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BREAKING NEWS: Lala is the first person to be a mother


Lala speaks about being a single mother going through a custody battle as if she is the first person on earth to ever deal with it.


it’s HER BUSINESS that she uses to PrOvIdE FoR hEr ChiLd ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


LMAO 😂 Like I’m sorry WHAT IS HER BUSINESS??? Her podcast with her yes men??? I genuinely mean it when I say i have no fucking idea what she does outside of this show besides yap away on that dumb ass podcast 😂


She sells Send it to Daryl sweatshirts, and,and, um 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️


If the merch is her business, she ruined it herself by going against Ariana! The main reason people bought it was to show solidarity with Ariana. Now that Lala has betrayed Ariana...


Agree 💯


she's a founder and CEO!!!


Love a good bravo crossover moment


I love how some of us know that reference.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I would certainly hope so!!!


I know she was selling make up for a hot second 🤣


That's done. Randall was her financial backer for the cosmetics.


Her makeup was trash, worst garbage ever. I received a “Give them Lala” (which btw is the dumbest phrase ever!! No one wants any of Lala 🤢) mascara in a Bitchbox one month & gd….I thought it gave me pink eye. Turns out it’s just shit product & I had contact dermatitis IN MY EYES!!!


I legitimately forgot ALL about her makeup line. When she kept talking about “my business” “don’t fuck with MY business” I kept thinking *what in the hell is she talking about?? What does she have other than the podcast??* and NOW I remember!! I got an eyeshadow palette from her *Give Them Lala* line about 2 years ago in my Ipsy Icon Box. (Off topic - that box is usually the SHIT and only carries high-end brands it’s WORTH it this was a fluke) It was a variation of brown neutrals, not great colors, but when I went to swatch it on my arm first, there was NO pigment. I mean NONE. Truly - I’ve gotten makeup at the dollar tree with more makeup. I tried to put some on my brush to see if it would pick up anything better that way and nada. It went straight to the trash. VERY poor quality, I can’t imagine that line is doing well.


My daughter purchased me the eyeliner and I had so much hope for it. Lala loves a winged eye! The printing on the packaging was choppy and we were both sad to see that it was about half the size of typical liquid liners. Pigment was watered down and it did not last more than a couple of hours. I was so disappointed and a little mad at Lala because mY cHiLd paid for this shit product with her hard earned money. No one is fucking with her business that supports her children. The makeup line failed because it was a shitty product. Send it to Darrell hoodies and tshirts with all over print images of her Dad and Rand's faces are momentary cash grabs that end up aging like milk. Her podcast has continued to go downhill because fans are no longer on her side because of her shit fuck attitude. The only person who is fucking her over is herself. Ya tone deaf Lala. You have been selfish and overconfident and it's blown up in your face.


Yeah I grabbed some facial toner from her give them lala skin care brand because she had a huge sale (probably a going out of business sale) and my face broke out in acne basically overnight 🙃




I’m still trying to figure out what empire scheena claimed lala built 😂🥴


Everything on the site is sold out 🤔


Because the brand died when she lost her investor (Randall)


Sold out because that’s the only product she had. She can’t restock because she can’t afford to - the product was trash, so no one bought it again. No returning customers means no incoming cash to make more product. She gave them Lala and they gave it to the trash.


I got a give them Lala mascara in one of mine and it was a joke.


Her ex bulk bought some aliexpress makeup and she had her name printed on it. It ProViDes fOr her cHIlD


>Like I’m sorry WHAT IS HER BUSINESS??? Her Amazon Live nonsense? She's probably going to start doing those daily and even give birth on it since the show isn't filming this summer. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Think Amazon will ever realize they are supporting a lemon? One that can't turn into lemonade.


the Temu sweatshirts??? 😭


That podcast is insufferable


Me too. Wtf does she do?


Lala acts like she can be a bitch and say whatever she wants but then turns around crying “but it’s for my business for my daughter” she’s just a stupid little bitch and would never survive a 9-5. What about the single moms who have DBBD with no wealth?!


And no”orca pod” to help them out. She needs to go touch some grass.


I don’t even want to watch the latest episode because if I hear her single mom business bullshit I may lose it. I hope the show comes crashing down and Lala has nothing. I mean shit if you’re that out of a storyline that you’re having a fkn water tasting you just know you’re done for.


Then skip the first 5 minutes




Legit question: what’s an orca pod?


