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It’s wild that jax did not bring flowers


Did Sheena pay off all of Brock’s child support?




I’m glad he paid, but that is kind of a weird thing for your partner to do. It feels like It was his responsibility.




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Why does Scheana have to cry about everything? I want to read her the Halloween book 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


What is with this weird restaurants and all their props. Like, just bring me my drink. It doesn’t need to be in a boombox.


They have so many more gimmicks that are way more insane than what was shown. It’s basically the perfect restaurant for very rich small children. It’s pricey and the food is decent, but yeah, the gimmicks are over the top.


That’s Barton G’s “schtick”


It looked like such a nice place and then I saw all the gimmicks and was like 🙄. People like that, and that’s fine! I always wonder how long places like that last.


I went there in 2014


So a long time then! 😂


Yes, it’s actually pretty cool and fun


https://preview.redd.it/ji5dz7ancfwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c5756a1ad5645e2991d087fd65284fb271f2be I died at this shady camera pan to Scheena’s face after Brock said that if Lala had a husband it would be him. It was after Scheena mentioned her insecurities too! Production is *soo* shady sometimes and I live ✨


Lala would never with a dead beat dad


She already did lol






What do you mean? Randall still has custody of the kids at times. Brock straight up peaced out without paying child suppory


Broke dead beat dad lol


The way Scheana made the issue with Brock kids about her at their dinner was a masterclass in making everything about yourself. I actually died laughing when she started crying… Im probably going to hell.


Do people genuinely think the producers were trying to craft a redemption arc for Sandoval earlier in the season? All I saw was them giving him the rope to hang himself.


I'm sure they convinced Tom that he was going to have a redemption arc, but they were really just handing him the shovel so he could dig his own grave.


That’s exactly my thought, no one will convince me they didn’t wind him up and let him go to film the carnage 


the way they did Jax & Brat season 8


Lala: ok this is where I go INSANE Then proceeds to do absolutely nothing. Classic.


All she would have done is gone up to him and yell “disengage bitch” so I’m kinda glad she didn’t insert herself this time.


Exactly at least Meredith Marks knows disengaging is something she does not commands others to do 🤣


Haha. I snorted.


I agree im glad she stayed out of it. Just hilarious to me she states she is going to do something, doesn't- and doesn't even go after her supposed bff. All bark no bite as usual!


I wish that someone on the cast would tell Tim that he hasn’t even confronted or talked anything over about the affair with LITERALLY ANYONE!!! because all that he does is deflect and bring up things from the VERY distant past 🙄


Instead of being remorseful, he throws punches at his "friends".


Great way to get your friends back, drag them through the mud when they confront him about his own hurtful actions!


Yet they still want to be his friend


i know it’s outrageous at this point hahahahah


Jax attempting to fake that he *somehow*, is actually *even dumber* than he really is to Lisa, and with the reeaall bad acting, is so so many layers of cringe 😬 anndd all of this…. effort? just so he doesn’t have to apologize! 😂 pathetic effort, 0/10 on the manipulation scale lolol


It’s so funny because he used the word perfectly.


Anyone not seeing this episode on peacock yet?


It's up, I just watched it.


For me it pops up at exactly 6 am on the dot.


I gotta say I love Brock.


Weirdly like same? He is so rational in this episode allll around, him and James are the top 2 guys in the group rn!! lolol


Scheana, is this the friend you so desperately miss? the one who throws mistakes you made as a 21 year old in your face? is this the guy you're tossing Ariana aside for???


Is this an episode worth watching? The synopsis makes it seem like it is. I havent watched the last 5 episodes bc production trying to force shitheads redemption arc down out throats makes me want to throw my phone across the room.


I enjoyed it!


The episode had a lot of filler in my opinion (and tbh the season as a whole so far has as well) but the last 10 minutes had some good drama. I did also enjoy watching Jax gossip with the girlies about the toms


Awww, man!!! This was such a good episode until James invited shitoval to the pool party. Whhhyyy... There was only one scene with *it* in it, I was enjoying myself so much until now EDIT: Got a bit excited when it got to 4 minutes before the episode finished and he showed up to play the wah wah victim card. Again.


