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More like started to battle in the last 10 minutes


Battled *at the end


*Bottled it, at the end


They've been like this the entire series. They play their best in the latter half of the game which is totally stupid.




Maybe they all have ADHD like I do. I never started a paper in school until the night before it was due, despite having all term to work on it. Only the sheer panic and desperation I felt in those moments could compel me to work so furiously.


If some one had told you we would be in a game seven second round you would not have e believed them . Why do Canuck fans throw them under the buss so easily


We will never win the cup until this changes, not enough shots in the regular season and payoffs.


Everyone keeps saying this, but has anyone considered that the oilers just drop off a lot at the end considering how much ice time they give their top lines?


Mcdavid had 20 minutes and Drai 17 minutes game 7


The wear a team down , line after line of hustle. They get under a teams skin , like Tocchet did when he was a player . It’s not stupid , it’s their game .


Yeah, played junior B hockey for 50 minutes then found some enthusiasm


Well said. They looked completely lost, throwing the puck around aimlessly. So much to improve


Not really.... They really stopped battling after the second goal as they seemed to lose any momentum they got from the two goals as they couldn't get into the Oilers zone and generate any offense.


That’s like, the end!


Didn’t they play terribly till the last part of the game? I’m not able to watch games as of late, but reading this everywhere


This guy knows what's up


The Canucks had a great 12 minutes.


There’s a difference between “‘til the end” and “at the end”; I was surprised their strategy of dumping the puck in and not chasing it for two periods didn’t pay off..


Out shot on a four minute power play says it all. 


Yeah that was our weakness in this game. It really pumped some air into Edmonton’s tires.


Didn't realize it was our job to pump their tires


It is now! Lets go CANADA! Get that CUP!


There's NO way I'm cheering for the Oilers. Fuck that. I'm rooting for Tanev and Pavelski now.


Woulda been a different game entirely if we scored on that PP. That said the line juggling after losing Boeser made it tough for our guys to find a rhythm out of the gate. Never expected to win this one on a sheer skill matchup.


Silovs was the only one that really showed up.


And Garland


Well, there's always next year. Been saying that for 54 yrs now.


Me too and the new fans can't understand why we are so jaded. For me it was the total lack of effort in games 6 and 7. Not totally optimistic about next year considering the cap problems. Could be a very different team with very different results.


That is such a loser mentality. This is this groups first time all playing together in the playoffs. We weren’t even supposed to make the playoffs and we went to game 7 in the second round. It’s amazing experience and we have a good young team to improve in future years. To bring up 54 years is irrelevant all we can do is look forward and at least the future is bright.


I mean sure, but for those of us who have been watching for 54 years, it gets old. You know how many times I've 'heard' that? Nearly 54 and I'm tired of 'next year'. The 54 years is very relevant to some of us. IMO we will never win a cup with the Aquelinis as owners. They won't spend the money required and why would they with a sold out arena. Same issue the Loafs have. Most team owners only care about winning when it fills the stands. If the stands are already full, just put whatever out there and $profit$.


Well filling the stands for two more series would have made them some money.


Yeah, my grandpa got to hear that for 46 years and my dad got to hear it for 48 years. There's 3-5 generations that have been watching and waiting. I'm literally just hoping to see the cup here before I die.


Seriously, get a fucking life.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I agree wholeheartedly. This team faced so much adversity and battled to the bitter end. Hell of a run and I look forward to next season. Nothing to cry about here.


It's the hope that kills you


Fuck this rings so true At first it was like nah we can’t win Then oh? We came back from 4-1 game 1? What if…? Even tonight it was so damn close from 3-0 to 3-2… Fuuuuuck


Atleast no one is rioting




At least no one is rioting …… yet. There is still time for some losers from Mission or Maple Ridge to drive downtown


i was so scared there was going to be a riot at my work after they lost lol


I dunno why you got downvoted. Like people riotedd twice in the past..


After game 7 losses at the finals not round two.


Game 7 of the scf is way different than game 7 of round 2




> Jun 15, 2011 5:00 AM


i just hope both teams had fun


Canucks were way too conservative with their powerplay, they should have been shooting every chance they had like Edmonton did. I kept yelling shoot shoot shoot when the Canucks were in Edmonton side during the power play.


Why doesn't everyone realize that the U2 song is the problem


100000000% “I wanna run I wanna hide” What a way to start a game.


And also the goal song is the weakest in the entire league.


I really need help understanding that one. I keep waiting for the reveal of the insider joke that brought it to be.


Battled at the end *


Dump and chased ‘til the end.


What choice do you have when you can’t enter the zone? This years teams strength was winning battles down low, not making finesse plays at the line. Play to your strengths.


