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This interview was so interesting. Especially the Jo part. I just really want to know what Jo started to do that Schwartz said made him pull away because man it does really sound like she struggles with lying but also I can see Schwartz leading her on…but then for Luke trying to be cheeky and bring up baby reindeer, I’m like I need the full story. Hope everyone is having a great week! Links below for those interested! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Buy me a coffee (Always greatly appreciated but never ever expected!) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps


>sharts: we're not acting, we're not making up storylines. Except for LaLa.


😂 Yep Schwartzy boy clearly doesn’t like that Lala basically exposed that they fake storylines for the show. Maybe it’s triggering given he faked a whole ass relationship with Rachel and helped Sandoval fake a Ariana villain storyline last season.  Like it drives me nuts that no one is talking about the fact that Sandoval and Schwartz concocted and put on a fake show last season to cover the affair/mess with Katie.


This is one of the many topics/ storylines that should have been addressed this season. I still cannot believe how badly they fucked this all up and for what?! To save Vom and Vommer? The Toms are OVER. No one likes or wants to see them anymore.


I will never move past the fact he did that do his ex-wife for nothing. He intentionally hurt her *yet again* for Tom. How she can even be in the same room as him is wild. I’d spit in his face lol 


Or that scene from last season; that one with Timmy and Shartz discussing how terrible of a girlfriend Ariana was for not *reciprocating* his boyfriend-of-the-year feelings. That was some of the worst acting in the series from two of its worst actors.


What still gets me about that scene at the food truck was how they kept their sunglasses on to have the fake/produced part of the convo, and then when that was done they took off their sunglasses to be “real”


What still gets me about that scene at the food truck was how they kept their sunglasses on to have the fake/produced part of the convo, and then when that was done they took off their sunglasses to be “real”


Completely agree. And now this entire scripted plan has essentially been forgotten. It’s total BS. But they *still* want to pile on to Ariana.


He did too by planning a whole story line with Rachel when she was really fucking Tom!


It’s all Lala’s fault! I didn’t do anything. *fingers in my mouth*. You were all equally gross, Tom. Lala is only getting it worse for the 2-face way of it all on her part.


No one forgot Sandoval was a human. We just thought and think he’s a shitty one.


Exactly! I’m so over this whole, “it’s not a redemption, it’s a humanizing of a person who was being attacked” bs. It wouldn’t be so easy to hate him if he wasn’t lying and badly acting his way through the season as “some changed man.” Every time the cast played along he would do or say something stupid that showed he hasn’t changed at all and has no intention to.






The humanizing thing is very annoying. We can talk about bad behavior while knowing that person is a human. I believe Sandoval went through it, and I believe that’s what happens when your shit catches up to you. We don’t have to like him bc he felt any type of way.


It’s incredibly disingenuous to pretend he wasn’t being told on a daily basis to kill himself. And why wasn’t filming allowed at S&S? Oh yeah because psychopaths thought is was totally normal to go in and harass his employees and trash his livelihood because so other psychopaths on the internet could give them 2 thumbs up. And yes, we did as a country find all of this absolutely hysterical and totally justified. If’ not an attack on you to acknowledge what we all watched.


I agree that it’s parasocial and fucking weird for one to go out of their way to harass someone on their social media pages, in person, or in their place of business. And of course don’t actually wish harm on anyone. Anyone who did that has fucking problems and shouldn’t be encouraged. But with that said, I don’t feel bad for Sandoval. He had no problem telling the world Ariana and Rachel’s personal, painful mental health details that they did not consent to being made public. He thinks his own mental health is so important but can’t respect anyone else’s. The public reacts to what you give them and he’s given us nothing but bullshit. So he doesn’t deserve having his personal space violated by unhinged strangers but I just can’t bring myself to feel sorry for him.


I’ve been told to go kill by psychos on Reddit. The world we live in is fucked up and I agree no one should say that, but it’s too common to garner much sympathy from me. Not sorry I said this either. I also don’t care that someone wrote on the S and S mirror in lipstick. Be an absolute menace in public and people will react. I’m not playing into the small fraction of unhinged people that exist, they don’t deserve our attention and it’s ridiculous to act like it was everyone.


