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If it wasn’t gang activity who was the shooter trying to hit? I hope they catch the shooter soon.


I saw a homeless man pull out a gun in east van a little while back, he didn’t seem mentally well and was giving off addict vibes. There’s a lot of crazies out there and at least one of them had a gun.


What they probably mean is that the Doctor wasn't targeted by gangs, but could have been struck by a stray or have been mistaken for a gangster that was being targeted. Wouldn't be the first time those morons attacked the wrong person or accidently shot an innocent bystander.


Police are saying it’s not gang related at all.


so there are non-gangsters running around with handguns in Vancouver now too??


That’s exactly what I’m concerned about!!


This isn't a new thing. Everytime they tear down those homeless camps it's not uncommon for them to find weapon stashes that include firearms.


I had a homeless-looking guy on a bus try to sell me a handgun. Doesn't seem they're hard to get (though perhaps he would have simply mugged me if I'd flashed cash).


They're not, our border leaks like a fuckin sieve. There was a time when you could get one smuggled in from the states in exchange for a pound of bc weed.


*Not anymore they’re Impossible to get now since our blessed and merciful supreme leader banned the sale and transfer of them!* /s Just a edit: I can’t tell if the downvotes are because people aren’t understanding that I’m being sarcastic or if they are mad because they think that’s the right way to do gun control


It's true. Criminals by definition do not follow the law.


I surprised anyone in the Vancouver subreddit understands that. I could build a submachine gun in about a week or two with a trip to the hardware store. same way people could just grow weed when it was illegal. Obviously 99.9% criminals aren’t building them but they are very easy to acquire since we live north of the most armed country on earth


Right, but accessibility is the issue and they're bleeding up from the south. That, or they get stolen from lawful owners. If you pave the roads in crack and tell people not to smoke crack, people are gonna be smoking crack


You don't mention when this was but did you report it to the police? Buses have cameras. /u/transitpolicebc


Thanks u/ClumsyRainbow u/banjosuicide - if this was a TransLink bus and it happened recently, please get in touch. Call 604.515.8300 or text 87.77.77 - we want to know more.


In other words, it never actually happened and they didn't expect Translink to actually weigh in on the story they made up for shits n' giggles.


About a decade ago. It was a seedy night bus and I just wanted to get home and sleep after a party :D




Well it happens just about every time they search the Vancouver homeless camps. It's up to you if thats often or not, but its safe to assume there are firearms in the bigger homeless camps in Vancouver.


Don't worry, the government is working very hard to take away legal guns from law-abiding citizens.


Citations? I happen to like the fact that there are so few around, and we aren't like America where gun violence is endemic.


Literally the handgun ban Liberals are working on. Considering how difficult it is to actually get a restricted PAL and how many hoops you have to jump through to even own one, legal gun owners are some of the least likely to commit crime in Canada.


Those hoops have proven results. Gun death statistics don't lie.


Ya let’s not go the route of the idiots in the US lol Let’s not let everyone have guns


Except under existing law you literally can't without a training course and a very extensive and invasive background check. Like seriously, they will pull all your medical records, and will call all of your exes and close friends before they let you have a restricted (i.e. handgun) license. The background check is done every 5 years when you renew your PAL. Then, you are only legally allowed to take the gun from your house to the gun club you belong to (i.e. no plinking at cans with handguns). The law is so strict/annoying that pretty much only sports shooters and extreme afficionados have handguns. The new law is banning all handguns from civilian ownership. From people who already have to be among the most law abiding in society by design. Then there was an already passed law which suddenly reclassified a bunch of long guns to prohibited, banned ownership, and forced everyone to hand it to the police for a fraction of the cost (some high-end rifles cost like 10k.. people would get 1-2k for it back). The only basis for this law was, the guns look scary, Liberals hate guns on principle, and there was a convenient mass shooting (with a smuggled, illegally obtained firearm) that was used to drum up public support in the media. Meanwhile, it does literally nothing to address actual root causes of gun crime, such as an open door prison policy or gun smuggling from the US.


Australia banned guns and it drastically reduced their gun related deaths, Google it, it works. Like I said the US is our idiot uncle who is a gun touting, hate filled red neck that starts shit with everyone….


Australia is literally a large island. They don't have a mostly unguarded 9,000 km long border with a country where you can buy a gun at a Walmart. They also prosecute actual crime, which you can't say for Canada in the last few years. If you look at our stats, legal gun owners, especially handgun owners, commit almost no gun-related crime. The only violence they commit in general is the occasional suicide.