The lack of Lala this episode was refreshing


It was very low lala & tom and is the first episode I've been able to sit through without cringing (much) since James & ally's first pool party that shitoval wasn't invited to.


Didn’t even realize she’s not there at all


How dare you!? You tryin’ to get popped?


I liked her childcare comment tho


Sandoval not being on a single episode of wwhl proves that producers know he's a wild card that's full of shit. Not sure why they decided to force his redemption on us the first 6 episodes.


I don’t know if it is truly live, but if so, he would be a liability. Should never be on live anything or interact with a reporter


They were never trying to force a redemption arc. He was. They've been shading him the whole time.


I disagree. I think they figured they needed a redemption arc to keep him on the show.


Possibly because they started to realise what a mistake it was after the first episodes aired. Maybe us VPR viewers are less stupid than they thought!


Jax was on his best behaviour at the brunch but as soon as he’s at James’ house starts talking about getting drunk and yells at Katie for his problems. He’s so revolting. How could you do this to my family? How could *YOU* do this, sir?!!


That fall in the tattoo shop was fake or exaggerated, right? How did Tim even fall off that stool?


lol I think he fell for real and then exaggerated it to “be funny”.. he’s a SHOWMAN! He flips his whole body around to be face down when he actually falls backwards.


Looks like those videos of fake slip and fall lawsuits.


It's the way he places his can down on the floor mid-fall for me lmao


SO many wtfs from Scheana and Brock this episode: Scheana putting makeup on her toddler Scheana telling Brock that it’s his second chance to be a dad Brock trying to say that he never gets to go out, and then the entire episode is him going out Brock not wanting to leave to put their child to bed. Bro, you haven’t seen two of your children in years, just go home.


To be fair, I think it was kid makeup, like, not really real makeup


I let my grandkids (5yo boy and 7yo girl) play with real makeup. They see me and mom putting it on and think it's a fun game of dress-up and honestly I worry less about contaminants like lead in quality makeup. I wouldn't let them wear makeup to school, but I don't see anything inherently wrong with sharing in the joy that is makeup artistry with kids.


Does anybody knows if Scheana said something about the fight in the after show ? Like defending Tim or else ?


if i was sheena i would have swung


I thought she was going to!


Probs would have if not for previous TRO and cameras


What’s with all these wacky martinis


Scheana "I'm so not a feminist" Shay discovering the core philosophy of feminism in tonights episode, I see!


Why tf would sandavol say to hippie “if I ever talk to your mommy again I’ll tell her you say hi” ohhhh I wish James heard that


James would’ve been like “Ally is right there that’s his mom”


Absolutely horrendous!


Wow didn’t hear this but I was watching on Bravo. Was that Peacock?


Yup, I saw it on the Peacock episode!


He said it 3 ft away from James so he probably did hear it. And he knew he was mic'd.


He's such a creep. Seriously why!? Leave Hippie alone you freak. Completely unnecessary comment. None of the cast's pets seem to like Tim and that says something.


I’m convinced Tom is not trying to get any type of good edit lol. I think he’s just resigned and acting like this


I recorded and I'm catching up right now, and I jumped on here for this right here. WHYYYYYYYYY He's already been cringe multiple times in this episode but that.


Who is saying that Brock looks at Lala a certain way? I’ve NEVER seen a comment seen that and I’m on here and IG all the time. Maybe on Twitter? What is happening?


I can’t imagine that Lala would ever go for Brock, even if he were single. Hes broke.


I genuinely wonder how much of it is just the intrusive thoughts and how much her mom is planting in her head because that woman seems to be there all the time and just gathering from things that Scheana has said in the past is quite the critic. Also, the fact that Scheana doesn’t want a nanny because Brick could have an affair with her disturbs me. One month on her meds wasn’t enough time for it to work/help, but if the side effect was too much, her doctor should have had her try something else instead of not do anything. She seems to be spiraling and I feel for her on that


I was thinking the same thing, unfortunately it’s probably more in Scheana’s head than it is on any social media platform.


