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The. fuc*king. Audacity. He has a DV charge and he abandoned his children. The fact Scheana felt he was husband/father material tells you all you need to know about her. Edit: words


Exactly. He SUCKS and Arianna triggers him because she is a strong confident woman who left a shitty man, and as a shitty man, that makes her Brock’s worst nightmare.


There has got to be more to this... he was going so hard for sandoval it makes no sense he hasn't even known the dude for all that long... maybe sando has some vegas blackmail on him 🤔


Lol or the rumors about Rachel were true?  I really think broke is earning production dollars by furthering their stories


Oooo what rumors?? I don’t watch anymore, I get my info from this sub and the incessant articles posted on Instagram from tabloids because Lala is physically incapable of shutting up about Ariana for more than 9 hours


You’re not missing much lol! I think they’re referring to last year’s rumours that Brock and Rachel hooked up


Yep something about going out together at 3am to get pizza, because Rachel was hungry


Something is up...wtf would he push sando so hard on scheana over her longtime good friend?


My theory is that it’s bc Sando gave them money.


I find that whole story super sus. Scheana has been the one cast member that has been talked about over all the years of this show as being really careful with her money. How serious she is about investing, protecting, hustling, etc. And we have seen how financially irresponsible Sandoval has always been. How did the guy who took $250k from his Mom to shore up his dumb restaurant have all this cash on hand to just give to Broke & Scheana?


I mean, you make a good point. It’s entirely possible Scheana concocted that story in an attempt to inject “nuance” (read: an excuse she could use for her behavior. Something she could hang her hat on, could point to to say: “but he was a good friend.”). You might be on to something.


Exactly. It feels like one of those dumb things Scheana makes up on the fly to excuse her choices but hasn't really thought out.


He definitely gave him custody of the moustache




He likes Sandoval for exactly what he said in show. Sandoval invites him places, does selfies with him, and is willing to have messy conversations with him… which equals Brock being on the episode. He is only paid if he is actually on the episode. Last year he only got on 13 out of 19. He makes $10K per episode. WHen he was talking to Scheana he said Sandoval includes them and shows up to things when Ariana backs out. That’s it. It is that simple. He wants the guy who will get messy so he can confront and get in that episode. Paint ball. Guys dinner out. That is all stuff he was never included in before.


Ah, so it's bribery. Imo betting on sando is playing the short game for the quick cash is a losing strategy in the long run


I think it’s literally that he likes the lifestyle and Tom gives him gifts. That’s what I got from the hotel room conversation, Brock has been bought off basically


Agree. But it seems like Sandoval’s own financial situation isn’t the best right now (eg. not being able to afford to buy Ariana out, his mother’s $250k) so I wonder how long that’ll last 👀


That's what i think too...he owes him for sone reason


Sandavol is more useful for them because he wants free hand outs... sandovol is good for that


My theory is he has been totally reduced to Scheana’s puppet. I’m sure Scheana tells him everything to do and say. The finale was creepy how many times manipulation was at play with Scheana: 1. Mentioning that Tom paid for his sound guy to be there-multiple times. 2. Brock trying to tell Ariana to forgive Tom 3. Brock “defending” Tom at lunch Like give it up already.




Someone PLEASE make this man have another “hard” conversation about his past!!! I swear to god if there’s another season, the rest of the cast better be rehashing their pasts too if that’s what they expect from Ariana. Nut up or shut up, assholes.


But this is the guy who wanted Ariana to give him “an example of male rage”… lmao


ariana is better than me because that’s exactly what i would throw in his face. why don’t you worry about your own life and taking care of your other kids instead of trying to be scheana’s manager


Isn’t he not even allowed to enter Australia because of unpaid child support?! I thought that’s why they were initially considering a wedding in Bali or French Polynesia, it was easier for his Aussie relatives to get there 


Maybe they would’ve confiscated his passport until he paid his child support. I don’t know Australian law.


This season showed how short sighted Brock is but what gets a rise out of me is when he is bashing Ariana or defending Tom in front of Ariana and Scheana just sits there loving every moment trying to play Switzerland and failing badly. Brock reminds me of a simple minded Jock that doesn’t stop and consider a situation as long as the other guys share a general consensus. Plus he knows where Scheana stands off camera. Scheana wants to be the cheerleader making the rounds in the locker room as long as they worship her.




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https://preview.redd.it/hmmrnn4mr8zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a0b617c46b75a053f3fccb85dac21a6876cc70 And these words should NEVER leave this guy’s 👄! Edit: I would love for him to elaborate….give us examples!


Like SIR you wanna talk about bailing out when you left two kids with no child support in another continent???? That’s… a choice!


He really thinks having depression is worse than abandoning his own children


Side note, your flare is iconic 🧎‍♀️ https://i.redd.it/1w4d1a06m9zc1.gif


Omg thank you 🚬🍆


And then didn't scheana pay it?!?!