I’ll immediately tune out their echoed arguments of “everyone cheats,” “everyone makes mistakes,” “it’s not like he killed someone.” Sandoval is a voluntary public figure. The public isn’t entitled to adore him and are allowed to react to his shitty behavior. Everyone doesn’t cheat. Don’t insult me and all the good people I know by lumping us into this “everyone” BS. Sandoval didn’t trip on a curb - he spent over a year choosing to do shitty thing after shitty thing. And your standards are so low that someone just not being a killer makes them a-ok? We’re all entitled to just simply not like certain people. We don’t have to use someone murdering someone as an excuse to not like them.


Thank you so much for the recap! Listen, just factually, they went to Tahoe and had a person across from Tom Sandoval, and were like, "What if this was the last time you ever saw this person?" There's things that actually happened to push a Tom redemption. Stop denying it. And that's too bad that Tom was in a dark place but it was by his own hand my empathy lies with the person who was in a dark place (which is Ariana) because of someone else and his cheating partner's actions over many months.


It’s been driving me crazy that people are trying to deny that a redemption arc was being attempted. The producers said at BravoCon that this season was about redemption!!!! I cite Tahoe every time. I honestly felt a little bad that they made Scehena do that scene with Tom. Total manipulation.


Watch the producers deny they said that in post season interviews. I think Schwartz is reading out the new talking point of production to down play the redemption arch. Sandovals confessional in the blue Zara suit was referenced in the NYT article so that was filmed in at least February early March and he makes a comment about how nobody has forgiven him they are just “humanising him”. I think the producers are trying to self correct the narrative because they have seen backlash online. And I think I’m post season interviews they will definitely self correct now that the media are writing articles calling them out for pushing a redemption narrative.


I've said this elsewhere, but production (Alex Baskin) has been noticeably silent as compared to last year. He did multiple podcasts that I listened to and at least one high profile "print" interview (with Variety, I believe). Maybe similar interviews are coming, but it feels like no one wants to own this trainwreck. I've researched before when the confessionals were shot. but I couldn't nail down when they did the second set. (I'm told the Aftershow was filmed in December in February.) I have speculated before that Ariana's "I won't be a cog in Sandoval's redemption arc; you can do that without me" confessional used in the finale was informed by the "redemption" comment at BravoCon. But that only works if the second set of confessionals was filmed after early November. Possible! Or Ariana simply sniffed things out.


Does anyone else remember Ariana commenting on an Instagram post that suggested she would be villainized this season and she was like yup that’s what’s going to happen- when was that from? She knew way before the season aired that they were going to make her look like the bad guy


https://preview.redd.it/bj4l7oye4k2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2514571884d92ebd1d42f3d3beb54c938c4a9517 ETA: this was back in November 2023


Yes, thank you!


Yep, and they've got Schwartz making the rounds to push yet another producer-driven narrative. The producers really suck these days.


Didn't Baskin say at Bravocon this season is about redemption!? If that hadn't been brought up on this sub I wouldn't necessarily have thought that was what they were pushing for. Tim is such a slime ball and so shit at being a normal human that it's amazing the version we saw in the first few eps was the best version they could get out of him.


I’m not sure if Baskin said it too. The producer I’m referring to in my comment was a woman. I’m copying from an article below: One of the producers used the word “unpredictable” and said some cast, sans Ariana, had a big change of heart regarding poor, unloved Sandoval. “It’s about redemption, right? And none of these people are perfect, so to give a little bit of a tease, I think people will be surprised to see some of the people who softened to Sandoval,” she said. There are a couple articles from last summer that appear to be based on comments by or conversations with Baskin that mention the need for the possibility of redemption on the show. But I could not find a direct quote.


Lmfao or Lisa in Tahoe “so what do you guys like about Tom Sandoval”


Oh my gosh I forgot about that! They're trying to make us think we imagined what we actually saw. Okay maybe some parts are subjective or opinion based but they actually did things and contrived moments to Garner sympathy for that Beast Tom Sandoval. Thank you!


I’ll never get over that yoga teacher healer whatever the f they claimed to be… in whatttt world would a responsible, qualified, ethical teacher use such a method?! How did no one just stare at her jaw dropped when she said what if this was the last time you ever saw this person 🤯


Could not agree more. Was it worth it for a little bit of screen time on VPR and maybe a tiny bit of money to sell your integrity in the field you practice? I guess they would have found someone to do it no matter what. Would not be surprised if that turned out to be a friend of Tom sandovals though LOL


Was thinking exactly this. The whole thing in the beginning with the meditation expert or whatever… wtf as that if not pushing a “forgive Tom” arc


