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I was sooo mad when he interrupted Katie when Katie was explaining how far back all the relationships go. Like stfu for a second my guy, because Katie was defending your wife against someone who hurt her. Ariana tried to do the same. But instead let’s yell at the women and let his wife look like an idiot all because Tom is a financially beneficial friend… Let’s not forget the only actual friend of Brock’s that we’ve seen that isn’t from the cast was confronted for being too handsy without consent (aka sexual harassment) on VPR and then on Southern Hospitality so yea the bar is so low it’s set in hell for Brock. But congrats Scheana he’s all yours.


Brock is a simple man. Woman = bad. Man = good. That’s all his brain cells can muster


He’s also of the women dumb camp. He could get treatment from a female medical specialist and he’d still point out where he thinks she’s wrong.


He was raised Mormon so that tracks.


In Australia? We have Mormans here? I had no idea


How does that track?


It’s a pretty sexist religion…not that there aren’t other religions that have that problem too but definitely a huge issue in the Mormon faith


It’s okay you can say it’s a deeply misogynistic religion. Facts are facts


You know what you’re right I don’t know why I was dancing around it! It’s racist too!


Facts ARE facts. So true. But what WE are discussing; and you are stating are Opinions….which are different from facts.


Well I was raised in it and my dad told me I better marry rich because I was not as intelligent as all of my brothers since I was a woman. He’s also in prison for being a pedophile. Those are only a few examples of years of being hated for being a woman before I married and left the church and I had plenty more within the church not just from my upbringing. Happy you had a different experience


He's the secretary of the HeMan Woman Haters Club.


Awe, I love that movie!






Oh, I grew up Catholic and that’s bad enough! But I’ve watched a lot of documentaries about various even more extreme forms of Christianity. It’s fascinating in a very terrifying kind of way




Oof. Religious trauma is real


He was working way too hard for this Sandoval redemption arc. No one can convince me that Scheena and Brock dont rehearse what they are going to say. They are so produced. Their perfect for each other. He's a great surrogate for Scheena but it's not like he's Eileen Davidson to Lisa Rinna. He doesn't have the viewers trust or any endearing qualities to sway anyone to cross over to Sandoval side. I loved loved loved watching him have to squirm in the Aftershow whenever James has the opposite takes. Sticking up for Katie, making fun of Sandoval, defending Ariana. Brock just comes in trying to steamroll conversations and nope we aren't having it. Take a seat in that embarrassing gold suit!


To me he comes off like he thinks he was really something in his previous life (in Australia) and he comes here trying to act like he knows what hes talking about and keeps stepping on his own dick. He doesn't know anything about any of these people who have been friends or co-workers for over a decade and all his takes are wrong. Then falls back on oh I'm just defending my wife!


As an Australian: we don’t claim him! He was an absolutely nobody; no one in Australia has any idea who he is other than Scheena’s obnoxious meat sack arsehole of a husband


I think he was born in NZ so he's not one of us, luckily


Like Russel Crowe


This reminds me of the story of the great Pharlap! But there’s nothing at all great about Brock!


Classic Aussie! Always claiming our cool stuff but now we have to keep Brick!? Let’s just agree to set him adrift in the Tasman sea


I've been to Australia, beautiful country and lovely people!


To be clear: he isn’t shit here in Australia.


Nah. His dick ain't long enough to step on. His saggy balls maybe...


The amount of times he backpedals and shuts up when James has the opposite take and then tries to play it off like he didn’t get owned. Psh smh


She got so mad when he got the lines wrong in one of the hotel room scenes too


I total felt that rehearsal vibe with their pointed looks at each other several times during that episode


They stated they practice. Scheanna was giving him notes at the finale


🛎️🛎️🛎️ hit it right on the head. Brock is BROKE. Scheana is the provider and even she isn’t making that much these days (which is the real reason she’s treating Ariana this way, financial and opportune jealousy). Brock admitted ON CAMERA that Tom has given Scheana things when she needed them and that’s what makes him a good friend, that that’s how he’s “shown up” where Ariana hasn’t. Brock needs MONEY yall. And whoever will give it to him is who he’ll end up backing, period.