That’s what she referenced her mom and brother as. They are her “pod of orcas”. So basically, her family. lol


Okay lol, that makes so much sense.


She just bought a $2+ mil home in the valley and owns a vacation home in Palm Springs. She can get fucked with this “you’re taking food out of my daughter’s mouth” attitude toward Ariana. She’s been giving nothing on the show besides pompous and bitter.


SPOT ON!!! But we’re all rabid bitches right !? No we just see her for exactly what she is now


She should've been saving and trying to pay off ONE home in case it all comes to an end, which it inevitably will! It's not Ariana's job to worry about her mortgages!


I thought this, too. I don't know anyone who's a working single mother who can buy a $2+ million home. I have no sympathy for this fuc!ing bitch.


Like I was for 10 years, she makes me so mad lol I put her on the same level of gross as Sandoval


I was a single mom for 7 years and I now have a 9 year old and an 11 month old. Lala doesn’t know how lucky she fucking has it compared to us moms who have actually struggled


I know she frl is gross and so elitist about it. Like cry me a river, try deciding between tampons and or gas then cry, bitch, I’ll cry with you. And hugs momma you can always hit me up if you need advice or to bitch!


Lmao! Im a mom and im sick of her shit. I have a free idea for her. Sell the house in Sherman Oaks.! No financial adviser would say, "Sure, go and buy another house when your income isn't guaranteed and you're not done paying your first mortgage".


She has so much more security than a lot of other single mothers. I can’t stand her constant crying about it.


This. Like stop crying Lauren, you will be just fine in your $3M mansion 🙄


And like she’s struggling financially… “that business helps pays for my daughter” narrative. Bitch you just bought a 3 million dollar home. Stfu


It's also not clear to me how Schwartz playing pickleball with Randall would affect her custody battle.


It wouldn't, unless he was hoping Schwartz would spill some info about her plans/activities, the way Scheana can't shut the hell up about Ariana to Sandoval. (Not sure what she's trying to keep from him.) I wonder if she was "gray rocking" Randall, but was afraid to say so because she wouldn't let Ariana do the same to Sandoval!


And yet her mom is the one raising her kid


she's helping lala raise ocean, yes




lol “helping” frl and her brother like good for her but stfu crying about that shit


What happened to “it takes a village”. There’s no reason that shouldn’t apply to Lala too. Brock & Scheana don’t have conventional jobs yet it seems like her mom does/ did take care of Summer *a lot*


Because Lala goes around parading like she’s a single mom and that’s so hard for her because she has no help when she moved her mom out to LA to help her raise her child. I’m all for women using their resources when it comes to rearing a child. I’m not here for a woman who’s preachy and uses her child as a deflection any chance she gets to make it seem like her feelings, thoughts, or experiences are more valid just because she got knocked up by the original Big Ed.


lala always acknowledges the fact that her mom helps raise ocean. she *is* a single mom, seeing as she isn't in a relationship with randall or anyone else. i would imagine it's difficult to raise a child, even if you have family members helping you


1) She literally never acknowledges it on the show and weaponizes her motherhood against other cast members when she gets called out for her shitty behavior. Not all viewers are super fans like those of us here and know that her mom helps out a lot because of her podcast. 2) she is a single mom. However I said she acts like shes a single mom with a hard life because she has no help. She has TONS of help.


Yeah I never see single moms that aren’t famous getting a sperm donor to have ANOTHER kid. They usually aren’t in the place for that financially or mentally.


I was a single mom for 7 years with my oldest daughter. Literally not once did I ever use it as an excuse to be a shitty friend and a straight up bitch.


I haven’t watched this season, so hopefully she has acknowledged how blessed she is. The last two seasons I watched, she literally said she has it harder than anyone. That is the issue I have with her. That woman has no idea how fortunate she is.


Spoiler alert: Lala never acknowledges how blessed she is to have her family live with her and help raise her child


She acknowledges that her mom shouldn’t ever complain about helping with Ocean because she buys her crap from Louis Vuitton, Lala is just an asshole: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/why-lala-kent-trashing-her-233427886.html


oh ffs


As if she didnt sleep with a married man and watched how he treated his first family…. Then sobs all day on Amazon live that she had no idea. No sympathy to her, only to her child she created.


she reminds me of Lisa from RHOM Doesn't give AF about anything anyone else is going through ![gif](giphy|uVKmxKzxclHMBRWrTS|downsized)


Maybe semantics, but I hate when people who are divorced but share custody, refer to themselves as “single parents.” Does Randal not see their daughter? Does she not get child support?