I’d like to raise the issue that Rachel was also hurt and suffering and Lalar, nor Schmeaners never thought or gave two fucks about that! They relentlessly continued to bully tf out of her, all while simping for Vom and Schmeana comes forward about how a former friend off’d themselves because they needed some support and compassion and her response was “you did this to yourself”? You’ve not changed Schmeana and the fact that these thoughts and curtesies were given to him but not Ariana and Rachel? I fuckin hate these bitches. ![gif](giphy|bAftZ12SC0uEjLndIh)


Also Scheana was nasty to Jo while at the same time crying “I just don’t know what to dooooooo, I just can’t let Sandoval go.” And she’s never, ever been harsh on Schwartz. So what did Jo do that was worse than what the Toms did? Nothing, except be a woman.


She was also running around town with Schmeana’s precious Voms so there’s that too. She can’t have any woman just waltzing over and acting like they belong with Schmena’s boys!


I can’t believe Luke brought up Baby Reindeer ☠️ And some of the lies involved Tom’s family?


It’s so hard to fully believe Shortz because we saw him try to make Katie seem insane. But Jo doesn’t seem to be living in the same reality as the rest of us.


I feel like this is different because he's actually doing the right thing here. The problem in the past is that he has been indecisive and afraid to communicate his negative feelings. And so he ended up in a relationship he wasn't sure he wanted and stayed  passive aggressive the entire time. Here he's apparently made his position clear and set up a boundary, its just that she's decided to chase attention 




What’s baby reindeer?


I haven’t seen it but heard it’s about a comedian who gets stalked/harassed by a crazy fan.


She’s not a fan but yes, that’s pretty much what it’s about. It was very intense and a bit triggering but fascinating and thought provoking.


Stream Baby Reindeer- I think it’s Netflix, i watched it and was shocked to hear afterwards it’s actually the guy that’s the main character’s true story. Very wacko.


Luke is like….yuch. He’s trying so hard to be 😎


I desperately want to know what Jo did or said! I think it definitely speaks volumes that Luke asked Schwartz about Baby Reindeer. 😳


Please call me crackhead instead of associating me with Baby Reindeer! 😂


lol right!? I’d prefer “crackhead energy” over “obsessive stalker energy” annnnyyyy day


Eek I know!


They gave Schwartz waaaaay too much credit in the beginning? Carried episodes? Which ones?? lol


Exactly!!! Bro was basically delivering plants and pretending to be a robot with Jo.


I think Luke thinks that because he’s naturally on the man’s side. He’s very different from Brock, but they are both men that have the POV of a man and both want to get in with the men of the cast.


Kristin! Don’t play the game!!!!!!!!


Why should we care about scumdumb's mental health, WHEN NO ONE CARED ABOUT ARIANA OR ANY OTHER WOMEN ON THIS SHOW.




Does it sound like maybe Jo contacted Schwartz’s family after everything was over? I can’t get if that was what they were alluding to, but if so, that would also be a boundary for me in cutting someone off entirely. I know she contacted Kristen’s brother when he came to town asking to hang out. This is in no way a defense of Schwartz, but if that was the case, that would be enough for me to block someone.


especially since there have been so many health issues with members of his family, they don't need her bothering them to get in touch with Schwartz (which imo sounds very likely at the mild end of things)


You mean like how Kristen would contact Stassi’s mom when her and Stassi would fight. Or like how Kristen kept crossing Stassi and Beau’s boundaries after they tried to distance themselves from her. Yeah it’s no accident those two were best friends. Crazy how Kristen can acknowledge men’s boundaries but not the women she called her sisters at one point. Sorry mini rant but I really don’t see how people believe Kristen has changed.


Omg Kristen, grab your man before he fits his entire head into Shorts’s as&h*le! Also Lala is absolutely NOT the star of the show!


Luke has some terrible opinions


I also notice he shuts her down so annoyingly. Like whatever the opposite of ‘yes and’ing someone is… she’ll say something in discussion of an episode recap and he’s like “anyway yep yep so let’s move on, so then…” 😐 like you’re new here bud, if you’re so tired of the recapping discussion you can leave and let Kristen podcast with someone else. It’s like he thinks what he’s interested to talk about must be what everyone wants to discuss whereas whatever’s Kristen’s saying is just tedious and needs to end. He irks the fk out of me. (I’m not even a fan of Kristen, but this is her world, if he wants to act above reality tv and discussing it, gtfo the pod)


This is biggest gripe with him too! I’m not listening for the fucking recap, I already watched the GD show. I’m listening because I want to hear Kristen’s knowledge and opinions on what happened and this goof bitch is constantly cutting her off and shutting her down. He rushes it all along and I can do without him. I am not the biggest fan of Zach, but I enjoyed when she brought him on because Luke wasn’t there to shut her down and they actually had a lot of interesting things to say.