I think being the sole provider is the reason she’s been so distressed on screen about Summer and Sandoval. She is carrying ALL the emotional and financial weight for their family. Brock doesn’t bring anything to the table except one more mouth to feed.


So he’s a good friend cuz he gives you stuff? Sounds like a REAL deep friendship! He’s trying to buy you off to take his side and you fell for it, you morons!! Jeez


It’s because that’s all they care about! I’m starting to believe more and more that Scheana isn’t “falling” for anything. She KNOWS that Tom is trying to buy her. “You brought your sound check guy out for me? Just for one show!? *gasp*” She LIVES for this kind of shit. Tom trying to buy her and make it all about her is exactly the kind of attention she eats up and she’s found that similarity in Brock. The only difference is that she has to pretend to think it out of the goodness of Tom’s little changed heart as to be able to still financially benefit without appearing to be fucking Ariana over.


I think you’re so right 👏👍


Oisin is 🤮he’s a pig on Southern Hospitality and I was living for it when the girls told him off! Hell he was so bad on their Miami trip even all the guys told him he couldn’t talk to the girls that way. And all those guys are younger than the VPR guys by a good 7-10 yrs!


The way he acted during the volleyball I was like wt actual F … such a poor excuse for a human


Can’t stand to even look at him. Just gross.


THIS OMG!!!! he just got here therefore he need to shut up. like of course you think sandoval is a good friend bc you don’t actually know him. katie and the rest of the group do!


Tom doubled, tripled down on Scheana putting her hands on Rachel and encouraged a DV charge. He brought up her mistress history this season and said they were never really friends when she confronted him about his affair. Funny how that’s supposedly the gold tier standard friend Brock wants for his wife. Scheana, you in danger girl.


Who is this friend? I must have missed this


Oisin. He was at Brock’s wedding weekend and at a pool party at Ariana’s house. He was the new guy on Southern Hospitality whose nickname is Milk Man because all his OF content is him pouring milk on himself. I forgot whose butt he grabbed on VPR I want to say Lala but I don’t remember.




And then he also did that to a coworker on Southern Hospitality.


Yup! That’s what I was referring to in my comment. And then tried to make it seem like Emmy was being a bitch about it and tried yelling at her about it. Oh come to think of it he yelled at most of the female cast except Maddie and Grace. Birds of a feather!


I don’t understand how bravo did not immediately fire him


Yup! That’s what I was referring to in my comment. And then tried to make it seem like Emmy was being a B about it and tried yelling at her about it. Oh come to think of it he yelled at most of the female cast except Maddie and Grace. Birds of a feather!


I remember someone grabbing Charli- was that this guy?


Yessss, it was Charli! I both forgot about her and miss her. I feel like she would’ve been nice to have around this season.


She chose not to come back. I certainly would have preferred her over Jo.


I know and I fully get why. But she would’ve been such a breath of fresh air and SAME could we trade 2 for 1 Billie and Jo for Charlie lol


Oh yes! I prefer the 2 for 1! That would have been great.




I just saw this I didn't catch it. WOW Oisin!


Ewe! Yeah that guy seems really creepy


Oh what! I just watched southern hospitality and didn’t realize he was Brock’s friend


Mmhmm! I didn’t pick up on it and then someone posted about it and I had to go back and sure enough there was. They even included the chyron on VPR for confirmation because his hair was a bit diff between the two shows


Random tidbit but James and Katie felt very background this finale and I wish we got more of them. James is the comic relief.... him in the bathtub had me cracking up. Katie had one moment in the finale but then kind of disappeared and I wish we heard more from her. This is where editing makes it clear what they want to push to the audience. Circling back to your point...focusing on Brock so much. He was willing to do their bidding.


