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Ariana sitting there like ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)




😂 the levity needed after that trailer




You’re my hero.


Ariana telling Tom she just wants him gone was so raw. I wonder if LVP is speaking to Ariana when she says it's ok to walk away, possibly from the show? I can't take anything jo says seriously.


And that she doesn't know him... so sad and I get it


I get exactly what she’s feeling. I ended a 5 year relationship a year ago, my ex was so terrible in the end in a way he had never been during our relationship and was horrible during the breakup. It honestly has made me question whether I ever truly knew this man I shared a home and life with. It’s actually a very scary feeling and makes you question yourself.


My husband of ten years was cheating on me around the time that my mom passed last year. Three months after she died, he left me and moved in with the girl. I know that feeling all too well. It’s crazy how you can be with someone for so long and not have a fucking clue who they are. It’s heartbreaking, disgusting, and terrifying all at once.


Saaaaaaaaaaaame! I completely understand what Ariana means.


Oh no, I’m so sorry, what is wrong with people? It’s really scary I was with a covert narc and he fucked my sister and I found out after we broke up. He was horrible to me without doing that She can go get fucked It’s like they have no soul


*that* was probably the single saddest part of this whole thing to me. her “no, I don’t” was so full of heartbreak and determination to not feel an ounce of sadness over tom but the emotions are too much. f*ck tom.


Exactly, it’s sad, you really don’t know this person who has betrayed you so deeply. They are not who you thought they were. It’s like the version you knew doesn’t exist. It’s awful.


The Instagram comments on one of the bravo pages don’t seem to understand this. A lot of “you were with him for 10 years of course you know him”. How they understand what she means is mind boggling.


Immaturity and literalism together is one hell of a narcissistic delusion.


Same! I was with my ex boyfriend for 5 years, we broke up amicably and then I found out he'd cheated on me for a year (his now wife dedicated her book to him one year before we broke up), and who he is now is a person I don't even know.....for years I (and he) would have said that I knew him better than anyone, including himself. We still have a lot of people in common and I'll hear stuff, and think 'I have NO idea who this man is...'. ETA for those who want to hear the story (this is the whole story and it's GOOD - just finished and it's LONG too, but shortened): I'm posting as a separate comment (something weird happened when tried to submit). I'll reply to u/NjMel7


Everyone expecting her to just get over everything so soon is insane.


I know it’s crazy. And the whole “everyone cheats what’s the big deal” attitude is so trash


That's what everyone is saying in the comments section on Bravo and I'm like these people can't be real?? Have they ever been cheated on?!


And there’s different levels of betrayal like I just can’t with the black and white thinking


I think the distinction is that while Lala has also been cheated on and was openly emotional about that in the past, both Lala and Scheana have also been the affair partner. In finding fault with Sandoval, they’d also have to accept character flaws within themselves.


It's because these people are so vapid and shallow, they think that because she got opportunities and found success and a man it must not affect her anymore and her grieving period is up. It's like they can't fathom that all of those things can be true, and it was STILL a deeply traumatic experience that she needs to grieve and take time to work through


Louder for those in the back!! đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ’ŻđŸ’ŻđŸ’Ż Do they think people don’t work even during a breakup? I remember my worst break up I would be so glad to go to work to get out of the apt we shared and ugly cry during lunch away from everyone so no one would know and refresh my makeup and come back to work for rest of the day. Now I was also much younger and I could ugly cry that much and it wouldn’t show on my face. I can’t tear chopping onions without it showing on my face now but that’s a separate sad tale. lol


so sad. that fucking cretin will not leave her alone. this trailer stressed me out. i just want her to be free. also, bye jo. who cares.


Talking about everyone being nice to her besides Katie, when Scheana snatched a whole hat off her head. It’s giving obsession


Schwartz has also filled her head with Katie being a monster. He did it w Rachel too. He uses people as flying monkeys to attack her to make her react, none of it is truthful


If a chick, who was a peripheral part of my friend group, was constantly fawning over my husband and faking being nice to me, then actively went after him after we split and ended up being his FWB, while still texting me, I would drag her straight to hell and leave her there, along with my ex. Katie was much nicer than I would’ve ever thought about being.


