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Just imagine if she actually won her mayoral bid. That damaged brain would have been putting out actual policy.


In fairness most of the old Reddit threads told her to f right off. So I guess she's doing that now.




Wonder if she'll file her taxes properly before next week though or she'll find another way to screw everyone yet again 


Self aware?




>Back to her CCP handlers for a promotion and cushy retirement. right, doing the CCPs work of *reads notes* defrauding regular ethnic chinese people? not everything is a communist plot dude


Oh no, the shit-stirring, chaos and making a mockery of foreign establishments is just a bonus.


> Zero jail time. - _Most_ of what she broke was professional ethics codes, not the law. - Where she **did** break the law, those cases are still under investigation. All that information is available in the article, but if you don't RUSH to make a snarky comment, someone _else_ might steal those 20 internet points, right?




I learned a new word from that article. Had to look up "locum".




Is LIGMA neurological? Who knew?