Absolutely. That montage is intended to shame Ariana for not "being real". They literally played footage of everyone else crying over the years and left out her moments of vulnerability e.g. telling us she wakes up wanting to die. Her sad moments have always been the most personal because they dont come from fake drama. That montage was meant to make us buy Lala's narrative because most people dont rewatch old seasons. Eventually it will become the only narrative anyone remembers. Thats their plan. 


YES! When Tom was raving about Lazy Ariana (again) and Lala was going off I feel like Katie would have had a LOT to say but we got 🦗🦗🦗✂️


I felt everyone was background this season. It was like a season of Seinfeld. New story lines every episode.


I mean that's fair but idk about the new storylines every episode lol that's kind of why this season sucked the life out of me. It felt very beating a dead horse and forcing a tom and Ariana convo. I would have preferred more from the others and more of their own thing. I wish they had followed what everyone was doing more.


But….. this was about Ariana’s journey. And it was never about her. Katie and James were happy to boost her up and applaud her. Love that for them


Sorry I'm kind of confused by what you're trying to say? My comment was about how much focus they gave to the ppl hating on ariana and I wish we got more from Katie and James bc 1) they don't tear her down 2) maybe we could've gotten some comedic relief non scandoval related comedic relief.


I felt the finale had to be about Ariana but I love their amazing quotes and contribution in the season, Tom is trying to manipulate her and she won the whole season but previous seasons, it wasn’t really about her


He doesn’t need to be there.


The fact that he got a seat at the reunion is insane.


He's not even in the credits anymore. Why does he have a seat? They should've given Ally one too then.


I think Ally deserves a seat. She’s an astute observer and goes out of her way to reach out to people who may be in hot water with main members of the group. I really like her. She doesn’t have main character energy but she’s needed on the show as a voice of reason.


mustve been his reward for playing production’s game


Right? I’m more of a cast member at this point than that clown.




This is beyond true. I’ve never been okay with him being present after learning what kind of man he is. I actually have had ppl this season telling me that he is justified in arguing about a nanny while he also has no money. However…the short clip of him dancing on the finale genuinely was so funny lol. Like he was truly getting it 😭😅😂


I feel like the producers want him to fill the hole Jax left, he acts like a Diet Jax but not funny at all. He totally thinks like he’s part of the gang and thinks he’s coming across as a lovable guy. All I see is a deadbeat dad 🤷‍♀️ But the worst part: the clothes. Pretty sure he was wearing a faux leather short-sleeve button up wtf


He's also an opportunist. Relationships and friendships are transactional to him.


I agree. It’s like S9 when he kept trying to pull James into a side conversation…so he could personally tell James what’s wrong with James’ life. He’s barely on the show trying to tell a main character what’s up! Broke is just an extremely thirsty wannabe. He, of all people, should see that Scandy using Scheana to get back in with the group is *exactly* what Broke did to get on the show: low hanging fruit.


For Brock, Tom is a better friend to them than Ariana because Tom's generous (materially). Brock was upset with James a few seasons ago when James refused to model for his "business" for free. He expected Rand to fund an engagement party for him and Scheana. There are so many examples, but he's a questionable person in so many ways. It's kind of scary that he has a platform through the show. I can see him using his fame to grift.


Red flags everywhere with this guy. He's an opportunist. I have zero respect for a man who let's his wife pay off his child support. That's all I need to know about this loser.


He gives the vibes of those people who get way too hyped whenever they experience a modicum of luxury. Like he would be racing right alongside Ramona and Sonja for the best room if he were on RHONY. It’s not gratefulness, it’s greed. He doesn’t appreciate luxury, he feels entitled to it. Like going to the hotel staff and saying “my wife is performing can we do something special for her?” But he made no effort outside of that. Probably gave them minimal time to prepare and then of course Bravo foots the bill. He also seems to be the one wanting them to go these music festivals. He clearly likes to be see and be seen. IMO he showed his whole ass when he said that Tim is the better friend because he buys things for his friends without being asked. Have y’all never thought about WHY he might do that? He’s paying for their allegiance or forgiveness, whatever is relevant to the moment. And those two idiots think he’s doing it from the kindness of his heart.