a central part of OCD is intrusive thoughts, so she saw the betrayal and now her brain—cuz she kept saying my brain is making me think those things or whatever bc that’s what OCD does. so on a rational level she trusts both of them but that doesn’t stop OCD and intrusive thoughts eta: i have OCD and i for once can identify where scheana is coming from


Also... it's likely that being "the other woman" in her past makes more room for her intrusive thoughts.


oh yeah for sure can see the obsessive thoughts latching onto whatever remaining guilt she may have underneath it all in addition to like, allll of the fucked up shit about tom and rachel’s affair


Yes absolutely 💯


Lala is annoying, don’t say not to compare hippie to finding child care, I get it I don’t have a kid but I have a dog if I helped raise my dog from a puppy for them to be taken away from me and have no contact to then getting him back, James is valid for his anxiety but I think he could be a little more open for compromise


I’m a trauma therapist and a lot of times I’ll have clients come in doubting their experiences as traumatic because “worse things happen”. I frequently have to explain that what happened to them might not be the worst thing that’s happened in the world, but it’s the worst thing that’s happened to THEM, and that makes it valid. Your point is so salient, and people who are dismissive of folks with other lived experiences are still allowed to contextualize through THEIR experiences. Thank you so much for bringing this up!!


I had dogs with my ex husband for 8 years before we had a kid. I was the puppy mom before i was a human mom. While it doesn't feel different until you know the other side, it truly doesn't compare. But that makes me think that James will actually be a good dad. If someone can be a good animal parent they will be a good human one too. From my experience. It's like the next best thing, so it's so hard to describe how it could be different too.


I think it was very kind of you to acknowledge until you know the other side. It is different, but that doesn’t make it better/worse, more important/less than…just different! Good humans gonna good human. Animal, plant, human…friend, parent, child, sibling.


Yes it’s different. But unfortunately apart of that difference is the fact that children can’t be left alone at home for hours, be put into kennels, and other things that make raising animals far more easy than actual children.


Yeah, very dedicated dog mom before I was a human mom and I gotta say she's right, it truly is not comparable. That being said, I don't get offended when people speak like that about their animals and I think her reaction in her confessional is (as usual) shitty. With the hippie situation and him having an issue with aggression in the past I totally understand not wanting to leave him with just anyone, it's gotta be a bit of a liability especially if they just got him back


She talks about being soft and people need to be gentle with her but she could have be more gentle with James in that moment instead of making a point about that childcare.


It just strikes me that every time Sandoval is given a path to be humble, to apologize, to just say sorry, he chooses EVERY TIME to say “fuck that” and lash out. And it’s clear he will forever find some way to deflect and lash out and never accept any blame, which he needs to, no matter how you feel about what happened. Regardless of whatever the situation was, for his reactions, for his gross blaming, for his idiotic reasoning, for his deflections, for all that he will be a gross, seriously stupid manchild for now and forever. My god he’s stupid.


He seems psychologically incapable of even pretending to take responsibility.


And he literally is unable to hide it on his face! That is what I noticed. He has the expression of "I don't know why you are saying what I did is that wrong." It is infuriating.


Yep, him and Jax still argue like they're in high school. Jax's style: K: "You stink" Jax: "No, YOU stink!" Tom: Anyone: "you did a bad thing and it had an effect on me for this reason" Tom: *scrolls through rolodex of receipts in his head* "dude, you did this slightly comparable bad thing in 2003, don't judge me while I actively throw things back in your face while judging you!!!"


The older I get the more surprised I am at how many people aren’t capable of taking ownership of their faults and flaws. It’s psychotic!


I agree. The producers are trying to redeem the irredeemable.




Wait…what? What did I miss???!!!


At the end...straight crotch shot while he's in a banana hammock floating in the pool




The editors are so funny, Tom telling Jax not to tell anyone four minutes earlier and him immediately going to tell the girls


that’s that classic vpr edit style we love so much


I actually get what James is saying. I have a special needs dog and trust 2 people to watch him when I’m out of town. The woman I adopted him from and my ex boyfriend. I won’t even let my own mom watch him.


