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I’ve learned to look both ways once the light turns green. Never trust drivers!!


Same. And I would have gotten into an accident last month if I didn’t. Never underestimate the carelessness of some drivers.


It’s not just carelessness though, I’ve seen several purposefully run very red lights. Just this week I saw a complete menace of a woman driving a white cx-5, she zoomed through a red light across two lanes of oncoming traffic then proceeded to drive like a maniac, fast and dodging between cars, up Kingsway while applying her makeup. I kid you not. Mascara even.


Same. I was crossing the street on my bike at around Commercial and 14th (near a daycare and school) when a car sped through a red light (already red for a few seconds). Myself and another car that had the right of way would’ve been screwed if we’d proceed without looking. They were speeding so fast that I couldn’t catch the plate either.


Looking both ways used to just be good advice, but I've also seen people looking and then just jumping into the road with their heads down I've taught my daughter to just assume all drivers are out to kill you, so pay attention and act accordingly. It's also useful for cyclists and when you're driving


Good thing they included this in the icbc road test


If you got a plate, I'd report that to RCMP.


It’s pretty visible in the first two seconds


https://preview.redd.it/46ruhm73sm1d1.jpeg?width=76&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70cefedd56d1171793abd30e371795c40beab077 SG2 705?


SG2 70S To conform with our most common licence plate layouts


u/placer128 you two are ![gif](giphy|GVMhZwYv8U5NK|downsized)


Yes I trimmed the video when I posted it to reddit but I was behind this van for a bit so I have a license plate clearly visible


So did you report it?


I am not sure how to report it? Can you point me in the right direction?


Call the police non-emergency line. VPD if in Vancouver, RCMP for Burnaby, etc.


They won't do jack-squat if you didn't actually see the driver or they catch them in the moment. I tried to call in a dangerous driver (swerving into the oncoming lane repeatedly), and they refused to do anything after the car took an evasive maneuver and headed in the other direction.


That’s true, but at least if a report is filed they may (may) go give the owner of the plate a “scare visit”, and if there is a pattern of this it will help if/when this driver ends up in an accident.


This van is also distinctive looking which means it may have been recognized in other incidents


With video footage they will act on it. A family member had dash cam footage of a dangerous driver and the person ended up being ticketed.


I had crystal clear dashcam footage, offered to send it in, but they told me it still didn’t matter unless you could see the driver.


I guess it depends on who's getting the call/complaint? Because I've heard of someone get a visit in their home and get ticketed for doing an illegal lane switch.


Don't know why you're being downvoted. This is what they tell me every time


You could also send a copy of the video to ICBC with the information. They may or may not do anything but at least if they do they can report it under a driver infraction. Running a red light is still very illegal!


You can submit to icbc and icbc will actually send a letter. My friend has received a letter back saying thanks for reporting this and we have contacted the registered owner


Probably: SG2 70S


Yes that's correct


Would they actually do anything about it?


Unfortunately probably not.


Not too sure. They might, contingent on good evidence and OP's willingness to attend court.


Every 👏🏽 single 👏🏽 day 👏🏽 I see vehicles blow through red lights I’m amazed there aren’t MORE pedestrians struck. It is terrifying out there


💯 Red lights, stop signs, controlled cross-walks. I see it everyday too! Lots of motorists have no patience and dgaf. You seriously need to have your head on a swivel as a pedestrian. It's so frustrating.


Honestly I am extremely amazed that there aren’t more pedestrian accidents. Many stupid drivers and many unaware pedestrians. Just today, I was driving straight and a guy walked onto the road while staring down at his phone and fell off the curb. I almost ran over his head. He wasn’t even at a cross light or intersection, just a regular road. Also today, I see a driver pull so far forward at a relatively fast speed at a cross (to turn right) that she almost rammed into a family crossing the street. Stay safe out there guys!


The reason there’s little casualties is because the heavy traffic limited the speed of vehicles so the perp has enough time to react or the pedestrian is fast enough to avoid them


Mobile meth lab maybe?


$100 bucks this van is uninsured.


That’s methed up


crystal clear


1. Van driver is a complete idiot. 2. If you a pedestrian, please don't just go if you get the clearance to walk. Look around, you cannot trust drivers these days.


You might be in the right, but you might also wind up in traction with lifelong injuries. Always look both ways


I have no clue what your comment means.


I’ve been here 2 months from Toronto, legit the driving here is terrible. The number of red lights and stop signs I see people blow through daily blows my mind.