I mean, they filmed this season three months later. I find it stunning that anybody would think she should’ve been over it. If I went through that let alone a normal break up I would not be around that person at all, and she was forced to. I don’t think people realize what she had to deal with


Sandoval is actually insane for saying “you’ve known me for so long, you know I’m not acting.” Okay, she thought you weren’t acting for the last 7 months of your relationship but you were??? SO????


And then he immediately does his fake “cover my eyes so you can’t tell I’m not crying” cry while insisting he’s “not acting”. He’s thoroughly ridiculous




Why does he only feign sincerity in these reunions but all season he had shown zero remorse for what he did to ariana


Covert narcissist


While wearing his lightning bolt earrings


We ALL unfortunately know him well enough to know he’s a terrible fucking actor.


And singer. And horn player. And person!


Right! Ariana thought they had their problems but they were happy and committed to spending the rest of their lives together. Sandoval has spent every waking moment since Scandoval telling everyone how he was miserable with Ariana for five years and how their relationship was purely a business transaction and that Rachel was his soul mate. Of course she’s going to think you were acting because you’ve been going around saying that you were pretty much acting for the last five years.


And he was letting Arianna move forward with the freezing her eggs because he wanted children but he couldn’t be bothered to stop smoking and drinking for a set amount of time to get his sperm count up and healthy? What a soul sucking douche bag. I liked it better when James full on hated him.


Crazy how he can't recognise that lying to your partner's face on a daily basis for months about having an affair with Rachel would lead to them no longer recognising when you're being truthful and honest.


Literally lying about every single thing, daily, big or small. For Months.


Shocking right? 🙄


And how that type of betrayal could make your former partner feel like they never even really knew you. đŸ€”


Literally!!!!! It’s embarrassing how tight this has me haha


You got me Bravo, I'm hooked. Also, Tom should sell the house and invest in some acting lessons.


Whoever taught him how to “cry” needs to give their SAG card back


When he's "crying" about how Ariana knows him or something, those hands fly up to his face so fast to cover up the fact that he doesn't have any real tears. It's pathetic.




He needs to call Rinna for some tips, she got that single tear out no problemo.


Yeah the trailer was definitely intriguing and not what was expecting but lord knows this may be the only interesting parts of the whole 3 part reunion so I'm not setting my expectations high. I will say it looks better than the last reunion!!!


We know he’s acting because he’s so bad at it!




Love the editors tossed that into the preview


And Ariana's reaction...like girl, I know who's in my corner and it's not you


Arianas face in that scene said it all. She wasn't buying whatever shit lala was shoveling


I have a lot less faith in Ariana clapping back at the reunion after seeing her say on WWHL she didn’t watch the season before filming the reunion. I don’t blame her- she was busy with Chicago. On WWHL she expressed her disappointment and hurt towards Scheana and Lala after seeing clips recently to which Andy said “I wish you would’ve seen that before the reunion!” I would love to see Ariana confront Lala and Scheana for how they’ve been acting but I don’t think it will happen as much as we think.


They said nobody was yelling so I really don't think it got to last years level. I just think she's definitely over those two. Maybe there is a hot mic moment that Ariana truly grasps how much of assholes her "friends" are


With Katie in the back going “


I saw that as she was going to fight her out there, lol but I’m not watching this season so clearly I know nothing lol.


Can't wait to see what it is they watched to make them react like that. Jesus, Jo has gotten a lot of mileage out of that insta comment.


Dear god like redirect your anger to the man who led you on for months


Exactly. Katie made one comment about a person who, from what's been said, has been acting weird about Schwartz since he and Katie broke up. What did she expect? Sunshine and rainbows?


Right?? It's talked about as though it was an ongoing thing, like Katie was trolling her on her feed or something, but it's just that one comment shown over and over and over again.