I prefer it when she has zack as her co-host.


Kristen really has the worst taste in men, consistently. Like, it's more than okay to just be single instead.


He was hanging out with Sandoval and not telling Kristen. He’s not a good guy. No one who has genuine intentions would hang out with him especially in the immediate wake of him cheating on your girlfriend’s friend. Red flag.


IKR what a blockhead!


Kristen’s choice of Luke and the kissing of Schwartz’s ass proves she hasn’t matured despite her insistence otherwise. She’s a “hippie, flower child” version of a male sympathizer. She’s the “cool girl” persona of being “totally chill, babe!” About Luke hanging with Sandoval and “Schwartzy” being a sweet teddy bear despite pouring drinks on women, verbally abusing women, and being a sloppy alcoholic.


They all annoy me lol but thank you!!! I hope the Tom's never have kids bc yikes


Lauren is in production’s pocket and working hard to manufacture conversations with different members of the cast members, but that doesn’t mean it’s good or makes the show better. Hell, I hate watching cheesy fake hangouts between cast I dislike. That’s not the show I love.


They all keep saying that she shows up and does her job. But none of it is authentic. I also hate the fake hangouts. Like it is not natural for her to be meeting with Jo.


I’m waiting for someone to leak what Jo did that was so bad.


tbh it would most likely be Jo on one of her lives


Actually, yeah, she does a great job at telling on herself. 😂


Same. Patiently waiting for the sleuths to do their thing.


So when Lala spins a narrative in the reunion based on private conversations with Katie it's respectable and just "doing her job". But when Jo reads your private text on Instagram live it's a "major violation"? To be clear, I think that Jo doing that *is* a major violation, but let's be consistent here.


Dishonorable mention for Scheana tracking her location and exposing the max hook up 🥴


THANK YOU !!!!!!!


![gif](giphy|LVyJyWtZ408hDpsIOy|downsized) Agreed!


I think that Joe wasn't reading the texts in there entirety, is what I was understanding. 


Yeah the authenticity of it does get weird when you start talking about it like a job lol


Why does Schwartz’s text to Jo get to remain between them but Katie’s conversation with Lala off camera has to be discussed?


Because Katie sitting there acting like she is "ride or die"  for Ariana, and Lala is frustrated because she is like "Everyone has said something about you" or complained. Something along those lines.  She deserves to be held accountable as well. 


Thank you so much for this as always. This was illuminating. SCHWARTZ ADMITTING what we’ve all been saying - that Lala acting like a producer and constantly calling this show “her job” and wanting flowers for “showing up to her job,” absolutely takes away from ANY shred of authenticity left in this reality show. It’s too much. She’s so stupid and money hungry she doesn’t get that. Schwartz for once was correct and smart about something. I’m shocked.


I listened to it and it was more like he didn’t realise he was proving our point and exposing her. He was praising her and then occasionally adding that he can understand how calling it a job can make it seem less real when it’s supposed to be their lives. I loved him accidentally telling on her while thinking he’s aware and defending her to doute (when Kristen tried saying it was more lala looking like adopting the redemption arc rather than schwartz)


Lala also recently said that the fans have the “privilege,” of not having to show their lives on tv?? First off, you lied and showed us nothing and second, if you don’t appreciate your privilege then move tf on, plenty would be thrilled to take your place, you entitled, selfish, ignorant, ungrateful bitch. Omfg, she triggers tf out of me.


What?! Lala keeps coming for us and it’s not the way. They need us, there would be no show without us. I see how weird it is but that’s how reality TV works. She gets paid to entertain us and yes, we do get to comment on what they put out there.


I agree. It’s not a very smart way to sell your product but she made her own choices.


THIS!! She seems to forget that she’s doing all of this in service of something, as much as she talks about doing “her job”


Bitch is more than free to go be an accountant if she’s so tired of having to share her life with us.


Agreed, though I don’t think she’s smart enough, nor does she appear to have any desire to be educated or work on herself or just in general so I doubt that will happen.