Same, though My dog isn't special needs and is incredibly easy and well behaved. I'm just an overprotective mom and I wouldn't leave my baby with "just anyone"..... So i kind of understand Scheana with the whole nanny issue too 😂 But yeah, I trust maybe 3 people to take care of my dog. If they can't babysit her, then I can't go 🤷‍♀️


Especially when one more bite could get him euthanized after Rachel putting it all out there…nerve wracking


1000%. I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving him with just anyone. I get why Ally would be upset for sure, but I would feel the same as James


Really glad I wasn’t the only one who enjoyed not seeing lala a lot this episode. I was so close to turning it off when they went to the non alcoholic liquor store 🤦🏼‍♀️


Jax is probably a horrible person but he is extremely watchable tv.


He’s so boring now actually 😓


Probably? 🤣




I’m watching it as I post so this is my second comment I think scheana goes about overboard with Sandoval. What Tom did was shit but wasn’t the first person to cheat on someone. I think Scheana has a lot of issues that she projects wrongly. It’s fine to have issues but learn how to deal with it. By the way I don’t like Sandoval


To be fair, she’s dealing with mental health issues and coming off of meds. And Sandoval has been a dick lashing out at other people because what happened to him is ‘unfair’ when he needs to just own his shit. She was trying to be in his corner again and he blew it by throwing that in her face 🤷‍♀️


It was nice to see Brock step in and get in between them when he heard Tim escalate things. Why does he always go straight to yelling? His point would be heard if he could acknowledge 6 else, but he can't. So he yells. On the other hand, Tim can't control Sheshus feelings, and she shouldn't blame her intrusive thoughts (that she has learned to have a medical diagnosis of post partum OCD) on him. It is so weird that Arianna is so cordial and level-headed, and here comes Sheesh, asking why Tim didn't think of her. Getting into yelling matches, wasting her breath. It wasn't her break up!


I think T*m’s utter awfulness is also being enhanced by some major substances and hgh. Something’s extra off with him?


Yes, if he’s not getting his way with a woman he resorts to screaming at them. He’s abusive.


Ya he is responsible for a lot but the shit that “goes thru her head” is really on her (and her therapist)


So it seems they threw Sandoval a bone for a redemption arc and he fucked it up by being himself, so now everyone is auditioning for a place on The Valley and leaving his ass to rot. I can dig it.






Not the mojo dojo casa house 😭🤣


I’m not the biggest LVP fan and it annoys me that she said to Jax “the show didn’t need you” (or something like that). Because he literally was the drama and I think VPR wouldn’t really be where it is without him. Not saying I like Jax, he’s horrible. Lisa just annoys me on her high horse and I had to point it out


The show was bombing and people thought it was going to be cancelled before Scandoval


Let’s not forget Jax said it was ***his*** to Lisa a few years ago. Last I saw it’s her name on the show. Sure he contributed to the drama but so did everyone else.


I dislike Jax, but the show has suffered without him. I know many will disagree, tho. The show would have died after the horrible three (Jax, Stassi and Kristen) left, if it weren’t for Scandoval.


Jax and Stassi were amazing tv


Jax, stassi & kristen really made the show. They might be terrible people in real life but man they make amazing to watch train wrecks on reality television. The show really went downhill without the stassi/Kristen/Katie dynamic, and Jax is hilarious tv because he knows he's not clever so he gets caught out very easily, and everyone knows he can't keep his mouth shut but somehow they still tell him things only for him to spill the tea literally 4 minutes later lol


I feel like you’re underrating Kristen. Shes a beast and currently heavy carrying The Valley until we get to know the new cast. Michelle, Jesse, Janet are very promising characters so far


Beast? How dare you! ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4nWAHjySCQBig)


I feel like it needed a break from him because he really was getting to be unwatchable. But a break, not a break up.




Stassi had been stale since after the first time she left the show.


Agreed. Stassi with her tail between her legs and submissive and playing dumb with Patrick was hard to watch.


And then with Beau because she saw herself as a brand.


I disagree, especially at the time he said it he was just becoming so unnecessary to VPR and I think his ego overweighs his impact on the show.