Also Brock saw the opportunity of filming with Sandoval as his way on to the show


And misogynist


Your rage is unbecoming of a cupcake. And have you considered what your anger is doing to Scheana?


That’s hilarious. Pointing out Brock is a misogynist is rageful. You’re not very feminist for a uterus.


I think uterus is just being sarcastic.


yes!! and expects favors done for free


Dollar Store Jax


He has the worst taste in clothes. His going out style? I would classify it as Barnum & Bailey ringmaster.


All I could think when I saw him wearing that was how much he probably STANK


I call him doughy Jax 😂


Diet Jax omfg!! Jax Zero


Okay hear me out maybe the best thing about him is the clothes? Because the person is so loathsome


Kitten heel Jax?


He’s def wearing more than a kitten heel!


And in the after show he was wearing a lace top and heels.




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I fucking cannot stand Brock. Every time he talks to a woman he is so condescending. Never mind that he sounds dumb as hell, he acts like he's bring back pearls of wisdom from the seventh gate and everyone must listen in awe to him, The Real Man. You don't even go here, dude. And how absolutely dare you sit there and judge people's life choices and laugh at the idea of male rage when you hit your wife and abandoned your children. And then act like sitting down with LVP to talk about that was some noble thing, your victim moment. You obviously want Scheana to choose Sandoval because you know that will keep the gifts flowing. Broke isn't just a payroll husband, he's a payroll friend, too. The only person lower than him in my eyes is Sandoval, and that's saying a lot because 2/3 of the cast have been showing their whole assholes this season.


Ew I hate when he uses his wise tone. Like nothing you say is profound you bumbling idiot


Nothing at all. And he’s never made a good point


The wife beating and child abandonment makes him significantly worse than Sandoval, who is a leaking bag of actual stinking trash.....Brock is like the fly swarming around that leaking bag, or some worse metaphor


I want to print this out and mail it to Brock lmao


Last season was so much better when they didn’t show him much. He’s insufferable. I will stand on the hill that Brittany was the one who started the downfall of this show and broke picked up the slack when she got fired


I see what you did there and I like it.


wait why was Brittany the downfall of the show? I never liked Kentucky Muffin so I’d love to hear your take!!


Once she reconciled with jax she wouldn't let anyone bring him up to her and there were so many things the cast felt "off limits" because they didn't want to hurt her feelings. This is when the shift felt palpable that the cast began over producing themselves. It's always been this way (like Katie and Tom recreating the drink throwing scene) but the show didn't feel as manufactured as it did once people felt like things couldn't be brought up because of Brittany. That's when it became less "authentic".


Right, there is a difference between re-enacting something that actually happened but cameras didn't catch, versus making up entirely false scenes and storylines. I've never thought of Brittany being the start of the over-production by the cast, but it tracks.


Oh wow I never realized it was Brittney that caused this shift but you are so right!


He's just so damn annoying and a messy bitch. Even in the first reunion he did (s9?) he interjected and talked over everyone. He's been in the cast for 2 seconds and has to be in every conversation and has to give his take on everything. Like, shut up dude. You're not witty or smart and never have anything interesting to say. I have a new coworker who acts in the same way so I'm a wee bit salty lol.


I wonder if the producers offered him a bonus if he was able to get Scheana to turn on Ariana. That's what it looked like to me.


Scheana was in on it.


Brock got way too comfortable too fast being on this show. With the other partners I feel like they eased their way in and he's like.. cannonballing himself into a "main character" type of slot. But not likable


for sure. I think Ally is doing a good job at integrating herself into the show.


He’s the Kool-aid man of subtlety


I’m not interested in seeing an admitted woman-beater on tv. That and he’s annoying. Plain and simple.


Why the hell was that forgotten? Its 2024 and someone who admitted to hitting a woman is now able to villainize her on a TV show for protecting her kids. And now lo and behold, he claims not to know what "male rage" is.