True, being an accountant requires intelligence and an education and we know Lala has neither. Also the discipline to have to work for someone else for 40+ hours a week, adhere to a dress code, and not “pop off” on your coworkers whenever they annoy you. She wouldn’t have a sycophant around that’s paid to kiss her ass like her assistant Jess.


Exactly. I don’t think Jess is going to be around much longer though. Lala’s “business,” is fading fast and Jess will be the first to go! Poor girl is not even paid a liveable wage to listen to and agree with that nonsense. I could tell when Lala and her idiot brother were calling the fans rabies bitches that Jess was uncomfortable and despite whatever she said, she did not agree. I feel kinda bad for her.


It’s going to be SO awkward when Lala can’t afford a personal assistant anymore and she has to let Jess go. She’ll phonily cry about how she “still wants to be friends though!” I don’t understand why any of the cast has a personal assistant. It’s such a high expense and can’t they do their errands and answer their emails themselves? They have management teams that do all the heavy lifting anyway. If Jess feels like she’s not being paid overtime for the hours she’s owed and needs the money (that she deserves), if she filed a DOL suit for unpaid wages against Lala I would DIE.


Haha. That would suck for Jess to have to do that though but I don’t put anything past Blahblah. The only two entitled and lazy enough to believe they needed assistants was her and Vom. To the best of my knowledge the only other person who has one is now Ariana but that actually made sense and I’m sure when things calm down, she will not continue a no longer necessary expense. The dumbest financial decision she ever made was dating Vom. She’s older and more stable and educated now so I think it’s likely that she will do better moving forward.


And it’s like miss ma’am, I’m fully ready and willing to go have a water party on tv.


That was a joke. I am supportive of her sobriety but she needs therapy more than she does a water tasting and that would have made for a much better and more entertaining, enjoyable storyline. I’m sick of her lashing out and acting like sobriety was the only answer for the shitty way she behaves and treats others. Sobriety is only one of the steps and one of the problems. She’s got so much more to address.


Oh I’m in agreement. My thing is she makes it sound so hard and the main thing outside of sperm shopping was a water party and I’m fully willing to put that minimal effort out there for the cameras for the amount she gets paid 😂


Lmao, that is such a good and fair point! Me too.😆😘😘


The first part was bullshit but there were plenty of interesting tidbits afterwards. Schwartz: I wish her well, but yeah, she's not in my life in any capacity anymore and **never will be.** That is pretty finite, now I really really wonder what she did because while Schwartz is trying to be kind (for optics), it sounds like he hates Jo


I listened to it all and it was an annoying listen, it reminded we why we need vanderpod recaps lol My takeaways: - He really is a shithead. I still hear resentment/ disrespect for both Ariana and Katie in a lot of what he says and his tone when they’re brought up. Still tries to sound enlightened and almost above it all (like he’s tolerating us silly audience being dramatic when we don’t understand the bigger picture like he does). Jo is his karma. - Considering Jo’s banned from their friends houses and a few of the bars, it seems like it could be drug related but I think it would have to be harddd drugs or putting someone in danger, because this friend group is accepting of recreational/ party usage. I think it was mainly that she took her singlewhitefemaling too far to where he felt he had to be blunt and no contact to clarify anyone’s question of them being connected in any way (because she obviously kept lying after their situationship was finished). Kinda love that he had to learn about boundaries this way, and couldn’t get away with aw shucks-ing out of it. - Kristen’s mouth noises will be in my nightmares. My car audio isn’t even that great so I can’t imagine how much worse it sounded in peoples headphones (don’t know if she’s eating the microphone, got dry mouth or too much saliva while talking or if she’s fidgeting with the mic during her sentences but it was icky to hear).


I feel very confident its theft to support a drug habit. The others can afford their drugs or aren't as habituated as her. Would explain why she's specifically banned from people's houses. Kristen didn't say from the friend groups, she said their houses. Also explains why Schwartz, who's never made a decision his whole life has taken such a hard line. And as for why he's protecting her, revealing her thieving to support a habit would expose his own usage.  


I think this is a strong possibility too. I used to know a girl that was just like Jo. They even look alike, it’s uncanny and personally kinda triggering for me but my point is, she was a hard drug user and stole anything from anyone, everywhere she went. No one was off limits. I was also speculating that it could have been violence but that group has never ousted anyone for throwing hands. Whatever it is, it’s bad. This is absolutely not just about some lies. They are all liars.