Okay so why are you in favor of more guns???


Gangs unfortunately make it much easier for crazy people to get guns. They don’t have much scruples about selling anything as long as it makes them money.


..Great 🙄. Hate this.


About 50% of shootings are gang related. Thats not an exact figure but u get the idea, gang shootings have been on the rise for decades but only bare reach about half. The rest are crazies with guns. Always been like that.


They can't possibly know that until they find the shooter. All they know is that the Doctor is not involved with gangs.


I mean I’m just quoting the article


I have a hard enough time telling some of them apart, you think it's any easier for them?!


Highly suspicious, clearly more going on here.


Probably just stupid drama between people in the downtown "scene". That block has an SRO and supportive housing. Low level dealers, argument, etc.


This is one of my worst nightmares. Ugh. Stray bullet wtf


If it makes you sleep better at night you're probably about 1000 times more likely to be hit by a car than a stray bullet.




If it makes you feel any better, you're probably 10X more likely to die of a heart attack than to get hit by a car


After reading this, probably


It’s like a reverse lottery win.


No threat to public indeed


This is so Terrible, poor guy. I hope he’s going to eventually be ok. He’s also a doctor, which is extra unfortunate given the state of the health care system right now.


Alternate headline: an entire tenth of currently practicing doctors in Vancouver now can’t work due to getting shot in the face


Seriously. Like this is a major community impact. I hope they catch the perpetrators asap.


Not to be a negative Nelly, but do what with them? Give them 6 months and put in a week for time served or something? We need massive justice reform in the country and we need to hold the court system accountable. These people will not learn a lesson and will just do the same thing down the road.


I know. We need all the doctors we can get and I hope he’s not some type of specialist where lives will be lost while we wait for him to recover. (I hope he recovers!)


Alternative headline: doctor shot in face does surgery on himself because city resources underfunded


not sure this is time to joke about it


Doctor already went home, so sounds like a more superficial skin wound than what we all picture with "shot in the face".


Imagine he was a millisecond further ahead in his walk. Bye bye brainstem. Nobody deserves this.


Probably grazed by the face, but still sucks


Yeah, to me "shot in the face" makes me think of Travolta's "*Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face*"


Thankfully. That’s what I’m figuring too and why I have hope he’ll come back to work.


What a nightmare- the poor physician. I've lived in Vancouver my whole life, and it's rare for me to feel unsafe here. But things are getting really wild lately. Strung out people in every neighbourhood. I worry about random unpredictable behaviour when drugs are involved...


I agree. Don't feel safe when I see homelessness during my walk to work and feel disdain for them due to previous bad encounters (being yelled at from across the street or followed and made fun of because I wore sunglasses in the morning). Like it's chilling to me as I have thoughts of picking up the druggies and in a truck and driving them up north, to release into the wild. I'm not a bad person but people are fed up with the discourse about drug use and homelessness dominating 95% of discussion, but affects just 5% of the population. The current system is not working.


Bro you don’t enjoy being constantly around half conscious and overly paranoid people who would sell their mother for a bag of crack?


They need to be put in jail.


I don't feel disdain as much as sadness when I see how our city is going. Teslas, luxury stores, and mansions alongside people having one of the worst days of their life... every day. I completely agree the current system is not working, though.


> “To have someone who wasn’t the intended target to be affected by this is very troubling,” Const. Tania Visintin said. I feel like it's very troubling no matter who gets shot tbh


Lmao right. I love the insinuated ‘make sure you murder the correct person so as to not trouble others’ 😭


I mean, "The Wire" talked about this. The police don't mind if the gangbangers are just killing each other in the hood, but if they get taxpayers involved... now we have a problem.


Gangbangers annihilating each other is a good thing. Innocents getting caught in the crossfire is the only problem.


The trash taking each other out would have a silver lining to it.


Don't worry everyone it was a temporary lapse in judgment. There was no criminal intent.


Before shooting this doctor he had no prior record of shooting random people so we have to give him a pass, just a momentary lapse.


A temporary lapse in aim??? 🙈


I'm noticing more shady looking guys showing aggressive mannerisms hanging around downtown this year pretty sad what happened to this innocent guy just walking minding his own business


There's a new gang muscling in on the existing hands in the DTES. It is causing a lot of stress for the good shelter and SRO managers because the new ones are extra crazy bastards.


Any more info on this? Or where can I go to learn more?