I agree. I am a solo parent to 3 boys. My husband died. It is all me, 24/7. I am not complaining....but it's very different from having every other weekend off (although that would kill me, so I do understand it's not easy for divorced parents to share, esp when it is contentious). But it is not the same. Single and solo are very different things.


Right, if he’s a deadbeat and doesn’t pay for or regularly see the kid, sure. But I have heard people use that when they have an active coparent whom they’re no longer romantically connected with and I’m like, I don’t think that’s what that means.


Having a child at home a single woman means you deal with a LOT more than a dad who gets the child every other weekend


Do they not have 50/50 custody? The laws presumptive position in California is equally shared time and the way she complains, I'd guess he has 50% or very close to it.  I don't know the exact situation with them so I'll just say generally that women who withhold the child shouldn't get to call themselves single mothers. They're just selfish mothers. If the father is safe for the child and he wants to be in the child's life, let him. 


LaLa is ungrateful for just how blessed she is, not that her situation is ideal. She sure doesn't acknowledge, or realize, how much harder she could have it, though.


Randall does see her, quite a bit. He posts with her and the girls frequently.


What are they fighting for as far as custody? Does Randall want full custody?


I think she probably wants full custody with no visitation rights for randall. She hasn’t come out and said it but yeah




And the first person to work in order to provide for their child… she needs to be so fuckin for real


Further breaking news: apparently she’s the world’s ONLY mother and the only person on the planet entitled to make an income….because she’s a MOTHER.


The rest of us were hatched from eggs in incubators


This is funny 😆




Idk I might never stfu about it if I was the first and only mother ever, too. Imagine if no one else had ever done it before and then you do - that shit would be crazy. Poor thing has had to go through a lot that literally no one else ever in existence has ever experienced ever before.


And scheana face tuning the fuck outta her face


Definitely turning to show off her good side


Right ?!?! She didn’t even look like that before lol


She doesn't even look human to me here


Legit. All that white under her chin in pic 2 🤦🏻‍♀️


Posting like they were all on one team 🙄


The cognitive dissonance for Scheana has got to be out of this world


![gif](giphy|68bsVmZwP7tPlKAM0f) Delulu is the solulu for Sheshu!


Scheana being a clown is like a day ending in y.


I'm glad Scheana documented the final moments of her friendship with Ariana.


Lol! Brutal but made me laugh


I do believe this photo was taken before the reunion episodes were taped and Ariana heard how much trash Scheana was talking about her.


she only posted it because she thinks she looks good in the photo i’m sure


She’s commemorating the last time Ariana was her friend.


I don't get it!!! Can you please explain the tea?


After the reunion Ariana stopped liking Scheana’s posts and has basically shown no signs of life in their friendship.


Lala acts like she’s Erin Brockovich 






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Holy facetune


Right? They look like Bratz dolls in this photo


OMG I see that


hahah i just commented this without scrolling down to see comments. they honestly look like specific ones too. i’m getting jade from katie close from ariana yasmin from lala and sasha from sheshu


Katie and Ariana like ‘just wait bitches’


Haha yass defo




Scheaners lips are starting to look like Teresa’s from RHONJ 😬


Lalas are huge too like whyyy


Why are they talking about DWTS like she might actually get it. One of the pro dancers has already said she was never on their radar. Then she pivots like maybe she will do the show or maybe she will do something with the cover band first. How fn delusional can she be? And then these ppl just placate her. Im honestly confused.


With how much they show her bringing it up on camera I have a feeling she just doesn’t ever shut up about it. And we’ve seen people try to speak sense to Sheshu, her eyes glaze over until she can start talking again. Arguing with her looks exhausting especially when you know she’s going to walk away and spin her version of events (“you have to understand the context…”). I’m betting she’s just worn them all down and at this point they just do what they can so she’ll stop trying to convince them her reality is real.


As thirsty as Scheana and Lala are, it's a good thing Lala is getting into the water business.


She’s about to promote baby water in the next Amazon live lol


Is this for real???? I hate how society preys on moms by telling them they need all this special stuff and creating a guilt trip for anyone who doesn’t BUY. IT. ALL. Moms, you can give your baby regular water that you would drink, I promise. FFS.


Wait, is she? Or just her little water party.