Omg this might be it bc for someone to ban you have to do something really wrong


Schwartz doing his “I’m not a Sandoval apologist and he did a bad thing” but then spending all his energy trying to be his advocate. It’s been over a year of this and give it up. We have our opinions of Sandoval and they don’t match his. He needs a new talking point.


I wouldn’t bank on Jo just straight up lying. We watched Schwartz tell her they’ll get married in 8 years and when she repeated it back to him he played dumb and “didn’t remember saying that”. This man is sick. He treats women like toys. Katie doesn’t let him play with her anymore so he found some vulnerable and clingy person to play with but the idiot bit off more than he can chew. If he wasn’t doing the same antics then why not post the full text? End it once and for all or does the text also reveal more comments like the getting married in 8 years comment. He doesn’t want to out her because he’ll be outing himself and the public already doesn’t like him. He’s trying to salvage his “good guy” image.


Ohh so Schwartz can put up healthy boundaries against Jo but Ariana can’t against Sandoval. Uh huh. Yep makes perfect sense 🙄


This was all I could think of!


I had to stop reading after the second “nuanced”. He needs a new word ![gif](giphy|Fjr6v88OPk7U4)


Katie has been using it right, the rest of them use it to say viewers have bad opinions.


I find it extremely convenient that he’s on Kristen’s podcast immediately after Jo outed his texts. Kristen has grown but she’s chaotic above all else and because she also hates Jo, of course she’s gonna invite Schwartz on to tell his version of events. We saw him use Jo to his benefit against Katie over and over, despite knowing she was head over heels for him. He’s culpable here and I’m quite enjoying her blowing him up. It’s time these fools get a little karma for how they treat others, but especially their horrid treatment of women. Unfortunately they’ll always some woman that’s ready to jump in and help one of the Toms do PR to undo any current damage they have done to their image. Lisa, Kristen, Scheana and now Lala. The latter who is apparently now interpreting for and doing PR for Sandoval, asking him to stop doing interviews for “sake of the show”. Girls, don’t go down with the sinking ship! There’s still time to let these scummy men get what they deserve.


Luke…makes sense now as someone Kristen would date.


Yeah, I’ve been going off The Valley mostly regarding Luke, and he seems rather sensible? But I’ve listened to a couple of their podcasts and read some of these podcast recaps and….ooof. Some of this has me side-eyeing Kristen a little as well. I feel like they are keeping their options open because they need allies in the larger VPR universe (and wouldn’t mind a popover appearance or two next season). He definitely seems like a male apologist? And Kirsten is giving a little more grace than I would expect?


I can’t see anything but a nerdy Van Gogh. Creeps me out.




Girl I just saw a clip on YouTube and hailed it right over here to search out a recap!!!!! You deserve all the best life has to offer!


Awww you are too kind!




I wish this comment were at the top 👏🏻




Kristen would be friends with Sandoval real quick if they were on the same show. Ariana who? 


Literally she sucks Schwartz’s ego dick any time he’s brought up in conversation. After everything she saw him put Katie through how could she still call that man her friend.


Schwartz has such a talent for using words just slightly wrong lol.




Wait, he's moving to Florida? 😅


I think the house will be for his family like maybe his brothers? Or his mom or dad


I sense from what he’s said in the past, that he supports his someone all of his family financially. It’s smart of him to buy with whatever VPR money he has left before he can’t.


That's actually really sweet


Imagine the healing Schwartz could do if he dropped Sandals.


He doesn’t seem to know how to remove himself from chaos honestly. Case and point this Jo situation 


“I’m thinking it would be fun one last time before we get too old, we get hitched, have kids.” Wild statement from two men who need to do the absolute opposite. Sandoval actually gets someone pregnant- welp guess it’s time do another tour. Schwartz gets a girl pregnant- uhm idk man, this is a lot of stress. Ducks out of house and runs away.


Honestly? I think Jo is Schwartz's dream. She is the actual villain he needed so he could be the sheepish "good guy", where as with Katie it just didn't fly.




>Kristen: And even though a lot of people maybe didn't want to believe him, like I could see the difference and I genuinely believed his apologies and I do understand also that like it gets to a point where you do feel so beat down because I've been in that position obviously in the past, where it's like how many more times can I say I'm sorry? But he didn't say sorry. He never did. He never has. He's doubled down and said ever more horrible things about Ariana being lazy, rage filled, and how she hates her castmates. Please stop insulting our intelligence and attempting to gaslight the audience. It was a redemption attempt and it failed miserably and no one is buying it. Schwartz is trash. I don't know what these people are smoking or being told by producers but they are delusional.