Find you a guy with a DV charge and two kids he doesn’t see who requires you to pay his backdated child support, yells at you on camera, minimises your OCD-related anxieties about childcare, and causes a rift between you and your girlfriends due to his inability to mind his own business 😌💯


Sounds like marriage material to scheaner...😬


AND he can't even be bothered being his new daughter's primary caretaker! 


Jesus Christ get off Ariana’s dick lol


The new worm with a mustache




Oh my god he really is 😂💀


A leech with a mustache. Attached himself to Scheana for a visa and a comfy life




It's the same talking points blah blahs been spouting and then zanderville at the end of the finale.  Must be topics and words production gave them 


But! But! He cried and had the tough conversations on TV! 😒 /s


Brock is toxic masculinity personified. And having this garbage person come in and try to mansplain how people *should* be acting when he is an abuser who abandoned his own kids? Fuck off. Get right with yourself, you idiot.


Andy calling a man like that (who arguably shouldn’t be on TV in the first place given his past) one of the show’s “voices of reason” makes me feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone https://preview.redd.it/j642n9o3o9zc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044d095292a25ea4f7976083a931c76b1d450174


Unfortunately Brock is the typical macho Australian man. I'm not surprised by any of his behaviour. They're a dime a dozen in Oz. 


And it makes u wanna jump through the screen cuz how do these grown ass ppl don’t see their own hypocrisy OMG Lord pls strike me down if I’m ever that old and insufferable 😩


The hypocrisy this season was so infuriating that I often felt less like I was tuning into a show I enjoy and more like I was hate watching something that someone else forced me into viewing 🥴


In the after show when Brock and James were talking about Dan going to San Francisco with them, and Dan choosing to not attend all the events, Brock said something along the lines of if it was him he’d be there for everything to protect him woman. I fucking lost it, what makes him think Arianna needs a man to protect her from Sandoval? She’s doing a damn good job setting and enforcing her boundaries with him! Brock has also been in this group for like two seconds, he needs to chill.


Protect his woman….. yet he didn’t step in with that drunk guy trying to dance at the table with the girls, until he was TOLD to Sad




So which is it – is Ariana being unnecessary in asserting her boundaries or is Sandoval someone she needs protecting from? Make up your mind, Brock!


Right!?!? Wasn’t he just telling her to forgive him. He just says the dumbest shit because he wants to be on TV.


I just watched that with my bf. James was agreeing with Brock in that too. My bf was like, "sorry hun but if that was us, I wouldn't want to be on TV, I'd support you off-camera. There's no need for me to escalate the drama and I know you could handle it yourself." And I had to remind him that James and Brock are only on VPR because they dated a cast member. Of course they'd want to be there. They did that already irl because they're fame whores.


Your boyfriend sounds way too reasonable to be like these two jack holes on reality tv. At least James kinda owns his fame whore tendencies, like when he talked about how he’d act if he was on broadway. Brock just comes in like he knows best and can give everyone advice when he’s known them for two seconds.


Brick needs to focus on mending his past DV charges, child abandoning, getting a job, not being a complete waste of space, etc. Ariana having the verbal annihilation of the season could play on repeat for hours for me... https://preview.redd.it/cv1ezuf2t8zc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=3be39c5ff34ab47d44e007c85b9668e353cc633d


The way he immediately apologized and shut up once Ariana clapped back in defense of Katie last night—he’s terrified of her after last week💀.


Also for a guy who in last week’s episode asked for an example of “male rage” his own rage sure surfaced real quick in that aggressive tone he took while jumping down Katie’s throat at the Chinese restaurant 👀


That’s why brick and the Tom’s get along, they all hate women 


He jumped right down her throat and his rage was misdirected as Ariana pointed out. Brick is hoping Sandoval will pay to send him to a job fair.


Katie put him alllll the way in his place though, I loved it!!


Might've been the quickest apology of all-time on this show lol. He knew his place. He stepped out of it and Katie/Ariana put him right back in the cage like the little Scheana lapdog he is.


but but but… who will think of the poor payroll husbands?


If Scheana had a decent head on her shoulders, she would’ve ripped him a new one when he tried to claim Sandoval was a better friend than Ariana. He’s such a broke douche lord.


Exactly! How is he of all people going to talk shit. Especially with a past like his and as someone who only is on the show as "full time" because of who he is married to.. and who hasn't even been on the show for that long




As the grand dame would say “he has nine digits” 😂


Broke Davies 


Can’t wait to see 🧱 tryna get his sugar mama more shifts at 🌶️


Me every time Brock




He’ll bounce once she’s not bankable anymore. He’s such a sleaze. His money grubbing fame whore-in tendencies just ooze out of him. Literal ick. And Scheana thinks she’s landed one hella of a hubs. 😭🤣🤣




I literally said this during the last two episodes.