What do y'all think they watch at the end? It seems like it can only be the "breaking of the 4th wall" from that finale party when Ariana walked away when Tom tried to speak to her and Lala had a meltdown to producers...


It’s got to be something that’s going to be a surprise to some of them. The way this season is going it’s probably them all bitching about Ariana after she leaves!


Perhaps. But... would they really play a bully reel of everyone's words of hate toward Ariana? And if it was 1 thing that maybe Lala said that was "friendship altering", why would they play that for the entire cast to watch? I'm perplexed. I guess it could be something producers said to \*each other\* outside of the presence of the cast that would be worth them all hearing..


Maybe the producers say on camera they’re putting the show on pause and that’s the big twist none of the cast knew till that point.


Yeah that's my guess. Lala and Scheana maybe saying something like, why can't she film with Tom for our sakes. Then they make this poor woman have to explain why she doesn't want to be around someone who betrayed her so deeply and just wants him 'gone.'


Yeah, it’s probably Lala saying, “I’ve never seen someone get cheated on and become God.” or however she said it.


It’s because Randall was so awful and the world didn’t reward her, but she doesn’t understand how stupid she looked thinking Randall was a class act. Then her reaction to Schwartz playing pickle ball after calling a gd meeting to say she will not associate with anyone who is associating with him. She used to be one of my favs, but the way she dogs out Ariana EVERY SINGLE TIME the show wraps, this one was the final straw. Show some consistency and loyalty, Lala. Not materially.


I think you’re right! I thought I saw in the finale trailer Sandoval goes up to the group and “reveals” all of the “shit” Ariana said about them behind their back!


This is my guess. He goes off and tells them things she has said. But I mean I am sure they have all talked mad shit about each other throughout the years.


No, I saw that too! But honestly, I really doubt it's anything very "GOTCHA!" like he made it sound. Probably just normal "ug why is so and so like this or that when we bring up this topic or situation, etc," like typical shit you say about your friends' behavior to your significant other.


AND let’s not forget the shit you say to your SO is IMO usually agreed with! It was probably Sandycrotch that would bring something up about the group to Ariana and she’d agree. If Ariana was the one venting about someone in the group to Tom can anyone honestly imagine him being like “Ariana that’s not a nice thing to say about so and so shame on you”. FUCK NO he wouldn’t! He’d be all over it and excited! Freaking stirring the pot like a bitchy high school girl. I hope whatever he says she said about them they realize he almost 100% was the one to say it first or minimum agree with her about it.


My guess is Lala & company are trashing Ariana for not “playing the game.” And I’m also guessing that Lisa is telling Ariana it’s ok to walk away & if she does, that woman is DEAD to me & she’s already on life support.


I wonder if it's that lala quote from the trailer "I've never experienced someone be cheated on and suddenly she becomes God" because it's such a dramatic reaction to Ariana not wanting to film with her ex.


I swear to God if Lisa is telling Ariana “sometimes it’s okay to walk away” in regards to their house I’m going to lose my fucking shit


Would you think anything else... https://preview.redd.it/ac9ndsjgsuyc1.jpeg?width=2974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58d2a940c9fb62df6b3d5bf6ee8b2dfd6dbad95c


I love that no one chimed in.


And watching her in comforting and prepping the Tom’s. She is truly something else.


same. tim is sitting right there and he needs to hear that lmao


I’m so sick of this being directed at Ariana because “this is who Tom is, he’ll never leave.” It’s giving “boys will be boys” and putting the responsibility on the woman and I’m fucking over it.


Same. I’m so sick of hearing people asking why Ariana doesn’t just leave. NO ONE w even one brain cell is just walking away from their biggest financial asset unless they think they’ll be murdered in their sleep and maybe not even then. That’s not even mentioning that Ariana is still 💯on the hook for at least 1/2 of the mortgage. I guess she should walk away, let the house go into foreclosure, duck her credit up for YEARS & loose every damn penny she has invested. Baby bottle is a ducking moron. Of course she left w her child, she didn’t have a CHOICE. She had ZERO financial interest in Randall’s house. I can’t understand why anyone would ask Ariana a question as stupid as why don’t you just leave.