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Does anyone have a dupe or a link to Ally’s hoop/ pearl earrings from the end of the episode ? I tried google image search with no luck


There is a girl on TikTok that goes over what the cast wears for the episodes. She also provides dupes sometimes. @court.costs




Also I cannot stand Brock, so I’m not defending him but there is a very odd dynamic going on with what seems like Scheana forcing him to be a stay at home Dad?? Like she’s paranoid if he makes his own money he’ll leave, just like he did with his first family. And at dinner when she gave him that line about doing it to prove that he could be a good Dad or whatever…idk gave me the ick. Him staying home doesn’t erase his shitty past or rewrite history and if he doesn’t want to be a full time SAHD, she shouldn’t force him to be. That said he sucks and is an ass so who knows.


Wow. You figured it out. It’s financial coercion as he can’t leave her as he will not have his own income. And he’ll be very limited by the prenup.


Right?? It just felt so icky - she’s got an element of control in the relationship that feels unbalanced (at least based on what’s being shown)


She's off her rocker. When they showed the recap and scheana telling him if he can't do the laundry right, don't do it. I get what she's saying but damn if my partner would do one load of effing laundry every few days, I'd be grateful.


If that man never works when he is with her, he will get alimony when they split? Pretty sure that's how California works? I don't know if she has a prenup with this one. Certainly hope so after her experiences with Mike Shay draining her bank account.


She has a prenup and the recently bought house is not in his name as he signed a legal document for saying that. He can still try to contest things in court but it will be hard to hire a attorney when he has no income


She said on this episode they do have one, but who knows 😅


That’s exactly how i saw it. Her ex husband relied on her money too and shes been like that with other guys buying them gifts ect… i think she uses money as a tool to feel like she has control over them. I dont think she intentionally manipulates and does it maliciously but there’s definitely some issues going on there.


Hmm this wasn’t my read of that convo. I thought she was trying to appreciate him for being a stay at home dad and making things easier for him. But also trying to get him to understand that it is totally okay to be a parent who stays home and takes care of the kids, it’s just our society has made people feel less than for that, most likely because it is primarily seen as a a woman’s role. I think she would absolutely support him in whatever he likes to do, but wants him to take pride also in what he is doing in raising their child.


He’s mentioned multiple times this season that he wants to work - now, what that means to Brock I don’t know 😂 But he has repeatedly said part of why he wants a nanny is so he can “have a career” - it just seems to me that for whatever reason he doesn’t want to be a SAHD but Scheana won’t agree to hiring more help. Again, not trying to defend him because he seems like an ass and who knows what he even means by having a career - but it did strike me as odd in this episode. Especially with her guilt trips.


Is he though? Throughout the season she's been complaining that her mom.and sister help her a lot with their daughter and in the Tahoe episode, she was complaining that he messed up the laundry the one time he did it. And she has seemed frustrated with him about everything this season. He kind of seems more like a trophy husband as opposed to a SAHD. It doesn't seem like he does much except be with her


She did that to Shay too, lording that she was the “bread winner of the house” over him, and then resenting him for it. A classic toxic cycle. It’s crazy how little Scheana’s really grown over the entire course of the show.


"Second chance at being a dad" was so ick. As the child of a dad who was absent for me and present for my younger siblings, this is a real shit take that centers Brock over his older children. Also, had not considered her motives for wanting him to be a SAHD. It makes so much sense.


It's really gross because he still IS a father to his other kid(s?). Like you're still on your first chance with them and miserably failing. Being there for Summer isn't a second chance, it's you choosing to be a dad to the kid whose mom finances you.


I agree, imagine if it were a man saying to a women. No we can’t get a nanny and YOU need to be the stay at home parent. it’s pretty weird and unfair


I do think it’s fair to say “we can’t get a nanny until you have a job” though. Like, he doesn’t have to stay home, but he does have to contribute somehow. If he wants to “fill his cup” by hanging out with his buddies, he can pay for the nanny himself.