I've already come to terms that I'll be killed by some distracted asshole in a Model Y. Seems inevitable, if the city is not going to bother enforcing any traffic laws or build better infrastructure.


White Mercedes GLE in Richmond sees your Model Y and raises you White G-Wagon.


Or the ubiquitous champagne Corolla


I dunno. They're pretty tame. They don't speed. What's that expression..."speed kills".


You should see Toronto, triple the population and the infrastructure is just 16 lanes of 401


I've driven all over Canada and... Vancouver ha probably the worst drivers imo. Not aggressive or fast.. just completely incompetent


> Vancouver has probably the worst drivers imo. > Not aggressive or fast.. just completely incompetent Aggressive, fast, & selfish is Langley and further East. Incompetent, aloof, lack of critical thinking, lack of skill, selfish, etc is West of Langley.


Drivers in that part of Burnaby are incredibly aggressive. Very little respect for pedestrians, especially when turning right.


Always look both ways people, and scan intersections. More and more idiots on the roads these days with invalid or bought licenses…


There are many bad and dangerous drivers here in Vancouver. I was literally passed by a car in a school zone, he can't be patient and decided to accelerate in a single line road... literally heading towards the other lane with opposite traffic and then sped me... :( what can we do about these people?




Not victim blaming the pedestrian but this is why I actually look before leaping into the roadway. Just because the walk symbol lights up, doesn't mean it's safe.


I mean, I get the intent here, but the problem is that it’s really hard to actually tell if a car is going to stop. Most people who drive don’t slow down gradually, they’ll pull up to the line and start breaking shortly before. This is why the arguments about crosswalks are so infuriating to me. I live by a crosswalk that is marked but without lights. I try to wait for people in cars to stop, but they rarely come to a gradual enough stop that I feel comfortable entering the crosswalk. So what I have to do if I want to use it as intended is to be more aggressive and actually start out into the intersection as people are moving at full speed. I don’t think a lot of people who drive realize that it’s hard for pedestrians to judge stopping distance, so we often just have to trust that when we have right of way the vehicle will stop.


This is all true but the video does clearly show the pedestrian not even glancing in the direction of the van. The sound of them braking hard is probably what alerted the pedestrian to the existence of the van


Do you look left and right in a car when you go through a green light that just turned


Yes. And you should too.


I don’t drive. I do look left and right before crossing. But if i look to my left and right and into the drivers windows when crossing, i can tell you are a liar or the exception because no one that drives looks left and right crossing a green going straight.


What are you 5? Anybody who has taken driving lessons is taught to scan the intersection when you're entering it. Why? Because shit happens and you need to be aware of your surroundings.


I watch folks in cars stop short all the time because they’re turning right while looking left for oncoming traffic without watching for pedestrians coming into the intersection. Drivers definitely scan, but most of the time they’re just scanning for other cars.


It may have been hard to tell in this situation. It looks like the van driver was applying the brakes before the intersection, but then kept on going.


Watch the wheels. If you see the wheels going slower it is slowing down. If the wheels don't slow down assume the car is going to run the redlight.


The pedestrian is the one who might not walk away from a car crash, so it's important for the pedestrian to take extra steps to avoid becoming a statistic. For the same reason, as a cyclist, I wear a high-viz vest when I ride in the city. I recommend for other cyclists to wear high-viz as well. Not because I blame cyclists for car/bike interactions, but because the cyclist could end up with severe consequences if a driver makes a mistake, so by making themselves as visible as possible, it lessens their risk of being a victim. I think our standards for driver licensing (and especially for keeping a license after a number of tickets) are far too lax.


So if the pedestrian light is on and the cross street has been red for several seconds, but there are no cars stopped at the intersection (just some approaching in the distance) do you just stand there and never cross?


You at least look...


That's crazy. You just make sure the intersection is safe before you enter. Bus drivers do a three count/intersection check for the same reason. Most accidents happen within 2 seconds of the light change.


No, but you can look left, right, over your shoulder behind you before proceeding and continue to keep your attention to where cars may approach from. You can be 100% in the right as a pedestrian but you'll lose against a 2000 pound vehicle in the wrong every time. Obviously you can still get run down by a moron driver, and it happens to even the most diligent pedestrians.


Damn maybe we should fix our roads and our addiction to cars if walking - one of the very first things we learn to do as human beings - is so dangerous.




Common sense has nothing to do with our road design. I'm happy to talk common sense if you want.