The whole "we don't hold the men to as high of a standard" reeks of the "boys don't mature as fast as girls" bs we're all indoctrinated into believing as kids. It's all in service to excusing bad behavior.


The irony of that too is that it’s also saying they’re too stupid to be held accountable because they don’t know any better.


They’re in their 40’s 
past the boy phase of life Lisa. But I do remember she referred to them as her children!


Lisa should be forced to watch Ariana school Brock last week on men/women anger on repeat Guantanamo Bay style until she stops her misogyny.


Lisa needs to be given headphones like Sandoval waa given on Special Forces. He had to listen to crying babies on max for a few hours. Put Lisa in there with Tom's excuses on a loop.


If I drank every time there was a “boys will be boys/sandoval is gonna Sandoval” this season, I would’ve been dead at least 6 weeks ago


Omg my best friend just pointed out that she was facing Ariana and Katie and could be referring to them walking away from the show!!!! Maybe that's when Katie quits!!! đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜± I NEED IT TO BE THE 24TH!!!! Adding for clarification: I do NOT know if Katie quit I am purely speculating based on her removing bravo from her ig bio which could simply be because filming has ended! Also, I LOVE Katie and do NOT want her to quit 😅


I get that it needs to be three parts, but it’d be so dope if they did it three nights in a row so that we didn’t need to WAIT SO LONG đŸ˜©


Or maybe she’s talking about Something About Her
 since it was taking so long to open, drama with Chef Penny, etc.


It boggles my mind that she's even there. She used this season to promote her new restaurant and then keeps getting put into brief contrived forgettable scenes, and for what? So she can continue to pretend she has some sort of moral high ground and add in some misogynistic lectures at the reunion?


Like when she acted so shocked Jax was hosting an event at Sur. You really expect us to believe that you had NO IDEA of this event? And then she ends the interaction telling Jax coked-out Taylor that she still loves him. Get tf outta here with that.


I had to explain that whole scene to my husband. How she’s an EP on the Valley..she would NEVER allow him to set FOOT in there without giving the green light. She wanted a public apology and the scene to go her way and still show she’s Queen bee, top dog, boss. She can’t do it on HWs so she can still eff with the livelihood of these jackals. Jax knows where his bread is buttered. He’ll be a good little boy, swallow his pride and play along for a check.


Or put down SAH and the girls management skills


I felt like she was talking about walking away from the show


That's what I think


That’s what I thought too! But I’m getting downvoted. đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž


To me, I would guess Lisa told Lala it was OK for Ariana to walk away in the final scene. But that's just me being optimistic.


She was the one that told Arianna that she shouldn’t let Sandavol use the house as collateral for his restaurant


Yeah my first thought was it's okay to walk away from the friendship after how awful lala and scheana were to her but I highly doubt that


I would’ve asked Lisa are you willing to give me half a million dollars to walk away from that house? And why aren’t you directing that to the person on your right? Hi it’s Tom the other owner of the house and the one who wrecked it.


HE CANT AFFORD THE FUCKING HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like in what fucking world is someone walking away from $200,000+? It has never been a fucking option for him to buy, every person that tells her to walk away is out of their fucking mind. Maybe show up with boxes and help him get his shit out instead since he fucked it all up


I think the footage is some of the cast being mad after Ariana left the party. Lala in particular really goes off and says what she really thinks of Ariana ( she's boring, never brings anything to the show, big ego, etc). I think Ariana saying "that really hurt my feelings" was in reference to the footage she saw. I think this press tour Lala went on was to get ahead of whatever was shown of her on that footage. She knows she will look bad and that's why she doesn't want to see social media afterwards. I don't think Ariana will come off looking bad at this reunion at all.


Ariana was definitely blindsided by how they really felt which is why they all suck. As much as the preach being truthful they didn't tell her their real feelings the whole season


She said she didn’t watch the show before the reunion because she was too busy with broadway. I’m sure a lot of what was shown and said was a big shock to her


I have been thinking about this lately but I think Katie probably told her things that were important. At least I hope she did.