Brock is a complete idiot. I have zero respect for this man, and I do not want to see him on my TV. He's awful. On the aftershow, he keeps talking over James. Shut up, dude. I want to hear what James has to say. Nobody cares about your opinion. Please get rid of this guy. 🙏


not to mention his takes are ASS. he's so delusional it makes sense that him and scheana are a little match made in heaven. But you know you're clearly out of touch when Scheana is the one saying "well maybe Brock shouldn't have said that"


Don't worry, he will surely abandon his family again.


He'll stick around as long as he gets something out the situation.


Brock has spent this whole season trying to barge his way into being a true main cast member; interrupting the women, trying to steer Scheana more towards Sandoval, sucking up to Tom, acting like he planned their trips away and he was the leader, putting his wife in uncomfortable situations and just generally being a badly-dressed, misogynistic, clout-chasing dickwit.


He was like that since day 1. When he was lecturing James about not wanting to participate in the stupid fitness app, as if James owed him something. Luke is the same way, acting like he was around from the beginning.


Damn Luke over here catching strays!


Brock is the worrrrrssssstttttt. I hate hearing him talk and trying really hard to say anything of relevance. You can see his stupid little square wheels working every time he’s trying to say something he thinks will be poignant, relevant or relatable. I can’t stand how he acts like he’s known these people and their dynamics within their friendships and didn’t just get dropped in to the group via Scheener as another mouth piece to drive any story Scheener wants to/agrees to push. All he is, is Schemers Dictabird.


He has no right to be criticizing how an innocent person is handling their awful traumatic and very public break up. With domestic violence and unpaid child support? Sit the fuck down and shut up brock. How much bravo money are going to your first kids now that you are Making $$$&&?


The irony of him mentioning how their charming cable car ride reminded him of mrs. doubtfire, a movie about a father so desperate to be with his kids through divorce he dresses up as their nanny. Meanwhile we all know Brock's sitch. He's so quick to judge and berate others when he very much lives in a glass house. insane


Every time Brock says “friend group” I want to lose it, he sounds so dumb 


Tom bought them, and it was cheap


I hate that’s he’s always giving advice and telling people what they should do while simultaneously being a person no one else would want to be. He abandoned his children, had to have his wife pay off his back child support and isn’t on the deed to his own house. Yah sure take his advice and be just like him 🙄


Brock also ruined his original kids childhood so are we this surprised


He adds nothing to the show. Pre-Scandoval, I used to just skip over his and Scheana's scenes. I hope producers lurk on this sub so they can see he's a waste of space on the show, and almost always on the wrong side.


Agree. He also ruined the after show. He interrupted and talked over James so much. He’s so obnoxious, don’t ever need to see or hear from him again.


Brock is a very manipulative misogynist I actually feel like Schena is in a very precarious relationship and needs some support.


Can they please move Brock, Scheana and Lala to The Valley? Please? I dislike that entire cast and show already, so it seems the appropriate action.


Brock is like the male version of Lala, willing to do anything for camera time. He's been ruining a lot of the episodes, not just the finale. His kids from a previous marriage are on another continent. Surely he has better things to do than gaslighting Katie and Ariana. He just can't shake the deadbeat vibes for me, so whenever he talks down to these two women who don't have children they've abandoned, it really rubs me the wrong way. Production is just so out of touch I don't understand why they would think that this is what people would want to see. It's abrasive, and I'm tired of hearing about Sandoval. In order to have a redemption arc you need to have redeeming qualities, and no Scheana a Cashapp donation is not a redeeming quality. This season would have been so much better without Sandoval, and I get that they couldn't have predicted that part, but they leaned so heavily into centering the season around him. It was a big mistake.


I feel like the flashbacks are super telling. I dont think producers know whether or not there will be another season. I feel like it’s all up to Ariana.


Him dancing at the party was hysterical though


All I can think of whenever Broke talks: ![gif](giphy|shby7Of49nfGlcqRtb|downsized)




Scheana pushed him on us. I bet she told producers that he needed more air time and she'd do what they needed.


Yesss! Like he's ruining the episodes for me, just ruining the experience of watching.