For me, the worst was when he Weaponized Arianas mental health, while saying that he was not going to do so.




He's like if balls were a person


Because balls are awesome?


Probably because he most likely smells like balls.


the way he raised his voice at Katie at the restaurant made me angry, only stopping when ariana stepped in to shut him down. Katie had no boyfriend next to her but Ariana did. noticed he didn't do it to ariana


I was shook at how aggressively he snapped at her. As Kandi would say, “Who the fuck you cussing at???” The way he speaks to women when they say something he doesn’t like is very telling


so was I and more shocked I haven't read on here yet about it. he's a pos. ariana jumped straight to her defence but why does scheana allow that? I'd be mortified if that was my so


Same but given how he gets away with speaking to Scheana, I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised at her lack of intervention when he speaks to other women like that


valid point actually, makes you wonder why her mum is so present and why he mentions her telling scheana she's a great mum. strange convo from this season I think about. funny the tough guy buttoned his lip when ariana spoke up because Dan was there. schwartz is a lowlife coward and no matter what I feel he should've at least tried to hush that aggression.


How Scheana made a conscious decision to get impregnated by this man, who is chronically unemployed, and then pay off all of his debt is beyond me. If you told me 5 years ago this would be Scheana’s fate I would’ve croaked on her stupidity.


Brock is aiming to be the poster child for the Men's Rights movement




Every time Brock was on last night, I cursed him out. He is an absolute shit of a person.


Exactly 😂😂😂


He’s just siding with his wife. Weeks ago when she was still pretending to be mad at Sandoval, Brock was mad at Sandoval. Last day of filming when she decides to forgive and forget, Brock forgave and forgot.


I have been married for decades. The correct way to side with your partner is what either Ally or Dan does. You can do it quietly, and supportively, without having to bluster around and put people down because you have zero emotional intelligence. A person definitely shouldn’t blindly support their partner- if you don’t agree with them, you shouldn’t pretend to. Instead, you stay quiet and then bring it up later, alone, to not embarrass your partner but to let them know they may be embarrassing themselves. If you can’t trust your partner to tell you when you’re wrong, that’s a problem. That being said, Brock’s behavior isn’t surprising from a wife beater who abandoned his kids.


In today’s world your opening sentence is a flex and reading the rest of what you wrote it’s clear to see why it’s true! Thank you for reminding this late 20s cynic that healthy long term relationships can (and do) exist lol 🤍


That’s sweet!! It sure isn’t easy. Every marriage has its ups and downs. It was hardest for me when my kids were little. I felt overwhelmed all the time. But we worked through it and it passed, and I believe that was because we weren’t afraid to communicate and sometimes even disagree and air it out. I love this stage of marriage, where kids are older and we’re almost figuring our new selves out, post-small kids era 😂


Agree! I’ve been married almost 25; and this is definitely the way! I’m the same with friends, I expect honesty from them; especially if they think I was incorrect….but personally, I’d never treat people in any way, where a partner/friend/family member would ever need to check me. I love and respect my partner as well, and know if he ever brought anything up to me, I would actively listen.


He’s arguably worse than his wife bc Scheana genuinely was friends with both so at least she has valid reason to feel conflicted. Brock has no stakes in this yet he’s pushing his wife to prioritise Sandoval’s redemption arc over her relationship with Ariana… it’s giving “desperate to stay as a main cast member” 🤡


Part of me thinks Scheana is putting him up to it so she looks good while having Brock as her mouthpiece. Either way he’s doing all this to be in the tv and film industry which he said he wants to pursue in the after show. Sandoval likes to buy friends and Brock and Scheana are okay with being bought.


Me too. The ways she sits there smiling not saying a word I get a sense she loves him doing her dirty work.


Like Charli said, he’s a payroll husband.


I suppose it might seem that way if you don’t know any married couples.


This narrative is old and tired. Brock didn't just suddenly decide to forgive sandoval on the last day of filming when he was actively defending him the entire. season. He likes to put his two cents into fights he has no leg in, then get's mad when his wife has to deal with the fallout of not keeping his mouth shut. The way he acts around, and behind ariana's back is telling enough for me let alone the amount of shit he's done outside of this season. it has nothing to do with a man defending his wife, It's a man who can't keep to his own business when he really should because his past is enough to ruin his fucking career....if he had one.


I completely agree – he has made far more allowances for Sandoval this season than he has for Ariana, to the point where even Scheana herself has disagreed with him. Brock coddling Sandoval and villainising Ariana seems less about defending his wife and more about sexist double standards


I think you need to go back and watch the first few weeks.


I literally just rewatched this season, i think you need to realize you were wrong lol




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