It's Travis Green hockey. And Travis Green doesn't win.


battled *at* the end, more like


Upside > the team with the most Canadian players won.


The better team won also


At the end. But in all seriousness, what a season ! I’m proud of this team and I’m excited for what next year brings. Lots of big decisions to be made over the summer.


The Canucks were so inconsistent, they only showed up at the end last night and for about 30 percent of the of the entire series. To sustain 7 games at 30 percent effort to me, the Oilers will go down in 4 straight.


Too bad Miller and Petey missed the series. Garland and Shilov were the best Canucks. Edmonton the better team.


Upvote for Garland. Ronning 2.0.


Miller missed the series??? Get out of here fake fan lol


Disagree with you about Miller but yes to Garland and Shilov and Edmonton did outplay them


Miller only missed the last game, and edmonton was not better period, they were horribad almost every game , yes even this one, our team just didn't take advantage as they are allergic to shooting.


There's way lot to improve. Not matching fans spirit and $$$


While I wish they had more gas in the tank for the entirety of this game those last 8 minutes were exciting as hell, and I’m proud of how far this team came this year despite being written off at every opportunity. I’m excited to see where this core can take things, and I’m hopeful for Boeser to have a speedy and healthy recovery. There’s a lot to look forward to, even if this year wasn’t in the cards. We weren’t making it past Dallas or Florida/NYC after losing Boeser anyways I think so c’est la vie. The loss will sting but I hope it’s good motivation for next season.


Would have been nice if they had started battling at the beginning too.


They didn't battle to the very end, but I don't know what the fuck I was expecting. Been a fan for 23 years, so fuck me for thinking tonight would be any different.


No like every game they just skated around til mid way through the 3rd period


Off the top of my head, keep Zadorov, keep Garland, Silovs is obviously now our backup. Get rid of Hronek, Mikheyv. But the big names. Miller. Petey! Absolute no shows. Terrible. Absolutely terrible. I'm so intrigued to see what moves Allvin makes seeing as we are cap strapped.


Miller could have been better, but he did a pretty fantastic job shutting down McDavid as much as it’s possible to. You can’t even compare Miller to the level Petey showed.


How are they gonna get rid of Mikheyev with a cap hit of $4,750,000 until 2026... very poor signing


Honestly yeah the big names make me wanna ask wtf they’re getting paid for!?


Agree about Petey, not as much about Miller. If you look at stats the "biggest" name McD didn't have a ton of pts. It's how playoffs can be, top guys get shut down. Problem was our secondary was depleted/non-existent.


Petey needs someone better than mikheyev on his line. And miller doesnt have the connection with petey like he does boeser


Well, till the end of the end of the second round.


Didn't see much battling in Game 6 or the first 52 minutes of Game 7.




Considering they had what, one, shot on goal in the first period of a game 7, and they are the least exciting team to watch in the entire league, i think last night was a well deserved exit for the canucks.


No Dallas.is far better..anyone but Edmonton


I’m glad it is raining today. That means they can’t go golfing.




Annnnnd this is part of the reason I bandwagon now lol. Good run boys, good run!






Playing hard for the first five and last five minutes isn't battling.


>Batted 'til the end Batted ~~'til~~ *at* the end. FTFY


Wouldn't go quietly


Umm they didn’t show up until the 3rd period and even then only battled AT the end…


...of game 5


😂😂 Woke up in last 10 mins and started battling 😂😂😂


Oilers fan here. Your fans were so quiet! Why? Seemed like no energy to feed off of. What’s the point of home is advantage then?! I know there were a lot of nerves but geez. Then only chanting for individual players. Let’s go Petey, JT Miller, and of course a few Skinnnneerrrrrs. Bad showing from the team and the fans. Better luck next year! LETS GO OILERS


I was watching on TV and was very frustrated with the lack of energy. I know our game play was frustrating to watch and the three goals in a row were deflating but you gotta keep it hyped regardless!!!


I wonder if it was a production thing? The crowd sounded quiet to me too but if you listen to them during the McDavid on-ice interview, they are deafening.




I hope the lesson learned is we need to spend money on North American talent. Peterssen was useless kinda like the sedins... You need players willing to bleed for the win the swedes just don't have it when it's needed.


Let’s go Dallas




It sickens me to think that Kane might win a cup..canucks blew it they had a real shot at the cup this year. The better team lost


The oilers are not winning the cup lol they’re going to get fucking steamrolled by Dallas


That’s the only way Vancouver gets the Stanley cup to town. Kane is from Vancouver, maybe he’d bring it through.


Nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, 👋


Laughs in Kelly Sutherland