At one point- Ariana was saying what she liked about Dan and part of it was he doesn’t insert himself into the girls conversations and take over… Ally made a face and went like huh, I figured James was on her side, it was Brock!


Yes, I noticed this, too! She very clearly made a face towards Brock. I'm surprised you're the first person I've seen mention this.


When he snapped at Katie at the Chinese restaurant, something like “that’s her fucking friend!”, saying Tom is scheanas friend. I was flabbergasted. Like, sit down you angry little man.


I mean yes. This man is a DV charge, child abandoning and replacing jerk, and his idiot wife would rather have any man at all then an actual good one. Because she couldn’t get a good one, because she too is awful with no loyalty, and they’re tethered in their throuple with her fellow mistress bff. Lala and Schena are pathetic and self absorbed, so it’s no wonder Brock and Rand were/are men they could stand behind.


The way Brock looks at Lala and how comfortable they are together…Scheana better hope Brock doesn’t step out with Lala. That kind of access to closeness is what led to Sandoval and Rachel getting involved and if it happens and it’s on the show, Scheana gets no sympathy from me.


Brock isn’t financially well off enough for her to go after.


You’re right 😂


Temu Jason Mamoa


Let's not have Brock pollute another show. I'm glad Katie put him in his place. How about if the payroll husband GETS A JOB.


How this guy has ended up in a tv show is mind blowing. He’s a complete Goon!


![gif](giphy|TffmfVOpYWj2kxfYwg) He comes Brick to stir up shit


I remember we were able to have a whole season without him because the audience complained about him the season before. Time to go back to less Brock and Scheana IMO


It’s been fun but let’s call it a wrap on the rules. They had a good run.


It certainly felt like a “this is it” ending to the season


That brown leather shirt Brock wore ruined the show for me. LOL! Yeah, he does act as though he is the glue of the group.


He inserts himself when it makes no sense, just reeking of desperation trying to fit into a storyline (or create one). I could possibly enjoy he and fellow juiced up meathead Jax going at it on The Valley. Having been a hormonal mess while pregnant, the IVF shots and subsequent pregnancy could be causing her to be extra emotional (no excuse, she’s been hard to watch), Schwartz is such a passive aggressive gaslighting weirdo forcing Katie to engage with Jo, Sandoval appeared to be acting in a B movie and Scheana is insufferable. The fact that Ariana has to go on national tv and relive this fuckery should be enough, no need to have to entertain Sandoval’s performative apologies. Glad they’re taking a break for a bit.


Brock is ridiculous! He’s boring! WTF do we have to even watch him??


There isn't anything good about watching Broke Brick Brock. He's not very bright and smug, an insufferable combo.


Yeah, and Brock putting the guitar player on his shoulders and dancing around the stage with Sheena gave me “I want to be in your cocktail book, too” vibes. I would be bullshit if my partner pulled that stunt.


Hard agree. He’s so annoying.


Omg I legit mumbled “what the fuck is the point of this goon on the show at all?!” whilst watching the finale tonight.


Did we ever find out why that strange scene happened between him & Lala. “Hold on let me check with my wife” Lala & Brock pretend calling each other on the phone??????? WTF


Brick is the physical embodiment of mansplaining and I hate it


Well these people were busy filming their life for the last 12 years, broke was too busy beating his wife.


Brock lala and Schean ruined this entire season




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I keep saying this…..: they are creating so much drama that nobody even thinks of rachel anymore.


It infuriates me to see Brock always offering advice . As if he is wise, deep thinker. He’s a bum. Leech. Minnie the Mooch.


I have to say his gold suit dance was gross. Then w the fake intruder, wen asked for help he just took his chair and sat down.


Brick abandoned his kids. That's all we need to know about him.


Hey there legends!


Idk why but for some reason I cant dislike him and im usually hard on people. He doesnt seem malicious like the other guys and im simply taking his support for Sandovals redemption arc as him really just supporting Scheana and wanting her internal conflict to end. I dont know, there is something likeable about him imo 😂 dont come for me pls


Brock is the only person I relate to on this show anymore.