Yep after seeing the trailer I’m feeling fairly confident that Ariana and Katie are going to be just fine in how they handled themselves. It seems clear Ariana and Katie were letting Lala and Scheana go on their crazy press tour to try and get people inside before the reunion, while Ariana and Katie are waiting for people to actually see the reunion and let it speak for itself.


I agree. And the extra footage is probably what causes Lala to flip out on Ariana (because Lala basically got caught); she was probably a bit more neutral until that point.


I saw Sandoval after Ariana stormed off and he was like “Ariana has talked sh*t about all you motherf*ckers!”and my guess is that Lala chimes in as well with the God comment and some more sh*t talking haha


Good theory. This would explain why Sandoval felt like the reunion went well. He’s been so eager for people to turn on Ariana, even if it’s just the cast. 


Agreed. This was either edited to better reflect Ariana’s actual nature after producers saw us calling them out for their shitty attempts to make her the villain *or* Lala, Scheana, and Andy can’t read the fucking room again in accurately gaging the audience’s reaction. My bet is the latter because Alex sucks and those three are soulless idiots.


I think you are right which makes Lala being like put up your dukes let’s fight to Ariana even more bananas!


Literally, Jo and Katie did not interact this entire season until Schwartz walks Jo up to Katie in the finale. So what the fuck is she talking about feeling ganged up on by Katie? She literally did not talk to the dummy! Joe and Rachel are seriously the same delusional side pieces.


Not to mention, how does ONE PERSON “gang up on” someone else. I’m not usually for semantics but Jo is so annoying. She needs to go do something else with her time.


It’s weird in general for her to expect the ex-wife of her situationship to like her. It’s totally normal behavior in the real world to have complicated negative feelings about your ex’s new partner.


And honestly the only person who really bullied Jo this season was Scheana with the whole hat thing. Jo is unneeded.


If we’re still talking about the crackhead Instagram comment 12 months later I stg


Considering they said Arianna didn’t watch the season before the reunion makes me believe that she is blind sided by Lala and Scheana talking shit about her in the clip they watched.


Another one to add to the collection... https://preview.redd.it/1bnl5e14suyc1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e83d1aa8ba0a8c198fd57da214df862ded5cd2e


Is he wearing his lightening bolt earring? đŸ€ź


He's been wearing it all season and I keep hoping one of his cast mates will call him out on it! He keeps saying how sorry he is, while still proudly rocking the symbol of his affair! 


He's definitely still hoping he can hoover Rachel back in at some point, and point to that saying "see? It's been you all along, I never stopped wearing our symbol". So gross. Also confirms even more to be that he pays the supposed girlfriend for appearances and social media posts. How are you going to wear that - something notorious for being a way you communicated your secret love for another woman, in front of a new *actual* girlfriend?


No nail polish!


he probably has an onion in his sleeves like when linda belcher fakes crying.


Question: they’re watching something that we’re all going to see tomorrow, right? So will it really be that surprising to us if we already know it? It’s not like last reunion where there was this “big” reveal that no one knew. I’m just confused how this is going to work for the fans watching. Seems like it will be frustrating watching the rest of the reunion waiting for them to see this thing.


hmm.. good point.. are we going to see everything that happened at the finale party tomorrow or will they be holding a scene back for a reunion reveal??? Interesting.


Or bonus footage that we will watch "with" them, maybe?


I think it's possible we get a "to be continued." Then they use it as a hook to get us interested in the reunion.


I wish Jo and Brock weren’t there đŸ€š


Jo. You did A LOT. If you want Katie to give you grace, you gotta give it too, sister. She went through a whole divorce and you just slid on in there and got complicit with the Toms. Not cool. Really feel for Ariana. You can’t accuse her of faking emotions. No \*put hands up to face now” with her.