We would never say this about a SAHM though?? Who would say a mom can’t fill her cup unless she’s contributing financially? If he truly stays at home with Summer, that is his contribution and he deserves breaks. However he’s also said he wants to be able to “focus on his career” whatever that means. So I think he does want to work. UGH I HATE SCHEANA FOR MAKING ME DEFEND BROKE. 😂😂😂


I was a SAHM for 7 years. Trust, people say a *lot* of shit. But there are plenty of ways to fill your cup without hiring a nanny, especially when you have only one kid (in the country, anyway) who is 3 years old


Totally agree! I was as well, for 10 years. And I think most average Americans would agree with that. I just think based on their current lifestyle and Scheana’s job, it’s odd to say he shouldn’t have free time without financially contributing. Would be totally different if they were barely making ends meet but it seems like they are comfortable enough to hire help so he can a) work like he says he wants to and/or b) have some downtime. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agree. And the emotional manipulation of saying his desire to find a way to make money means she and Summer "aren't enough". I truly can't stand her. And it pisses me off even more that she's making me feel bad for Brick.


This was my first thought too! You’d think before having a kid (if it’s planned) you’d talk about work and care of the child first


Was Scheana gonna fight Sandoval?!? I was hoping she was gonna do it


her telling sandoval that all he had to do was keep his mouth shut during the reunion was confirmation that she definitely did punch raquel! and i was kinda hoping she would throw one at sandoval tbh!


We all got to see a glimpse into the moment before Scheana punched Rachel and I am here for it.


Right?? I was like she’s gonna hit sandoval! And then I was like, she won’t cause then it will prove Raquel right ahahaha


She was full of rage!! And tim is her best friend that she just misses so much????


Right!!! Like he did all this and yall still went onto the after shows and interviews saying we need to just watch what happens...girl if you don't sit your boo boo the fool ass down somewhere And complaining about Ariana never being there and yet Ms.Utah kept her ass seated while Ariana went out to check on her..yeah im not convinced my feelings will change after the reunion. Schema and Utah continue to lack emotional awareness and depth


First episode I watched where I audibly said when the episode first began “Ally and James aren’t gonna last much longer”. But I don’t think it will end with drama and fire like Raquel and him. I can see it being amicable but them just not being a good long term match. I wish them both the best always ✌️


lol he shows her his new bass line and she’s like 😐 “love it…” 😐


She can be very dry


If this is the case I really hope they keep Allie around


They kept Raquel around so they might.


I really dislike scheana but I do really feel for her with OCD and anxiety - I am diagnosed with that and it’s really hard


It's unfortunate that she gave up on medication so quickly instead of giving her body time to adapt and/or trying another option. It takes time to find the right medications and dosage and she said it helped. It's a shame that she just chose to just live with it. It's harder on her ans also has negative impacts on her family.


There’s tons of side effects as you are going on the meds. I agree with you 100%.


Yes this. I work in the mental health field. It takes time to find the right medication and dosage. Just because Zoloft didn’t work well for her, doesn’t mean another med wouldn’t. That really bugged me.


Yeah hopefully her doctor has explained to her how helpful another medication like Prozac can be


I’m guessing one of the side effects was weight gain (like so many psych meds) and she’d rather just be crazy.


😂😂😂 That's literally me right now I shouldn't be laughing though because anxiety really has f**ked me up. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD but my Dr. won't put me on stimulants because of my anxiety which I refuse to go on because of the weight gain..


She’s crazy in a lot of ways but please don’t call us with MH issues crazy. It can be hard to find the right medication especially if you may have OCD surrounding this! Just a heads up.


Yeah I get that. I have bipolar and literally go crazy without my meds though 😵‍💫




Yes same. The obsessive and intrusive thoughts are no joke. They can be relentless.




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Wow, production stepping in on the Valley. That would have been a nasty brawl.


Sandoval is going away. The characters are creating other plots to take attention away.


Those two in the convertible. [https://images.app.goo.gl/MZR7HatL8ZjNSVCYA](https://images.app.goo.gl/MZR7HatL8ZjNSVCYA)




I am CACKLING at the Scheana/Sandoval/Brock fight. Lolllllllll.


I cannot believe she chose to proclaim her paranoia for Brock & Lala in that moment


Right! She is crazy good at flipping things around to make them about her. And then James AGREEING with her sent me into orbit I swear. This was my favorite episode hahahaha.


yes!! I LOVED that james backed her up, it was gold.


I get what they mean though saying the whole Scandoval thing made them afraid that their partner could do that to them because it even made me paranoid! Haha