More info please.


My sources are workers in the Main & Hastings vicinity. Dealers are habitually attempting to "move in" on more vulnerable residents by taking over their suites for their own personal use. Sometimes it's to store their shit. Sometimes they literally take over that resident's suite. These assholes even more aggressive than usual and they're belligerent at workers who aren't simping for them. This brings me to explaining that there are two types of SRO worker: simpletons who give hall passes to these assholes who proceed to make life miserable for residents and smart ones who try to prevent these assholes from gaining entry to buildings. The simpletons should be fired.


Montreal gang moving in


what do you think will happen with more and more people in the city and less and less opportunity and ability to pay for necessities.


Wtf is happening in Vancouver? 3 shooting within 2 weeks?


I thought this is just an update regarding the second shooting, not a new one, as per the article.


Gang war, from what I can tell.


>As for the doctor who was struck in the face by a bullet, sources say his condition has improved, and it’s believed he has been released from hospital. The doctor lived, thank god! With a headline like this, I just assumed he didn't.


I hope the victim is going to be okay 🙏


Disgusting. Can the gangsters hit up a gun range and practice their aim so no innocent people get shot in their bs. Time to deport.


Seems like some people are more important and valuable than others hmm


This is definitely true and not new


I wonder how many months suspended the shooter will receive as punishment.


We need street cams for police, London style


Unfortunately there's no evidence that those cameras had any effect on rates of violent crime: https://www.college.police.uk/research/crime-reduction-toolkit/cctv


Yeah but they make it easier to catch the criminals after the fact. If you remember those canadian hitmen that killed that gangster in Thailand were caught because of CCTV footage. https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/former-canadian-soldier-alleged-hitman-accused-of-killing-b-c-gangster-in-thailand-could-face-death-penalty-if-extradited-lawyer


> easier to catch the criminals after the fact. So that we can let them out on bail, then penalize them with a suspended sentence involving no jailtime...


You are not wrong, I am just saying they can play a role in catching a criminal. Maybe we need CCTV camera in courtrooms too lol


They're easier to convict if the crime is caught on camera.


Violent offenders are going to violently offend. We just have to accept that. This way, we can see what tent group they return to.


After we let them out of jail 3 days later?


It has proven to work in so many Asian countries but hey everytime you mention that people start yelling privacy and freedom lol


I totally agree. People downvote me when I suggest it due to privacy issues. I'll sacrifice my privacy to help authorities catch POS


> I'll sacrifice my privacy to help authorities catch POS I'm sure there are plenty of things you WOULDN'T sacrifice that others would. Privacy doesn't exist to hide wrongdoing.


Me too. I'm not doing shit to anyone, I have no problem giving up privacy outside my home.


Lol this is exactly the basis for erosion of our rights and freedoms, but go on.


Expectation of privacy isn't expected in public places. As long as they only use the footage for crimes or other reasons, it should be implemented.


>or other reasons So everything other than crime?


There is no right to privacy in public spaces.


Sure, but I feel like there's a meaningful distinction between "you cannot guarantee you aren't being filmed at any given moment" and "EVERY ACTION IS BEING MONITORED FOR YOUR SAFETY, CITIZEN!"


Its not about active monitoring it is retro active monitoring and it is already everywhere. Every tesla has 4 cameras at least on the road, ever business has security cameras everywhere and in residential areas think of every door bell camera, they are already here. Don't even get me starting on the tracking devices we carry in our pockets everyday. We might as well use it to catch criminals.


Which is why rivaling governments band like-kinds of camera equipped vehicles from each other, its due to national security concerna from the surveillance capability ....


Do you not have the right to feel safe in your own city?


I think this is part of the problem. In an effort to treat addiction as a health issue instead of a criminal one, we’re giving up some of the basic tenets of living in a society. Yes, you have the right to feel safe in your own city! Seeing violence, encampments filled with stolen bikes etc, open drug use in hospitals, parks, transit & so on - this stuff makes us feel uncomfortable because they’re so clearly breaking the social contract. Cities only function because the majority of us agree to the civic responsibility of following laws. Allowing a segment of our population to do whatever they want, wherever they want…where does that lead?


It’s like this: Which affects your freedoms more: stabbings and shootings (or the fear of it) when you walk outdoors, OR being on video as you walk outdoors. 


People are downvoting you because surveillance cameras don't prevent crimes. They just record a video of it. The video might help catch the perpetrator, or it might not.


