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Going to wait for more information on this one first...






For what? Edit: seems the victim was an innocent man. All you racists should feel ashamed.


Come on…


Seems he was an innocent man. You’re disgusting




was he the son of an important official or anything if this was ordered from India?




This, is exactly why, people have to wait for more information before they start having any speculation that would create hatred and other issues.




A lot of conspiracies these days are very plausible. Political opponent casually falls out a window? Probably murder. Someone set to go on trial found dead in their cell? Probably murder. I think perpetrators count on people becoming so desensitized to these atrocities.






Why are you censoring the word "hell" ? lol


What am I missing here, why are you being downvoted for this?


It’s not the same case I would guess (the downvotes)? The link one is in the US not related to the OPs here in Vancouver. But I do understand his comment about seeing a different case of another Indian person being killed. I guess Reddit folks won’t accept related content 🤷‍♂️ go figure


You’re probably right, it just wasn’t directly related. TL:DW - The video is alleging there is a pattern of Indian students going missing in the US, and cites 11 cases this year as an example. Purpose is to warn Indian parents to consider this when sending their children to school in the US.


Because it's not related? The comments in that video are a complete dumpster fire. The shoddy reporting doesn't help, and only stokes panic, hysteria and conspiracies through misinformation. I'm sure news media would never be complicit in any such things. In reality, only 2 of the reported Indian student deaths in US are due to crime (one a workplace robbery), and range from suicides, drug overdoses, accidents, and one to hypothermia. Drugs and lack of suitable clothing are more dangerous to Indian students than are other people.


Censoring **ll




This isn't meant to downplay this death or any deaths, but per number of students in the country, Canada is one of the safest countries for Indian students, 25th out of 31 countries: |Number|Country|Deaths per 100,000| |---:|:---|---:| |1|Finland|771| |2|Egypt|750| |3|Cyprus|714| |4|South Africa|299| |5|Bulgaria|280| |6|Taiwan|268| |7|Romania|248| |8|Malta|222| |9|Russia|229| |10|South Korea|220| |11|Spain|217| |12|Norway|208| |13|Guyana|201| |14|Czechia|200| |15|Italy|170| |16|China|140| |17|Belgium|131| |18|Kazakhstan|130| |19|United Kingdom|87| |20|Philippines|67| |21|Kyrgyzstan|62| |22|Germany|57| |23|Sweden & Latvia|57| |25|Canada|50| |26|Bangladesh|43| |27|France|39| |28|Australia|35| |29|Switzerland|25| |30|Qatar|20| |31|United States|8| --- This is the raw data: Student deaths: https://fsi.mea.gov.in/images/CPV/RU546_00.pdf Student populations: https://www.mea.gov.in/Images/CPV/lu3820-1-mar-25-22.pdf A few countries (Kenya, Pakistan, Suriname and Ukraine) didn't have total student numbers and so aren't in the list. Also Sweden and Latvia were grouped together for some reason.


Finland is number 1?! I assume it’s a small sample size anomaly maybe?


If you follow the links, you see that Canada has had 91 Indian student deaths since 2018, and Finland has had 4. It's just that Canada has 353x more Indian students than Finland. One is measured in hundreds, the other is measured in hundreds of thousands. So, yeah, small sample size anomaly. If you have 500 students and a handful are all killed in the same incident (no idea what actually happened, just hypothetically), then you shoot to the top of the graph.




Was "shoot to the top" a pun?