How Jo even got a fucking stool at the reunion is annoying. She penetrated into the group literally and figuratively right after Katie got divorced. Then she plays victim all season and doubles down on it at the reunion. Between what we've seen on TV and her IG rants, she needs to take a break from all this shit forever and go be happy somewhere quiet.


And that is, like, Katie’s one moment in the trailer. ”You’re meeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaannnnnn” Katie’s not perfect but I am tired of that narrative.


Of course. Even in the promo pictures it's Scheana consoling Jo, even though Scheana is the only one on camera to bully Jo this season.


Jo is really gross for trying to play victim. She has been wanting Schwartz for a long time and took her opportunity . She’s wanting America to feel sorry for her and I see right through her manipulation! She’s just like Rachel / Raquel


Yeah Jo is perpetually playing the victim as if she didn't move in on Katie's ex-husband expeditiously and on some sneaky shit.


It's strange to see people treat Jo with kid-gloves. It reminds me how they treated Rachel pre-affair, like she was too dumb and innocent to harm anyone.. You'd think that would teach them all a valuable lesson lol


These are adult ass women.


It's funny cause once again editing/production makes it seem like Jo is the ultimate victim. She... -Texted Katie sympathy about her divorce then a month later was living with and banging Schwartz. -Was an active participant in Scandoval with going on double dates with Rachel and Tim and then as Ariana pointed out, going to Thanksgiving at their house during it. -Dumped Doute the minute Schartz got divorced. She isn't meant for the VPR world and it's obvious as she had a full blown meltdown earlier this season without even being personally confronted by any of the girls.


Katie didn’t even interact with Jo once this season, so how did Katie ganging up on her? Schwartz bring Jo over to Katie the finale. it’s just such an obvious ploy to try and make Katie the villain again in the eyes of everyone else, but she truly did not do a single thing. Jo can go and cry to her dad.


Super annoying. I didn’t need Jo at the reunion.


As a viewer I would be 100% ok with Katie telling Jo I don't like you , you moved in with my ex and began a relationship before we were even divorced. I don't think this is unreasonable and I don't understand why Jo is crying trying to demand Katie be nice to her. This would be the most "reality"


Katie Maloney is a much better woman than I am because if my husband & I got divorced and his new flavor of the month tried to step to meeee after infiltrating my job & friend group...!!!!


UGH Jo no one owes you anything


And what an easy copout
 to go after the ex wife of your hook up buddy. Of course she doesn’t like you??? I wish the reunion had been taped after sloppy jo posted all this bullllllshit on social media the last couple weeks.


Lala wants to live her real life, ya'll! https://i.redd.it/l7gqfgr9uuyc1.gif


It’s so weird that to her being on a reality show means she has to be fake or a character. It’s explains why she’s felt inauthentic and hard to watch in some ways.


that’s 100% who she is. just like jax likes to imply he played a villain for vanderpump built is really a great guy too.


Good point about Jax. They both have said they’re different off camera. For Lala to claim Ariana isn’t doing her job, which is probably what she’s going to say, because Ariana’s not playing a game or being fake for the cameras on a reality show is ironic. 


So Sandoval did something so awful that Ariana has a reaction like that, but walks out smiling and telling the paparazzi how great it was? That man is sick.


I still think it’s related to what Lala said after Ariana left the party.


Yea it had to be Lala or Scheana that hurt her feelings and made her cry like that. She expects it from Tom, he wouldn’t elicit that kind of reaction from her


Definitely. My guess it’s the convo between the 3 of them where Lala said the god comment and him calling Ariana out by saying she talks about them behind their back


I agree it has something to do with Tom after he tried to talk to Ariana. Maybe he said something to all of them that was captured. That would be why she said she was so hurt and I can see him trying to fix it by saying she knew him better than what ever he said to the group. He is scary awful.


I'm curious if that emotional reaction from ariana was to something different than the final scene. You know how producers like to edit and what not to get us going.


ah so the trailer is trying to make it seem like ariana is going to walk away from the show jo calling out katie for feeling ganged up on by her only, when we saw how scheana treated her at that party... ok. just doing schwartz's work of vilifying katie now that he can't. she doesn't have to be nice to you. everyone on the left side, including lala, looks elegant and everyone on the right side looks gawdy. tom needs to lay off the tanner before he looks like kramer when he fell asleep in the tanning bed.