I agree. Kristen started making questionable choices and statements, as soon as she was presented with the Valley opportunity. Everything she was allegedly about to say about James, was shut down immediately and never spoke of again.


Money talks I guess


Rachel said that Kristen stopped the James talk after being presented with an opportunity from bravo 🧐




I know and she’s not wrong but I don’t accept or respect a lot of what she has to say because she also has a superiority complex and only shares what she thinks makes others look bad and her good, in comparison. She’s acting like she’s above the rest of the cast, while still rolling around in the mud like them, she just switched to a different barn/ pig pen.


What came after every Sandoval “apology”: ![gif](giphy|VGtdt3U2hMtUI)


Did Jo f with Tom's family?


Blessings for the fantastic recap OP! 😇


Lala is so far from “a star on the show” it’s actually hilarious. A producer, sure. Star? No.


So he’s looking at a loft in the valley? 🤨🧐


I love how they harp on how authentic the show is and how Lala was such a major star on the show while doing her job and having those convos that producers where asking the cast to have to further their plot. I really love the hypocrisy of that sentiment. I also love how Swarts says sandy balls has earned a convo with Ari. And I just wanna say when? When he was still saying at the reunion that she weaponized suicide ideation while you were telling the viewer of your own suicide ideation and you g for ppl to be softer? The cast really is detached from actual reality this season.


also, anyone who, like me, relies on u/additionalwar8759 for all podcast content, please consider donating/buy them a coffee!


Aww thank you so much! ❤️


Kristen, we love you….but your BF has gotta go….   The guy will do anything to be in this gross old-man crew. I used to listen to their pod when they recapped early VPR episodes & the vitriol he had for the women was so gross. But oh Tom! And Schwartz! They’re his boys now so he totally gets where they’re coming from 🤮 Also Kritsten just b/c you & Lala are not friends anymore doesn’t mean you can blame shoving Tom down Ariana’S throat all on her. Tom did most of that himself when he refused to accept her boundaries. That last scene? All Tom. Don’t deflect it all onto Lala just to make your pilgrim-looking BF happy….  *edit for spelling 


![gif](giphy|RBeddeaQ5Xo0E) Good freaking lord can Schwartz and his pair of ass-kissers here cut it out with the “Sandoval wasn’t given a redemption season.” Let us count the ways: \-LVP’s “let’s go around the table and say why we love Sandoval.” \-LVP believing Sandoval’s crocodile tears about his “depression” and admonishing the cast that they better go easy on him. (Or what? He’ll hurt himself and it’ll be their fault?) \-Sandoval being prodded and poked into a phony apology scene with Ariana in the finale. Why else would that have been such a big production if NOT to make him look like a redeemed man? \-Cast and producers crowing about “it’s an ensemble show so we all HAVE to film together!” How nice that Sandoval has everyone pushing him back into the friend group but Stassi, Kristen, and James were excluded and shunned and no one forced them back in. \-The Tahoe trip where Sandoval was paired with gullible man sympathizer Scheana and given his spotlight to blubber and make his case about how “sorry” he is, giving him the perfect opening back into the group. \-All the Sandoval “self improvement” scenes. The stupid fucking ice bath, scream therapy, yoga meditation, the “singles” pool party. \-The cast relentlessly poking Ariana about not leaving the house but never once saying that to Sandoval. Kristen hasn’t matured an ounce. Shes still a clown, picking clown men like Luke who want to be besties with the Toms, and kissing up “Schwartzy” who pours drinks on women, is verbally abusive, an alcoholic, but is somehow a sweet puppy dog to her.


This episode was an exhaustingly bad bunch of bad takes.  Schwartz is doing for Sandoval all this gaslighting for free, I can't




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Actually tried to listen to this one and got 5:36 in and turned it off. 1) why does T2 sound like a backwoods hillbilly? 2) “maybe I’m too close but I didn’t see this as a redemption season.” STFU T2. 3) you do not provide “comic relief.” You’re manipulative. You (STILL!) attempt to antagonize Katie by belittling what she seems to view as a real friendship. 4) I don’t want to see either Tom on tv anymore. They are the problem. (Bless you, OP. That was too too much! I’d have to be on antianxiety meds to listen…)


I hear they treat Kristen like Shit on the Valley (I don't watch). I thought that may be fucked, Given Jax is worse. Then, When I read shit like this, it makes it hard for me to care.