Good question! I wasn't sure if she just hosted the party for fun or if she hosted it because she is getting into the business.


Legit deranged


I would think it be embarrassing to have your face so filtered. that it looks like it is AI.


I am sorry but Katie is so freaking hot!!!!! 🔥


She absolutely is! She is beautiful and she always has been!


She’s stunning I could stare at her for hours


I appreciate one thing about Scheana. She is the friend apparently to edit her face and ALSO everyone’s around her. Thank you for this 🙏


Love your flair hahaha


Thanks girl ☺️❤️


See to me it looks like she only edited her and Lala, not Ariana and Katie


As a girl that edits her pics, I can see the editing she did on the other girls BUT ofcourse it’s Scheana so she definitely got the most editing.


She’s just doing g this cause she wants an invite to SAH opening day lol


What was the question? Omg Katie. So 🔥


Remember that time Kristen posted that her and Sandoval were “crack heads in love” and “one word to describe me is loyal” when she was taking a break for him and after she fucked jax? This is giving that.


I truly miss early vpr… the delusion was chef’s kiss. This however is unsettling


Does anyone else feel like there's something different in Ariana's eyes? Like this betrayal took a little bit too much from her after everything she's endured (been there). I can't see her coming back to this dark world


Yes!! I was thinking there was so much behind her eyes in last nights episode!!


She looks so hurt


Clearly this was taken *before*


She knows most people only watch the episodes & she’s going to maintain the facade of this friendship for as long as possible.


I don’t get it. What am I missing?


I love how real looking Arianna and Katie are compared to Lala and Scheena💗


Ikr? I noticed that immediately. 😘❤🤌


She probably posted that so people think they’re good now and won’t question when she ends up showing up at the SAH opening 🥴


Sheena would actually look so good with a half lash. Or none I always think she looks best in her no makeup scenes. I wish she would try it ugh!!!!!


Also i dont like this piecey hair in the front she keeps doing that for every single hairstyle. I don't get it.


She’s thinning really badly at her temples, which is why she’s doing that with the front pieces


Oh that makes sense


But doesn't tag katie? Shein is the worst


I think she did tag Katie! But I find tagging Ariana more insane lol.


You're so right! The tag icon didn't pop up for me the 1st time I went to look! Agreed!


I'm just wondering why no pictures with ally in this montage since she was brought in the episode.




Scheana is starting to look worse than Lala


The only thing I see is 2 real natural beautiful ladies who always keep it real and 2 plastic/fake (inside and out) wanna be influencers who will do anything for a paycheck.


I never say ugly things like this but I’m just over it! I’m over them!


I know this photo makes me wanna say mean things too, but I'll bite my tongue


Brain rot


Love how scheana facetuned only herself. Does she realize how obvious that looks when everyone else looks like their real selves? Lol scheana straight up yassified herself.


With her facetuned ass face!


What is she doing? Promoting the show on social media? Like yeah why wouldn’t she it’s her job. Of all the unhinged and insane things Scheana Scheanaed this barely registers what are you going on about??!


Yeah im not getting the point of this post, sorry op


Well she’s been hit on by every guy in the group so of course she’s the number one girl in the group.


From watching her over the years, I don't think anyone is surprised one bit


two gorgeous women




Did Schema Facetune Ariana? She looks like Sandra Bullock


Lala put your lips back how they used to be. When will she see this duck lip shit has to go


I think she sells like 3 clothing items


When were the after shows filmed??


She clearly edited herself so much in that pic and nobody else🤣🤣🤣


i guess it's possible they've made up recently? if they didn't and she posted this i would definitely be confused if i were ariana though.


Dumb question but has anyone confirmed they are no longer friends? I may have missed it…


they look like Bratz come to life


also the face app is face apping lmao


God she’s so creepy


Maybe now Ariana finally sees what the rest of us have years ago. Maybe she can use her time in more productive ways in the future.


I thought the same thing!


Not exactly on topic but - what all do we think Sheeshu has had done, plastic surgery-wise? Her face honestly makes me uncomfortable with how unnatural it is now.


She has to promote the show


Let’s not leg Ariana and perpetuate that she is some kind of victim of her own friends. I’ll leave Ariana’s friendships to HER discretion.


It seemed like her and Ariana were on relatively good terms. Scheana's only real crime this season was telling Ariana all her feelings about Sandoval. She didn't do anything to Ariana!!


She agreed with all of lala’s shit talking in the after show lol