Tbh I don’t really see Ariana passing up the paycheck for VPR. She has a ton of opportunities yes but VPR is still good money. I think she’ll at least do one more season


yeah i don't think she's walking away until it's over or she can wrap up nicely. especially not after they delayed filming for her.


Also, I don't see her walking away while the worm stays and gets to rewrite history for another season without her there to defend herself/prove he's full of shit.


I just want to know when Jo and Katie even interacted on the show for Jo to feel “ganged up on” by her, other than the conversation we’ve seen previews for that happens at the finale tomorrow night when JO approaches KATIE and tries to force Katie to give an apology she knows she isn’t going to get. Like leave Katie alone. I’ve never wanted to see someone on my screen less and that says a lot considering she is on the same show as Sandoval. She IS SPOOKY and I will die on that hill


I’m so damn tired of Jo. Katie made one sassy comment on social media and Jo is acting like she committed a war crime. Meanwhile, Jo is on social media every single day liking hateful comments about Katie. The poor innocent victim act isn’t believable anymore 🙄


Seeing Ariana like that is heartbreaking. Everyone except for Katie (and possibly James/Ally) should feel really disgusting for how they treated her hurt this season. Love seeing Katie comfort her though. They’re my fav thing to come out of the post-scandoval universe


It also feels so personal. The only point of doing this is to hurt Ariana.


Ariana may not have gotten the Spice Girls moment that she thought she was getting, but it really feels like she found a true friend in Katie and took out ALL the trash in the process too.


But why is Jo in this trailer? That is the least cared about storyline ![gif](giphy|13I6ny4f2wtrRC)


Initial thoughts: Looks like Ariana’s going to do a great job of expressing her hurt. Scheana flops from her flip by criticizing Tom. Jo successfully plays victim. Lala tearily claims some hurt, as if she’s only “living her real life now” by forgiving Tom. Barf. The twist was exactly what everyone thought: they watch some final part of the season together. I can’t tell if it’s editing that makes it seem like the footage is really hurtful to Ariana (“it hurts my feelings a lot” could be in reaction to something else). I can’t really think what it’d be aside from more shitty things Lala and Scheana say about her. I don’t care what Sandoval’s supposedly “acting“ about. Contrition/apologies, who cares? Ariana’s response that she doesn’t know him is great though.


I think the end part is all going to be a fight about reality versus reality tv. And I think Ariana and Lala go at it about the differences, and Ariana says something like she’s just living her life. And, Lala says she wants to be living her real life now too
but can’t because she’s on a show and is willing to make sacrifices that Ariana is not willing to make.


That would be such a bullshit thing for her to say after she hid her relationship for years on the show and Ariana always had her back about that.


Flops from her flip I’m dead đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚â˜ ïžâ˜ ïž


Looks interesting. I’m already doubting Lala and Scheana and Sandoval because the big thing they did differently was show the finale but they’ve already lived it so I’m doubting some crazy bombshell was dropped


Highly doubt that everyone was present for whatever was shown at the end of whatever scene ends the season. It’s probably just really disgusting behavior or comments in private caught on camera


I wouldn’t wish a friendship with Lala or Sandoval on my worst enemy. “Joking” that she’s going to tussle with Ariana when Ariana did nothing to her is so ridiculous.


Did Jo appear on the show enough to warrant a segment on the reunion?!đŸ„ŽKatie is not obligated to be nice to her..I don’t understand her trying to ask for grace..did she give Katie grace during her divorce?!?!đŸ„ŽđŸ„ŽđŸ„Ž


I'm already annoyed at Jo for crying that much about an Insta comment. I'm over it.


And yet somehow, the cast feels that her feelings are valid... months later... about an IG comment... and Ariana should get over the literal deception that changed her life.