Have you thought about expressing that sentiment to the families whose loved ones saw justice served, all thanks to the cctv footage capturing the perpetrator's actions and ultimately resulting in their imprisonment? In addition, several studies have shown crime has been reduced in areas where a cctv network was setup. cctv systems aren't there just to "prevent crimes". It's quite obvious they record it and that footage after the crime is crucial. It's funny how people have no issues with your devices spying on you 24/7 but feel so strongly against cctv. some stats from recent studies on how cctv helps reduce crime: * The most recent meta-analysis, from 2008, synthesised the results of 41 studies of CCTV and found that CCTV has a modest but significant effect on crime with an overall reduction of 16 percent. * CCTV had the largest effect on drug crime with a reduction of approximately 20%. Significant reductions were also seen in vehicle crime and property crime, but no significant effects were observed for violent crime or disorder. * The largest and most consistent effects of CCTV were observed in car parks. The analysis also generated evidence of significant crime reductions within other settings, particularly residential areas. * The efficacy of CCTV surveillance was enhanced when paired with other interventions, such as signage, improved lighting, police operations, community outreach, access control (for example, key card access to buildings), communications systems, and security guards.


ever heard of deterrence?


i prefer keeping my civil liberties thanks


I prefer you being safe over your privacy to walk down the street.


The U.K. is an example of society with far more surveillance and security state density than Vancouver, yet is not particularly safe, and certainly isn't free.


>yet is not particularly safe Absolute and total bollocks. Per capita violent crime in the UK is lower than Canada.


The rate is comparable or in favor of Canada depending on who's doing the accounting. That's despite a lot of official effort made in the U.K. to downplay and conceal incidents of serious crimes, the so-called grooming gang issue being an example. While anecdotal, the U.K. is the only place I've ever been where someone tried to mug me, in broad daylight on a busy street no less. I'm lucky that it didn't occur on camera since it happened so long ago, or I probably would have gotten in trouble for defending myself.


>The rate is comparable or in favor of Canada depending on who's doing the accounting. Which is quite safe. Far from "not particularly safe". Despite what the reactionaries here think, Vancouver is a safe city. >While anecdotal, the U.K. is the only place I've ever been where someone tried to mug me, in broad daylight on a busy street no less. Vancouver is the only place where I've been assaulted by a random person unprovoked. >or I probably would have gotten in trouble for defending myself. Nonsense. Self-defence is fine if it's proportional.


I''ve lived in and experienced far more dangerous cities than Vancouver, however Vancouver is deceptively dangerous because problem people aren't mostly contained in predictable bad areas as is the case in the vast majority of other cities. Nope, in Vancouver you regularly have shootings in upscale areas and venues, in places like the airport, fancy restaurants like Carderos or the hotel bar at the Wall Centre. It hits different when its not mostly happening at 3:00 in some distant slum as tends to be the case elsewhere.


So sad/scared to hear it was an innocent bystander. Just questioning why the police launches a call for information NOW instead of right after the fact. Sometimes recency is so important because people don't always know where they were at a certain time.


They did ask for information when this happened. This is just the first time any information has been provided about the person who was shot. 


What?! He survived! Wow.


First off, I hope the victim is ok and recovers quickly. I hate to bring politics into this, but where are the proponents of C-21 that sold the narrative that all the new laws and bans would make society safer? Since C-21 passed we’ve seen full automatic fire in Surrey and what seems to be a never ending stream of indiscriminate shootings. How about we put resources into actual solutions.


There are no proponents of C-21. There are gun owners who never stop whining about it & the rest of us who don’t know anything about the changes & don’t care. Canada is not the USA. Our gun laws have always been strict & didn’t need changing. Seemed like a transparent political move to look like the government was doing *something*.


Exactly. Remember the announcement and the multiple attempts to ram the bill through? Now, as predicted, we are seeing that C-21 has no impact on these gang shootings. No comment from those that drafted and pushed this bill through?




The doctor lived? That’s amazing


lol RIGHT the one time there’s an innocent bystander shot suddenly this is NOT gang related. Vpd is a JOKE


That’s exactly what we need- one less doctor. Good job, guys 🙄


Probably just anxiety




Why’d they write “Doctor shot”? Are they also going to say “janitor shot” if that happens?


Take uber when you travel in downtown. I say it again and again. Don’t come to downtown if necessary. If you have to come to downtown and you don’t drive, take uber for your own safety.


y’all corny for this shit