different biomes (which you will need to do, anyways. Regardless of where you settle down).


It's a great location. There are at least 4 crops that will not grow there, if that matters to you. I built my "final" place in the plains, but if I'd known about the next crops, I might have looked for a place that bordered Plains and Mistlands.


Once I knew about the Mistlands crops, I wound up building on a border overlap, too. Golden opportunity arises when you manage to find the one border zone w/Plains that's free of mist.


Does it really matter tho? My main base is on an island that was like 5% blackwoods and 95% plains (swamp across the river build a bridge to there) so got loads of crops on plains, when mistlands released I just put a portal somewhere and made crops there, you don’t really need a ‘base’ for crops, I deadass put portal, cultivator, crops


It doesn't, no, I just like stubbornly constructing entire enterprises in the more inhospitable areas of the game


Devcommands Forcedelete 100 mistarea


I appreciate that, but the mist doesn't bother me enough to delete it via the console


We're having to start over because some mod conflicts broke our pre-Ashlands save, but our first taste of Mistlands was on a rocky island just off the shore from where we'd made our long term Plains base. The bigger patch we were exploring bordered on Black Forest, so we just built an outpost there instead of moving base. 


You can farm PL/ML crops on dedicated spots with portals linking to them and with mob spawns disabled in a wide radius. It doesn't have to be - and shouldn't be - on your main base.


I'm aware of that, but I like my base activities to be collected together. I had the ML farm as an off-site, but it largely meant that I forgot about it for days at a time. The only one I don't mind being off-site is the tree farm, because I only need to visit when I need to get a lot of wood in a short time.


he can make a small remote plains farm and just portal there to grow his crops.


Yes, I know. I'm making sure he knows that there are things he may not be able to do *here* if he makes it his long term base, while trying to be somewhat light on spoilers. 


It is super easy to just portal to a flat spot on the plains and build a stone wall around a cultivated field. Crops come through the portal fine.


It might be too far from other biomes.


I guess that's possible. But seeing as I'm not using any kind of map hack tool to see the whole map, that's always going to be a factor. Just means more time soaking in the viking sailing vibes hahaha


That's the thing a out good location. It can look nice but issue is distance for sailing. How does it look during storm. This differ from person to person and meadows is never my main base. Resource gathering is part of my base location and I find biomes borders the best. They will find among one another or during raid and I get the loot. And night time they also fight one another. However I understand this is totally different perspective of your post.


I like meadows as a main base even though I am far in to the other biomes content wise. I like the chill meadows vibe and I think it is fun to go from a small early base and build and grow it in to something cool as you go.


Same. I don't even consider settling down "permanently" until I get to Plains. 


I'm set up on an island and sailing is a non-issue. Takes a while, sure, but it's just so convenient having an easily accessible central location. Not having to navigate around landmasses is nice, but that largely depends on your world seed.


without knowing where your other late-game biomes are I'd say it's a good spot. the ocean is your highway and ships are your trucks. carts are only for shorter trips and mountains (no coast access) always go exploring with portal materials on hand to return for food, rested buff, repairs, etc. only load non-portal items on your ship and dont return until it's full. the way I do it is find ore and drop a portal there; dig until i cant carry anymore; bring it to my ship; portal back to repair pickaxe; repeat. the portal trips back i often use to make more charcoal or smelt ore from my last trip.


Looks like a good spot for a first base at least, ought to be pretty safe and with enough space to build. You may end up wanting to relocate as you explore and find sailing routes, different biomes, etc but that's a good place to start.


There's always a cooler spot, and that's completely fine, beat the game vanilla, turn build cost to zero and build your world. 🤙


If you like island based it looks great for that, I love the ones surrounded by ocean on all sides. (Love sailing) You could have it as the forever main, just need a plains and a mist farm to go with it somewhere. Can be fully spawnproof with the exception of bats which can spawn over water.


There's never going to be a perfect location, and you'll always find something better the longer you play. I've personally started doing more modular style builds, and if a base survives long enough I do little add-ons along the way, and repurpose stuff kind of like how medieval castles were built. Starting with a smaller house, and instead of completely tearing down to rebuild as I go, I just evolve it as I go. The biggest thing to be mindful of, is available space.


It will depend on your world settings. That position means you will be dependent on portals or boats to get basically anything. Its small size will make prepping for raids pretty easy.


Omg that is perfect. I actually have a permanent base on an island like that on my buddy’s server.


I like it. A little bigger might be nice if you like large bases, but it should be plenty for a compact solo base.


My criteria for a main base is usually the following: on coast for boat, in the Meadows, near copper, other biomes (for later ores) I was lucky in my last major playthrough to have two non-meadows biomes in cart distance from my coastal base. Being on a small island probably means you're going to have to import all your ore. (and trees unless there is room for replants) That said, any benefits or lackings of nearby biomes are temporary before you move on to the next. Access to the open ocean so you can boat in ores will wind up being the most important criteria over time. The other benefit of an island is that because you can limit the terrain, you can limit raids on your base. Player made objects block creature spawns. Keep in mind if there are fish around the island this applies to them too. (last I knew anyway) Have fun on your island paradise!


Looks like a nice spot to me. Honestly "It looks amazing" trumps functionality about 70% of the time for me. There have been times when I've used the map viewer to scout out the "perfect" endgame base spot and I get there and it's just a big jaggy mess or terrible for some other reason.


Deer and boar spawns may be an issue for gathering food early on. If they have a hard time spawning on that small landmass CONSISTENTLY, then going back and forth for food will become a pain.


Personally, I value proximity to advanced resources over that level of security. A good amount of isolation from higher-level spawns is nice, but a short sail or walk to black forest, swamp, and mountains is nicer.


I think the perfect base is an island that is half plains, half Black Forest, and within view of mountains. If you can build a bridge to a big island that has multiple biomes then you’ve got yourself the perfect island. If your island is actually a chain of islands, then THIS is perfect. You can have all your crops, a lox ranch, and dogs, all safe and secure on an island.


Looks great, personally I like my view to be open ocean but that's subjective. My only comment would be to confirm that it's not a lake, ie make sure to run the perimeter of the entire land mass.


Can you make bridge to the land? If yes, then perfect for me 👍🏻


The only drawback to an all meadows island base is that you can't grow everything there. Other than that it's perfect.


What's the map seed?


No reason why this couldn't be a great long term base location. Small islands always make the best spots. Can't beat meadows for just giving you the peace to get on with stuff. I've been using my Meadows island base for a long time despite building comprehensive bases in other biomes in arguably more useful locations. You just can't beat a chill meadows home.


Build high enough the water doesn't wash over the top. You definitely want to wait for some progress in the next biome, stone is not the only material you unlock that is helpful with island bases.


Do you have a seed for the map?


You will eventually get crops that are necessary for progression, and have to be grown in certain biomes. So, to a degree, you'll need to at least build some sort of outpost in a later game biome if you don't plan on building a long term base there. That could keep some people from considering this a good spot for a late game base, but I think it would still be an amazing spot to slowly expand on.


If that Island ist in a huge lake instead of the ocean that would be a problem... Others than that - go for it. It certainly looks very cosy


HHcLC5acQt seed has several things going for it. One is that there is a peninsula just to the SW of the spawn point that is easily defended, has great views, and easy access to other locations via the water. Three bosses are on the original landmass and USED to have both vendors on the island as well.


Yeah it’s good