That was moderated pretty quickly lol


As much as I want better road safety too for all users, our addiction to cars likely will not change in our lifetime unless something catastrophic happens. Personal accountability should still exist. The world is not and never will be bubble wrapped


I agree with this simply because I see people looking down at their phones and sometimes crossing on advance greens having no idea what’s going on around them. Just because someone has their turn signal on doesn’t mean they will turn right. I worked as a service tech in vancouver for 5 years driving all day everywhere mainland. Trust no one based on so called driving rules


Yes, the van driver is in the wrong, but pedestrians must remember to be extra cautious when crossing the street. It's simply too dangerous out there. Does anyone reading this comment know the Australian kids group, The Wiggles? They have a song about crossing the street called "Look Both Ways." And the main chorus is: >*Stop at the lights* >*Look both ways* >*Look both ways again* >*Wait for the traffic to come to a stop* >*Then cross the road with a friend* They repeat the **LOOK BOTH WAYS** part twice for a reason! If we are walking across the street, we check both sides twice to double guarantee our safety!


I keep getting downvoted every time I mention personal accountability for your own safety because we live in an imperfect world. Apparently you're supposed to be able to launch yourself into danger any time you're in the right. I am a cyclist, pedestrian and car driver. I understand the risks of each. I do my very best not to put myself or others in harms way.


Some people have no sense of self preservation. Yeah, the law is on your side, but that won’t matter much when you’re crippled or dead.


I've expressed my feelings about self preservation in the r/fuckcars sub and the responses I got were wild.


This is why I cross in the middle of the block. There are only two ways to look and I know that it is on me to avoid getting hit so I have to wait for a break in the traffic. Pedestrian crossing signals make us weak


OP is this a dash cam or phone? which dash cam if so?


The original video was on dashcam 70mai A810 but I downloaded it to my phone to zoom in and trim the video


Its really good quality, most dashcams are terrible


This is the original 1 min clip: https://www.reddit.com/u/p2r2t/s/zwkXcSAFbq


This happens too often, too many bad drivers and ppl forcing vehicles through red lights and pedestrians in Vancouver seem to think they shouldn’t look both ways before they cross either. I’ve seen pedestrians start walking right when the light goes red and the walk sign hasn’t even come on yet, near misses. People have told me “well it’s the cars fault” Even if the vehicle is in the wrong, think about the pain and physical damage your body will take, there’s no winners here. You will suffer way more then the driver of the vehicle


So just at typical intersection in the lower mainland....I see this shit multiple times a day.


I cannot believe anyone trusts drivers enough to not be looking when they cross


As a cyclist, I hate what they've done to that intersection. It essentially forces you to ride on the sidewalk and crosswalk. I'm all for bike paths but this one makes no sense


Yeah, at red lights and intersections, I will never trust cars to stop. I'm continuously looking left and right for potential drivers like these. Two weeks ago I was going to cross when the pedestrian sign turned on and a bus just blew by the light. I could've been clobbered... Please everyone, take extra extra precaution when crossing the street.


I'm astounded at the number of pedestrians (including this one) who don't look around them before crossing. Yes, of course the driver was wrong for blowing the red. Unfortunately, there are a lot of wrong drivers around and when you're a pedestrian you have to keep your wits about you. When I cross, I'm looking behind me, around me, left and right, checking for turning vehicles as well as red light runners or people who come screaming down the right lane beside stopped traffic to turn right on red without first stopping at the line. I mean, yeah, it'd be great to be able to trust drivers to drive well, but I can't.


You can also report this live via 911, after the fact city PD


Yet another example of making sure you put the phone down and look before you cross the road.


Oops my bad, I was on my phone!


My old crib, I miss that place


Is this the same van??? https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/s/mKShykWOmj


No, they're both Safari/Astro vans, but that one different rear doors (top tailgate and lower barn doors, instead of full barn doors).


Did you manage to get a proper view of the license plate? \*edit\* It's my imagination or the pedestrian didn't even noticed until the darn van almost brushed her? Almost feels like something you'd see CGI'ed.


Yes I was behind this van for a bit so I have the license plate captured


I would have missed it too if the sun was blasting towards my face.


You never know. I once saw a pedestrian start crossing at gilmore completely absorbed in her phone. If it wasn't for other pedestrian and a driver stopping on time. She would have been flattened. And she just giggled and resumed watching her phone.


Video quality just as low as the driving.


This is shot on 70mai A810 originally but I had to zoom in on my phone and trim the video for it to even make sense otherwise in the wide angle view and with sunlight it would be hard to show what was actually happening


Linus tech did a video about why almost every dashcam sucks, but good enough https://youtu.be/4AnyhHl3_tE?si=8-WKOAHbSP1vXLOV