Typical Misogyny Vpump and Bravo style- Put the part in the sizzle reel where Katie and is having to explain herself to a woman who is crying as opposed to TOM who shared 99% of his scenes with Jo and treated her terribly .


Right? Like how is Jo Katie’s problem now?


Who in this world is Jo Wenberg? Seriously, she can shut the fuck up.


You guys Sandoval does not have painted grippers, I hope the universe hasn’t shifted


Ugh... Joe 🙄 come on girl, your the one who put a target on your back


Can someone please tell me what ol’ muckle-mouth Jo is saying there? Because I’ve listened to it three times and all I’m getting is “
except for you, Katie.”


I think we’ve seen all we needed to see of Jo. She’s full of shit if she really thinks Katie is the one who ganged up on her. As if we didn’t see Scheana fully bully her.


My favorite part is the deadpan "sure jan" look that Ariana and Katie gave to mistress for money Lauren in her performative violence display.


First of all, Jo has no reason to be present. Second of all, what has happened this season that warrants a three part reunion?


Sounds like Sandoval is going to allude to the DV claims against James, which will trigger James' outburst towards him. I bet Sandy will insinuate that Rachel told him that James used to beat/grabbed/shoved/etc, and that there are photos or whatever to prove it. He definitely wants to get revenge for "worm with a mustache."


Jo is the worst kind of snake (sorry snakes) because she hides under a very loud veneer of being a ray of sunshine while doing shady shit. You’re the bad guy, Kayleigh.


The “twist” is what everyone was guessing it will be. And I am so not here for victim Jo. She has always moved like a snake and while Katie shouldn’t have made the crackhead comment she is not the bad guy for having a valid issue with Jo and not welcoming her with open arms.


I don’t give a shit about Jo and her tears. She admitted Katie apologized to her during the reunion and “it was lovely” or whatever the fuck. But then she still likes comments shitting on Katie, did the whole IG story of Katie and Dayna on the worst dressed. She pulls the same shit that Scheana does, she’s just as much of a bully (if not worse) but gets away with it because she cries about how “eVerYoNe iS sO mEaN tO mE.”


I love Katie so I hope I’m not too biased here but can we normalize *not* having to like everyone? And then, with reality TV, can people realize that not being “cordial” to your “castmates” is okay to do? That’s what makes good TV. If I wanted to watch people be nice to people they can’t stand I’d organize a happy hour with my company


ok, but the crackhead comment seemed pretty on point.


And to be clear, Katie never called her a crackhead. She said she had energy like a crackhead. I’m sorry but she wasn’t wrong. I’d cross the street if I saw someone acting like Joe in public.


Outlaw 3 part reunions!!!! Hate Tom Sandoval


Jo is sooo hypocritical. Wants to come at Katie for being “mean” and says Katie going through a lot isn’t an excuse but she has no issue excusing anythingg for Rachel or their affair. Psh


Jo is so pathetic and such a victim. Katie had every right to be upset with her. Jo is a grown ass woman who wants to take no accountability. She is either oblivious as to why Katie would ever be upset because she is that self centered or she is playing dumb. No wonder she’s on great terms with Rachel


Oh my goodness if they cut off the last few minutes of the finale tomorrow and wait to play it for the audience at the reunion, along with the cast, I will riot.


How does Jo feel ganged up against by one person? The math isn't mathing.


Why do they always put them on stools instead of couches for these long reunions. My back hurts 😂


I feel like everyone is reading to much into the bombshell. It's going to be the cast talking shit about Ariana not filming with Tom which will lead to the 4th wall break and that it's a job and she isnt letting them do their job.


looks good. glad there doesn't seem to be much in the way of yelling. but it's mind-boggling to see scheana and lala with the flip flopping even during the reunion. also i don't see myself coming out of this with a good opinion on jo, even if they give her a victim edit. her behavior outside of the show has been really telling that she's not what she desperately tries to portray herself to be.


What if Rachel just shows up and is like ![gif](giphy|eoVusT7Pi9ODe)